Pretending To Have A Girlfriend?

Chapter 36: Oblique Line (1)

Starchis was on his knees.

In the midst of everyone being stunned, it was the movement of the chief monkey that brought them back to their senses.

The chief was trying to pull out the demonic sword.

Starchis' body, impaled by the sword, shook in response to the chief's movements.

Instinctively, he grabbed the blade with the opposite hand that was not pierced, preventing the demonic sword from being pulled out.

Luss quickly stood up and slashed the defenseless face of the chief monkey with her sword.


Blood gushed out as the monkey lost half of its head and staggered… before falling to the ground.

However, no one paid attention to it.

Vienna and Lily forgot about their fatigue and quickly went to Starchis.


The situation seen from the front was even more serious than what they had seen from behind.

Not only had the dangerous demonic sword pierced Starchis' chest, but it had also penetrated his left arm like a skewer in his failed attempt to block it.

“Ah… your arm…!”

Lily murmured in distress.

In response, Starchis just lowered his head and didn't answer.

Just the fact that Starchis, who always reassured them, couldn't say anything made them realize how serious the situation was.

"Uh... uh... uh!"

Luss caught the collapsing Vienna.

"Pull yourself together, Vienna! It's okay. You can purify the wound... It's okay. Everything's okay."

Whether it was to reassure Vienna or herself, Luss kept saying that everything was okay.

Vienna mumbled at Luss’ words.

“Uh… Purification?”

"Yeah...! Purify it quickly, Vienna. Hurry up."

“But…But…! With a sword stuck there, I can’t do anything…!”

Starchis released the grip on the sword blade he was holding.

“… Luss… Pull it out.”

Starchis, who was quiet, said, sitting down on his butt.

The longer the demonic sword remained stuck, the worse the situation would become. The only reason he didn't let the chief pull it out earlier was not to give it another opportunity to attack.

But now, it must be pulled out before the demonic energy permeates any further.

"Everyone... don't panic. It doesn't hurt as much as it looks. It seems like the vital areas have been missed."

Starchis wanted to speak with all his strength so that the party members could feel at ease, but he groaned in pain without realizing it, and only strained words came out, making his words a lie no matter who heard them.

Only Luss, who had a strong determination to save Starchis, continued to act, pushing aside other negative thoughts.

"Chis, I'm going to pull it out. Just hold on a little longer."

Then, she grabbed the sword hilt and pulled it out strongly without hesitation.

The demonic sword that they had wanted so badly, a B-class commission item, was thrown away like garbage.


Blood gushed out simultaneously from the chest and arm like a waterfall.

It was flowing out too much, too fast.

“Ah..!! Don’t come out!!”

Vienna felt she was about to collapse again. She quickly placed her hand on Starchis's chest to stop the bleeding.

Warm blood moistened Vienna's hands. Not minding that, she hastily began to purify the demonic energy.


Lily squeezed out her mana and slowed down the flow of blood.

But it didn't last long.

Starchis stopped Lily.

“Noona, don’t use mana to the limit. Because if you faint, there is no one to take care of you.”

"Ugh... Huhuh..."

“Thank you for the help, but it’s up to Vienna. Haah..! N-Noona’s magic isn’t very helpful right now.”

Lily's mana had already hit rock bottom. In the end, just before fainting, she dispelled her magic.

Vienna continued to concentrate on purification.

Starchis felt the strange feeling of demonic energy disappearing from his chest near his pierced shoulder.

"I... I've purified it all..."

Vienna's face turned pale as she purified the demonic energy.

But due to her sole focus on the heavily bleeding chest, she had forgotten that his chest wasn’t the only place he'd been hit by the demonic sword.

There was also a hole in his left arm.

The same sensation of energy that was felt in the chest was now felt in his arm.

“… No.”

Vienna was devastated. She didn’t have the holy power to purify the demonic energy anymore.

If demonic energy seeps into the wound, the bleeding never stops.

In other words, since there was no holy power to purify the demonic energy in the arm, it meant that the blood flowing from the arm would never stop… Until Starchis dies.


The fear of death, which Vienna had never truly felt before, came over her instantly.

She had seen a lot of deaths in the hospital, but the deaths she had known until now seemed different. On the other hand, the weight of Starchis' death was of a different dimension.

Vienna had never imagined a world without Starchis. But the unknown future that she had never even thought about was gradually approaching… and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Ah...? Ah... St-Starchis?"

"What are you doing, Vienna! Purify quickly!"

Luss couldn't bear the restlessness any longer and shouted.

"I...! I don't have the power to purify anymore..."


"...What did you say?"

Everyone present understood the meaning.

