Prince of Crows

Ailment of The Shadows

As the conversation continued to flow between them, I found myself drawn into the warmth of the De Rosario family's embrace, a sense of kinship and camaraderie blossoming within the confines of the cozy sitting room. With each passing moment, I felt a growing connection to Konstantine and Seraphina, a bond forged through shared experiences and mutual understanding.

   After an hour of lively discussion and laughter, I reached into the inner pocket of my coat and retrieved the crystal bottle of medicine and the sealed envelope that Branwen had entrusted to me. With a respectful nod, I handed them over to Konstantine, my expression serious yet compassionate.

   "May I ask what your ailment is, Sir Konstantine?" I inquired gently, my voice laced with genuine concern. "My mother did not elaborate on the details. I assume it has to do with being a panther shifter? If you don't mind relieving my curiosity."

   My words reflected unwavering determination and a genuine desire to understand and alleviate the older man's suffering. As I awaited Konstantine's response, I couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for the man who had welcomed him into his home with open arms. For in that moment, I knew with absolute certainty that I would stop at nothing to ease Konstantine's pain and restore him to health once more.

Konstantine's POV

   As Malakai's inquiry lingered, Konstantine's mind churned with indecision. It was not a matter he often discussed, the nature of his affliction shrouded in secrecy and shame. Yet there was something in Malakai's earnest demeanor, a genuine concern that stirred a flicker of trust within him.

   After contemplating, Konstantine nodded slowly, his expression grave yet resolute. "Very well, Malakai," he began, his voice a low rumble that echoed with the weight of his words. "I will tell you what has been ailing me for over a century now."

   Leaning back in his chair, Konstantine closed his eyes briefly, steeling himself for the task ahead. "I am afflicted with a rare and insidious condition known as the Shadow Sickness," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of bitterness and resignation. "It is a curse that afflicts those of my kind – panther shifters – causing a gradual deterioration of the mind and body."

   As he spoke, Konstantine's gaze drifted to the window, his thoughts turning inward as he recounted the centuries of suffering he had endured in silence. 'How long has it been since that night?'

The Silva Ciminia, the Ciminian Forest, in 387 BCE

   Under the ethereal glow of the full moon, the ancient trees of the Silva Ciminia, also known as the Ciminian Forest, stood tall and proud, their gnarled branches reaching skyward like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the night. It was a place steeped in magic and mystery, where whispers of the past echoed through the rustling leaves, and the air was alive with the pulsating energy of the natural world.

   His mind was heavy with the weight of his affliction, the relentless march of the Shadow Sickness taking its toll on his body and soul. The darkness grew more intense with each passing day, its insidious grip tightening around his heart like a vice.

   But as he traversed the moonlit forest, Konstantine heard a sound that stirred something deep within him – the soft rustle of leaves, the gentle whisper of the wind, and the faint echo of footsteps treading softly upon the forest floor. Intrigued, he followed the sound, his senses heightened by the primal energy that pulsed through the air.

   And then, amidst the dappled moonlight filtering through the canopy above, he saw her – a vision of ethereal beauty in the moon's soft glow. She stood before him like a goddess of the forest, her lengthy hair cascading in waves of silver and gold, her eyes sparkling with ancient wisdom and power.

   She introduced herself as Branwen, a healer and guardian of the ancient forest, her voice soft yet commanding. At that moment, Konstantine felt a sense of calm wash over him, a feeling of serenity that he had not known in years.

   With a gentle touch, Branwen reached out to Konstantine, her hands glowing with a soft, golden light. And as she laid her hands upon him, Konstantine felt a surge of energy course through his body, a warmth that spread from his fingertips to the depths of his soul.

   For the first time in months, the relentless grip of the Shadow Sickness began to loosen, its dark tendrils recoiling in the face of Branwen's healing touch. As the moon hung high in the night sky, bathing the forest in its silvery light, Konstantine felt a glimmer of hope flicker within him—a hope that perhaps, with Branwen's help, he might yet find a way to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him.

   So, under the watchful gaze of the moon and the ancient trees, Konstantine and Branwen forged a bond that transcended time and space, a bond born of mutual respect and understanding. As they stood together in the heart of the Ciminian Forest, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, they knew that their fates were forever intertwined—bound by the threads of destiny and the magic of the ancient world.

Flashback ends

"Branwen found me that night, guided by the goddess Arianrhod. It had been a few months since my illness developed; there were stories about medicinal herbs in the Ciminian Forest that could cure just about any ailment. I am ashamed to say I was desperate back then, so under the full moon's skies, I trekked my way into the forest in the hope of a miracle. I never knew my foolish decision would bring me to my best and oldest friend."

   There was a fondness in Konstantine's words, a sense of spiritual love and affection that lingered in the air like a spring cloud. Yet despite the gravity of his revelation, there was also a glimmer of melancholy in his eyes – a sadness that perhaps, even with Branwen's help, he might not find a way to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him.

   "As of late, the symptoms have grown more severe," Konstantine admitted, his voice tinged with a note of acceptance. "My mind wanders, my strength wanes, and the shadows grow ever closer. I know not if there is a cure for this affliction, but if there is, I am willing to do whatever it takes to find it – for the sake of my daughter and the sake of my soul."

