Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 22

“Mmph, sorry Kalista,” Peter moaned as Kalista's lips slid back and forth across his rod. His hands were desperately clinging to the bark of a tree within the northern forest as his legs trembled.

Kalista made a small popping sound with her lips. “It's a treat if anything,” she said as she gave him a few strokes using both her hands. She briefly looked behind Peter as he writhed in pleasure and spotted Gaia a few meters behind him. Kalista had instructed her to keep watch for any untamed primals. The first time she gave the order, she had caught Gaia observing them, citing 'I thought I was supposed to watch you two,' using her innocent voice.

Kalista knew she was smart enough to understand what she had meant. Despite Gaia's back being turned towards her, she had a pretty good idea what she was up to. One hand was near her chest, the other somewhere around her thighs. Kalista smiled. Ordinarily she would be slightly annoyed, but she couldn't voice her anger, not with Peter's cock in her mouth anyway.

And saying anything would only cause her to appear a hypocrite. She did the same when it was her turn to stand guard, after all.

Kalista slowly moved her mouth towards the head of Peter's cock, the way he rocked his hips betraying how he wanted her suction now, but Kalista wouldn't give in. She would just begin to stroke more rapidly and withdraw her lips. This time he seemed to hold himself back, and Kalista let out a small warm breath against his tip.

She used her lips to give it a quick peck before withdrawing, and feeling him begin to twitch, soon dived forwards and engulfed the head. Her lips tugged at his meat, as if trying to pull it off. Kalista began to flick her tongue, she had learned that typically made for a strong finish with him. Sure enough, Peter's legs began to rock and shake as Kalista's mouth began to flood with his seed.

Kalista removed one hand from his shaft to grab his testicles and began to gently play around with them, then used the other to squeeze tighter on his rod. The combination caused Peter to spurt even more. Kalista let out one gulp after another as she swallowed each load. For some reason his loads were now larger, and never seemed to grow less voluminous.

Finally, the waves of man essence seemed to stop, and Peter let out a satisfied sigh. “Th-thanks, I'm, hoh, good.” As he gradually grew softer in Kalista's mouth, she finally released him with another pop and made a show of her tongue circling around her lips, slurping any leftovers. Peter's eyes quickly darted to look away, but Kalista could already see a hint of life rising again and chuckled.

As Peter fixed his pants, Kalista crept up quietly behind Gaia and confirmed she had indeed been touching herself. Kalista's eyes scanned the forest for any signs of untamed life, as their guard was likely too occupied to notice, but saw nothing. Peter soon joined her and the group set out once more, with Peter in front and Kalista and Gaia close behind. It was times like these where a primal with some tracking ability would be handy.

“If I had known this is how we'd be traveling when alone I'd have scared away Deric and Kean long ago,” Kalista joked.

Peter let out an awkward laugh. “We don't cover ground as fast though.”

“Maybe if someone had a longer cooldown, not that I mind.”

“Is there any point to having Peter keep walking in front of us?” Gaia asked. “He said it might help if we're not in front of him, but it's already the third time...”

“You just want your next turn to come sooner,” countered Kalista. “And this way, we'll see anything that tries to go straight for him.”

The group soon returned to silence as Peter seemed to be leading them towards somewhere, Kalista constantly vigilant. A vague feeling of familiarity filled her, and once she spotted a cave in the distance, Kalista froze.

“Peter, is that?”

“Yes.” Peter coldly replied. “That's the goblin cave we fled before.”

“Did you bring us here on purpose?”



“How many months has it been, Kalista?”

Kalista paused. “A few. Three?”

Peter nodded. “Then it should be about time,” he said solemnly. Kalista, confused, thought about what he meant for a moment before her eyes widened. “I think I just wanted to confirm.” Peter continued.

The group approached the maw of the cave, the forest deathly quiet. If there were primals inside then they didn't care enough to post a guard outside. Or, if what Peter had been implying was true, perhaps they were unable to.

