Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 51

''We've been here for almost 30 minutes, but no northern lights have appeared yet," Natasha said as she looked around.

"You're right, give me an address and we'll try our luck," Damian said.

''Let's head east then,'' Natasha said.

''Sure'' Damian said before using gravity to gently guide the balloon to where Natasha directed him.

"Tell me, what will we do when I have my younger body?'' Natasha asked.

"What exactly do you mean?" asked Damian.

''Will you treat me like Carol and Ana or will you wait for my body to mature?" asked Natasha looking at the scenery.

''I don't know, it's also about what you think, it's better to leave it for when the time comes, that everything comes out naturally,'' said Damian.

''Surely the FBI could come after you, a 37-year-old man with a 14-year-old girl," Natasha laughed.

''Luckily I have diplomatic immunity, so no one can save you," Damian said, squeezing Natasha a little tighter against his waist.

"What if I don't want to be saved?" asked Natasha, turning around and looking at him with sparkling eyes.

''Then you mustn't tell anyone,'' Damian said, smiling before leaning over and kissing Natasha.

Natasha couldn't help but feel aroused as she kissed Damian, she was inexperienced but eager to learn.

When they parted lips, they looked at each other affectionately before Natasha laid her head against Damian's chest.

In turn, Damian stroked her red hair affectionately.

''It was nice, I'm so glad I failed that mission,'' Natasha said.

''We've just started, there's a lot of happiness in your life that has to make up for what you've been through,'' Damian said.

''I will have to make myself worthy of this happiness by making up for my past,'' Natasha said with a brighter expression full of optimism.

''I think you are worthy just because of your sincere intentions'' Damian said, smiling at her.

Natasha only smiled slightly before green lights caught her attention.

"Look, Northern Lights, I guess we've found it," Natasha said.

''So it seems, it's really beautiful'' said Damian, turning to look as he hugged Natasha with one arm.

Damian and Natasha watched the aurora for quite a while as they enjoyed each other's presence before deciding to return.

Damian began to descend in altitude while conversing with Natasha.

"So what would you like to do now?" asked Damian, smiling as he took her hand.

"I don't know, what do you usually do on dates? Natasha asked.

''It depends on each person, it could be going to dinner at a restaurant to get to know each other better or they could also go to the movies or maybe a picnic,'' Damian said.

''Also, we could all go home and do something together,'' Damian said, smiling.

''Sounds great," Natasha said with a smile.

"Then let's go," Damian said.

The balloon descended and Damian put it in his dimensional pocket before taking Natasha's hand and appearing in her room.

"Are we going to do anything else so we have to come to my room?" asked Natasha with an innocent smile.

''I think it's too soon,'' Damian said with a laugh.

"Maybe a little test?'' Natasha said, smiling at him with a slight blush.

''I'm sure it can be done'' said Damian approaching Natasha before kissing her.

Natasha wrapped her arms around Damian's neck as she kissed him.

Damian merely grabbed her slender waist as he kissed Natasha.

''I think we should go downstairs and check out that board game,'' Natasha said in a sultry voice.

''I guess so,'' Damian said as he kissed her cheeks.

''Go, I'll change before I go downstairs'' Natasha said lightly pushing his chest.

Damian merely gave her a light kiss on the hand before leaving her room with a smile.

Seeing Damian leave the room Natasha couldn't help but let out a sigh, Damian really provokes feelings she has never had.

She decided to take a bath to calm down.

She quickly showered and changed into comfortable clothes before heading downstairs.


Damian went down to the living room after leaving Natasha's room.

He could sense that everyone was there and Damian could imagine what they were doing.

Upon arrival, as Damian expected, they were playing with the new console.

Carol and Ana were having an intense fight, Carol was excited and moving around a lot, unlike Ana who had a cold and focused expression.

Monica and Sofia were on the couch as they chatted and occasionally watched the game, especially Monica who was waiting her turn.

"Where's Ophelia?" asked Damian.

''She got a call and ran out,'' Monica said.

''Have they been at this all day?'' Damian asked.

''That's right, they haven't even changed the game,'' Sophia said upon hearing that.

''It's a pretty good game, although a game with more than two players would be nice,'' Monica said.

''Well, we'll see about that in the future,'' Damian said, smiling.

"I won!" shouted Carol before looking at Ana gloating.

Ana merely put on an expression of disinterest before putting down the remote and approaching Damian.

''How did it go?" asked Ana, giving him a hug and lightly rubbing her head against Damian's chest.

''Oh Damian, you're early'' Said Carol finally realizing and wondering if she had won because Ana wanted to say hello to Damian.

''It went well, we went to Norway and saw the Northern Lights," says Damian.

"And what else did you do?" asked Carol with a mischievous grin.

''Can you talk about this another time please?'' Monica asked without wanting to hear too many details.

''So we decided to go home, how about we play Monopoly?'' said Damian, smiling.

"With real money?" asked Monica, a little interested.

''Is there a difference? All the money you have you ask Damian for,'' said Carol mocking Monica.

''There is a difference, it feels more exciting'' said Monica ignoring the last part of what Carol said.

"Anyway, set up the game, Mom, are you going to play?" asked Damian.

''Of course, I never turn down an opportunity to make money," Sophia says cheerfully.

''Good, then there will be six of us,'' Damian said.

They all sat down at the table ready to play, but Natasha had not yet arrived, so they chatted nonchalantly as they waited for her to come down.

Finally, after a few minutes, they heard Natasha's footsteps coming down.

Natasha looked at everyone curiously before looking at the board that said Monopoly.

"What are we going to do?" asked Natasha before sitting down in the only empty seat between Ana and Sophia.

"We'll play Monopoly, have you ever played?'' Carol asked.

''No, I've never tried it,'' Natasha said.