If the bleeding did not stop, Starchis would die from excessive blood loss.


Starchis’ laugh broke the silence that had suddenly settled.

‘Is it going to end like this? So absurd?’

There was a moment of complacency. Although it couldn't be justified or excused, it felt somewhat unfair - Encountering a special monster on their very first B-class mission seemed absurd.

"No!! Don't be ridiculous!! You're one of the most talented apprentice Saintess!!"

Luss, using profanity for the first time, grabbed Vienna by the collar.

Tears started flowing from Vienna's clenched eyes.


Lily shouted as she tried to cast a spell, but her body, depleted of strength and filled with a sense of resignation, had no power to even squeeze out mana.

The spell didn't activate.

"Why? Why is it like this... No, no. Slow! Slow!! Sl-Slow..!!"

There was no response.

As everyone panicked, Starchis, the leader, regained his composure instead.

A person who provides answers when everyone is flustered… that’s what he thought a leader looks like after watching his older brother.

"Luss, let go of Vienna."


Luss immediately released Vienna upon his words. 

And as all eyes focused on Starchis as he spoke, Luss approached him, concentrating on his words.

“Vienna, can the scar on the chest be cured? Cough, cough.”

Starchis vomited blood once again.

When the crimson blood came out of his mouth, everyone's hearts sank.

“That… So… “

Vienna was unable to answer. Her eyes were focused on Starchis' flowing blood.

It was evident that she was in a state of panic.

Starchis always felt that behind her thoughtless speech, Vienna was delicate, so he could understand why she was in such a state.

"Vienna, stay calm... It's incredibly important from now on."

Vienna could intuitively grasp the meaning behind Starchis' words when he said, ‘It's incredibly important.’

From now on, Starchis’s life was at stake.

"I'll say it again. The chest wound... Cough... Gah!"

Starchis attempted to speak but more blood poured out of his mouth.

Seeing him in such a state and not being able to even activate her spell, Lily began tearing at her own hair.


They were engulfed in a sense of helplessness, unable to do anything as their loved one was dying.

He was gradually drifting away, far beyond the distance that had separated them due to Elza.

Luss shook Vienna and spoke to her.

“Vienna!!! Snap out of it!! Can the wound on Starchis’ chest be healed?!”

Having barely heard Luss’ words, Vienna started treating the wound on Starchis' chest.

The bleeding stopped immediately. The wound was still there, but no blood came out of it.

The only part bleeding now was his arm. It did not bleed as much as the chest did, but if it weren’t stopped, it would still reach a dangerous level.

"Haa... Haa... I... I no longer have holy power... Ugh!"

Vienna resented her own lack of holy power and clenched the two hands that had been extended over Starchis' chest.

Luss staggered, and Lily was already on the ground, pulling her hair.

Starchis spoke.

"Everyone, get up."

And he was the first to stand up. His head was spinning, but he remained still so as not to show any signs of it. 

Everyone looked at their leader.

"Let's go back. Don't worry. We have enough time. I'm fine."

But Starchis knew…

There wasn’t enough time.


On Starchis' right side, Luss, who was of similar height, supported him.

Vienna guided the way, and Lily, whose mana was depleted, followed along, holding onto the demonic sword.

“There…! There’s a mark over there!”

Amid the shocking situation, Vienna, whose mind was in disarray, couldn't remember the path properly. The marks drawn on the trees were her only salvation.

Every time she was nervously despairing that she had taken the wrong path, the marks appeared, as if by magic.

Vienna dashed towards the tree.

"Which way is next, Vienna?"

Luss asked while supporting Starchis.

“So, three times to the right… Two times…”

“Faster! Vienna! Which way!”

Lily was also in a hurry.

“I-I mean… This way! Follow this way!”

Vienna once again plunged into the bushes and leaped into the depths of the jungle without even noticing that the rough grass cut her fine skin every time she ran so recklessly.

Luss whispered in Starchis’ ear.

"Chis, just hold on a little longer. Okay? Please hold on."

As if soothing, Luss spoke carefully to Starchis, hoping that things would get better soon.

Starchis, on the other hand, did not speak. He was pushed to his limits.

"Ha!... Ha!"

His breath became strangely congested. No matter how much he exhaled, the stuffiness didn't go away. He wasn't even running fast.

In addition, there was no sensation under the wound on his left arm.

His fingers didn't move even when he tried to apply pressure to them.

Glancing down, he looked at his unresponsive left arm. In the areas that were not covered in blood, he could see the skin was turning blue.

The other members of the party were too preoccupied with finding the way to notice the change, but he was glad they didn't. 

He didn't want to cause more panic.