Glowing fungi lit the way throughout the stone cave. A slow wind causes the cave to howl. Kalista's grip tightened on her sword. She turned towards Gaia, and waves her hand to get her attention, sticking out two fingers and pointing them towards Gaia's eyes, then pointing them towards their rear. Gaia nods.

As the sound of the wind gradually fades, it is replaced with the sound of labored breaths. Somewhat distant at first, the noise grows gradually louder and louder, until one can realize that these were not the breaths of an individual.

Peter reaches a corner within the cave and abruptly stops and turns around to face Kalista and Gaia. He gives a slow nod which they return, and he steps out around the bend along with the others.

Immediately within their view are four Goblins, laying on the ground breathing heavily, appearing almost in a daze. Their round stomachs jutting out as if they had eaten a small boulder. Their legs spread wide against the floor with their hands resting atop the peak of their belly bulges.

Peter's hands tightened into fists and began to tremble. “You were right,” Kalista muttered. Her eyes widening upon realizing what she did.

The nearest Goblin turned its head towards them and appeared shocked, and began to weakly shout something to the others. The other Goblins soon joined her in making noise. One of them began to struggle to get up, but soon collapsed onto the ground, panting even more heavily afterwards.

Peter took one step forward and stopped. At the rear of the cave hung a drape from the ceiling that appeared to be made from stitched together shirts and other human clothing. From behind the drape stepped out a primal with green skin and two fangs pointing upwards while holding a large wooden club with both hands. Her stomach seemed to be enlarged as well, though it was not protruding as much as those of the four Goblins on the ground.

“An Orc,” Peter said, slightly surprised.

The Orc let out a roar and begin charging towards the group, though her movements felt labored and awkward. Kalista leapt in front of Peter while Gaia shouted from behind, “Toxic Bloom!” The flower sailed through the cramp space and landed directly on the Orc's chest, but the Orc paid no attention as it began to poison her and continued forward.

The Orc raised its club which began to glow. Peter, who found himself trapped between Kalista and Gaia, shouted in a panic, “Shield Slam!”

In one swift motion, Kalista pulled Peter by his shoulder backwards as she raised her shield, slamming it into the club. Although her shield dipped low towards the ground, she was still able to kill most of the momentum behind the swing. Peter landed on the floor and crawled backwards as he tried to get out of the way.

The Orc roared and raised its club once more. “Double Cross!” Kalista quickly shouted as she attempted to slice the Orc. The Orc brought the club in front of its stomach, blocking most of the attack. A small trail of blood appeared along its forearm. It then raised its club, which it began to glow again.

The Orc brought it down, “Shield Slam!” Kalista rammed her shield into it, and the sound of a crack could be heard. Kalista grit her teeth as she suppressed a scream.

“Heal!” Gaia shouted, a green glow appearing around Kalista's arm. The Orc turned its head towards Gaia and growled, and began to stomp its leg and began moving towards her.

“Your opponent is me! Double Cross!” Kalista sliced at the Orc, causing it to stumble backwards and trip. As its body flailed in an attempt to return to a steady stance, its club accidentally swung into a laying Goblin's stomach, causing it to scream. The Goblin began patting its tummy and muttering something, tears welling in its eyes. The Orc appeared startled for a moment, staring at the Goblin, then angrily turned towards the group and let out a loud roar.

It immediately got up, and in between coughs continued to scream in rage. The Orc started to wildly swing its club, some swings even hitting the walls of the cave itself, yet it seemed to lose no energy as the whirlwind of blows slowly approached the group.

“Toxic Bloom!” Gaia sent another poisonous flower, getting whacked midair and exploding into purple dust, which the Orc breathed in and entered a coughing fit, stopping its swings as it covered its throat.

Kalista charged forward. “Shield Slam!” She rammed her shield into the Orc, sending it flying a short distance and into the ground, causing it to drop its club. The flower which Gaia had landed at the beginning now too exploded, further adding to the already large amount of poison the Orc was now under.

It gripped at its throat with both hands as its breaths soon became more constricted. Kalista began to hover over her, and signaling it was safe, Peter soon stepped up behind her. The Orc's eyes widened upon seeing Peter. It began to move its arms between tugging at its own throat and gesturing around the cave. Between choked breaths it seemed to be trying to communicate something.

