Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 16: Country Boy…

A/N: Sorry, guys. No chapter next week. I am currently moving cities  because of my job, so I won't have internet or time, in general, to write for the upcoming week. Also as some might have noticed, I am now usually uploading after 6 pm, which most likely will remain that way since it's at that time I come home after work. If you want to you can check out my patreon. We are a few weeks ahead on there.

Anyway, I see you on the 28th. Have a good one.


"-Next, I shall announce our new direction. This is an absolute order." Even though it was part of it, the change of his name hadn't been the reason for the gathering. No, apparently he wanted to announce the goal they were to be chasing.

"Then-" Ainz's gaze swept through the ranks of NPCs gathering in front of him and my mind was running in circles. Did I forget something? What would he announce? It couldn't be his desire for conquest as this would be announced by Demiurge, so what was it?

"Make Ainz Ooal Gown an eternal legend." Ainz rapped the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown on the ground, causing its crystals to radiate light in all the colors of the rainbow. The air around him trembled as he projected his aura. One could argue the claim he was a fool, but no one could deny his charisma.

To be honest, I was almost ashamed that I only remembered what he wanted to announce now. It had been something that was stretching throughout the original story. He hoped to be recognized by other players, so they would contact him.

"There may be many heroes, but we will surpass each and every one of them. We will let everybody in this world know that Ainz Ooal Gown are the true heroes! If there are people stronger than us, we will deal with them in ways other than force. If we encounter a magician with many subordinates, we will achieve our goal in some other way. This is merely the preparatory phase in order to let everyone know that Ainz Ooal Gown is the greatest. Let us fight together for this glorious future!"

With the NPCs chanting his name, it certainly felt like I had joined a cult,... which was exactly right. Now that I thought about it. Didn't matter, though. I rose with Albedo and Demiurge after Ainz had left the thundering throne room. Demiurge then turned to the other guardians after being urged by Albedo.

He glanced at me as if he wanted approval from me, which I quickly gave with a nod. After turning around to address the other NPCs, he announced what Ainz had told him and that world conquest was Nazarick's ultimate goal.

Afterward, I went back to the Secret Chamber with Sueko, Aneko, and Fubuki. Albedo still had some organizing to do. Apparently, it would take some time since she needed to prepare for the world conquest. Who would have thought?

Before she was able to invite me to her and Demiurge's scheming, I mentioned I had some thinking to do. And there were a lot of things to think about. After we arrived back at our home and a sleep-well hug from Sueko, she rushed to her room, while Aneko and I went upstairs to my office.

Aneko closed the door behind us as we stepped inside before I sat down at the desk with the Slane Theocracy's trump card sitting idle on it. I flicked my finger against it, making the crystal reflect light in a way that made it shimmer brightly.

The spell to summon Dominion Authority was inside and fused with the sealing crystal. It was hard to see if one couldn't see magic since the magical rune hadn't manifested yet. One would need a deep understanding of the spell or magic, in general, to see how the injected mana was crystallized by the sealing crystal to manifest the rune into reality once activated.

Of course, even normal mages - given they could cast the spell - could understand what spell it held if one used the 3rd tier spell [Appraisal Magic Item].

As I idly rocked the crystal back and forth with my index finger, I considered my next moves. Mainly, what I wanted to do next. My brief trip to Carne Village made my thoughts about conquering the beauties of Overlord not that appealing anymore. Oh, I wouldn't mind it, of course, but going out of my way to hunt them down wasn't what I considered a well-chosen priority, at least right now.

There was so much to do, especially since the beginning stages were crucial. There were still items I could use to guarantee my safety, and I had yet to take the necessary steps to get the time to use them. I was planning to lie low for a while, but what would come from the world in the meantime?

To be honest, I guessed many things were going to happen similar to what would be seen in the series as long as I didn't interfere. Only a few months away from Nazarick would be enough to gain the confidence to be 'openly defiant', but it also left the world to the will of Nazarick inhabitants. So, the question was, how much would happen during that time, and was there something I needed to interfere with regardless of my plan to lie low?

The specifics elude me, though I remember seeing a timeline video as a recap before the 4th season came out. The first few months should be about Ainz's adventure as Momon, with Nabe as his companion, the conquest of the lizard tribe, and the start of the infiltration of the Re-Estize Kingdom with Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution.

