Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 03: Fealty

After the heavy throne gate closed, we silently walked between the statues of Lemegeton. The hall with all the golems inside the niches in the walls. By now, the sight wasn't as terrifying anymore, even with them looking like demons. Now, after everything was a thousand times more realistic, the sight was awe-inspiring, but I easily adjusted to it.

Side by side we walked through the 10th floor to end up at the floor's entrance, a portal that would lead us to the 9th floor. Next to the portal was an entrance towards the Pleiades' rooms, but currently, no one should be inside since they were sent to the 9th floor to guard against invaders of the 8th floor.

We would have to track through each floor and head towards each portal that would lead one to the next floor, but there was also the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary. It was the residence of Aureole Omega, who could then open a portal to the corresponding floor we wanted to head to without having to make the journey through Nazarick's floors. It could be said that we were kind of depending on her since you know teleportation wasn't possible without her approval.

The only way to circumvent her authority was with the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, which we didn't have, so we would have to walk like everyone else. Oh, right. I had something that allowed me to teleport, the Ring of Nazarick, basically a custom-made ring for me, the prince, but besides that one depended on the portals on each floor. There was also the possibility of getting direct permission for teleportation from Aureole, then one could teleport however one wanted.

Given that the ruler of Nazarick, Momonga-sama, had ordered us to go to each floor and inform its guardian about the gathering, it was likely that she would allow any teleportation of the floor guardians to go through. However, we could just send a [Message], but it was clear that Albedo wanted to spend some time with me as I wanted to as well.

I sensed Albedo looking at me from the corner of my view. She was hesitant to say something. I was not sure if it was something about Momonga's orders, but I doubted that was the case or else she would have spoken up already.

Supreme Beings and all that. Personal feelings would rank second in front of the orders coming from them, at least that's what I believed they would think.

The only counterargument would be the original Albedo's intention for the team she had built in case another Supreme Being showed up, but maybe that was because she thought she acted in favor of Momonga, who – in her eyes – was the most important Supreme Being. Killing the other Supreme Beings was acceptable in her eyes because they had left and hurt her beloved, but who knew if her willingness still applied to me since I wasn't a Supreme Being?

Well, one could also argue that Sebas' hesitance to execute Tuare could be seen as insubordination as would him keeping her existence secret, but in the end, he still would have gone through with it. I suppose, maybe it depended on the NPC and how it was described in their settings.

As I was contemplating the actions of NPCs in another timeline, Albedo finally spoke up, "Y-you seemed distracted, almost as if y-you were in pain."

'What do You care about my well-being?' That was the first response, which was already on the tip of my tongue. A passive-aggressive retort to her genuine concern, but fortunately I caught myself. In the corner of my eyes, I saw her bite her lip as if she had already heard my response.

I was already used to having that mean filter over anything I said to her if we were in private, but there was no reason to snap at her for everything anymore.

Although not as bad, it was still not out of my set character to be indifferent to her. So, with a side glance, I just told her, "Focus on the mission."

"Y-yes!… I am sorry." She added quietly, and we fell back to silence as our footsteps rang out in the hallway. To the side were several rooms and shops one could enter and enjoy, now that it wasn't a game any longer.

She obviously didn't have a particular topic in her mind, so she said nothing at all. She knew that small talk would only serve to annoy me. After all, she shouldn't speak to me if it wasn't important.

"Did you notice something different just now?" It was up to me to keep that conversation going, otherwise, the rare alone time would be for nothing if I didn't at least try to mend the relationship that I had helped to break.

She looked stunned that I asked her something of my volition, so she took a second before answering, "No. I didn't notice anything strange, just that you closed your eyes in what looked like discomfort…? W-why do you ask? D-did I forget something?"

She almost panicked, clearly expecting that I wanted to point out some flaws in her behavior just now. Afraid that she had embarrassed me in front of the Supreme Being or that she had offended Momonga-sama.

I looked at her and her eyes widened, her pupils trembling slightly, but we kept silent as our conversation was interrupted when a maid turned the corner and bowed to us before leaving in a hurry with a red face. During that time, Albedo's changes in her expression were minuscule as she tried to keep up her pretense of the perfect wife in front of others, but strangely, I could read her with ease. Every little change in her expression, I noticed it.

"No, you didn't," I answered easily, but it was a shocking response from Albedo's viewpoint. I had always thrown shade at her, but now I mentioned I didn't find fault with her, which was probably unprecedented.

