Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 07: Albedo’s Resolution

I calmly walked to the opposite couch while Momonga was observing me before I sat down and turned on the mechanism to prevent eavesdropping. It was apparent that it was a necessity since the others were already squirming on the other side of the door.

We looked at each other, and I was wondering when he was going to say something. I sat there awkwardly staring at him before he perked up a bit as if he realized he had said nothing yet. "... Ah, right. You reported you felt your connection to Yggdrasil was cut. What exactly did you feel?"

For a moment, I was stunned, but quickly remembered that I reported that bit of knowledge to him during our oath of fealty. "It is as I said. I couldn't feel my connection to the world tree anymore. My current theory is that we have left its realm of influence, though I am not sure how that was possible since the world tree encompasses everything there is."

I straightforwardly told him according to the backstory I had thought about. To be honest, I was confident that I had an answer to every question he could have this early on, or at least for everything pertaining to Nazarick's disappearing/teleportation, my backstory, and future events that might be caused by other NPCs according to the novel and anime.

5 years was a long time to think about all sorts of stuff. All the things I had thought about were already as all-encompassing as I could be, just so I could appear to be the knowledgeable and intelligent prince every member of this tomb would describe me as.

If only I could think about being charismatic and be able to turn that into reality. Well, I could, at least in theory. Self-affirmation was a thing, after all, and my body seemed to do well in helping me perform certain things as well.

Years of spending thinking about the future weren't wasted, after all. To be honest, it was a wonder that I didn't become insane after all this time, though... a crazy person didn't know they were crazy, and that was the reason they were crazy in the first place.

"How did it feel like when the connection was cut? Explain it in detail, how was it before, during, and afterward... There might have been something you missed and your connection might be different because you are an angel, so I want to understand the situation in its entirety and see if it fits my theories."

Of course, it wasn't because you didn't know; it was because I might have missed something. I internally chuckled. How typical, but nonetheless coupled with pointing out the difference in race as a reason was a good move why he wouldn't know the specifics. Though I had to say, I hadn't expected that he would probe deeper at all, given how rarely asked for clarification in the series.

"It is difficult to explain. Before, I sensed the world tree's presence, like a light in the dark. It was still ever present and everywhere as if I was submerged in an ocean. I could perceive it and I knew that the world was part of this light, if that makes sense?"

I only got an 'Umu' as a response, so I continued, "I apologize deeply, but I couldn't perceive the moment the connection was cut off. In one moment, it was as I had described, and in the very next, the surrounding light had just vanished. Maybe we were teleported too fast for me to react. One moment we were with the world tree and the next we were somewhere else or the world tree ceased to exist like it was deleted and replaced by another reality."

"Deleted, huh?" Momonga mused, and I could practically see the wheels turn in his head. 'Maybe Azazel felt how the game was shut down before we woke up here?' Something like that, I assumed.

"Yes, that is a possibility I had come up with. Of course, wouldn't that mean we were erased as well? However, we clearly weren't, so I assume we were teleported away from Yggdrasil's influence. Maybe not unlike what you Supreme Beings have been doing."

"Eh? Supreme Be- We did what?" Momonga asked, perplexed.

"Well, I heard that the Supreme Beings were traveling between worlds. Previously, I had assumed that they were other worlds of Yggdrasil or another level of dimension, though now it seems like these worlds could just be outside of Yggdrasil. Of course, you would know best. Does this world feel similar to those that you Supreme Beings visit when you aren't in Yggdrasil?"

"Uh." He uttered stunned, "I guess it is a similar world compared to rea- to that world." He nodded and responded with a bit more confidence this time. "You might be onto something."

"Truly exciting, isn't it, Momonga-sama?"

"Umu. Yes, it is as you said." The undead skeleton nodded with an impossible, wry smile on his face. I just needed another push to get the paranoid transmigrator to avoid some trouble in the future.

"Indeed. Hopefully, this world doesn't have every inhabitant running around with World Items. We would be screwed. Hahaha," I chuckled slightly as I watched the skeleton's jaw drop at that thought. It would be the equivalent of everyone running around with a nuke.

He quickly schooled his expression again and closed his mouth. "Truly, that would be a disaster. Ha ha ha..." He forced the laugh before holding his bony chin as he thought about something. It took him a moment before he seemed to have digested it and looked at me again, "Another thing I wanted to ask..." He started, though he didn't seem to know how to ask.