The destruction of the Re-Estize Kingdom was in the far future, so I didn't need to worry about that. I didn't intend to do anything about the lizard tribes as I didn't think it would be a bad idea to have the tribes unite under Nazarick's leadership, even at the cost of war. Perhaps it was my bias as a former human, but I saw this more as an opportunity for this species to grow than it was an event causing suffering.

There wasn't much I remembered other than that they were currently ruled by different tribes. Besides that, the only real impression their species had left on me was that they were basically starving until they couldn't take it anymore and turned against each other for food.

Back then, I hadn't cared too much about them and this hadn't changed much. I would consider it the best outcome for them to be conquered the way they did. Perhaps if I remembered how many died unnecessarily, I might change my mind.

Momon and Nabe's adventures were also insignificant to me besides the adventurer group Swords of Darkness. Hopefully, I could change that outcome somehow. At least the outcome from Tuare's little sister. What was her name again, Nina?

All in all, the beginning of Nazarick's appearance could be left as it was. There wasn't anything that came to mind, which had to be changed. Those things came later when it escalated to a national stage. The only thing that truly mattered, in the beginning, was wiping out the Black Scripture and taking the World Item, Downfall of Castle and Country.

It was one item that would bother the fuck out of me if it was still out there, especially in the hands of the Slane Theocracy. If they knew of me, an angel of the highest order was running around, they might want to straight up enslave me and parade me around as their god-given proof of their legitimacy to rule.

Of course, if they had been the religious type they pretend to be, I might have visited them and taken them over as a new god, but considering they were hypocrites at best, I would take my chances and stay away from them without proper preparation. I certainly wouldn't leave such a powerful weapon in their hands, especially since I didn't know if my sword counted as a world item yet.

Apart from that, I could do my own thing. To be honest, I could change Ainz's mind about many things and even make him realize his subordinates were out to conquer the world in his name early, which might prevent some nasty things. However, in the end, overall the world would truly be off better with us conquering it. Although Nazarick was filled with monsters, Ainz could be talked with and I as the secondary leader could steer the world to a bright future.

In conclusion, nothing he did in the first few months could concern me. During the time I gathered my strength, I wanted to be mindful of how I presented myself while also lying low. Someone that was loyal to the absolute, so I wouldn't be seen as a traitor while trying to make Nazarick less awful.

After I gained confidence through power, I could even increase my contact with Ainz and help him make better-informed decisions, so he could reduce the casualties and the ruthlessness of his subordinates. There was no need to take over Nazarick because Ainz would manage it fine. Not only would I be free of danger but also free from responsibility with the eternal ruler Ainz Ooal Gown taking up the reins.

I had already laid the groundwork with the reports that Ainz should understand. This alone meant that the changes that would occur might be far-reaching already. Of course, it might be possible that he would still approve most of the actions done by Demiurge and the other less good inhabitants of Nazarick, but I hoped he would at least ban the things on the fucked up range of something like the Abelion Sheeps.

Obviously, it would be concerning if he saw something like that as a necessary evil. I imagined Demiurge could be convincing enough if Ainz didn't have a better alternative for his parchments. So, I might have to come up with an alternative by myself.

I sighed slightly as I sorted my thoughts out. Now came the question to which nation I could disappear to.

I had thought it was best to fuck off to some country that would only be touched years later, only coming back for the important bits and interfering where it was necessary, but I might have to reconsider. If it was truly a country far away that wouldn't be affected by the situation where Nazarick operated, then my efforts there would be wasted as well.

I didn't know how Nazarick would deal with those far-away countries, but it would take some time to get to those, anyway. My best option for minimizing my interactions with Nazarick, while simultaneously maximizing the effect I had on our future plans, was to remain close, but not too close.

It was good that I had requested Demiurge to keep me updated about neighboring countries. The best option for my first operation of gathering my strength was a neighboring country, which gave me some range to influence other countries politically, while it was left alone until I had reached untouchable status.

The Baharuth Empire would be a great choice, but it was already involved with the Re-Estize Kingdom, so I couldn't really lie low if I operated there. The Slane Theocracy was the strongest country and probably had some trump cards that might be able to threaten me because of some bullcrap. There was also the fact that they were actively interfering with other countries and would easily become a focal point for Nazarick's attention.