Suddenly, Starchis felt a wave of nausea hit him, causing him to stop in his tracks. Luss stopped as well, bending over to follow Starchis’ lead.

"Vienna!! Stop!!" Luss shouted.

Vienna was startled by those words and hurriedly turned around.

Starchis felt like vomiting, feeling bewildered by the sensation despite having eaten nothing. But the clot of blood that was soon spat out resolved Starchis’ doubt.

It felt as if he had vomited a red snail.

Lily burst into tears but regained her sanity, fearing that she might go insane.

Starchis was still alive.

She couldn't let her guard down now and risk Starchis dying. She forcefully tried to forget all negative emotions and pushed them aside.

"Ugh... Ha... Let's go... Haa!"

Starchis spoke without showing any signs of panic.

He tried to wipe away the blood that was dripping down his chin, but his right arm was held by Luss, and his left arm remained unresponsive, hanging limp, so he had no choice but to start walking again with a bloody mouth.

Luss seemed to be trying to hide it, but she kept making groaning and whimpering sounds as she supported Starchis. He could sense how desperate she was.

But soon, Starchis’ body showed another strange reaction.

A tingling sensation started to spread to his face which started to go numb.

As if entering a dark cave, his vision went black.

Soon, he couldn't see anything in front of him.

Starchis didn’t say anything about this either and continued walking with Luss’ support.

"There! I found a trace!"

Starchis couldn't hear properly, so he couldn't make out what was being said. He just guessed that Vienna must have found the next mark.

“There is only one mark left. Next is the gate..!”

Vienna quickly pointed in the direction and hurried her footsteps. Luss wanted to pick up the pace too, but Starchis was getting heavier and heavier.

"Ch-Chis... Hold on a little longer... We're almost there!"

Luss mustered her strength and dragged Starchis along. It wasn't easy pulling a big man like him, but her determination pushed aside all the fatigue.


Starchis murmured in response. 

It was clear that his strength and speed had diminished. Luss felt her heart tighten.

"What did you say? We're almost there! Gather your strength! I won't just stand by if you leave me!"

“Starchis!! Wake up!!”

Lily also stood by Starchis’ side and spoke to him.

Starchis mumbled more clearly this time.



Hearing his weak voice, Lily and Luss gnashed their teeth.

Strength was leaving Starchis’ usually sturdy body. Warmth was fading away. He was revealing a weak side for the first time, showing how serious the situation was.

"We're almost there. Just hold on a little longer, okay? Ah, ma-magic!"

Lily, who couldn't cast Slow on Starchis earlier, resorted to using different magic. As she hadn't cast a spell in a while, some mana had been recovered…


Lily walked by his side and cast a spell to keep him warm, but… nothing happened.

“Uh? Why is this… Why is this happening..!”

For a mage who relied on imagination and mana, composure was crucial, and Lily, who had lost it, couldn't cast magic anymore.

Starchis’ body trembled from the cold.



But, Nothing happened.

Lily felt powerless as she stood in front of the shivering Starchis.


"Starchild? Just wait a minute. Warm! Warm!!... Why isn't it working?!"

“…I’m cold, Hyung..”

Starchis seemed to be seeing something which wasn’t there; He was gradually losing consciousness. His head drooped weakly, and his face turned pale.

“Please! Please!!! No!! Ah… No..!”

Lily, who was on the verge of losing her mind, grabbed her head and regained her composure. She couldn't lose her sanity yet.

"Sob... Sob... Ch-Chis, please... Please snap out of it!!"

Luss, with tears streaming down her face, led him. Starchis kept getting heavier. Strength was leaving his body.

"How far are we from the gate?!!!"

Luss shouted desperately.




‘… Huh? What was I doing…?’

After the image of his older brother and the memories of the past passed by in an instant, Starchis began to regain some consciousness. 

It felt like experiencing something mythical - something he had only heard about in stories; His legs were walking on their own.

‘Oh right.’

Even though he couldn't see and his ears were blocked, he could still grasp the situation.

Impaled by the demonic sword, blood continued to flow from his arm. The wound on his arm could not be purified, so they were rushing back to the entrance of the gate so that he could be treated.

He could hear someone continuously talking from the side. He didn't understand much, but it sounded like Luss and Lily's voices.

-Thump! Thump!

Suddenly, his heart beat irregularly, rapidly… and strongly.

His vision brightened, and he could hear again. 

But he also felt pain in his previous numb heart.

"We... We made it!! Chis, we made it! There's the gate!"

Luss’ urgent voice reached him first.

When he lifted his head, he saw the gate, just as she said.

But Starchis realized he couldn't go any further.

As evidence, his field of vision was slowly darkening again.

Starchis stopped.

