Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 2

With her name came a rush of knowledge. Suddenly Kalista's abilities and their effects came flooding into Peter's mind. As he rubbed his forehead in pain, he noticed a set of armored boots next to him. Peter turned towards the Templar, who towered above him, her sword hovering above Kalista's head. Karen's attention was solely focused upon Kalista, who was still straddling Peter. Kalista noticed Peter's brief lapse in attention and traced it to Karen.

Despite the present danger, Kalista shot Karen an annoyed glare, before the Templar let out a short sigh and turned to leave the room, gently closing the door behind her.

Once she was gone, Kalista immediately turned her attention back towards Peter again and forced her lips onto his once more. Her tongue ravished the insides of his mouth as if she were trying to explore it in its entirety.

Peter could feel the familiar growing sensation in his trousers. Kalista felt the sudden indentation and began to claw at his belt. With a few quick movements, his belt was now slightly loose, and she pulled it upwards, lifting his waist a few inches from the floor along with it. She then quickly drags his pants down to his mid-thigh before setting him back onto the floor again. His still rising manhood pokes out, and she grabs it with one hand, angling it upward as she places her other hand on his chest as she lifts her body upwards.

Peter winces in pain as she hovers over him. In his mind he expected one additional step on her behalf, but with both hands occupied, how could she? Her body suddenly plunges down. “Hooh.” Peter lets out a deep moan while Kalista grunts. She began to piston her body up and down his shaft, the sound of her flesh mashing into his filling the glass room. Peter does all he can to retain both his sanity and his orgasm as she relentlessly punishes his rod. He could still feel himself continuing to grow deeper inside her. Were he able to see their two bodies connected, perhaps he would have already exploded. But for now, the hem of her skirt was just long enough to hide the sacred view.

Despite knowing what consequences it would bring, Peter had to know. He must sate his curiosity. With one hand gripping the floor as hard as it could, the other slowly moved towards the edge of the skirt as Kalista focused only on their pleasure. He gently lifted the fabric up, revealing her bare naked body swallowing his manhood.

“No. Underwear?” He let out in short gasps, surprised. Kalista ignored the comment and continued to pound away. As Peter let out moan after moan, his attention turned towards some objects in the background. Laying on the floor about ten or so feet away from him, was the wooden sword, the wooden buckler, and what he now noticed, a small piece of white fabric.

Peter blinked and then turned to see Kalista's expression. Her eyes were wild with desire as she smiled at him. “Ohhh,” he immediately groaned as he erupted inside her.

Kalista in turn followed with a satisfied “Aaaahh.” She began to shiver and started her own orgasm, rattling Peter's softening genitals inside her as her insides twisted and contracted.

After a long moment, she finally settled down and locked Peter's lips into another kiss. As she did so, Peter could feel a finger gently graze the bottom of his manhood, right where the dick and balls meet. And, despite his inner protests, the feminine touch overrode his ability to control his own body, and it twitched back to life.

As Peter began to protest, she silenced his words with both of her lips, and for the second time today, he feels fear.


Evans returned outside the glass room and spotted Karen standing outside, facing away from the room. He cupped one ear and placed it against the edge of the glass, but was unable to hear anything.

“Despite knowing they are soundproof, I always try.” He said to Karen. “There is always something fascinating about the first primal.” He placed his hand on Karen's shoulder as she faintly begins to blush, betraying her attempts to appear indifferent.

Evans knocked on the door and waited for a short while before entering. He spotted the Squire sitting on the ground, with the back of Peter's head laying on her lap as he stared at the ceiling.

“It looks like it was a success.” Evans remarked.

Peter turned his towards Evans, blinked a few times, then returned his gaze to the ceiling. “Half-success,” he plainly said, as he began to rub his side. “I think I need healing.”

“Well, I did warn you.” Evans laughed. I went and filled out the registration paperwork already, you're free to go. You can stop by the medical center before you leave, its on your left after leaving this room. Congratulations on your first tamed primal!”

Peter nodded as Evans turned and left. Kalista helped Peter to his feet as he slowly began to walk towards the medical center. “Woah,” he shouted as his feet instinctively began to kick the air after suddenly finding himself floating. Kalista had picked him up into a princess carry. Peter flailed for a brief moment hoping to be put down only to realize this was a faster, albeit slightly embarrassing method of transportation.

They were greeted by a young receptionist upon arriving at the medical center. “Hello, could I first see your license?”

Peter fumbled for a moment before presenting his Tamer's License and handing it to the receptionist.

“Thank you.” He inspected the license and gave a slight nod before handing it back to Peter. “How can we help you today?”

Peter looked upwards towards Kalista and blinked. “I uh, received some injuries while taming.”

“We can certainly help with that.” The receptionist stood up from behind the desk. “Follow me.” Kalista followed the receptionist to one of their medical rooms. It contained multiple beds, each with a moveable line of drapes at the foot of the bed. All were presently unoccupied.

“Please place him gently down right here,” the receptionist directed.” Peter sank slowly into the bed nearest to the entrance as Kalista followed instructions. He gave a slight groan as his leg bent a little awkwardly, but the receptionist straightened it out for him.“I will go fetch one of our available medical staff.” The receptionist turned and left, leaving Peter and Kalista behind.

Kalista sat down on the edge of the bed. She turned and shot Peter a grin before she began to rub his thigh.

Peter shook his head. “No.”

“Why not?” Kalista asked, puzzled.

“They will be back to heal me soon.”

“I can be quick.”

Peter shook his head again. “Later. There are still other things I was hoping to do today.” Peter paused. “Although, that's assuming they will be able to heal me quickly.”