Her experience told her to wait for the other shoe to drop, so she waited until I spoke again. "Which floor guardian do you want to inform?" She was surprised by the question, even if she didn't show it. She calmed herself down as she thought about it.

"I think we should work ourselves up from the first floor-"

"You don't think we should split up and inform each guardian as soon as possible?" Albedo clenched her jaws before she responded.

"I-I think that would be unnecessary. We have an hour's time, which would give us ample time to inform anyone, get some reports from them, and return to the Colosseum with Demiurge. I- it would also be better if we were seen together to show Nazarick the royal couple."

"And why is it important to parade around?" I asked her, but I already knew the real reason.

"Depending on what Momonga-sama finds out, we can better coordinate our response together. Besides, this way we can communicate directly with each other about any problems we might see in-"

Although I had thought about giving her some rest from me constantly picking on her, her wanting to spend time with me was a perfect opportunity to set some things up.

"You are the Overseer, not me. I only protect the Throne Room. We can also communicate with the [Message] skill. You only want to spend more time with me, don't you?" I interrupted her. Since I would usually shut down any emotional approach, she directly went with rationalizing any attempt to be together.

"I- No, it's not like-"

"Don't lie to me." My voice was calm as she went to defend her choice. She winced at my interruption, but our steps were uninterruptedly heading towards the next portal.

"The reason I despise you was because you forced me into this marriage. Your selfish reasons are the cause of my misery, so don't pretend that this is something different. You want to do this together, because you want me by your side, not caring what I want or what was more beneficial. It is the same as back then, right?"

The words exited my mouth as easily as if I believed them wholeheartedly. Constant practice for years, even in mind only, was excellent preparation to keep up my appearance until I would crumble it bit by bit.

"No! I... never did I... I just wanted…" She muttered something that I didn't quite catch.

"You just wanted What?" I enunciated the What, which made her head snap towards me. Her lips were trembling, and her eyes were teary. She looked like she would break down and cry any moment now.

The visual impact was too strong for me. I thought I was used to throwing around insults- No, I was used to it, but I wasn't used to the consequences my words had on other people. It was something I had forgotten, even though I had been imagining their reactions for years now.

I grasped her shoulder and stopped her in her tracks. She clenched her eyes shut as if she expected me to hit her. I never hit her... or did I in her memories? I waited for her to realize that I wouldn't lay my hands on her.

After a while, she opened her eyes again and looked at me, confused. "You obviously have something to talk about. After we have figured out what Momonga-sama wants to tell us, we will sit down and talk."

She hesitantly nodded at my order. It wasn't really an order, but with her attitude, it might just have been one. Shortly after, we started walking again and used the portal to the 8th floor. We quickly came across the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary. Underneath a parasol sat a woman at a table. She was in control of the teleportation inside the entire Tomb of Nazarick.

Aureole Omega was also the leader of the Pleiades and the – for now – only human in the tomb. With her help, Albedo could move between the floors with ease.

With Demiurge on our side, we stepped inside the Colosseum and were greeted by the sight of the majority of the guardians accompanied by the guild master of Nazarick.

With Sebas, who had yet to arrive, we would be the odd ones out as the only non-floor guardians, but since we both had special statuses, it was fine.

At least, it was fine for the butler to be here when the guardians gave their oath to Momonga since he was ordered to report something to him. But I was just an area guardian.

Well, in the lore, I was supposed to lead Nazarick in the future and technically I was ordered to gather the other guardians here as well, so it should be fine for me to be here as well, right? I should be even more important than most Floor Guardians, since the occupation didn't seem to directly correspond to a fixed position in the tomb's hierarchy.

Otherwise, Shalltear with the most floors to guard would have been the most important, and Pandora's Actor and Albedo wouldn't have as much say in Nazarick as they did. The key factor that gave them a position at the top of the hierarchy was their lore, so I should be good.

Even knowing this, there might be some dos and don'ts that I wouldn't be aware of since there weren't any actual codes of conduct I could have learned in my time as an NPC!

At least I came prepared. This scene wasn't something I could forget this easily. It was by much one of the most memorable moments, probably because the scene was replayed in 2 episodes, because I had re-watched the show a couple of times, and then read about the scene in the novel. So, yeah, not something I would easily forget.

There wasn't much else to do in the last few years besides jogging my memory, so I could get the most out of the reincarnation and the following transmigration.

