Primal Dawn

Volume 2 – Chapter 28

Vhelisa gently moved her thumb in a circular motion. The man laying across her supple thighs let out sharp and tired breaths with each revolution.

“That’s it… who’s a good boy…” 

Lips mouthed ‘Me,’ without daring to be heard, nor seen, concealed by the metal jaw-mask which he always wore.

“Hold it in… just a little longer, and there might be something for that dry throat of yours,” she teased while pushing her chest forward. Her holy vestments did little to hold back the mountains hanging above him.

Vhelisa abruptly squeezed.

Nostrils flared. His eyes clenched as he pumped his cock inside her tight motionless grip. He knew he would be punished. Perhaps that was her goal as she rarely deviated from the normal play. But nothing would stop him from continuing.


The man froze. His member began to soften. He carefully peeked to reveal Vhelisa, staring distantly towards the wall, wearing a look he’d not seen before.

Noticing his hesitation, she looked down on him and smiled politely. “Don’t stop.”

The man quickly nodded and slowly and solemnly bucked his hips. Kaze. Why. Why did she say his name? He continued to use Vhelisa’s hand to stroke him, the pleasure now slightly minced with pain. The click clack of shoes against the marble floor began to grow louder outside the entrance to Vhelisa’s chambers.

“Don’t. Stop.” Vhelisa reminded as the door swung open, hitting the wall with a small crash. 

“Vhelisa, is-” The woman suddenly looked disgusted. Ordered, the man could not, should not, stop. But no command had forced him to go even faster. The squish squash sound of fingers churning meat held all the room’s attention for a brief instant.

“The sword of god is no more,” Vhelisa finally stated plainly.

“Then we…” The woman glared at Vhelisa’s left shoulder moving up and down. “Must you do that now? We cannot afford to lose the sacred artifact! What direction is his corpse?”

Vhelisa shook her head. “Gone. Reduced to nothing, or perhaps outside the borders of this world. My magic no longer has anything to trace nor cling to.”

“What? Even before, you must have kept tabs-” Vheliza shrugged. The intruding woman’s hands curled into fists. “You, who insisted we hand them our artifacts, allowed them to leave the city, and you did not care t-?!”

“Do not forget who you are speaking to.” For a moment, the room fell almost silent.

Squish squish.

“Yes, God-Vessel Vhelisa,” the woman said, failing to contain her contempt. She quickly turned and left the room, swinging the door open once more and into the wall with an even greater crash.

Vhelisa did not even bother to watch the fleeting figure as she turned her attention back to the man on her lap. “Good boy,” she smiled.

Gaia shifted nervously on the stone floor.

Peter had called for a rest. Fira exhausted herself, and she as well could use a break. Continuously casting “Nature’s Beauty” to fuel the inferno was no small effort. There could be no thoughts of conserving energy when fighting an opponent like Kaze.

Somehow they’d managed to defeat him. Somehow. Yet Gaia could not feel anything but dread. It was not the battle that bothered her though.

No. It was everything leading up to it.

She’d shoved Peter into the portal. Then tried to forcefully carry him away, trying to abandon Kalista, his Kalista, in the process.

As if hearing her thoughts, the primal in question briefly shared a glance before turning away. Gaia didn’t stare long. Kalista was sitting against Peter, their backs against each other. If it wouldn’t be so obvious, Gaia would move to the other side of the room, against the wall Kalista was staring at.

If only it wouldn’t be so obvious.

“Hey, Peter,” Fira’s voice broke the silence. She was spread naked on the floor, the flames she normally wore had been thrown in along with the rest of her attack.


“How much of that fight had you planned?”

Gaia’s mouth hung open, only to quickly close. Did Peter with Kalista..? No, everyone in the room looked surprised. Everyone, except him.

“You think that was intentional?” he asked, wearing an expression Gaia did not understand.

Fira shrugged. “Just a thought. I’d be impressed if that was the case. Why else would you have made me wait outside?”

“Hmph,” Peter let out a short chuckle then looked to the floor, staring at something unknown far beneath the tiles. “I guess you’ll be disappointed then,” Peter replied, sounding sad.

“I see. And the reason?”

He glanced at Fira then back to the floor. “You’re still tired. Even your flames haven’t returned. Close your eyes… and get some rest.”

“R-right,” she replied, curling and angling her body towards Peter, and away from Erst.

Gaia’s eyes narrowed. What did Fira get from that? Her mind began to race. She always felt that Peter saw her as ‘knowledgeable’. But for Fira to grasp some hidden meaning from that but not her?

This… this upstart! Interloper! She is not even bonded with him! And dares to be so familiar?!

A chill suddenly rolled over Gaia. What if Peter… what if.. somehow.. he starts to resent her for what she did? And all she did was follow the instructions Kalista had laid out for her long ago!

No, no. He needs her. The plan. Peter’s plan needed a healer. Without her, he…


Peter just obtained a vial. A hero, burned black, was about to drink from that vial. Gaia wasn’t sure if her healing could have ever restored those kinds of injuries. Yet Kaze desperately tried to drink from it.

But it’s just one vial. Even if it was super powerful, there’s no possible way it could outperform her in the long run.

Gaia let out a chuckle. She worried too much. Surely, there was nothing to worry about. Her place was secure. But just in case…

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