Primal Lust

17. Blue Woman’s Big Blue P*ssy

What in the hell..? There were no blue people in the village.. Was she even a human..? She looked pretty human though. She was also wearing the same styled an animal skin on her waist while her two pink nipples on a very blue above average boobs looked cute in the open sunlight.

She was in a shock and was not moving, looking directly in his wolf eyes, trying her best to keep calm. She probably thought he was a wild animal or monster since Rowan had yet to see normal wolf in this world. Her color matched the blue trees behind her and she had just taken a bath he guessed, since her odor was not as strong and her body and hair were still wet.

Blue skin, and hmm.. That was the only difference. Even her eyes were same as humans and no tail. Fortunately or unfortunately this was no avatar shit.

She carefully took a step back her hand stretched on the side where a bow and a spear were laid out. Sneakily trying to attack huh..? Well that would be the best option facing a random monster.. Running would just show weakness...

She took another step and got even more closer to her weapons. Rowan didn’t want her to be scared and attack him so he broke the eye contact and continued swimming around in his huge wolf form, it felt so freaking amazing. When he finally looked back the blue woman had her weapons on and was leaving step by step slowly while aiming at him with her arrow. Her face showed tension and fear.

Rowan ignored her. If he wanted to catch her, he could do it anytime with her smell known to him. Right now scaring her some more would result to nothing good. He could just revert back to human form but revealing his skill to strange women did not fit well with him. Anyways he didn’t even know if the blue people were some kind of enemy of their tribe and she would just attack him even if he reverted back. He ignored her and enjoyed swaying left and right in the cool water.

In some minutes her smell disappeared. She was gone from there. Well it was for the better. He also needed to focus on his monster hunting. But first a bit more swimming in the giant wolf form, he was so big, even in the deepest part of the river he could stand on his back legs and keep his face out. His eyes did not feel as vulnerable as a human’s would underwater. After playing around for some 15 minutes Rowan had enough fun for the day, so he brought his head out of underwater and made way towards the river bank.

However the familiar smell came back, Rowan slowly looked in the direction of the way her smell was coming from, clever she had crossed the river to mess with his sense of smell and had come out on the other side of the river. Changing his direction Rowan also swam to the opposite side, he noticed the vegetation move a little, maybe she was surprise seeing the change but she didn’t back down this time and waited for him to come.

She was brave, he had to give her that.

He came out of the water and sprayed the water all around moving his whole body like a dog, well it just came naturally he didn’t even think about what he was doing. His fur were still dripping wet, but she could at least see his full height now. And despite that she was still in the trees, not going back at all. Rowan just stayed like that standing at the edge of the river looking directly at the place she was hiding but not going further, trying to tell her that she was safe to come out, she understood his intentions and at last came out of the tree she was hiding under. Looking deep in his eyes with a curious look.

Rowan still did not move and step by step she got closer. At last she was close enough to touch his huge body. Her hand gently trailed under his wet fur, a smile on her face. Seeing that she was comfortable, Rowan decided to play with her. If she was from an enemy tribe.. Well who cared about that...

Slowly turning his head, he touched her face showing affection. She also giggled and let last bit of her caution go, touching him with all her heart. Stepping the game up a bit Rowan brought his wolf head a bit more down and snuggled besides her thigh and legs. She stepped back but then moved forward and let him do whatever he wanted in her curiosity. Rowan did not hold back at all and opening his big jaw he took out his thick long tongue, she hesitated a bit but stayed in her position. Her giggles subsiding a bit. Having a good angle Rowan licked from down her thighs to her waist, smelling her cute pussy and tight asshole at the same time nudging her animal skin up.

Feeling his big warm rough tongue on her toned thighs she giggled once again but this time she knew what was going on, and the laugh was a bit embarrassed one. She understood at last what he wanted and did not stop him. Rowan licked her other thigh trying to get the skin up, however just as he was going to succeed, she nudged him away gently. Rowan could have protested but he didn’t, taking two steps back he looked into her eyes, as if ordering her to show her assets.

Rowan did not know if she understood or not but her blue cheeks had a bit of a purple glow in it as if she was embarrassed. Well at least she had modesty, not from a wild barbaric tribe, if she did belong to one at all. She looked down as if thinking what to do and how to deal with this immoral situation, just to mess with her, Rowan tried turning around and going back into the water but immediately he felt her hand on his neck as she drew his focus back on her. Guess she had made a decision.

She breathed in deeply and with on fell swoop removed her animal skin. Her body built like an athlete with hidden lines of abs was gorgeous to look upon in the clear daylight. She had black pussy hair, matching her head. But the pussy.. now this was interesting. Her outer pussy lips which normally were pink or darker shade for most people were dark purple. The muscle inside still looked red just like normal people but the inner pussy lips were light blue making a great contrast with the darker pussy shape. That was one of the most beautiful and delicious looking pussy Rowan had ever seen. The color just looked right, natural, not like that fake sci fi movies stuff.

With a nudge of his nose she fell on the ground below on her naked butt with a cute little noise. She looked like a hunter or a warrior which made the change in her character even more adorable. With another nudge Rowan touched her legs. She looked up in his big eyes, her eyes trying to make sense of the situation, but with his another nudge she relented and spread her legs wide open, revealing her beautiful pussy to the outer world. Breathing it in Rowan extended his big fat rough tongue once again, it was thicker than his human hands and wide enough to cover her whole thigh.

With just one deep nice lick Rowan could reach all the way from just above her ass-line to her clit making her tremble and moan under his touch. Her hands making a fist, grabbing the clean dirt under her. She opened her eyes as he stopped and looked into his eyes with a face that screamed ‘Please, Do it again...’. Rowan being a good guy fulfilled her wish and rubbed his big tongue on her cute little alien pussy, spooning the fuck out of her.

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