Primal Dawn

Volume 2 – Chapter 10

Peter, Kalista and Gaia were busy setting up their tent when Fira approached them from behind.

“Did you ask him?” she asked, puffing up her chest with her crossed arms.

Kalista and Gaia shot each other a glance. “Give us a moment,” Kalista said before the two stepped away.

“You’re not going with them?” Fira asked as she watched Peter.

Peter shook his head. “If they needed me they’d have said so. Besides, we need to set up this tent.” Peter fumbled with the rods some more and finally heard them snap into place. “Aha, done!” he exclaimed, looking at his work with pride. The next instant another snap could be heard and the tent fell apart into a heap. “I knew I should have waited for them to come back.” Fira rolled her eyes.

Kalista and Gaia soon returned as Peter was fumbling with the tent. “Peter, Fira said she needs help to prevent her from going feral,” Kalista said.

Peter stopped his work. “And so you asked them instead of me?” Fira remained silent. “Well, I guess you’ve been watching me closely, then.” Peter turned towards his primals. “What do you two think?”

Kalista and Gaia glanced towards each other. “I would be… alright if you helped her, Peter.” Gaia spoke softly.

“I’d have some rules about how it’s done, if you go through with it,” Kalista said as she crossed her arms.

Peter was surprised, he hadn’t expected them to even entertain the idea. He wondered what their reasons might be, but didn't want to ask in front of Fira.

“No,” Peter finally said, as he faced Fira.

Fira’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “What? Why? They said-”

“They said they’d be okay with it, not that I have to. Ask someone else.”

“There is no one else,” Fira angrily replied. “Who can I ask? Jack is a dried up sock. Lore, if I even go near him his Centaur will split me in two. I don’t think I need to tell you why I can’t ask Bryan. You’re my only option left.”

“No wonder you sided with me against Occo earlier. You were either losing your mind from going feral or trying to get on my good side. Maybe both."

“Am I not allowed to have my own opinions? I don’t live to hold every belief opposite of yours. Occo attacked our group, you gave her choices; something that most tamers would never do, and she took one. If she doesn’t think about the consequences of those choices, then the fault lies with her.”

“Fine. But I still don’t see why it’s my problem that you’re about to go feral. It’s your tamer’s issue more than mine, he’s either an idiot to send his primal off towards Shantee.”

“It’s your problem because like it or not, you’re the one in charge of getting us all to Shantee. And you need my fighting power.”

"Yes, I need you. Without you, who will light me on fire at the start of every battle?”

“So you have been thinking about that.”

 "Gods, yes! The first time we ever met, you were trying to seduce me on what was supposed to be a special day for my team. The next time was you trying to make moves on me again. Our first fight and you almost burn me alive, and later that night you were trying to explain to me how I view primals as only being capable of fucking and fighting, and eating, apparently. And now here you are, telling me that you need me to fuck you, or else you won’t be able to fight anymore… are you going to offer me some breast meat next?”

Fira was fuming. “Don’t act like you know anything about me. That I have to sleep with stupid men to hold on to my thoughts doesn’t reduce my existence to a series of holes for you to pleasure yourself with! It would cost you nothing to help me, yet-”

“Who’s reducing who now? Do men only exist to fuck some sense into you?”

Fira paused, then began to speak in a calm but focused manner. “...There are only four primals capable of fighting right now. One of them is busy pulling the wagon, so that leaves three in most cases. Are you really telling me you want to drop that number down to two?”

Now Peter was fuming. “And you’re telling me we really need your kind of help?”

“Let me first dispel your own misunderstandings. That fight against the pack of Frens? Who was the tamer who got into a fist fight with one of them? When I heard the shouting, I came running immediately, and then-”

“And then you almost blasted me-”

“I don’t have super precise skills, and I know my own abilities better than you do. When I used ‘Flamethrower,’ I wanted to push you and the Fren away from the wagons so I could get a better shot. What would this argument be about if I just stood and watched because I’m afraid to use my own skills? Hmm? You’d be complaining that ‘Fira just stands around and does nothing,’ right? Why don’t you ask them,” Fira said as she pointed towards Kalista and Gaia, ”how today would have played out if I wasn’t there.”

Fira drew closer to Peter, and began to coldly whisper. “I didn’t take pleasure in what I had to do to Sally today. There was a choice. I could have sided with the Free Women like she did, and took everyone out from behind. But instead I fought her, and then I helped your primals you care so much about as well. I did those things thinking that I would get to Shantee with the rest of you. If going feral is what’s waiting for me, then who's to say what I’ll do the next time we come across a group like that.”

“There’s no more of them between here and Shantee, I asked Rin while we were traveling.”

“So you don’t trust Occo, but you trust Rin now?” 

Peter grimaced. “...It’s not fair. You’re the one who joined this escort quest, it’s your responsibility to be able to do your job. Why do I have to pay for your tamer’s failures?”

“Is that what this is about? Paying? Fine, I’ll even pay you.”

Peter snorted. “You walk around practically naked all day, how are you going to pay me? Where would you get the money?” Fira turned her body perpendicular to Peter. “What, are you going to do a dance for me? More sex? Or-”

Peter went silent as Fira bent down slightly and spread her legs. Both her hands disappeared into her butt cheeks. Her expression turned lewd as she clenched her eyes and opened her mouth. She would briefly hold her breath for a moment, making a sound like she was pulling something, then stop and begin to pant, her tongue sticking out. After a few cycles, her hands were now visible, and Peter saw they were holding onto something pink. Finally, a small plop sound occurred, and Fira looked like she had just orgasmed, and in one of her hands now was a short pink phallus.

Breathing heavily, she stood up straight and brought it in front of her. One hand grasped the shaft upside-down, while the other held the bottom. With a pop, the bottom opened like a lid, and flipped the phallus onto her palm. Peter heard a brief jingling noise, and when she lifted the phallus from her hand it revealed a stack of sorted coins.

“Mmph,” Fira grumbled. “Here,” she held out a silver coin and a few coppers. “This should be far more than enough. I can’t believe you’re making me pay you for something like this.”

Peter briefly glanced toward Kalista and Gaia, who both looked like they were staring at something a thousand yards away. Peter was fairly certain he had them beat by a few miles. He stared at the money in Fira’s outstretched hand. “...No, I’m not taking money that’s been sitting in your ass all day.”

Fira frowned, “It’s clean! It’s in the-”

“No,” Peter said, shoving his palm towarf her. “I don’t want your money. I want a favor. A favor for a favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Fira’s eyes narrowed. 

“I don’t know yet. I’ll think of something.”

“What kind of tamer agrees to- oh, that’s right, your weird morals let you even set bandits go free.” Peter remained silent. “Fine, but it can’t be something that puts my life at risk. I don’t think having sex with me is worth something like ‘go die.’ ”


“Then let’s get this over with.”

“Kalista, you said you had some conditions?”

“Yes, I’ll need to do some preparations … give me until tomorrow morning.”

“Hmph. Fine, but whatever you have planned better keep me from going feral,” Fira said before walking away.

“Oh, it will,” Kalista said with a smile.

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