Prince of Crows


The moon cast a spectral luminescence over the clearing, its pale radiance heightening the tension in the air. Joham, standing tall and defiant, regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. His predatory eyes flickered with a sinister glint, yet I remained undeterred. The weight of my mission pressed heavily upon me, the lives of the hybrids he had created and the future safety of the vampire world resting upon my shoulders, amplifying the peril of the situation.

"Your end, you say," Joham sneered, his lips twisting into a chilling laugh as he unsheathed his weapon—a wicked dagger that gleamed ominously in the moonlight. "Bold words for a child," he taunted, taking a menacing step forward. "Let's see if you can survive to back them up."

The tension in the clearing was palpable as we squared off, the air crackling with anticipation. Joham moved first, lunging at me with surprising speed and agility. I parried his strike, the clash of our blades ringing out like a bell, signaling the commencement of a deadly dance.

Our blades moved in a blur, each of us testing the other's skill and strength. Joham was a formidable opponent; his strikes were precise, but they lacked the power to faze me. I had trained under Gabriel, honing my abilities to a razor's edge, so this encounter felt more like a warm-up. I was quite disappointed. I met each of his attacks with equal force, our movements a deadly ballet under the watchful gaze of the moon.

As the battle raged on, I could sense Joham's frustration growing. He had not expected me to be so skilled, and it was evident that he had underestimated me. His strikes became more erratic, his composure slipping as he realized he was not facing a mere boy, but a warrior with centuries of training and experience.

This was becoming rather tedious. With a final, powerful strike, I disarmed Joham, sending his blade flying across the clearing. He stumbled and fell onto his back, shock and anger evident on his face as he comprehended his defeat.

"You know, I hadn't intended to take your life. Your existence didn't have much impact on the grand scheme of things," I mused, pausing for effect. "Well, other than helping to prove that hybrids exist and aren't so different from pure vampires." As I walked toward him, I saw fear in his crimson eyes. Cold, gripping fear. Kneeling beside him, I slowly played with the blade he had fought with, twirling it through my fingers as I watched his eyes follow the movements.

"Then I thought, 'Since I'm already in South America, why not discover whether a vampire truly has no blood in their body?'" Ceasing my explanations, I stopped twirling the dagger and, without breaking eye contact, plunged it into where his heart would be. His scream was marvelous—an utter moonlit Sinatra to my ears.

Sighing, I waited until he ceased his yelling. After he settled down, I leaned closer to whisper into his ear. "Did you know that, technically, what defines you as a vampire is just an evolution of a golem race? A blood golem, to be precise."

Pausing once more, I employed my blood magic to see if I could drain whatever was sustaining him. To my surprise, I could. From what I could sense, a "vampire's" body was much like a sponge; it absorbed all the liquids it could carry. 'Fascinating.'

"I have read that Adam, from the Catholic Bible, was also, by definition, a golem. According to the Genesis account, God created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him, making him a living soul. By all definitions, that is precisely what a golem is. Do you find that fascinating as well? To be a diluted version of the very first 'Man.'"

Not hearing anything from my conversation partner, I glanced away from the black liquid above my palm to look down at Joham, only to find dust. I blinked in slight surprise. "Hmm, note to self: when extracting the blood saturated in a vampire's body, the body will turn to dust."

Standing up, I dusted off my hands. Hopefully, Seraphina succeeded in explaining everything to those two. The thought of having to converse with a pregnant sixteen-year-old girl and her protective elder sister about how she would perish from giving birth to her half-vampire baby within a month due to inadequate nourishment was most unappealing. Yes, no, thank you. I would rather not endure that conversation.

The sounds of the forest at night were a symphony of life. Insects chirped, nocturnal animals rustled in the underbrush, and the occasional hoot of an owl punctuated the stillness. Despite the serene surroundings, a sense of urgency propelled me forward. Time was of the essence, and Pire's survival depended on us. 

As I approached the cave, the fire's flickering light cast long shadows on the walls, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Inside, Pire lay on a bed of soft furs, her breathing steady but laborious. Huilen sat beside her, her protective nature evident in how she watched over her sister. I stepped into the light, and Huilen's eyes met mine with a mixture of curiosity and caution. Seraphina looked up as I entered, her face lighting up with relief.

"You're back," she said, standing and coming to my side. "How did it go?"

"It's done," I replied, my voice low to avoid waking Pire. "Joham won't be a threat anymore."

Seraphina let out a deep sigh of relief, her shoulders visibly relaxing. "That's good to hear. I managed to explain everything to Pire and Huilen. They understand the situation and are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Pire's survival."

Huilen's eyes met mine with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "You are Malakai, I presume?" she said softly, her voice tinged with relief and apprehension.

"Yes," I replied, my voice equally soft to avoid disturbing Pire. "Joham has been dealt with. He won't be a threat to you or anyone else anymore." 'He was also an excellent guinea pig,' I thought to myself.

