Primal Dawn

Volume 2 – Chapter 5

The second day of the escort quest could only be described as frustrating.

Around midday, a group of Goblins had attacked the caravan. During the first attack, Peter and the others had been able to wipe out half, but the others managed to escape.

The survivors then took it upon themselves to take revenge for their fallen comrades. They used hit-and-run tactics, and took the run part very seriously. It might even be incorrect to call it 'hit-and-run', since by the end they weren't hitting anything. Only lobbing a log to show that they were nearby and then promptly fleeing into the forest. The caravan had already set up camp when the last Goblin was defeated. She was breathless when she threw her weapon, and couldn't muster the energy to move out of the way of the stream of flame flying towards her. Fira hadn't even bothered standing when she spotted her, that was how tired they all were.

On the third day, Peter was sitting quietly on the front wagon trying to nap when Sina suddenly spoke. “Master, up ahead.”

Peter opened his eyes to catch Sina rattling Lore. In the middle of the road ahead appeared to be a large, overturned wagon. The wooden planks which would have made up its sides were strewn about, and two of the wheels were torn off. Besides the wreckage of the wagon itself, there didn't seem to be much else present. Nothing except for the three figures which seemed to be inspecting it. He could clearly tell one of them was an Arachnid from this distance, but the other two he was uncertain.

“Primals?” Peter asked aloud.

“All.” Sina replied.

In the distance Peter could see one of their heads turn towards them. Peter summoned Gaia and Kalista fearing an attack.

To his surprise, the primals didn't all immediately begin to run towards them. Instead, one of them seemed to walk a short distance in their direction, then stopped in the middle of the road and waved to them.

“We'll have to move the wagon out of the way.” Lore said. “There's not enough room to go around.”

“Looks like they're tamed,” Peter said aloud. Lore frowned. Peter hopped off the edge of the wagon and began walking towards the unknown party. He signaled for Kalista and Gaia to follow him.

As Peter moved past the Centaur, he could just barely hear Lore whisper to Sina, “Get Fira and Bryan, quickly!”

Peter exchanged glances with Kalista and Gaia but continued forward. He soon realized the figure that had initially moved towards their caravan seemed to be a Templar, and the third was a Goblin. About fifty feet away, she shouted, “Stop where you are! Identify yourselves!”

Peter let out a sigh of relief. “Peter Righten. I am a tamer, and these are my two primals, Kalista and Gaia. We are escorting a caravan to Shantee.”

“And the others?”

“You won't introduce yourself?”

“I am Brinda. And the others?”

“Why so interested?”

“We were attacked by a large group of primals. They kidnapped our tamer. If you help us, we may be able to rescue him in time.”

“Oh.” Peter replied, appearing apologetic. “I...” Peter felt conflicted. “I will ask our escortee if we can help.” Would Lore put up a fuss? Peter could always argue that he was paid to bring him to Shantee, not get there efficiently. A short detour shouldn't hurt.

“How many of you are there? If there is not enough of you, then there's no point in asking.”

“Six primals between three tamers.”

“The tamers, all men I presume?”

“Yes?” Peter replied, puzzled.

Brinda smiled. “Then the odds are in our favor.”

“Net!” The Arachnid suddenly shouted, sending out a silken web towards Peter. The overturned wagon began to hover, then flew to the side of the road, revealing four primals underneath.

Peter froze, to shocked to move. Kalista grunted as she drew her sword and sliced the web in half midair. “Vengeance! Peter, get back to the Caravan!”

As he was about to retreat, Brinda shouted, “We are the Free Women!” The primals which had been hiding walked up beside her. “Rejoice bonded sisters, for your liberation is at hand! We build a community which lets you choose your own destiny! A life where you no longer must obey a worthless human, the possibilities are endless! If you hand over your tamer peacefully, we will spare you. Even welcome you to our organization! But resist...” A sword and large shield appeared in Brinda's hands. “Then you will die here! I will make this offer only now. You won't get the chance to beg later.”

Peter's mouth hung open. Who would...