I had already thought about some outstanding characteristics of Momonga, so I wouldn't stutter like Mare. I couldn't stutter or else I would look like a fool and not befitting for the role I had. Maybe being incompetent would give me the opportunity to bail out if Momonga tried to burden me with leadership, but that was too out of character for me. I couldn't help but sigh internally...

I mostly tuned out of it when the floor guardians greeted me and the following conversation they had with one another concerning why only they had arrived and not the other two floor guardians and Area Guardians.

I just nodded at their greeting to acknowledge them and smiled slightly as they conversed, pretending I was listening.

Albedo looked at me for a moment and I gave her an upward nod to show she should take the lead as the Overseer. "Then, everyone, let us pledge our loyalty to the Supreme One." All the other Guardians nodded as one, and before anyone could interrupt us, we had lined up before Momonga. With Albedo, I stood slightly ahead of the others, while the other Guardians formed a horizontal line behind us.

They all had solemn, respectful expressions. They took it as seriously as they could with no sign of their previous playfulness.

Shalltear, who stood on one end of the line, stepped forward. "Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the First, Second, and Third Floors, presents herself to the Master."

With that introduction, she genuflected and the other Guardians did the same afterward, one by one, until only Albedo and I were left.

I stepped forward as well. "The Guardian of the Secret Chamber, Azazel, presents himself to the Master." I knelt down and lowered my head to Momonga. The Secret Chamber was the collective term for the Secret Hallway, the Secret Royal Backyard, and another area that no one besides me and Hermorah knew of.

The last one to present themselves was Albedo, "The Guardian Overseer, Albedo presents herself to the Master."

Like usual, she had a slight smile on her face before she knelt like the other Guardians. However, after genuflecting, Albedo continued speaking in a high and clear voice as she delivered her report to Momonga.

"Except for the Fourth Floor Guardian Gargantua and the Eighth Floor Guardian Victim, all the Floor Guardians are gathered before you. Thus, we offer our utmost loyalty to the Master."

I had expected what came next, but when that terrible aura spewed out of Momonga, it made me question if this being was truly the clueless salesman I had known from the anime and novel in my past life.

"Raise your heads." Momonga's deep voice resonated after a brief pause. I looked at the halo of black radiance that had formed around the Overlord and couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Then... first, I thank all of you for coming here."

"There is no need for thanks. We are all Momonga-sama's loyal subordinates. To us, Momonga-sama is our Supreme Overlord."

None of the Guardians opposed her statement. As expected of my wife, a perfect response to our leader's kindness. I really wanted to sigh in relief at that moment, since it seemed like Momonga was still a transmigrated lonely salesman.

At least the thanks he had spoken made me feel more at ease that this was really the anime and novel I had consumed in my past life. Therefore, he should be the same, right?

To be honest, I had thought a lot about how I should act with Momonga over the years and it had been always with the assumption that this really was a human transmigrator, but what would I do if my appearance had changed that little tidbit, and the only thing that remained was Skeletor?

'What are you talking about?' I berated myself as I remembered the scene in the throne room just an hour ago. That certainly wasn't the brilliance of an ancient overlord... Man, his aura really rattled me.

The skeleton scrutinized us with a stern look on his bony face. He didn't break the silence, which made Albedo think that he was dissatisfied with us.

"... Momonga-sama, it is only natural that you should have doubts about us. After all, our abilities must be minuscule in your reckoning."

Albedo removed the smile from her face and continued in a respectful tone that was laced with stern strength.

"However, if Momonga-sama gives the order, we — all the Guardians will accomplish any task set to us, no matter how difficult or arduous, with every fiber of our beings. We hereby swear that we will never allow the Forty-One Supreme Beings of Ainz Ooal Gown, our creators, to be disgraced by our actions."

"This we swear!"

The Floor Guardians and I said at the same time. Honestly, the synchronicity in our response would put any military to shame. I wasn't even sure how I did it. The points of crimson light in his eye sockets seemed to shine exceptionally bright. Momonga spread his arms.

"Excellent. Guardians, I know you will understand my aims and successfully carry out my commands. There may be some things that are difficult to understand, but I hope you will pay attention and listen."

Oh boy, I seemed to have forgotten that he dug a hole for himself this early. He probably meant the immediate situation now, but his words could be interpreted as general advice.

"I believe the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has been caught up in some kind of unknown situation." Yep, thought as much.

Momonga proceeded to ask each guardian if they had noticed something. They had all denied it and Albedo volunteered to investigate the Fourth and Eighth Floors.