Huilen nodded, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Thank you," she whispered, her eyes reflecting her gratitude. "My sister has been through so much. It's hard to believe it's finally over."

As we settled beside the fire, Seraphina introduced me to Huilen and Pire properly, recounting the details of our journey and the dangers we had faced. The flickering flames cast a warm glow on their faces, creating an intimate and comforting atmosphere despite the tension that lingered in the air. Pire listened intently, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and exhaustion.

"There's more," Huilen said after a moment, her voice steady but filled with a hint of trepidation. "Two others are searching for their father. Serena and Maysun, Joham's hybrid daughters."

Just as Huilen finished her revelation, the faint sound of footsteps reverberated from the cave entrance. Seraphina and I turned our attention to the sound, and two figures emerged from the shadows. They were a striking sight, their features a captivating blend of human and vampire. With her dark locks and piercing blue eyes, Serena exuded a calm authority. Maysun, with her golden tresses and warm amber eyes, had a more approachable and gentle air about her.

"Serena, Maysun," Huilen said, her voice filled with relief and warmth. "These are the ones who helped us."

Serena stepped forward, her gaze fixed on me. "You are the one who ended our father's life," she said, her tone neither accusatory nor grateful, merely stating a fact.

"Yes," I replied, meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve. "Joham's actions threatened not only your lives but the lives of many others. It had to be done." 'He was also an excellent guinea pig,' I thought to myself.

Serena's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered my words. "He was our father," she said quietly. "But we understand the necessity of your actions. Our lives have been a struggle because of him."

Maysun stepped forward, her expression softer. "We came to find answers and to help our sibling. We didn't know if we could trust you, but Huilen and Seraphina speak highly of you. Thank you for protecting them."

Seraphina, sensing the tension easing, spoke up. "We are all here to ensure Pire's safety and the birth of her child. Let's focus on that. We have enough supplies for a while but must be vigilant. She needs to drink two cups of blood with every meal."

The group nodded in agreement, the sense of shared purpose strengthening our resolve. As the night wore on, we discussed our plans, ensuring that everyone understood their roles and responsibilities. Serena and Maysun offered their assistance, and their unique abilities as hybrids proved invaluable in our efforts.

As the night deepened, the fire's warmth became a comforting presence, a beacon of hope amid our arduous journey. The sense of urgency that had propelled me through the forest earlier now settled into a calm determination as we gathered to strategize. Pire's labored breathing was a constant reminder of why we were here.

Huilen, Seraphina, Serena, Maysun, and I formed a tight circle around the fire, our faces illuminated by its flickering light. The forest outside was alive with nocturnal sounds, but within the cave, a resolute silence prevailed as we focused on the task ahead.

"Pire's condition is critical," Huilen began, her voice steady but tinged with worry. "She needs constant care and monitoring. We must ensure she gets enough blood to sustain herself and the baby."

Serena nodded, her expression serious. "Maysun and I can help gather the necessary supplies. We have experience navigating the forest and know where to find fresh game."

Seraphina looked at me, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Malakai, you mentioned using your blood magic to sustain Pire. How do we proceed?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "We need to create a steady supply of blood. I can provide some, but we must also hunt and gather from the forest. Pire will need at least two cups of blood with every meal, and we must ensure it's fresh and nourishing."

Maysun, with her gentle demeanor, spoke up. "We can set up a schedule to ensure a continuous supply. Serena and I will handle the hunting, and we can take turns preparing the blood for Pire."

Seraphina nodded in agreement. "I'll assist with the preparations and ensure Pire receives the right nutrients. We also need to keep her comfortable and monitor her closely."

As we finalized our plan, the sense of unity and purpose strengthened. Each of us knew our roles and responsibilities, and the bond we shared grew stronger as we faced this challenge together.

The following days were a blur of activity and vigilance. Serena and Maysun ventured into the forest daily, returning with fresh game to supplement our blood supply. Their skills as hybrids proved invaluable, and their efficiency in hunting ensured we always had enough to sustain Pire.

Seraphina and I worked tirelessly to prepare the blood, infusing it with the necessary nutrients to support both Pire and her unborn child. The cave became a sanctuary of care and dedication, with each of us contributing our unique abilities to ensure Pire's survival.

Huilen rarely left her sister's side, her unwavering presence a source of comfort and strength for Pire. She tended to Pire's every need, her protective instincts driving her to ensure her sister received the best care possible.

As the days turned into weeks, Pire's condition stabilized. Her breathing became less labored, and her strength gradually returned. The relentless efforts of our group paid off as we saw tangible improvements in her health.

One evening, as we gathered around the fire, Pire managed a weak smile. "I don't know how to thank you all," she said, her voice still frail but filled with gratitude. "You've given me a chance to survive and bring my child into this world."

Huilen squeezed her sister's hand, tears glistening in her eyes. "We're family, Pire. We will always be here for you."

Seraphina smiled, her eyes reflecting the warmth and compassion that had driven us all. "It's not just about survival, Pire. It's about giving you and your child a future."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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