Then there was the Holy Kingdom and that state with all the dragon lords, the name eluded me. The latter was a danger hazard, so I had to be wary there, especially considering that our transmigration might have something to do with the Dragon Emperor, who could be residing or at least was keeping watch over his children there. The Dragon Emperor was probably the only one capable of defying Nazarick. Hopefully, he hadn't reached World Enemy status. We would be screwed. The former kingdom, on the other hand, had nothing that could really threaten me.

Not a neighboring country, but a good option would be the kingdom with that dragon loli queen. They were fairly desperate for help since they were on the brink of destruction, so that would be perfect for a leg-in. It would be fairly easy to make them dependent on Nazarick, or at least, get them to be receptive to an alliance. There were also some demihuman and elf nations, but they were either too far away or just didn't interest me...

With that, I could also have some political pull on Nazarick's decision and with all the tools at hand, I had already cleared the path to a quiet, horny, and less villainous future, where I could lie on the sidelines as Ainz became the ruler of this world, though something was missing...

I shelved that feeling and my thoughts circled back to the nations I could visit. Suddenly, someone called out from the door. "Azazel-sama?" I almost cursed out in surprise and involuntarily tensed up. It took me a moment to ease up when I remembered I wasn't alone with my thoughts anymore and someone could actually address me.

I looked over at Aneko. "Fubuki wishes to enter." I nodded, giving her permission. Fubuki stepped inside and her appearance was flawless as if she had freshly showered and just finished her hours-long dress-up.

Aneko closed the door behind her as Fubuki approached me with a bunch of papers in her hands. "These are the reports you requested from Demiurge." She neatly piled them up on the corner of my desk. The reports seemed to be divided into themes this time. There were several folders with each having sheet dividers for each subtopic.

I placed the sealing crystal into my inventory and placed the first folder, "Stocktaking and in-depth investigation of anomalies inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Compilation of Day 1-3 after transition", in front of me. I opened it up and found a list of contents. It seemed like Demiurge took my criticism seriously. At the very least, he had organized it.

It had been a gamble. I was not going to lie. When I tore his reports down, it could have branded me as an idiot in his eyes, but that was why I had only dared to point something out something when I had grasped the topic. The section about magical portals was truly godsent, especially since it was so easy to break down to get my point across.

With a glance, one could see the improvement. The previous reports only had a number as its name and no list of contents because, of course, Ainz could memorize everything, so redundant information that could be inferred from the context was cut. Even references to 30 pages prior to a remark were left out because everyone reading that had a perfect memory, right?

I looked through the reports and found all the information neatly arranged. There were even some sketches of magic runes for certain areas in case someone needed to verify that it wasn't broken or altered without having an understanding of said runes. He really made an effort to compile an easy-to-understand report with pictures and easy-to-follow instructions, explanations, etc.

To be honest, reading them was kind of fun. I felt like I was back scouring through the lore of some game or TV series I was watching. I could spend hours just absorbing this stuff. Even though I could have skipped the more technical, magical stuff, as I already understood it, it was still interesting to see Demiurge's perspective on it.

Perhaps it would be nice to have a discussion with him about the difference between negative and positive energy. Though I still wonder why his explanations were so simple. It wasn't just this simplified version, but his 'complicated' explanation as well. It felt like he wrote something that he knew how to use, but not why it was the way it was.

I shook my head and dismissed those thoughts and continued to read through the reports. Ainz might have some initial trouble with the magic side of the report as he didn't truly understand magic, but he should be able to brute force his way through the material and actually learn most if not all of it.

After putting the folder down, I looked at the other folders and skipped through them. They were similarly easy to understand, so with that in mind, they could be sent to Ainz.

"I approve. Bring them to Demiurge. He can deliver it to Ainz-sama." I said, before placing the last folder onto the pile.

"Your Majesty, Demiurge had told me you should deliver it. He didn't dare to take your credit."

What? Didn't I tell him I would keep quiet about his 'mistake'? Why was he giving me this credit for? Urgh. I was already getting a headache. With little hesitation, I cast [Message] and connected with Demiurge.

"Your Highness, how can I help you?" I could practically hear him bow to the air as if I stood in front of me.

