Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 17

It had been over a week since she had returned with Peter. Kalista sat nearby the bed the medical center at the Tamer's Guild had placed him in. If she focused her hearing, she could hear his soft breathing. He was alive.

But not awake. The medical staff had tried all sorts of treatments, but he did not stir. The primals they had as part of their staff continuously healed him, they used herbs, medicines, potions. They had even managed to convince a priestess from the church to cast a healing spell. But nothing moved him.

In the corner of the room sat Gaia, the Dryad Peter had tamed. Kalista had forced her to sit there, on the account of not wanting to have to even look at her as she watched over Peter.

Even now, Kalista struggled to hold herself back. This sack of flesh which called herself a primal. She did this. It was her and her fellow Dryads that did this to him. Kalista knew that when a tamer died, the feedback resulted in their primals going berserk. She had heard that although not nearly on the same level, the principle applied in the other direction. Many times the thought ran through her mind about testing out this bit of knowledge, wondering if it might be the trigger to wake him up.

After all, he didn't truly desire her. Yes. Peter likely only bonded with her just to try to escape. He didn't choose her, like he chose Kalista. He probably didn't even intend on keeping her. Kalista's sword materialized in her hand. Her grip tightened around the hilt, her muscles trembling as she squeezed tighter and tighter.

She let out a sigh, and the sword disappeared. Her anger had gradually become more explosive as of late. In no part due to the feeling that her Peter had a looming deadline. One way, or the other.

Deric and Kean had caught word of Peter's rescue and arrived to visit him initially. When they had seen Peter in this state, they wore complicated expressions. They visited periodically in the afternoons, Kalista always tense when they were around. Eventually, the day of their escort quest came, and they left Wildburry, saying that if Peter were to wake up he should search for them in Roadsen. Kalista was happy in a way when they had finally left. If Peter were to wake up, she thought it would be better to not have such people around.

The staff had approached her and Gaia the other day. Due to Peter's state, they had concerns surrounding the two of them. That within the next week they would grow more and more dangerous as the bonds between them and Peter began to weaken.

Kalista tried to argue that her bond to him would never break, but she knew the truth. Even now her mental capacity and sanity were beginning to slip. She grew hungry. The kind which could not be sated by just food. She wasn't sure if it could be maintained while Peter was in this state, and Kalista didn't much want to try. Something bothered her about trying anything with Peter while he was like this.

Kalista thought it was beginning to affect Gaia as well. When Kalista had found Peter in that shack, Gaia was in the midst of healing him. The entire trip back to Wildburry she continued healing him from a short distance while Kalista carried him. She did so until she finally collapsed, needing to be carried into the guild herself.

She had been begging Kalista to heal him once she had recovered, but Kalista denied her all those days. After finally relenting, the moment Kalista saw Gaia begin to try to wrap her body around Peter, she screamed and drew her sword, forbidding her from doing so. Maybe she was just trying to heal him rather than get herself a meal. But Kalista didn't care. She absent-mindedly summoned her sword once more while recalling that event, and quickly put it away. Every time she held the sword, she could feel fear emanating from Gaia. In her current predicament, it was the only control she felt she had left.

The temptation was beginning to become overwhelming. Days spent looking at the man who had been her companion. The lips which always locked with hers, the skillful tongue which always seemed to be eager to greet hers, as well as other places... Although she couldn't see them, those blue eyes which she always knew held so much trust and admiration towards her. The brown hair which she loved to run her fingers through as he was sleeping. Kalista realized her breathing had become rapid, and her hand was now hovering over her moist parts.

“Grr,” Kalista growled, shaking her head. Her mind said no, yet the carnal hunger stirring within her body egged her on. This was the closest she had ever come to releasing those ambitions since he became like this.

She tried to control herself, yet was clearly failing to do so. Her eyes continued to dart back and forth towards his lips, and somewhere else. It could be mine, she thought to herself. It SHOULD be mine. She remembered Gaia and felt anger again. Her face soon hovered mere inches from his face.

No... I shouldn't. She began to retreat, then stopped. But why, why shouldn't I? Hey, Peter. You always gave me a reward whenever I did well. Kalista's face drew closer towards his. I know you are like this, but I came back for you. Just like you said.

Her lips were an inch away from his. Hey, Peter. I'd like my reward. As thin a layer of air as possible now separated the two. Please wake up. Kalista planted a gentle kiss on Peter's lips. Tear's began to stream down her cheeks.

Kalista felt Peter's lips twitch. “Peter?!” she gasped as she released hers. She quickly kissed him again. This time his head twitched slightly. Kalista soon began to kiss him, over and over again, her prayers answered when Peter let out a slight groan. “Peter!” His head waved back and forth slowly before opening his eyes and looking towards her. Kalista froze as Peter let out a soft growl. “Peter?” She asked, confusingly. His hand slowly lifted from his side and brought her face closer to his, and he locked his lips with hers. Kalista couldn't help but notice he felt stronger somehow.

“He's awake,” Gaia's soft voice spoke as she stood up from her chair.

Gaia's voice snapped Kalista out of her confusion. Kalista angrily turned towards her as Peter tried to bring her attention back to him. “Get out!”


“NOW!” Kalista snarled, flashing her sword as she climbed up onto the bed.

“O-kay,” Gaia stuttered as she fled the room, nearly tripping.

“And close the door!” Kalista watched to make sure that the Dryad was completely out of the room. She returned her attention to Peter who had already begun to fondle her breasts. “Yesss,” she happily moaned. She shed her clothing and happily presented her body to Peter.

Below, she could feel his member desperately prodding at her despite the thin gown he was wearing restricting true access. She hastily tossed it out of the way and placed her regions above his.

Kalista never felt more at bliss when in one swift movement it slid in completely. The pressure of his member creating a stuffed feeling inside her. Her walls eagerly gripped onto him as he slid in and out, over and over. The familiar sound of their flesh against each other felt like the sweetest harmony to her ears. Kalista paid no attention to the fact that they were currently residing in the guild. She let her moans fill the room.

As Peter's pace hastened, Kalista could feel his member begin to expand. “Let it out Peter.” She took her breast out of his mouth and kissed him, her tongue desperately seeking his. She released them for a brief moment just to repeat, “Let it all out.”

Kalista could feel Peter's body shudder as his member began to spurt inside her. The amount almost reminded her of the first time they had done it together, and a feeling of nostalgic happiness crashed over her.

She mercilessly began to tug her hips more, knowing that he always became sensitive and squeamish after his first load. Yet this time she didn't feel him go soft, instead he continued pumping her insides.

With the warm liquid now at home inside of her and his continuous stroking, Kalista could feel herself getting near. The pressure began to swell once more, and Kalista tightened herself as much as possible. At the same time Peter let out his second volley, Kalista's body began to convulse, gripping the sheets and bed as she struggled to keep herself up.

Peter seemed to keep thrusting which made it all the more impossible for her to not collapse, yet she did her best to remain upright. Kalista could feel Peter's breathing through his nose suddenly begin to slow down, along with his lower bodies pumping. Peter gently pushed Kalista's face off from his and closed his eyes, then reopened, his blue eyes twinkling as they looked directly at his Squire.

“Kalista?” He said, sounding both confused and happy.

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