"I did notice something." After everyone denied his question, I spoke up. "I don't feel my connection to the World Tree, Yggdrasil anymore. It had been instantaneous, so I there wasn't much I could sense." Since Albedo already figured something happened in the throne room, might as well give her something, so she wouldn't be suspicious about my reaction back then.

There were some gasps and mutters coming from the guardians while Momonga remained silent for a moment before giving me a nod and a thank you. He then asked me to keep him informed about any new insights.

Afterward, the familiar scene continued to play out with Sebas coming and explaining the immediate surroundings. I only listened halfheartedly since I already knew what the situation outside was.

What Sebas was explaining to the ones present was pretty basic and what you could expect from an hour of investigation.

Then some more organizational nonsense before he questioned us about what we thought of him. Their answers didn't change from what they were in the series. The only change was that he didn't ask Albedo last, but second to last.


"The man who rules over the Supreme Beings, and our highest, most exalted master," Albedo responded almost instantaneously, like the other Guardians. She didn't say that she loved him for obvious reasons. It was because she didn't.

"And finally, Azazel."

I was going up last, "The most capable leader Nazarick could ever have and an unreachable goal for me to pursue."

It was pretty basic praise, but it fitted my role since I, as the prince, was the runner-up to become the leader, which meant that this point was most important to me. With it, I also made my stance clear I didn't think I could fill his shoes if he left.

"I see. I have heard and understand your opinions. Then I shall hand the tasks that were once performed by my former comrades to you. Carry them out faithfully."

We genuflected in unison once more and he left right after. He was probably panicking about being perceived as a Supreme Being. Either way, I had to check some things before I went to him and start the 'change' in my personality. I really didn't want to remain an indifferent asshole of a husband to that fine woman next to me.

We stood up, and they talked about how amazing Momonga was before Sebas announced his leave. I didn't expect Albedo to have an outburst about Shalltear getting wet, but she did. I thought she wouldn't have cared if Momonga wasn't her love interest anymore.

She said something about Shalltear being a slut for getting turned on this easily and that she should have better control over herself in public and such an important event at that. Although the insults that she threw at Shalltear were rather similar to what I remembered, this time it was obviously not coming from a place of rivalry. Was she lashing out because she was frustrated?

Maybe she didn't like that Shalltear showed her emotions this openly because she couldn't do the same with me? From her perspective, I wasn't fond of her, and maybe she feared I would snap at her in public. After all, until now, as my background said, we remained a perfectly presentable couple in public.

"Not everyone can be such a prude like you. If I had such a handsome husband, I would be all over him every second of the day, but you look like you hate the man!"

"You! Who do you think you are?!" Albedo growled through her teeth and it looked like she was about to lunge at the vampire, but unlike the anime, her voice remained rather quiet, which made this scene even more terrifying for me.

"What?! Is there trouble in paradise called marriage?? Maybe he finally realized that a stupid prude like you could never satisf-" Shalltear flared up her aura as she screamed at my wife.

She suddenly stopped and looked at me in shock. The other guardians turned towards me as well. I didn't know what expression I had, but I guessed it wasn't pretty.

"Shalltear," I emphasized her name. "I would like for you to keep any badly thought-out jokes about our marriage to yourself."

"I-I am sorry. Your Highness."

"Good." I simply responded before looking at Albedo who had a stunned expression on her face, "Dear, I will return to the throne and the Secret Chamber and prepare for any happenstances."

After being addressed, she came out of her stupor and nodded at me. "I understand. If I have further suggestions, I will let you know as soon as I can."

I wasn't really needed for their conversation about the communication between Floor Guardians and their Overseer. After all, I was only tasked with protecting the Secret Chamber. If there were any major changes that would affect me or Nazarick as a whole, Albedo would let me know.

After saying my piece, I walked outside the amphitheater and towards the nearest portal to get back to the 7th floor and then traced all the way through the floors until I reached the 10th. It was just to give me some more time to think and appreciate the inner designs of the tomb after it turned into reality. After all, it would be home from now on.

I arrived at the throne room shortly afterward. There were a few maids that were bowing to me on my way. I only responded to them with a nod, which seemed to have made them quite excited. It was only when I entered the Secret Hallway that no other NPC would be seen.