"I wasn't disturbing your dinner just now, did I?" He decided on asking and I could somewhat guess why he asked.

I shook my head, "Of course not. Quite the opposite. Your presence was a pleasant surprise. Who doesn't like for the Master of the tomb to appear unannounced at the dinner with their wife after a long and hard day of work?"

"Urk-" Momonga's mouth hung open and his red light orbs had vanished after I finished my sentence. He looked like he was struck by a fatal wound. Was he wondering whether I was being sarcastic when I said that? Poor him, I was just an unassuming NPC expressing his joy to my boss after he burst into my home. "Y-you sure?"

I nodded my head cheerfully. "Of course. Though I would like a notice beforehand, so we could prepare for your arrival. We must have cut a terrible sight for you, Momonga-sama."

"No- Hahaha. No, it was alright... So, I assume that you and Albedo, erm- are better?" He asked with concern.

"Of course, after Momonga-sama clarified my misunderstanding, we decided to move forward, and we already made some progress! I am quite satisfied already," I gave him a thumbs-up, to which he nodded, relieved.

His red orbs found my eyes again. This time, he looked a bit concerned. "I am glad to hear this. I hope you don't hold it against Tabula-san and Hermorah-san. If they knew what would happen, they would have prevented this situation."

With a nod, I acknowledged his explanation. "I understand. You don't have to worry, Momonga-sama. It was my fault for not voicing my issues with the arrangement beforehand."

He didn't move or say anything and just stared at me for a moment. I wasn't sure what he was thinking about. If I could guess, he was hesitant to ask me something. Just as I came to that conclusion, he bit the bullet and asked away. "What do you suggest we should do next?" A straightforward question. However, I couldn't help but feel a shudder down my spine.

"… Well, I would suggest drinking some fine beverage, but I am not sure if Momonga-sama can enjoy it as much as I would." I chuckled slightly to mask my nervousness. However, my retort seemed to have successfully stunned him long enough for me to regain my composure. Although his question seemed simple, given his paranoia and personality, it should have been impossible to ask something like this.

"I-I guess I wouldn't enjoy it, but I meant for the Great Tomb of Nazarick. We have hidden our entrance and checked the levels for any anomalies, but everything seems to be in its place. Now, what do you think we should do next?"

Should I say that whatever I could come up with would pale in front of his plan, or should I suggest something concrete? The former would just hint that I didn't want to answer his question and he would just push further by saying he wanted to test me, while the latter might imply my lack of belief in his abilities or maybe confirm I understood he could make mistakes.

The latter two points were entirely different cans of worms with all the implications I didn't want to get into. So I guessed something in line with the former would be my best bet. "I suggest that we just stick to our current plan. Of course, there are some things we need to solve, but the current plans you have already put in motion are already excellent." Wow, my ability to say something without content was almost frightening.

"Eh. Yes, indeed, but..." He wanted to continue asking, but he seemed to have given up, "... I guess my plan will be enough for now. However, if you figured out a different approach, be sure to tell me. I might have some use for it."

I bowed slightly from my sitting position. "I understand, though I am sure nothing I could come up with would be something you, Momonga-sama, the leader of the Supreme Beings, hadn't come up with."

He coughed as he heard that, "I-" He sighed exhausted, "It is probably best if I retreat for today... there are more plans I have to come up with."

Knowing that the end of our conversation had come, I deactivated the eavesdrop prevention mechanism - I really need to find a name for it - and stood up. "Of course, we should discuss further things at a later date. I would love to hear your plans in detail-" I barely said while he stood up hurriedly and exited the room as if he was fleeing.

"If the situation permits it. I will make time for it." He responded before going through the opened door.

Yuri had opened it, probably having anticipated his exit by his footsteps. After I followed him out of the room into the hallway, I found everyone suspiciously standing on the other side of the door in the hallway. Couldn't they have been any less obvious?

Momonga stopped as he saw this before he teleported away. He was probably overwhelmed at the end. It was the first day in the New World, after all. He wouldn't be used to it in such a short time frame.

Now that I thought about it, the moments he stared at me blankly might have resulted from his emotional hamper, right? Though what would be upsetting enough for that to happen?