“And if not?” Kalista asked, raising an eyebrow.

Before Peter could answer, the receptionist returned with the medical staff he had mentioned. He instantly recognized her as a Dryad. She wore a crown of red flowers atop her head, her shapely body covered in a pink uniform with a red heart symbol woven atop the left side of her chest.

“What's brought you here today, Mr. Peter?” the Dryad asked.

“I got hurt while taming today.” Peter hadn't noticed it, but Kalista was now standing next to the bed, her arms crossed against her chest as she glared at the Dryad.

The Dryad looked at Kalista and gave a soft smile, before turning toward the receptionist and whispering something.

The receptionists eyes shot open. “My apologies,” he started. “I forgot to verify, were you maintaining your bond or did you just tame her today?” Peter nodded in response. “I see. He looked towards Peter and avoided Kalista's gaze. “We normally ask that tamers desummon their tamed while we perform any healing.”

“No.” Kalista immediately responded.

Peter turned to look towards her, Kalista's expression now approaching a scowl. The receptionist and Dryad remained silent. Peter shook his head. “They will just be healing me. I will bring you out once they are done.”

“But!” Kalista began to protest. A magic circle appeared above Peter's hand and flared, and he began to concentrate. Ignoring her further protesting, Kalista was soon forced to disappear from the room.

“Thank you,” the Dryad bowed. She stepped towards the bed. “Are you her first tamer?”

Peter thought for a moment. “I believe so. I was told that others attempted to tame her before, but were unsuccessful.”

The Dryad nodded. “Then it is good she will not be in the room.” She climbed onto the bed, lifting one leg and placing it next to his, her other leg doing the same with the other. In a moment, her entire body was pressing down on his. “We Primals can be a bit..” she paused for a moment. “Possessive, when we are first tamed” She shot a smile.

Peter felt a little guilt now after she said that. “Is this really necessary?” He asked.

“Ah, my apologies sir.” The Dryad started. “Healing magic is more effective in close proximity. If sir would like, I may get off, though it will take longer.”

Peter thought for a moment. “Does this apply while fighting as well?”

“Yes. Although healing humans and healing primals is a bit different.” She raised her hand, and it began to glow slightly. “Due to the difference in bodies, primals are more compatible with healing magic than humans. To make up for this difference, we use close contact as much as possible within medical centers when treating humans.” The Dryad paused for a moment before slightly blushing. “I can assure you, that any other healer type would inform you of something similar.”

“I see. I suppose it's fine, then.

As soon as he said that, he could see a faint green aura begin to emit from the Dryad. She closed her eyes. “It seems..” She paused. “Your leg.” Her right leg shifted and pressed into his left. A pleasant sensation began to afflict the area. “Your side.” She directed her palm towards his right hip. “Ah. Your stomach and chest as well.” The Dryad suddenly shifted lower and briefly pulled up his body. She wrapped her arms around his hips and leaned forward, her large chest managing to cover both his chest and his stomach. “It seems it was quite the event.” As the healing feeling began to relax those areas as well, Peter could feel something stir below and tried adjusting his position.

“Do not worry.” The Dryad smiled. “It is expected.” Peter gave a slight nod and did his best to relax. I can see why they asked me to hide Kalista.

After half an hour of laying in this position, the Dryad's glow finally faded, and she got up from on top of Peter. “How do you feel,” she asked?

Peter shook his leg and touched his side and stomach. “Very good. In fact, I feel even better than when I first walked into the building.”

The Dryad smiled and gave a light bow and whispered something to the receptionist.

“You should rest for another two hours, then we can discharge you,” the receptionist said.

Peter nodded and watched as the two left the room “The Dryad was certainly nice,” he muttered to himself. His body gave a slight shiver as he remembered how she had pressed up against him.

“They are gone now.” Peter heard a slightly annoyed voice in his head. “Summon me.” Peter focused and summoned Kalista next to his bed, arms crossed same as before.

She looks at his crotch and frowns at the tent. Kalista marches towards the doorway and slams it shut before returning to the bed. She begins to undo his pants and Peter places his hand on hers. “They told me to rest.”

“You are. I am not asking you to do anything.” Kalista countered. Her tongue revealed her intent as she licked her lips.

“But-mmph.” He groaned as Kalista managed to pull down his pants and swallow his tool in one swift motion. Peter couldn't help but notice how fast she became proficient at taking his pants off. Her tongue at first lavished his head with soft flicks as she hunted for his weak spots. Despite trying to remain silent, a moan managed to escape him, and at this moment he knew it was over. She relentlessly poked and prodded, wet smacking sounds ringing in his ears as his groans filled hers. Still recovering from their activities just a short while ago, Peter no longer had any resistance towards Kalista. Within a few minutes, Peter's hips were floating upwards as she devoured her reward.

Setting free his piece, Kalista watches as it begins to wither and gives a satisfied nod before pulling his trousers back up.

In between labored pants, Peter lets out a single word, “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you pick me?” This caught Kalista off guard, who seemed to stare blankly at him. Finally, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Peter opened his mouth, but didn't speak. Finally, he sighed. “Whatever. Just let me rest so we can leave.”

Kalista nodded. Peter grabbed a blanket and covered himself before closing his eyes. After ten or so minutes, despite feeling tired, he was still unable to fall asleep. A single question continued to bounce around within his head. Once he realized that until he found an answer, he wouldn't be getting any rest. As quietly as he could, he turned to look towards the right side of his bed. There, he saw Kalista standing. Arms crossed, observing the entrance. Satisfied, Peter returned to a comfortable position, and quickly fell asleep.

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