Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 13

“You both did excellent.” Fitt said. “Are you ready to start the next battle?”

Both Vargo and Deric nodded. The two tamers returned to their positions across from each other, with one primal each. As Vargo's Dryad, Jule, was still healing Gala, only his Goblin stood next to him.

“Go, Kara!” Vargo shouted.

“It's up to you, Anda!”

Kara and Anda stepped into the field. Fitt turned and looked at both sides before shouting, “Begin!”

“Kara, Throw!”

“Dodge, then Pursuit!”

Anda dodged the large log which Kara had materialized and began to speed up, running on all fours across the field. In little time she had managed to close the distance.

“Great Swing!”

“Hand Shake!”

When the log reappeared within Kara's grasp she twisted her body and waited. As Anda neared with her paws ready to swipe, Kara swung the large hunk of wood in an arc, slamming it into Anda and sending her flying backwards with a yelp.

“Anda!” Deric shouted. “Pursuit!” Anda landed on all fours and began to charge towards Kara once again.

“Another Great Swing!”

“Hand Shake!”

Once again, Kara swung and knocked Anda a short distance away.


What the heck is he doing? Thought Peter. It was clear to him that Anda was slowing down after taking so much damage. Although not quite a limp, it was painful to see her begin to charge on all fours.

Maybe this is all he can do? He recalled his fight with Jet, and how Kalista was able to win after getting rid of his Goblin's weapon. Perhaps for a Fren a similar strategy wouldn't work, especially against a Goblin which seemed to be more melee inclined. Peter felt a little annoyed as he wondered whether Jet's Goblin simply didn't know this 'Great Swing' ability or whether he had just been holding back to lure him into the bet.

“Great Swing!”


Anda stopped mere inches away from being hit by Kara's swing and grabbed hold of the log, tugging it free from Kara's grip and tossing it aside. Peter felt surprised, as he didn't know Anda had such an ability.

“Now! Enraged Lunge!” With a snarl, Anda lunged towards the now disarmed and startled Kara.

“Dodge!” Although she tried to avoid the move, Anda was too fast and dealt a gruesome bite to Kara, who screamed as a chunk of flesh was torn from her chest and spit it out by Anda.

“Now, use Hand Shake!”

“Dodge and run away, Kara!” Kara turned to run but was slashed in the back by Anda, now both her front and back bleeding, though her chest injuries had begun to heal somewhat.

“Finish it with Pursuit, then pounce!” Deric shouted.

Anda chased after Kara, despite her leg injuries she was still able to close the distance between them. As she neared she leapt through the air, threatening to drive Kara into the ground..

“Kara, Prank!” As Anda was about to ram into Kara, a log materialized in Kara's hands and swapped places with her. Anda's form crashed into the log, while Kara twisted her body and delivered a swift stomp to Anda's face, launching herself away. Anda's nose appeared twisted as blood began to flow from it.

“Damnit! Anda, use Pursuit!”

“Keep running Kara!”

Despite Deric's order, Anda didn't seem to react. She staggered from side to side as she held her head and face in both paws. “Oh no,” Deric mutterred. “Anda, use Lick Wounds!”

This time Anda reacted, and began to lick her body. A feint green aura appeared around her, and the blood flowing from her nose slowed to a trickle, then stopped.

“Throw!” By now, Kara's log had returned, and she threw it at the healing Anda.

“Anda, dodge then Pursuit!” Anda broke out of her healing ability, barely avoiding the thrown log and barreled straight towards Kara. Peter noticed that although she was not quite at full speed, it seemed her leg injury had healed somewhat.

“Throw!” Kara once again tried to hit Anda to no avail, who dodged the incoming projectile and rapidly closed the remaining distance between the two.

“Hand Shake!”


Kara avoided the blow and delivered a swift kick to Anda, who seemed to power through the hit. “Now! Pounce!” Still floating through the air, Kara was unable to avoid Anda who slammed her into the ground beneath her weight. “Enraged Lunge!”

“Surrender!” Vargo shouted just before Anda was able to finish her attack.

“The winner of this match is Deric! I have deemed this battle satisfactory to grant you your first stamp!”

Peter and Kean cheered from the stands as Anda ran up to Deric and hugged him. Berry also joined the pair and wrapped herself around the both of them.

As Vargo's Dryad began to heal Kara, he patted her on the back then walked towards Deric and his primals. “Congratulations. I didn't go easy on you, but you still did well.”

“Thanks.” Deric replied. “I noticed.”

Peter and the others walked up to them as Vargo began to chuckle. “I remembered you from when your friend challenged me. Couldn't hold back, or they'd accuse me of sandbagging.”

Deric nodded. “That's how it should be anyway. If they give out stamps to just any tamer then they'll get cocky.”

“A serious type I see.” Vargo noticed Peter. “When's it going to be your turn to challenge?”

“Ah, I'm still only at one primal so far. Maybe in a few months when I get my second.” Peter replied.

“You'll be battling someone else then, I'm just about wrapping up here. I'm heading west to Roadsen, figured I'd stick around for a bit and help the battle center with some challengers before moving on to the next place.”

Deric nodded. “Roadsen, that's where I was thinking about going next as well.”

“It's pretty common for people from Wildburry to head there afterwards. There's Shantee up towards the North, but unless you have a death wish or really want to try finding some rare primal, it's not worth it.”

Fitt interrupted the group and asked for Deric to present his Tamer's license. Deric presented it, and Fitt used a tool to imprint a small mark on it. The emblem of Wildburry- a bush adorned with berries, occupied the space meant for the first stamp.

Fitt inspected the license to ensure it was printed properly, then handed it back to Deric. “Nine more,” he mutterred quietly to himself, while making the biggest smile Peter had ever seen Deric make. Until the group left the battle center, Deric continued to stare at his license.

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