Yuri was surprised at his disappearance before she bowed deeply as a farewell. She scurried away quickly, probably in the search of Momonga. I wondered how she would be able to find him. Even though I could guess that he had returned to his bedroom, where would Yuri search for him? Maybe he told her beforehand?… No, considering her panicked expression at the end, that wasn't likely.

"Did you try to listen in on us?" I glanced at the four, and they had the decency to look away, embarrassed. "Alright, how about we rest for the day? I want to get my sleep." The others nodded, while Albedo looked saddened by the declaration and headed downstairs.

"Albedo, where are you going?" I asked as I looked at the woman standing halfway down on the stairs. She turned around confused, but perking up at my question, "Didn't I mention you could smell the real thing in bed? I thought we would sleep in the same bed tonight and it is on this floor."

She pointed her index finger at herself, "I can go sleep in your bed-" Her eyes were round in disbelief.

"Our bed and yes. So, are you coming?" I urged.

"Today? Now?" I nodded and her eyes grew moist as if she would cry from happiness. She immediately bunched up her dress by pulling it up a bit, so her legs wouldn't stumble over it when she jogged the stairs up with an excited smile on her face.

After reaching the top, she looked embarrassed at her display, bowing slightly before slowly walking into our bedroom. After watching her walk inside, I turned to Fubuki as I wondered for a moment if it was the best for her to sleep with us tonight as well. However, I quickly dismissed the idea, at least for today.

I decided that Albedo deserved some alone time with me. "Fubuki. I think it is best if I spend the night only with her. Of course, in the future, we will sleep in the same bed as well." I wrapped my arms around her lower back and gave her a peck on the cheek, to which her face automatically flushed.

She leaned into my touch for a moment before I let go of her. She headed towards the stairs to go down to the guest room there. I slapped her ass as I walked past, only for her knees to buckle slightly, forcing her to use the handrail to keep herself from falling down the stairs. Did she come from that? Damn, what's up with that crazy sensitivity of hers?

Though, going off by Albedo's earlier reaction, I guessed it wasn't just her. After entering our bedroom, I closed the door and found Albedo already in the middle of our massive bed.


Albedo watched her husband step into the bedroom and close the door behind him. If it wasn't for what he said to Fubuki, she would have guessed that she would have to share this wonderful night with her as well.

She stared at the love of her life. He slowly undressed, surely knowing that it was an enticing sight for her. Her breathing had already accelerated as more and more clothes were placed into his inventory. Her hand was already drifting lower, but she kept herself from showing such an uncontrolled self to her husband. He had explicitly told her they wouldn't make love tonight.

After he had undressed down to his pants, he climbed into the bed. He lifted the blanket before freezing at the sight of her, making her nervous. It was impossible for her to have gained any weight, or maybe it was just her short chemise that he didn't like? She had handpicked this piece for easy access and it was fairly neutral, as it was basically a sleeveless dress.

Was it too indecent for him? Should she have worn a longer chemise or something with sleeves? Perhaps it was too long, and he wanted her to show more skin? He was going with just pants, so maybe-

"You are beautiful." His words cut through her string of thoughts and all her worries were wiped away. She could feel her face turn red and her mind blank.

He lay next to her and pulled the blanket over their bodies as if he hadn't shaken her world with those words, but she guessed he didn't realize how much she loved him. It was only today that some of it reached him. However, if he knew to which extent her love ranged to, he might not understand or accept it.

She had realized it in the hallway when she had flinched as she thought he would hit her. She was sure that he might think that she would dislike being struck by him and was flinching because of the pain that would ensue. Of course, the intent behind it hurt, but not him touching her. Never.

She knew her love for him reached the realm of degenerates, the likes of Shalltear. Shalltear was crazy to have such strange thoughts all the time, but she would lie if she said that she would deny Azazel if he requested something from her.

If he ordered her death, she would gladly offer it to him. Not to mention sexual endeavors of even the extremes she could enjoy with her love. Everything for him to be happy. Maybe that was why she was shaken when she realized she was the obstacle to his happiness with Fubuki. Her heart ached, wondering why she had put him through all these years of pain. Was she so blind concerning his feelings? No... it was probably as he had said it before.