"Okay, I'll explain the rules," Carol said, smiling.

After a few minutes, Carol explained to Natasha all the rules of the monopoly.

''So the object of the game is to bankrupt everyone else," Natasha said with a nod.

''That's right, be careful this game is almost a family tradition and there is no mercy or relationships when we sit at this table'' said Carol trying to put on a cool expression like Ana.

Natasha laughed lightly at Carol's expression.

''Then let's get started, let's roll dice to see the order and who takes chips first'' said Damian.

After everyone rolled the dice it was decided that the order was Sophia, Ana, Monica, Damian, Natasha, and Carol respectively.

Sophia acted as the bank and began to distribute the money to each player.

Sophia started the shift and fell into a property before buying it.

Everyone took their turn and the game progressed as most of the properties were purchased.

The luckiest ones already had houses on their properties and that's when the fun began, watching your rivals fall on your properties.

It was Damian's turn, so he shook the dice and rolled, rolling 3 and 4.

In an instant, he realized that he had landed on Natasha's property, which had 2 houses.

This property was ATLANTIC AVE, with a rent of $330.

Damian couldn't help but look pityingly at Natasha, who merely glanced at him with a faint smile.

"Can we negotiate? Damian asked.

"Oh? What property do you want to pay with?'' Natasha asked.

"Could it be with my body?" asked Damian with a wink.

''I'm afraid I don't have anything to give you back so I'll pass'' Natasha said flirtatiously.

Monica just grimaced at the flirtation.

Damian was only able to regretfully turn over his last $400, as he did not want to turn over any property.

Natasha cheerfully returned $70 with a smile.

Natasha rolled the dice and fortunately landed on a property that had not yet been purchased, so looking at Damian with a smile she pulled out the money he had given her to buy it.

Everyone just smiled slightly at Damian's misfortune.

Soon it was Carol's turn, who was a little nervous, as the area in which her token is located has many properties with houses in its path.

He rolled the dice and saw that unfortunately, it landed on one of Ana's properties, luckily, she didn't have a house so he just gave her the normal rent with a haughty look.

''Here is the money for your services tonight," Carol said, handing it to Ana.

Ana just looked at her coldly before taking the money.

As time went on, money flowed from one player to another and tension began to mount.

Finally, Monica was the first to go bankrupt as she fell many times on other people's properties and was unlucky that no one fell on hers.

She just gave them all an annoyed look before getting up and going to play with the new console.

Damian felt somewhat pressured, as he was the one with the least money and property, somehow he thought he would be the next to leave.

He could cheat but there is no point in deceiving his family, besides they had already agreed that without powers, although he is sure that no one could detect it and he could detect any attempt at cheating.

Finally, it was Damián's turn, and as he guessed it, he fell on a property owned by Ana that had a hotel.


''Ana, honey, we can negotiate,'' Damian said, giving Ana a very pitiful look.

Ana couldn't help but hesitate, she really wanted to tell him that she forgave what he owed her but if she did, there would be no point in the game.

Ana couldn't help but look away from Damian, pained.

Damian just looked at her devastated before handing her everything he had and leaving.

Ana couldn't help but feel a little sad that she had rejected Damian.

"All right, drama queen, give me the dice," Carol said, annoyed.

Natasha couldn't help but laugh softly with Sophia at the drama that had ensued.

Natasha realized that Ana was too attached to Damian and tended to do what he wanted, although their relationship was not toxic and seemed very interesting.

With only 4 players the game quickly approached the final phase, all the properties were bought and it was just a matter of being lucky not to fall into each other's properties.

In a moment of bad luck, Carol fell into the properties of many of the other players, but none fell into hers, so she had to turn over all her properties to pay her debt.

''I guess I'll go find Damian to comfort me'' said Carol with a mischievous grin as she shot a teasing glance at Ana before running off to where Damian was.

Ana couldn't help but get pissed off listening to Carol, somehow she thought it would have been better not to get her money.

Natasha couldn't help but be speechless either, maybe she should have lost to go snuggle with Damian for a while, but she was already too involved, she had never had money other than for missions so the feeling of buying and getting paid was very exhilarating.

With only 3 people, Natasha's superiority began to show as she had more property so there was a greater chance that they would fall and have to pay her.

Half an hour later a winner finally emerged and it turned out to be Natasha, she had been left alone against Sophia.

Although they both wondered if Ana lost on purpose to leave quickly with Damián.

With Natasha earning all the money, Sophia couldn't help but feel it was a shame, she wanted to buy a few things, but she had no choice but to ask her son for money.

''I guess I won," said Natasha, clearly happy about the new experience.

''Just beginner's luck,'' Sophia said, pursing her lips.

''Maybe, tell me, Sophia, why does this money look real?'' asked Natasha a bit puzzled, she knew something about it and felt they were real.

''It's because they are real, it makes it more fun'' Sophia said smiling, now she remembered that Natasha wasn't around when they said it was real money.

''So where do I have to leave the money?'' Natasha asked a little speechless about the fact that they play with real money.

''Oh honey, but if the money is yours, you don't have to give it back, you've won'' said Sophia smiling slightly.

''But it's almost $100,000," Natasha said hesitantly.

''Don't worry and accept it, pretend you went to the casino and won money,'' Sophia said nonchalantly.

''Besides it's not like you're a stranger, you're family'' Sophia told him, smiling softly at him.

''I'll keep it to myself for now'' said Natasha, somewhat embarrassed by Sophia's words.

''I guess we should eat something before we go to sleep, it's a little late'' said Sophia.

''Go let the others know we'll be eating shortly,'' Sophia said as she left.

Natasha walked into the living room where she assumed everyone would be, there she found Carol and Monica playing and Ana cuddled up with Damian on the couch.

When she entered the room she caught the attention of Damian and Ana, who smiled at her.


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