Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 54

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Natasha was enjoying her new life at home, Damian was always flirting with her and making her feel sweet, plus she could chat with Carol, Ana, or Sophia about all sorts of things.

She really felt integrated into the "Haren", as Carol and Ana used to joke.

At SHIELD she also felt very comfortable, as she felt she was making a difference by indirectly helping people.

Her relationship with Clint was also excellent, they could be considered friends, they used to go on missions that were relatively easy for their abilities, and when not, they trained with each other.

But today was a very special day for Natasha, as it was the day Damian would be leaving.

Natasha knew that apart from Carol on one occasion they had never been apart that long, especially Ana, she could see her mood getting worse these days as she literally never left Damian's side for more than a day.

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed since she is the cause but she was also touched that Damian would do this for her.

She could only pray for Damian's safe return.


Damian stood in front of his family after saying goodbye.

Everyone close to him was there, even Maria, Jane, Ophelia and Monica had come to say goodbye.

Damian didn't warn Jen, seeing the sadness on his family's faces she might start digging and he didn't want her to get into the multiverse.

Damian just smiled slightly at them, he could see Carol and Ana's faces a little upset about the separation but he understood them after all he was going to miss them too.

Natasha seemed to be trying to give him a smile, he supposed she didn't want to seem annoyed knowing he was doing it for her.

''Don't worry, it may take less than a month,'' Damian said.

''Before you know it I'll be back.''

''Goodbye," Damian said with a soft smile before disappearing.

Everyone stood silently staring at the empty spot where Damian used to be.

"I'll go patrol space," Carol said suddenly.

''I'll go to sleep,'' said Ana.

But before they could leave, an annoying voice called out to them.

''Carol, Ana, you are not the only ones annoyed by this situation, think of Natasha, how will she feel if you show that kind of attitude?'' Sophia said with a scowl, reprimanding them.

''It's only a month, behave yourselves,'' Sophia said.

Carol and Ana couldn't help but pause at Sofia's reprimand, they knew she was right, they were looking for ways to deal with Damien's absence.


''You're right, I'm sorry Nat, don't think I'm upset with you for this situation, it's just that we had never been separated'' Carol said looking at Natasha apologetically, Carol, from her point of view, had never really separated from Damian when she separated she didn't remember him.

''It's okay, I feel guilty too, after all, it's because of me that Damian decided to leave'' said Natasha.

''Are you showing off?'' asked Ana, gawking at her.

''You depend too much on Damian, it will be good for you to have this time to yourselves,'' Sophia said.

''Hmph, you don't understand'' Ana said, snorting in annoyance.

''Wow, that's awkward," Ophelia said with a giggle, oblivious to the atmosphere.

Monica just gave her a sidelong glance, she wasn't happy about her father's departure either.

''It's okay, she'll be back soon,'' Jane said, stroking Monica's back to comfort her.

''How about we go to a hot spring?'' Carol said.

''It wouldn't be bad, I need to relax from work'' Maria said touching her shoulder, if she was sincere she didn't care about Damian leaving, he was only coming back in a month and with his abilities, she doesn't see how anything could happen to him.

''Good, then we'll go to some hot springs, Ophelia, arrange everything,'' Sophia said, satisfied.

''What!, why me?'' Ophelia asked with annoyance.

''Do it or I'll keep your gift'' Said Ana looking at Ophelia, the perfect person to let off steam.

''If you do that I'll tell everyone what you secretly sold me'' Ophelia said looking at Ana with disdain.

''You don't dare'' Said Ana looking at her coldly.

''Try me'' Ophelia said, staring at Ana.

They intensely exchanged looks before Ana relented as she didn't want the other three vampires to find out and damage her business.

''I'll give you double next time,'' Ana said to buy her silence.

''Good'' Ophelia said, satisfied before leaving to arrange everything.

After Ophelia left everyone looked at Ana with judgment.

Ana continued with her indifferent face ignoring everyone.


Damian appeared in an unknown location in space, if he knew he was going to miss the hot springs episode he would surely turn back.

Since Damian evolved his familiar with the space stone he began to feel some areas in space where he felt a kind of fissure.

Damian deduced that they were access points to other timelines and areas where universes were connected.

When he reached the area he gently touched his finger to the spot in front of him and as if he had touched a surface his finger stopped, he used his space-time powers and where he was touching his finger began to fragment like a broken mirror before forming a kind of portal.

Without hesitation, Damian plunged into that portal before appearing in a total void where the only light was the two timelines.

It's curious since the timelines look somewhat similar to Bifrost.

Damian watched the pleasant scenery for a while before looking off into the distance, where there was a castle floating in the nothingness, he could clearly see a man looking at it from the window.

Ignoring the man, he approached the other timeline, when he got too close he started to get sucked into it, Damian resisted and looked at the timeline to see what year he was in, seeing that it was 2010 he moved backward until he reached an entry in 2015.

Damian had to be careful with the timing of entering the timeline because when he enters it in a certain way he is coupled to it and time moves forward normally if he leaves the timeline for a month when he returns exactly one month will have passed.

He finally felt that 2015 was a good time for his needs, so he didn't resist the suction and entered the timeline.

Damian felt he went through some sort of bubble before appearing in space, Damian wasn't sure exactly where so he just teleported back to earth.

He appeared in New York above the clouds as he looked around, easily spotlighting the Avengers tower.

He knew he was in 2015, but not exactly at what point in time.

On the internet, he found no trace of Ultron so it was before the events of the second movie.

