Primal Lust

9. Promise

His mother just smiled and held his shoulder proudly.

“He must have used a trap.. He is clever like that...”

“Anyway.. It’s a really lucky catch.. With this you guys can get enough Everblooms to last for a two full moons..” Selina shared her experience.

“And with enough of those..” Selina added looking mischievous. “Being this his first prey.. He can experience the pleasures of being an adult...”

The look Selina gave him was the very definition of ‘Come on, use them and come fuck me..’ and of course he wasn’t the only one who noticed it. His mother on the side had a face with a frozen smile as if she forgot where she was.

She only returned to her usual cheery self when Rowan held her shoulder with warmth.

“Ohh... Uhm.. Thank you.. I will think about it..” That was enough to put a smile to his mother’s face.

She had not asked directly so it wasn’t a rejection but still Selina’s face turned into a pout as she said bye with a ‘Hmphh’ and walked back to her hut. Rowan looked back towards his mother and she did the same, their eyes met and they both instantly burst in a fit of laughter. It wasn’t a good thing to laugh at someone like that but Selina just looked so cute and comical with her pout and stomping feet.

Rowan told his mother to do as she felt right with the prey, he also gave her the three fruits and walked outside the hut to go near the river to wash his body that had blood on it. The river going through the village was the same one that he had seen in the forest. It was the same waling distance from his hut house as the village gate. Rowan saw many woman and men going around their business to and from the river. When he finally reached at the bank of the river, no one was around him. There were some children, teenagers but they were at a distance barely visible. Rowan removed his animal skin and just walked into the water. An urge to just turn into the wolf to enjoy the cold clean water on his fur came into his heart but he didn’t risk it.

He could always bath in the forest as a wolf. The changes in his body were also evident from the level up. With increased physic, his clarity and senses were also enhanced. He had some of the wolf trait like being able to see in the dark, heightened smelling senses and that was this indescribable feeling in his heart whenever he saw a shadow as if there was a depth in that shadow, he could hold it, feel it. It would have to do something with his [SHADOW DANCE] skill he guessed. There was plenty time to experiment once night comes. For now he enjoyed the cold refreshing water and cleaning himself.

Going back to his hut, it was already evening time. The suns were red in the distant sky, on the edge of disappearing. When he got near his hut house, he smelled a familiar scent. It was his beautiful red headed sister. Rowan happily walked inside the hut and found her resting on the woven mat looking worn out. Was that the side effect of using too much mana..? His mother was no where nearby and neither were the three preys he had gotten for them.

“Ulug.. Nice to see you weren’t lost in the woods for once... Where is mother..?” She asked while getting up in a sitting position.

“She went in the village for trade I think..” Rowan answered.

“What do we have to trade for..?”

Rowan did not reply. She wouldn’t believe him even if he told her. And he didn’t have to as his mother came rushing in the hut with some meat and a bucket full of colorful fruits.

“What..? Where did you get all this..?” His sister asked shocked at the amount.

His mother however did not reply and just looked at him. He nodded slightly. Then she told her everything and of course she did not believe them. So he did what he had done for his mother, but this time he remembered to change for just a while and not get lost in their sexy smells. His sister was beyond ecstatic finding out that, her brother had a good working skill. She was alone earing food for them but now she could just work when she wanted and not as a necessity.

However now was the time for which Rowan had waited for a long time to tell.

“Mother, there is something I wish to tell you...”

“Huhm..? What is it Ulug..?” She asked smiling while sitting near his sister showing her the fruits and the big pieces of meat that she had brought for them as a dinner and the rest was stored in a village storage which was a hut and an ability of one guy who had ice related power.

“I can bring food like this whenever we need..”

“Uhm.. Yes dear..” His sister also stopped looking at the fruits and paid attention towards him listening his serious tone.

“So there is no need for you to barter any longer...”

They both looked at him with serious faces. Then his sister also looked at his mother as if showing the support for what he had just said.

“Uhm.. Some of the men are high seniors from uphill, village chief’s people.. I can’t say no without making the relationship bad between us and them..” She explained her reasoning.

“Do you trust me..?” Rowan asked looking into her eyes.

“Uhm.. it’s not lik...”

“Do you..?” Rowan asked again.

“Of course.. I am your mother.. I will always trust you.. You are my baby..” She said with a determined face.

“They are the ones who will need our favor... Don’t worry about pleasing everyone... We don’t have to live on someone’s wishes.. If something happens I will manage it...” Rowan said touching her face gently and kissing her forehead.

They both were surprised by the weird gesture but still they smiled happily and hugged him together.

“I never though I would feel so reassured hearing such things from your mouth..” said his older sister.

“He has finally grown up...” His mother added.

Even though both their naked breasts were touching his naked chest, Rowan did not feel anything. This was just not that type of hug. He had no one in his life before on earth but now there were two people who cared for him and he cared for them. Rowan did not know how powerful the most powerful warrior in the village was but with his skill and constant level ups he was confident to have equal chance in fight against any of those guys.

Just his martial arts knowledge alone would be a dangerous thing with his enhanced strength, adding into a powerful mythical creature’s body and his own mind he was confident enough to live life on his own terms. His things were his and no one not even the village chief had the right to touch them.

Maybe his thinking was a bit backwards but it was era appropriate. In this world power was indeed everything. And he had enough of that.

They ate the delicious meat of the Duclope as much as they could till there was natural light outside. Once the night fell, they prepared to sleep. For Rowan who was from modern era sleeping so early felt unnatural. Yesterday he couldn’t see anything so he forced himself to sleep but today.. Today he could see clear as day. Letting his mother and sister sleep, Rowan walked out of the hut. He told them to sleep, he had some things to do. They questioned but at last accepted when he described how clear he could see their bodies.

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