Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 31

With his future as a tamer secure, Peter was able to help out the Battle Center with some challenges for the next several days. Although the pay wasn't as much as he made capturing primals, it was nice to have a change of pace from the long hours and dangerous conditions he had been working in the past few months.

After his last scheduled challenge, Fitt asked him what his next plans were.

“Tomorrow I'll be leaving town and head towards Shantee. I had been keeping an eye on the board at the tamer's guild for escort quests, and finally one appeared heading towards there. I was once told that's the best way to travel”

Fitt opened his mouth in surprise. “Is there any reason you're going there instead of Roadsen?”

Peter rubbed the back of his head. “I uh, I think I'd like to avoid Roadsen for a bit longer. And who knows, maybe I'll find someone strong for my team at Shantee. After I get my second stamp there, I'll need three primals for the next challenge, so better to start thinking about it now. I bought a summoning stone finally, so even if we found something along the way I'd be able to tame it safely once we arrive there.”

“You know Peter, there's no shame in purchasing primals. Some tamers don't like the idea of owning a primal that someone else captured or tamed. But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them. I purchased one of mine, and she's as strong, loyal and enjoyable as any of the others. The weekly market here in Wildburry can help you find something good. You don't have to go to a place like Shantee just to find someone powerful.”

“Thanks Fitt. I know Shantee has a bit of a dangerous reputation but... I think I've made my decision.”

“Well, I hope to hear your name again someday. Best of luck to you on your travels, stay safe.”

“Best of luck here as well, sorry I can't help anymore with challenges. Take care.”

As Peter left the battle center, Kalista asked, “So, what are our plans for the rest of the afternoon?”

Peter thought for a moment. “We'll head back to the inn and make sure everything is packed and ready for tomorrow. We already went and bought a traveler's backpack, a tent, food, water. Just need to make sure everything is packed, and we're not forgetting anything important. I have one last errand that I need to go run on my own, so I'll leave you two there for a bit until I return.”

Kalista nodded.

At the inn, Peter helped a little with inspecting their provisions before leaving, grabbing a small package as he left.

Peter stepped outside the building and took a quick peak behind him, before beginning to head towards the Church of Pura. Outside, he was stopped at the entrance.

“You... I know you. You are the tamer whose primal had fought Paladin Serina. Here to gloat?”

“No. Though I did come here to speak with her.”

“Then you will not find her here. She is busy working charity today, in the south-east corner of town.”

“Thank you.” Peter turned and began to walk towards the area the priestess had described. Peter knew of the place. Besides an area of congregation for humans less well off, the market which Fitt had mentioned was run nearby.

Peter soon found Serina working with others to hand out meals for humans. As he approached her, he could see a slight frown on her face. “Don't tell me. One of your primals has been kidnapped, and you need my help?”

Peter burst out laughing. “No, although you've made me a little worried about my reputation. I wanted to talk with you. Is now a good time?” Serina glanced towards his right side, noticing he was hiding his hand behind him.

“Let's go somewhere more private, then.” Serina led Peter away from the others and near an alley between two buildings. As she leaned against the side of the building, for a moment her gaze lingered behind him before returning her attention to Peter. “You don't have much concept of danger, do you? Without your primals here, I could easily take revenge on you for my defeat.”

Peter was not fazed. In fact, he smiled. “You do not strike me as someone who would do something like that. You come across as pretty honorable.”

“Most women would rather the complement end at pretty,” Serina sighed. “So, what is it you wanted to discuss?”

“I...” Peter brought out the package he had been hiding from Serina. “Would like to give this to you.”

“What is it?” Serina grabbed the package and rattled it around.

“Open it.”

Serina tore off the paper wrapping. Inside was a large box, when she pulled it out she realized it contained an assortment of chocolates. Expensive looking. Serina raised an eyebrow. “Is this a confession?”

“It's a thank-you gift. I know that Kalista had asked you to help rescue me, and you played a big role in bringing me back from the forest. Tomorrow I am leaving town, and I didn't want to go without doing this first. You helped her, and me, when no one else would. Tamers and primals, both groups of people you are sworn against.”

Serina opened the box and pulled out a large, circular chocolate, and plopped it into her mouth. She chewed for a bit before swallowing. “Sweet.” Serina smiled. “So, your life is worth a box of chocolates, huh?” She plopped another in her mouth.

“For now it is. Although I am leaving town for Shantee, if our paths ever cross again, and you need help, please don't hesitate to ask me. Maybe that will up the value a bit.”

“Would you be helping, or your primals?”

“I... will do as much as I can.”

“Mmm, cute and romantic. It's all such a shame.” Serina briefly looked behind her on the other side of the alley, and then shot a quick glance behind Peter, then smiled. She suddenly brought her face forwards toward Peter's, and gave him a quick kiss. Her lips tasted sweet. A loud bang occurred behind him, and Peter pulled away to find the source of the noise, but saw nothing. “By the way, although it's a bit against church doctrine, I consider myself more sworn against primals rather than tamers. Otherwise, I'll never find a partner. Besides, a guy who can keep a bunch of lusty demons in check hopefully has some talent.”

Serina turned to leave, then stopped. “I'll be staying in this town for a while longer. But somehow, I don't think this will be the last time we see each other. Until next time, Peter.” Serina paused. “And keep that crazy primal of yours alive, the next victory will be mine!” She suddenly shouted.

As Serina walked away, Peter touched his lips. “Until next time...” he whispered.

That concludes the end of Volume 1. If you've ever taken a peek at my user profile out of curiosity for what other stories I might have written, you would realize how monumentous this accomplishment is (to me at least).

Thanks for reading this far! And thank you for any comments and reviews you've left me. I appreciate feedback in any form as it helps me understand what's confusing to readers or what doesn't make sense, as well as what they enjoy and what they'd like to see more of!

I got a little impatient and ended up uploading the remaining chapters all within a few days of each other. The series will go on hiatus (hopefully short) as I begin work on Volume 2.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.