As Damian was thinking about what to do, he saw a plane approaching and entering the tower before a person on a stretcher came out followed by all the Avengers.

Damian couldn't help but be speechless as he arrived right at the beginning of the Ultron events.

He knew there was going to be a party with quite a few guests so he decided to crash, his other business could wait for now.

He waited for about an hour until the guests began to arrive, Damian took advantage of those moments to sneak in, although it's hard to call it sneaking in since his appearance drew so much attention.

The atmosphere was lively and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Damian saw Natasha making herself a drink at the bar so he approached her.

''Hello,'' Damian said before sitting down.

''Hi,'' Natasha said reflexively before looking up at him and secretly surprised.

Natasha couldn't help but stare at him, she had never seen this person before, his appearance and aura of confidence ensured that he was no ordinary person, the problem was that she had never seen him before and in her job that was impossible.

Natasha was alert.

"Do I have something on my face?" asked Damian, smiling slightly, I could almost see the machinations in his head.

''No, it's just that I'm trying to remember your name, but for some reason, I can't remember it'' said Natasha smiling slightly.

''My name is Damian'' He replied.

''You don't have to introduce yourself, Miss Romanoff, you are very famous after all'' Damian said as he saw her about to introduce herself.

''I guess I'm a bit of a celebrity, can I fix you a drink?" asked Natasha, smiling sweetly at him.

''Sure'' Damian said, smiling.

Damian just calmly watched as Natasha prepared a drink.

''Here it is'' Natasha said leaning a little over the bar.

''So where are you from?'' Natasha asked, trying to get information.

''Actually, I'm from New York, although I'm sure you can't recognize me'' Damian said with a soft chuckle.

"And why is that?" asked Natasha, feigning confusion.

''Can you keep secrets?'' Damian asked with a smile.

''I think I'm pretty good at it," Natasha said, smiling.

''Come closer and I'll tell you'' said Damian moving a little closer to her.

Natasha was really at a crossroads, although she had acted a bit flirtatious to get information, she didn't want to get that close to this person with unknown intentions, especially since she could see Bruce looking in that direction.

Looking around Natasha noticed that only Steve and Tony occasionally glanced in her direction, she didn't know if out of curiosity or because they also detected something strange about the person in front of her.

Gritting her teeth Natasha brought her ear close to him.

''The truth is that I come from a parallel universe and that's why you don't know me'' said Damian, stepping back and looking at her with a smile.

Damian really didn't mind telling Natasha where he was from, even if he told everyone, it's not like it was illegal to go to other timelines.

''What?'' Natasha asked confused, although she had seen all sorts of things she didn't know if that could be possible.

''Actually, we know each other where I come from too, I couldn't help but approach you when I saw you'' said Damian laughing softly.

Natasha just stared at him, not quite believing him.

''Come on, ask me something'' Damian said, seeing her distrust.

''Hm, I don't know'' Natasha said in thought.

"How close is our relationship supposed to be?" asked Natasha, deciding to play along for now.

''You live in my house'' Damian said without going into too much detail.

''Well, then I guess you know my brother's name,'' Natasha said.

Damian laughed softly as he listened to her.

"You only have one sister, Yelena," Damian said.

Natasha couldn't help but shudder a little when she heard that name.

''I don't know how you know that,'' Natasha said, sighing.

Natasha was confused as the people who know about her sister are very few and she doesn't think they would tell an unknown person about it, out of the corner of her eye she saw Steve approaching so she signaled him to tell him that everything was in order.

''Suppose I believe you, what are you doing here?'' Natasha said, sighing.

''Actually, I'm here for you, of course I mean Natasha where I come from'' said Damian.

''Are you in a romantic relationship?'' Natasha asked seriously.

''That's right,'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Then you must know about 'it',''' Natasha said.

''That's right, I came for something that's a little bit related to that'' Damian said.

"And how are things there?" asked Natasha, more relaxed and at least trying to believe a little of what he said.

''Now it's 2005, so things are very different," says Damian.

''I see, I guess a lot will happen in 10 years'' Natasha said.

''Actually, some things still aren't that big,'' Damian said jokingly as he took a look at Natasha's chest.

Natasha only let out a slight chuckle at Damian's words.

''But you're happier where I come from,'' Damian said.

"Happy, huh?" Natasha said softly.

''Since I met you I will give you a gift that will serve you very soon, come closer'' said Damian laughing softly.

Natasha with some hesitation approached and watched as Damian's hand lit up before he put his finger on her forehead. Natasha didn't know what exactly he was doing but her instinct told her it wasn't a bad thing.

Natasha was a little stunned and gently stroked her forehead where she was touched.

''Nat, can I have something to drink?'' Asked Steve who after seeing what just happened couldn't wait any longer.

''Uh, yes of course,'' Natasha said before handing Steve a drink.

"And who is your friend?" asked Steve nonchalantly with a smile.

''This is Damian, a...friend'' Natasha said, hesitating on how to refer to Damian.

Steve,'' he said, introducing himself as he extended his hand.

''Damian, a pleasure,'' said Damian, smiling slightly.

Steve nodded amicably toward Damian before looking at Natasha.

''Nat I need you to help me with a matter for a few minutes, is it possible for you to come with me?'' Steve asked, smiling.

''Sure,'' Natasha said with a nod.

''Damian, I hope we'll continue our conversation another time,'' Natasha said.

''Sure, don't worry and chat here, I'll go look around'' Damian said, nodding to both of them before getting up and going over to where Thor was.


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