“I will consider, but first answer me this. If they are worthless, then what do you need the men for?” Gaia?! Kalista let out a low hiss through her teeth in a mixture of surprise and anger.

Brinda smiled. “No matter how spineless they are, we primals need their essence all the same. You and I would not be able to converse without it. They will become our communal property, shared between the Free Women to ward against the feral state we would find ourselves in. A temporary solution as we wait for the coming of the Primal Lord!”

“Primal Lord?” Peter asked, puzzled.

“Yes! The Primal Lord will free us, forever! His majestic cock will pierce the clouds and shower the earth in gold! Wombs will throb! Throats will bulge! And we will be free, able to do as we please!”

“You... you have just described a man. A well endowed one, I suppose, if his cock can reach the sky.”

“Do not insult our god! A man uses his tool for evil! To have primals submit to it! But the Primal Lord uses his only for pleasure! He will never demand! Primals will be free to submit, but also free to leave. To do as they please! That is the difference!”

“I have heard your words! I will join, but only under one condition!” Gaia shouted as she shot Peter and Kalista a glance. “I would join, along with my sister in arms! But only if we retain exclusive access to him!” She said while extending her hand towards Peter.

“It sounds like you wish to remain bonded with him.” Brinda chuckled while shaking her head. “We have very few rules that we live by.” She leaned down slightly, then began to charge forward. “No. Bonds. Allowed!”

“Nature's Beauty!” Gaia shouted. She threw the powder right in front of her and turns to run, pulling Peter by the hand. “That should have bought the others some time,” Gaia muttered.

Peter glanced backwards towards the primals chasing them. One Templar, Two Goblins, Two Fren, One Arachnid, and One Dryad. They had nearly finished funneling past the sides of the rising cloud when a stream of fire flew past Peter's head.

It landed dead center within Gaia's ability and triggered a fiery explosion. The primals which had been underneath the wagon had been the last to walk by the cloud. The Dryad and a Fren were knocked off the road to the side. The Fren, although injured, quickly began running to rejoin the others while the Dryad stayed behind and attempted to heal its injuries.

“Almost hit me again,” Peter sighed as he saw Fira ready another ability. Next to her, Lore was finishing removing the straps which attached Rena to the wagon.

With one last snap, his Centaur surged forward, with a surprised Sina soon following her. “Wait, Rena!” Lore shouted after her.

“We must press forward! Whilst they are separated!” Her glaive materialized within her hand and she readied it. “Overwhelm Them!” The four legs which supported her large body began to work even harder, the sound of her thunderous hooves hitting the dirt beating like a drum.

Even Sina seemed to be going faster. Was that a taunt, or a skill?

“I'm going with them!” Kalista shouted. As Zin passed by, Peter could tell Kalista was moving faster too.

“Peter, go to Lore and the others, we'll take it from here!” Gaia shouted.

Peter nodded and ran towards the caravan. He spotted Fira and Sally arguing, and Bryan looking embarrassed. Was now really the time to be having petty squabbles?

He arrived right at the peak.

“And you're trying to find a new tamer anyway!” Sally shouted.

“That and this is different!” Fira retorted.

“What's going on here!” Peter shouted. He pointed towards the primals fighting behind him. “They're fighting outnumbered right now, what are you waiting for?!”

Sally grimaced. A log appeared in her hands. “Throw!” She tossed it towards the ongoing battle. Good, even if she was far away, it should at least...

Peter's eye's followed the trajectory of the log. He didn't even gasp, only raised his hand into a fist as it began to glow. “GAIA, JUMP LEFT.”

As if her body was being pulled by strings, Gaia suddenly lunged leftwards. She looked back at Peter momentarily confused before she saw the wooden log crash right where she had been standing.

“What are you doing?!” Peter angrily shouted as he turned back towards Sally. “And you!” His head twisted towards Bryan. “Why haven't you sent her to help the others? You're her tamer! If we lose this fight, they could all die!”

Bryan raised his hand. “S-Sally, I o-order you to help them.”

A log appeared in her hands. As she pulled her arms backwards, Peter's eyes widened. “Gladly.” The last thing he remembered was a large chunk of wood barreling towards him.

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