"It might be a good idea to have weekly reports that summarize what happened that week and what is planned for the next to one page, and perhaps a similar monthly report as well. It's best to get a quick overview in case someone couldn't read the individual reports. In the future, it will be fine to send those to me. Every other report can be directly handed over to Ainz-sama for review."

"... I see. So, that's why. Truly foresightful. It will be done... How were the reports? Are these sufficiently simplified?" He almost sounded worried.

"They are quite fine, though I will inquire about any improvements directly from Ainz-sama once I hand them over. You wanted me to give them to him, right?"

"Yes, your Highness. I didn't feel comfortable stealing praise away from you, especially given our last talk and the future..." Was he scared that this was a test?

"I see. Very well. I will inform you what he thought of it."

"Thank you." He bowed again, and I cut the connection as I stood up. I could take walk through Nazarick. It would be good to see what this tomb offered again. I would be away for quite some time until I returned and wouldn't have the time in the future.

Of course, I could teleport back every night, but I kind of liked the idea of living somewhere else that wasn't a tomb full of world-ending creatures... Actually, I didn't mind them and it had nothing to do with them being attractive female individuals that had a thing for me. Of course, not.

I stored the folders in my inventory before looking at Fubuki, who had been watching me with a suspiciously neutral face. "I am going to give the reports to Ainz-sama. Want to come with me?" I asked, and her eyes seemed to light up. A slight smile appeared on her face.

"I would love to." After she dismissed Aneko to take her spot as my attendant, we walked out of the house and I held up my arm for her to hook hers into. She almost looked shocked that I had offered her my arm. "Your Majesty. If the others see us, they might misunderstand us."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow. "What's there to misunderstand? Are you not my woman?" Her face turned bright red as she looked down at the floor.

"Yes…, but what about your Majesty's wife, Albedo? Would she approve of this?" Her careful voice was almost as quiet as a mouse. Really adorable if it didn't carry that hint of insecurity in her voice.

"What's more important, her approval or mine?" The question seemed to have done it, and she hesitantly hooked her arm into mine before we walked along the trail. "First of all, we are still inside the Secret Chamber, it's not like anyone would see us. Besides, Albedo wouldn't disapprove, at least not of you or Aneko and Sueko. So, keep the head up." To be honest, that was where my confident speculation would end at.

I wasn't sure how she would react if I desired a member of the Pleiades or one of the Homunculus maids, but I would ask her sometime other than now. "How about your work? Is everything done yet? It had been a while since I last saw you anywhere else but at the breakfast table."

To be fair, I knew what she did, not why it had taken her so long. She just had to investigate this area, but that shouldn't have taken her 4 days, right? Despite the Secret Chamber being quite extensive, it wasn't that much to look into, even with the detailed approach, according to the reports.

When I glanced at her, she seemed somewhat embarrassed. "It's because of them." She pointed at the pegasus and hippogriff flying through the tree crowns. They actually weren't any living creatures, at least not previously. They were illusion-based props/decorations for the forest.

There were even some of these horse spirits in the lake in front of my Secret Sanctuary. Hippocampus, I believe they were called. Those were actually low-leveled POP NPCs, but I had gotten rid of them because they were almost blocking the entrance to my Sanctuary. There were only 2 left and they would usually remain at the bottom of the lake.

"They are really annoying and just wouldn't listen when I told them to gather. These pricks never did as they were told! Somehow, they even disappeared just as I was about to catch them. In the end, I had to ask Edan for help, otherwise, I could never catch them!" She hatefully glared at the pegasus that seemed to laugh at her. Fubuki was level 83 and she couldn't catch decoration?

With my index finger, I waved them to me, which they obediently did. "W-wha-" Fubuki exclaimed as they landed in front of us and the pegasus neighed while bowing its head. I waved my hand, and they seemed to disperse in the wind.

"They are just spirits belonging to this forest. You don't have to pay them any mind." I concluded with some fascination as I watched how the mana construed their bodies.

Forest decoration turned into forest-bound spirits, or rather it was the manifestation of the forest's will. They were basically level 1 illusions one could ride, but besides that, they were practically useless. I could only order them since I was the Area Guardian of the Secret Chamber, so they fell under my authority.