   As he finished speaking, Konstantine turned to look at Malakai, his gaze steady and unwavering. At that moment, he felt a sense of gratitude for the young man before him, knowing that if he should leave this world, his precious daughter would not be alone. 

  "May I have the potion and envelope, please, my boy?" Konstantine reached out to receive the objects.

Malakai nodded and handed them to the older man. 

   Konstantine's hands trembled slightly as he accepted the crystal bottle containing the potion from Malakai. With a sense of anticipation, he uncorked the bottle and drank the potion swiftly, feeling its cool, soothing effects wash over him like a gentle breeze. As he waited for the potion to take effect, he turned his attention to the sealed envelope that Branwen had entrusted to Malakai.

   With careful fingers, Konstantin broke the seal and unfolded the parchment within, his eyes scanning the elegant script that adorned the page. The dawn light filtering through the window cast a soft glow over the parchment, illuminating Branwen's heartfelt words in a silvery sheen.

To my dearest friend Konstantine,

I am filled with deep remorse and longing as I pen these words. For centuries, I have watched you suffer under the weight of the Shadow Sickness, a burden that I, as your friend and confidante, have been unable to alleviate. For this, I am genuinely sorry.

The years have passed like whispers in the wind, each carrying with it the echoes of your pain and my helplessness. But amidst the darkness, there has always been a glimmer of hope—a hope born from our unwavering bond of friendship.

It pains me to see you suffer, my dear friend, and I would give anything to ease your burden. But alas, my powers are limited, and despite my best efforts, I have been unable to find a cure for your affliction.

Yet, despite the trials and tribulations we have faced, I am filled with gratitude for your steadfast friendship and unwavering support. You have been a beacon of light in the darkest times, and I am eternally grateful.

But enough of my lamentations, for I bring tidings of hope. I share news of a recent development with great joy, which fills my heart with hope and anticipation.

In the almost three centuries since I gave birth to my son, Malakai, I have dedicated myself to his upbringing and education in a pocket dimension outside of Lancashire, England. It is a realm of my creation, where time flows differently, and the laws of magic bend to my will.

I cannot begin to express the joy and pride I feel in watching my son grow into the remarkable young man he has become. His thirst for knowledge and his unwavering determination inspire me every day, and I am confident that he will go on to accomplish great things in this world.

But I digress—the purpose of this letter is not to boast of my son's accomplishments but rather to extend an invitation to you. I long for your companionship, my dear friend, and I would be honored if you were to join us in our secluded sanctuary.

There, amidst the tranquil beauty of the pocket dimension, we may yet find a way to alleviate your suffering. With Malakai's written knowledge and my expertise, I can unlock the secrets of the Shadow Sickness and find a cure once and for all.

But even if I fail, know that you will always have a place by our side—a place where you are loved and cherished for the remarkable individual you are.

I understand that this is a lot to ask, my dear friend, and I would not presume to pressure you into making a decision lightly. But know that the offer stands and that, should you accept it, you will always have a home with us.

Enclosed within this letter is a teleportation enchantment that will allow you to join us at Rook Manor, our humble abode in the pocket dimension. Should you decide to accept our invitation, activate the enchantment, and you will be transported directly to our doorstep.

In the meantime, my son Malakai has embarked on a century-long voyage to explore the world and broaden his horizons. I hope you will allow your daughter to accompany him on his journey so that together, they may experience all that this world has to offer.

Know that you are always in my thoughts, my dear friend and that I will continue to pray for your health and happiness, now and always.

With deepest affection and unwavering friendship,

Branwen, The White Raven

As Konstantine reached the end of the letter, his heart swelled with emotion.

   With determination, Konstantine turned to Malakai and Seraphina, his voice steady and unwavering. "Your mother says you are on a century-long voyage? Please take my Seraphina with you," he said, his eyes alight with newfound purpose. "It would be good for her to be on her own without me." 

   "Papa! Where did this come from all of a sudden?" Although Seraphina was pleased to spend more time with her mate, she did not enjoy the thought of leaving her father.

   Malakai, having an idea of where Konstantine got the idea, spoke up before Konstantine could explain himself. "My mother wishes for you to head out to our family manor so that she can find a way to cure you properly. Am I right?"

   Both father and daughter turned to look at him in surprise, as he had guessed that so accurately. Konstantine nodded in confirmation. "The parchment?"

   Malakai smiled, "I know my mother's work. The scent of her blood is on the parchment. I assumed it was a teleportation enchantment, the way you speak like you wish to leave immediately." Seeing the older man nod in acceptance of his reduction.

   "Very well." Turning to the beauty next to him, "Are you against spending a century with this lonely gentleman?" he teased.

   Seraphina was nervous. She hurt her mate's feelings by stating her reluctance. Then she heard the teasing in his voice and breathed in relief. "It is not that. I would love to accompany you on your journey. It is just..."

   Understanding her feelings, Malakai took her hands and brought them to his lips in a gentle kiss. Looking into her enchanting green eyes, He said, "Fear not, igneum tenebris angelum; you will not be alone."

   As the sun continued to cast its colors light upon the room, the three shared a moment of quiet contemplation, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation for the journey ahead.

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