It was purely for selfish reasons. She knew the moment she let him go, she would lose him forever. If she truly loved him, shouldn't she be willing to let him go to bring him the happiness that he deserved?

Despite all this. Even after all that pain, he had forgiven her and wanted to make it up to her. To her. Just because he thought he was hurting her by the words he rightfully threw at her, because he couldn't love her immediately after the abuse he had suffered under her. After all that, he pushed forward and be the husband that she so desired. Going as far as letting her pleasure him.

After all this pain, he was the one wanting to be better. Selflessly trying to love her. When she saw him with other girls, Fubuki... the Royal Maids, the Pleiades, she couldn't help but feel jealous of the attention, the affection he gave them, but truthfully she had no leg to stand on.

If he wanted and desired other women and she would give it to him. She would help him. She had been selfish enough, and it was time to be the wife he desired. The wife he deserved. Besides, seeing him happy and satisfied swept away these small pangs of jealousy.

Even though she had made that decision, she still didn't invite Fubuki or his maids to join them. Just for tonight, she said to herself. Just for tonight, she wanted him all to herself.

He was blessing her with this precious gift, something that she could have never imagined the day before. Sleeping in the same bed as a married couple would. Of course, she had hoped it to have happened 5 years ago, but given all the new information he had revealed to her, explained and justified everything from back then.

Although his words of hate or apathy towards her back then had been hard to swallow, they hadn't diminished her love in the slightest. Quite the opposite. In fact, her love had grown more profound and now it was growing exponentially with every affectionate act he was willing to have with her.

He turned towards her and just looked at her. Even with the entire room already in the dark, it wasn't difficult to still see him. His eyes seemed to shine and pierce through the darkness as they gazed upon her.

Her heart skipped a beat before starting again with incredible force. Beating so loudly that she feared he would hear it. She tried to keep her composure, but how could one be collected when the love of their life was staring at them while sharing the same bed?

He raised his hand and gently caressed her cheek. She tried her best to suppress it, but just the situation, coupled with his touch, was enough to bring her over the edge. Her crotch was hot and her pussy was quivering, begging for his touch, though she knew it wouldn't be tonight. She hadn't deserved it yet.

"You can smell me and play with yourself, however, you want. Just try to get some sleep even if you don't need it." He said in a whisper as his thumb brushed over her lips, sending shocks through her system. His words and his actions reminded her of the blowjob just now and she guiltily came again.

Her pants were already soaked, and it had barely been 5 minutes since they lay in bed. She could feel the drops of her fluid wetting her inner thigh while the rest were absorbed by her chemise.

She had closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch as she leaned into it, hoping that this moment would never end, but unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. At some point, he retracted his hand and closed his eyes.

His breathing had smoothed, and she was convinced that he had fallen asleep, so she opened her eyes again to look at him. His eyes closed and his light blond hair fell perfectly, framing his face. Just looking at him in such an unfamiliar setting was breathtaking.

For the first time since they were married, she was able to observe him this closely. She observed every part of his face. Going as far as counting his upper and lower eyelashes. His face was perfectly symmetrical and even if she wanted to find fault in his appearance, she couldn't. Just his appearance almost triggered another orgasm.

She placed a hand on his chest, feeling how it slightly rose as he breathed in and how it sank again when he exhaled. Too engrossed in her observation, she didn't have time to react when he turned and wrapped his arms around her before pulling her into him.

It wasn't quite this 'spooning' that she heard so much about already since she was turned towards him. Her forehead and, in extension, her horns touching his chest. Hopefully, they didn't hurt him, she thought, anxiously fearing Azazel would wake up. After listening for a while, she realized he was still breathing smoothly.

She adjusted her head slightly and placed her face on his chest again. Now she could hear his heartbeat and feel his breathing better. His muscular arms were wrapped around her body. He was firmly but gently holding her against his body like it was the most natural thing in the world.

The familiar lust she felt for her dear husband had long been overshadowed by this giddy and warm feeling blossoming in her core as it spread into every corner of her body. All-encompassing. At that moment, she wanted to squeal and roll inside the bed out of happiness.

She wanted to throw her fists up in happiness. The pure bliss inside her body was barely contained only because she feared she would accidentally wake him up and end this beautiful moment. The feeling held on strongly even when she felt an orgasm encompassing her entire body from head to toe. She pressed her face into his naked chest and breathed in his scent. A scent that she would never forget.