The door at the end of the hallway led towards the Secret Royal Backyard and near the entrance was a couch, on which a person immediately came into view. Fubuki. Goddamn. With the correct physics and realism, she was even more stunning than her previous game self. I wasn't able to gawk at Albedo, but Fubuki was all fair game. She stood up almost instantly after hearing me walk in.

Without hesitation, she flew towards me. When I opened my arms, she took it as the invitation that it was and jumped into them. Her eyes were hungrily looking into my eyes before wandering down to my lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss me, but refrained from doing so. I enjoyed her peaks against my chest while my arms slowly snaked around her to grab myself a handful of booty, which was rewarded with a surprised yelp.

"Someone is eager today~" she said while fluttering her eyelashes at me as she drew circles on my chest, "I like it!"

She then went to her dress collar and pulled it down further to reveal more cleavage. "Will today be the day where you'd take me?" She asked eagerly, and I was holding on only with a single thread of reasoning as I looked at her enticing body.

I shook my head saddened, "Soon, but for now, we have to investigate the area."

Her eyes widened as she saw my solemn expression, which made it obvious that something serious might have happened. She stood up straight and looked seriously at me. "What should I investigate?"

"Just look for something out of place on the 10th floor and up the security. Get the maids to be alert at all times. Of course, that goes for you, too." I said as I stroked her chin before I told her I had to investigate something else in my shooting range.

Yeah, the Secret Chamber contained basically everything I would ever need. There were even horse-like spirit beasts I could ride in my personal forest. It used to be mostly decoration, but now all should have turned real.

I entered my shooting range and found myself in front of a familiar sight of some targets and some bows to the side I could use, which I had come here for. I intended to see if my skill were up to par.

I grabbed a bow and directly shot at a target with zero preparation. The arrow cut through the air and directly hit the bullseye. I released several shots in succession and hit every target dead center.

Figured as much. When I followed the movements of genuflecting inside the amphitheater a few moments ago, I knew that muscle memory applied to this body and that my body might remember everything I did over the years as an NPC.

It was surprising since I actually hadn't any skills related to shooting bows besides my job class [Holy Knight], but I sensed that the class didn't come with expertise in every weapon. However, it did affect what I had already 'used' before. In my case, it would be sword fighting.

I pulled out my world-class sword and gave some experimental slashes. The sword felt natural in my hand and the moves flowed out of me like I had done it my entire life and, to a certain degree, I had.

Though if I truly was as proficient as I imagined myself to be, I had to wait for a training partner and spar with them. I would likely go to Cocytus soon or I could just try my skills on some human, though my reflex time would defeat the purpose of making any assumption of whether my skill was any good.

My sword was probably the most important thing in combat, but if I wanted to flee, there was something more important: my magic. I raised my hand and aimed at a target.

My frown deepened as my arm tensed up further, but nothing happened. I relaxed my body, as I felt it wouldn't lead to anything tensing up like that. As if to prove me right in the next moment, something compelled me to chant, [Burn Lance].

Simple mid-range combat magic of the 4th tier, a stream of fire as a lance shot out of my hand and landed on the target, burning it down to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Afterward, with a [Holy Smite], I summoned a holy light which devastated the shooting range's target and blew up the ground below... I wasn't sure if the shooting range would repair itself, but I sure hoped so. Maybe one of the two Royal Maids would come and repair it? They were the only ones that had access to this place after all.

Finishing my little magic experiment, I sensed for my skills, which came even quicker than the magic because of my brief outburst at Shalltear when I had accidentally activated a skill called [Intimidation III].

Since there was nothing more for me to experiment with, at least for now, I headed outside the Secret Chamber again and headed towards the rooms of the Supreme Beings. I had to talk to Momonga as soon as possible. This would give rise to an explanation of why my personality, or at least why my attitude towards Albedo, would change so drastically soon.

That was also the reason I had provoked her in the first place, right after we were alone together. It would give her the reason why I had gone to Momonga in the first place. There was also the fact that I had to wriggle myself out of any position of responsibility.

I didn't want to be anywhere near a position that could prevent my path to a fulfilling and relaxing life with my harem.

Hopefully, everything will work out as planned. I turned the corner and saw the door to Momonga's room with a maid standing in front of it.

"Your Highness." She deeply bowed to me, to which I responded with a nod and then asked her to announce my arrival and permission to enter. Although I was the prince, I couldn't just brazenly enter a Supreme Being's room. When I heard his permission, I knew that he fortunately hadn't gone off to take a breather outside yet. The details on the timeframe were a bit fuzzy.

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