"They... annoying." She huffed slightly and made a little stomp as she glared at the vanishing mana which caused me to laugh. She crossed her arms aggrieved when she saw I was laughing at her frustration.

"Thank you for checking on it, though. I really appreciate it." I said, before bumping my hip against hers.

She humphed before mumbling quietly, "… I am glad I could help." We continued on our way through the hallways of the 10th floor. There were some maids cleaning. When they saw us, they stopped what they were doing to bow to us.

When I nodded at them, they practically shone in excitement, as if I had told them they had won the lottery. To be honest, I could have teleported toward Ainz's room, but then I would have been refused those sights. Man, getting people to light up like that just because you met them was addicting.

Fubuki, on the other hand, had her head high as if she looked down at the maids. When she snorted at a maid's approach, they ran away squealing happily, muttering something about being ethereal or something.

Besides that, the walk cleared my head and made organizing my thoughts a lot easier. Although my Non-Interference Plan during the next few months remained to some degree, I still must interfere with a select few events, and there was a critical flaw with that intention. I didn't know when exactly those events happened and I had no source of information.

Of course, I could use the reports to guess when something would happen, but that didn't replace real-time information or even previous arrangements. With that in mind, I hoped some words would prevent some issues from popping up in the first place or make the involved person inform me directly, so I could step in.

I came up with something when I read about potential group composition during external missions inside one report. It gave me the clue I needed to not be present and still get the information I need. It would require me to talk to some guardians and order them to go along with it, but that was easily done, especially since it was in the interest of everyone. After my visit with Ainz, I would have to go talk to Shalltear and then Naberal.

As I mused about who I needed to visit so everything could go without a hitch, we quickly arrived in front of his door. Fubuki insisted on knocking to announce our arrival.

It didn't take long before we were invited inside. Ainz was sitting at his desk, pretending to read some magical tome or something from the look of its cover. "Azazel, Fubuki. It's good to see you." He greeted us.

Fubuki stood slightly behind me with her arms crossed underneath her boobs. Honestly, one could think she was pretty confrontational because of her stance, but that was just how she stood when she waited. It had been her idle animation, so it didn't surprise me it carried through to this world. I ignored these thoughts and conjured up the reports from my inventory.

"Good early morning, Ainz-sama." Fubuki echoed my greeting as I placed the reports next to him. "I believe Demiurge had mentioned this?"

"Yes... your improved reports, I assume? You had criticized him for his... 'obvious' mistake and had him redo them." He seemed rather hesitant and scared to even look at the reports, which was understandable. Every report amounted to a total of 10 folders with 50+ pages each.

Given that the previous reports had less explanation, it would still round up to 5 reports of 20 pages of tightly packed information. Worse, it was something important and something he couldn't understand, while he was constantly being watched by someone. He would have to at least pretend to read and understand something instead of taking a break, for example. I would be reluctant to touch 'improved' reports as well.

"Indeed. I wanted to deliver them personally, so I could get real-time feedback and suggestions from you." Oh, I knew he had to be sweating right now.

"I-I don't-"

Before he could give an excuse, I interrupted him. "Ah, I have stayed up through the night and finished with my other plans today and I am just waiting for your feedback before I visit Demiurge to tell them of your opinions. Oh, I still wanted to visit Shalltear, but that can wait. So, Ainz-sama doesn't have to worry, we have at least a leisure half-hour to note your first impressions. Fubuki, you ready?"

"Of course." She whipped out a notebook and a pen, ready to write down everything Ainz would say. We both stared intensely at Ainz, waiting for his great insights. I was an angel, but oh, how I was evil.

The red orbs in his eye sockets vanished before he rigidly looked at the reports and put the first folder in front of him. I had my fun, so I decided to explain the changes as he looked through it. He didn't seem too enthusiastic at first, but he quickly perked up when he read the first paragraph.  "... Eh?"

'I can understand this!' I could practically hear it in his head.

"I had figured the initial reports from Demiurge and Albedo were too complicated if other guardians were to read them. Since I guessed a situation may arrive where you would have to hand the reports over to other guardians to look them over, it would be best to keep them as simple as possible." I explained, causing him to look at me.

There was a pregnant pause as he stared at me, his red glowing orbs practically shining. "I love you." Ainz declared.


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