As Peter brought out his summoning, the Orc turned pale, and it fell into greater fits of coughing as it desperately waved its hands around. Peter turned towards Gaia. “Do you think she will survive if I capture her now?”

Gaia shook her head. “No. I think she will require at least Cleanse.” Peter nodded. “Cleanse.” The Orc's pained choking lessened, though didn't go away completely. “This should be good enough.”

Peter raised his stone towards the Orc. She soon vanished as her incoherent ramblings reached their peak. He looked at the stone for a brief moment, but was interrupted by a loud thump from behind. The group turned to see one of the Goblin's had fallen a few meters away from where it had originally been laying. It was kneeling with one hand against the wall for support and breathing heavily. Its head darted back and forth between the bend in the cave and the trio.

Kalista made a sniffing sound and slowly began to march towards the Goblin, her sword ready. “W-wait,” Peter stammered.

Kalista turned to face Peter. “What is it? Do you have more stones?”

“No, I-”

“Peter, what is it that you wanted to confirm when you brought us here?”


“If you need any more reassurance, look behind the drape.”

Peter's body briefly tightened before relaxing. He let out a sigh. “You're right. Do it.”

Kalista marched towards the Goblin which was attempting to flee, which immediately grew louder as it began to panic. In an instant, she stabbed her sword through the goblin's neck, its body twitching for a brief moment before growing limp and sliding down against the cave. Kalista then plunged the sword through the center of the Goblin's stomach. Peter shuddered.

Gaia walked up behind Peter and wrapped her arms around his waist. One by one, Kalista moved between the Goblins, finishing each of them off. Soon, the labored breathing and panicked noises all grew silent, and the cave was quiet.

Kalista swung her sword through the air, some blood flung off onto the wall of the cave as she stepped towards Peter and the others. She moved past them and towards the drape. “Cover your nose.”

Peter placed his hand upon his nose as Kalista moved the drape out of the way. In an instant, he wished that he had covered his eyes instead, and instantly began to lurch. A smelly and crimson pile of flesh sat in the corner. Although upon first glance Peter assumed it was all human, Peter realized that there was likely some primal mixed in as well.

In the center of the rear wall, sticking out from the floor was a stalagmite, and wrapped tightly around it was some cloth that then split off into two, long blood-splattered ends along the floor.

Finally, in the other corner, lay what Peter figured the untamed primals considered junk. A pair of broken glasses, some coins, and, what Peter recognized as Tamer's licenses. Five of them.

Peter picked up the licenses and began to look through their information. One of them seemed familiar. “Ron,” Peter whispered to himself. The moment he spoke the name, memories of a Fren screaming returned to him. Peter stashed the licenses and looked at the coins.

It wasn't much. The more Peter thought about the amount compared to the number of licenses, the worse he felt. But in the end, he decided to take it.

As he stepped out from the part of the cave hidden behind the drape, he looked around at the four corpses. “Is there any way we can get a reward for them without needing more stones?” Kalista asked.

Peter shook his head. “No. I remember hearing that the guild once used to accept certain body parts as confirmation, but high level healers would regenerate missing parts and abused the system, causing them to require the whole body. Dead or Alive.”

“Want me to carry one? I could use their drape to make it easier.”

“No, it's fine.” Peter raised his hand. “Better to keep your arms free on the way back if anything happens. Maybe we could come back after stopping by the guild and grabbing another stone, but...” Peter shook his head. “I think I might just leave it for someone else. Or, I guess more than likely, something else.”

The group headed back towards Wildburry. At the Tamer's Guild, Peter handed in the five licenses. There is no reward for retrieving the licenses of the dead, but it helps the guild solidify the status of 'missing' tamers.

The guild cuts a small circular hole in the corner, and mails it to any living contact that the tamer provided when they signed up, along with a letter. From what he had heard, the letter praises the tamer's service to the kingdom and their commitment to keeping humans safe from the untamed primals.

As he returned to the inn, Peter wondered if the people receiving these letters believed that was the truth.

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