There was no time anymore.

It was as if the present moment had been given by the grim reaper to say his final goodbyes.

Luss stopped in surprise when she felt a sudden power in Starchis’ body.

A glimmer of hope sprouted in her heart.

As Luss and Starchis stood still, Vienna and Lily, who had been focusing on them, also came to a halt.

Starchis looked at the faces of the three women in front of him. 

As he confirmed all of them, the world in front of him darkened again. There was nothing visible anymore. His mind was still somewhat intact though. 

He opened his mouth and spoke weakly.

“…Vienna… Luss… Lily Noona-“

But the three women prevented him from speaking words that seemed like his final goodbye.

"No!!! Don't say it!! We made it, remember?!"

"What are you trying to say, Starchis!! P-Please... Please! We made it, so stay quiet and follow us!"

"Save your strength, Chis. Tell me later. When you're fully healed and healthy, then... okay?"

Luss again began to pull Starchis along.


But he didn't budge. 

His feet remained on the ground while only his upper body was pulled.


His massive body hit the ground… and in that state, he didn't move anymore.



His face was pale, devoid of any color, and his eyes were tightly shut.

"No... No!!"

Luss grabbed the fallen Starchis’ shoulders. The parts of his body that had been in contact with her were warm due to her heat, but the parts untouched by her were as cold as ice.

“Why… Why are you so cold, Chis… Wake up quickly..!”

Vienna rushed over from a distance. She held Starchis’ head in her arms. It was a rare sight to see Vienna showing her genuine feelings.

“Aaaaaaahhh!! No, no, no..!!”

His warmth faded away even in her embrace. No matter how hard she tried to hold onto his body heat, Starchis was as cold as ice.

“St-St-Starchis..! My… it's my fault..! Do not die! Do not die, please!!!”

She hugged him with all her strength, but Starchis showed no response. The only thing she felt from him was the demonic energy that she couldn't purify.

"I... I won't lose my temper anymore! I won't force anything! I'll do well, so please, wake up!"

Starchis had accepted everything about her. He was the one who accepted her actions with a smile, even when she acted silly or lost her temper. He was the one who generously accepted her true self, which no one else in the world did. He was the only man who transformed her and melted her heart.

Although she felt like she hadn't done anything good for him, even the chance to repay him was slipping away.

“Hey!! You will die with me!! I'm telling you to wake up!! Wake up!! Please, wake up, please!!!!"

He was dying because of the demonic energy she couldn't purify. 

As a saintess, who had saved many lives, Vienna couldn't accept the fact that she couldn't save the one she loved the most.

In her haste, she tried to press down on his open arm to stop the bleeding, but only a faint trickle of cold blood came out.

Starchis was disappearing.

Vienna’s mind went blank at the thought of not hearing his greetings, his laughter, or his pranks ever again.

‘...Live without you from now on?’

She shook her head.

‘How can I live when I'm so scared without you? Who will I complain to? Who will I… love?’

Luss’ knees gave way.


Her face turned pale.


She called out cautiously, but there was no response.


The man she had been connected to for six years, her unrequited love for years, was motionless before her. The reliable man who seemed like he could survive anything, was leaving.

"Chis... You told me yesterday..."

She shook him, trying to wake him up.

But Starchis just swayed without any resistance.

-‘Anyway, you’re Luss, who I’ve been with for years, so why would I leave you suddenly?’ Starchis’ voice echoed in her head.

“You told me. You said you wouldn’t leave me suddenly… Remember? You promised… Wake up…”

But still, there was no response, and frustration erupted into anger.

“Wake up!!! Starchis!!!”

"Hold on just a little! We're almost there!"

Lily tried to lift Starchis’ leg, but her exhausted body made it impossible.

Luss, too, had reached her limits from dragging him from afar, and Vienna, from the beginning, had no strength to lift Starchis’ massive body.

No matter how hard the three of them tried, Starchis’ body remained stuck to the ground without a flicker of movement.

The fact that they couldn't move him at all struck them hard.

"Aaaahhhh!!!!!" Lily tore at her hair. 

Mana that was once absent went rampant, shaking the surroundings. Rocks floated in the air, and trees swayed.

The blood vessels in Lily's eyes burst from the rampage of mana, and tears of blood dripped down.

"Please, wake up!!!!"

Lily screamed with bloody eyes, but…

Starchis didn’t answer.

– – – End of Chapter – – –

[Note: The only issue I have with the author is that the chapters are too long, making it impossible for me to give faster updates; for reference, this one and the last one were both about 3.5k words. And chapters with 3k words are also a common sight…. Ugh!!!

Okay, I was just ranting... Happy Reading… uh… belated…?

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