They lay there in the same position for an indefinite time before Azazel changed his position slightly, giving Albedo the opportunity to adjust as well. She rose a bit to snuggle into the crook of his neck before rubbing her cheek against his as if she was a cat showing her affection. She did this for a while, being careful not to wake him.

A satisfied sigh left her mouth before she looked at his face again. Her eyes wandered to his lips, imagining them pressing against hers as he took her first kiss. They had kissed before at their wedding, but she wanted a true first kiss. One filled with love and not of obligation.

Truly, today was the best day she could have ever hoped for. The tomb being displaced was really the best event that could have happened. Hopeful and excited about what the future might bring, she hugged him close to her. She just held him like this until the next morning came.


Suzuki Satoru wasn't sure what to make of the Prince of Nazarick. For all the irregular behavior he seemed to have seen, Azazel was seeing him the same way as the other NPCs. Infallible. The wisdom incarnate. However, he also easily accepted his words when he had said that Tabula-san and Hermorah-san made a mistake. Of course, he stated the fault lay with him. Still, the way he said it…

The way he casually continued to eat after he had entered the room was another clue. Although he interrupted any other NPC's meal before, Albedo's and the Prince's maids had already shown behavior completely opposite to Azazel's. They hadn't even dared to sit down in his presence, while he had been nonchalant about it.

Maybe it was because of his position as the prince? Possibly, because, as he said, he saw me as a goal to pursue instead of a being to be worshiped? Perhaps he saw him as something like an equal? Though he had said he thought it was impossible to reach me...

Satoru couldn't figure out how he should treat the prince. Thoughts about handing over the rule to him did cross his mind, but it wasn't something he could do, especially with what it meant for the other NPCs if he stepped down. Not to mention that he didn't want to abandon what he had built with his friends all these years.

Now that this place had come to life, he couldn't just abandon it. He would stick to it no matter what. That being said, having an NPC who saw one as an equal was refreshing. Just the maids wanting to watch his every move even inside his room or having the Floor Guardians bow to him every time to greet him were already weighing on his mind.

He lay in bed and thought about what to do next when he looked at the reports on his table. Albedo hadn't explained them in detail when she gave him the reports of each floor. He thought that would be the end of the floors' investigations as it looked like everything was in order, but what did she mean that a more detailed check about the current situation was already initiated??

This- this summary was already covering everything, wasn't it? He wanted to cry out, but he still had to preserve his image in front of Yuri, who was watching him while standing next to the door.

He had thought about doing the same as Azazel. Pinching her chin and looking into her eyes as if he was about to kiss- Never! He could never do that! To embarrassing! He tried to imagine himself doing it, and his emotional regulator instantly kicked in.

It was a shame, really, since it seemed to need the performance to convince Yuri out of the room. Using a similar argument Azazel used to get her to step out was quickly shot down by her, stating that it wasn't possible without another person in there to protect him.

He shook his head and sighed, causing Yuri to look at him concerned. This was just the first day. He wondered how he would be able to withstand this.


I woke up and instantly felt a body press against me. My arms were around a soft body. After opening my eyes, sparkling yellow eyes with a slit as pupils stared back at me. A brilliant smile on her face, which seemed to be contagious. A smile matching hers blossomed on my face as well.

"I hope you were able to rest your eyes a bit," I asked, imagining the succubus' lewd night, though I could still feel my pants on me. After all, I had allowed her to smell me. She would take advantage of such an opportunity to sate her lust, but that was why I had invited her in the first place.

"I rested my eyes," she answered dreamily as she propped up her head on her palm. 'on you', I finished her words internally. The words came naturally to my mind as I watched her mannerism, which was a surprise.

My hand brushed across her exposed shoulders, causing her to shiver excitedly. I couldn't help but be amused by the reaction. She was still as sensitive as the day before and even carried the same naughty expression as I let my eyes wander. Still, I felt like I was missing something, and that something made me feel quite giddy inside.

I shelved that feeling for now before I decided to stay in bed with her for the rest of the day. With a stretch, I climbed out of the bed. Just as I was about to get dressed, a knock attracted my attention.

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