Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 30: Pandora’s Box

"Please forgive us. This is just standard procedure and we don't have the authority to decide it right now! If it was me I would give you-"

"Don't say what you shouldn't." Kathrin chastizied Elise.

I couldn't help but smile. "Chill Elise. I am not too worried about getting a rank up. You know where you can reach me. I probably am going to relax after that battle. See you around." I said as I waved them goodbye.

"I will deliver the message to you as soon as I can, my lord!" Elise said with determination as her hand balled into a fist.

"Oh, god you are desperate. You really need to get laid." Kathrin said as I could feel her gaze on my bottom as I stepped out of the adventurer guild.

"W-what?! L-laid?? My maidenhood is only to be claimed by my future husband!"

"But Lord Azazel is already married and last I checked marriage was between two people."

"I-I... marriage isn't decided by the church if..."

I didn't hear the rest as I stepped inside the carriage to take me back to our inn. We had done our part already by returning our reports about this emergency request and delivering some positive news to the adventurers guild. It was time for some 'rest'.

Neia had already left, saying that she needed some time to think about my offer, though I already knew that she would eventually come back to my offer. She would only need a little push and it would come naturally as she observed the undeserved hardship that was going to come during the difficult times of this country.

A difficult time with a lot of distress coming from the inside of the country as well as an outside threat spurning the flames of war. It was inevitable with the ongoing civil conflict and the demi-human threat knocking on their door for centuries. Something needed to change and it would not be easy on every person. She would survive as would many that didn't deserve to die. I would make sure of it.

Hopefully, my plan would come to effect earlier than later. I would like to reduce the blood of the innocents that would unavoidably be shed. Soon my rank would be increased when the generals confirmed my team's contribution on the battlefield. If I was not mistaken, we should be able to be ranked as a Mithril plate, at the very least.

After all, I had fought through an army and then slayed some leaders on the same level as those that were able to cast tier 4 magic. According to the difficulty ranking that the adventurer guild used then everything on that level needed at least a Mithril team to contend against.

I wasn't sure whether the fact we were officially only two people would help our ranking, but it certainly spoke volumes of our strength. After all, if there were two teams on the same rank, the team with fewer people meant that the capability on the individual level should be higher.

Of course, there were differences between teams, but a team of 2? Something that would only be matched by the future team Darkness composed of Momon and Nabe. That reminded me, I still needed to decide on a name for our team.

Either way, for me to slay a few of those Mithril-ranked threats at the same time should place my strength comparable to the peak of a normal Adamantite adventurer, and the fact that I did it on my lonesome meant I should have reached the level of heroes already. The peak of mortals.

The only reason why I didn't think I would rank any higher was because of how Momonga was ranked after defeating an army of undead, two skeleton dragons, and the masterminds behind them, Kahjit and Clementine, who were already somewhat known. They were only ranked Mithril even though their strength was obviously higher as they did it with only two people and their tamed hamster.

The situation with our battle against the demi-human army was similar with just the fact that demi-humans were a bit stronger. Of course, it wasn't that simple to compare the deeds as undead wouldn't tire and despite being weaker were much more troublesome if they were able to revive the fallen opponents. Either way, this deed should be judged the same.

I would have to wait until the next day as they still need the confirmation of the generals since the receptionists were hardly able to believe my tale. Not to mention that there should be someone that needs to confirm whether I belonged in that rank. It wouldn't do well for them to rank someone up that was only able to kill an enemy by a fluke.

It wouldn't do well to rank someone this high up without any thorough investigation. After all, it pertains to their image and it would preserve the lives of the teams that were ranked too high for their capabilities.

Obviously, I wasn't going to head out on another quest right away since I expected at least a big reaction from local nobles. The news of a new Mithril-ranked team in their region should be rather intriguing to the power that ruled this place. There were few that could match my perceived strength here in Kalinsha and most of them were already bought by nobles.

There should be three Mithril-ranked groups in Kalinsha and none of them had aided the defense against the invasion. Two groups were, unfortunately, out on a mission as the competitive race to be the first Orichalcum-ranked team in Kalinsha was quite fierce among them. The last group had been recruited by a local noble that owned several blacksmiths and leatherworkers and had a mansion a few kilometers away from the city.

The shops the noble owned were important for every ranked adventurer. The higher one got the harder it was to procure the equipment they needed for their missions. Not to mention potions, even high-quality gloves, and satchels were important equipment any team needed no matter their rank.

If one didn't want to rely on luck and find them in some crypt, the only other way would be to hand over the materials to a master blacksmith or leatherworker and let them create the weapon, armor, and other miscellaneous stuff. These things would accompany the adventurer on almost all missions and higher-ranked adventurers knew to appreciate good quality.

It was a smart move to curry favor with these nobles, especially during a mission like this. The defense was hastily arranged and would most likely fall even with their help. Given that the other Mithril groups were out of town, the other group had played it safe. I couldn't blame them too much, they thought about preserving the lives of their close comrades while getting some benefits on top.

Perhaps they thought that the Paladin Order would pick up the slack or had intentions to join them before too much damage befell the normal citizen. Risk assessment was an important skill in this branch and I could only applaud them that they didn't get arrogant just because they had some fame here. I didn't like their decision, but I could understand and respect it.

Of course, that was just the presumption I came to with the information at hand. Perhaps they were passed out drunk after partying with their sponsor for all I could care. For me, it was a good thing not any other high-ranked adventurer was there to steal the show.

Now the only thing I could do was wait for my new rank and act accordingly. I sat down in the chair inside my room in the inn and then glanced over to Clementine who was now sitting ramrod straight, clearly afraid of what would become of her.

She looked like she hadn't moved an inch from there since yesterday after she had explained the intricacies of Martial Arts. She explained how she learned the skills and the sensations she had when using her Martial Arts. From the look of it, it was just a way to use chaotic magic seemingly without needing soul energy. Instead, it drained their physical stamina or mental capacity.

Theoretically, I should be able to learn them as well if I simply simulated the application of chaotic magic during their Martial Arts. However, it seemed like there was something else going on as I could hardly replicate what she was doing. It might be something inherent to the inhabitants of this world similar to Wild Magic. Something about their genetic makeup giving them some authority over Martial Arts.

Maybe it would take a long time for me to figure out how to use their application of this primordial power. My time to learn it was limited as Clementine couldn't just spam her Martial Arts as she pleased. By limiting the number of Martial Arts active at the same time and giving her enough rest time, I could study it for longer, though I didn't have the time for something like an in-depth study of a parlor trick like that.

Although I now had someone to teach me this, I had no intention of actually learning it right now. There was a bit of time until the next thing I wanted to interfere with happened, so I could focus on the items that were still waiting for me to use. I needed to amass power quickly and there were some months left until I would have to step up as the prince again. Until then I needed to boost myself to the next level in every aspect.

Untouchable politically, best to have the Holy Kingdom in my pocket by then, and have irresistible personal strength. Currently, I was advancing both objectives. My personal strength, the more important component of the two, was already advancing rapidly with the energy supplied by my armor.

Despite reducing its flow to the minimum to prevent the energy from overflowing through my eyes, I was getting stronger with every second. As it currently stood, with just my armor I was about to reach the next threshold soon.

The energy I could go up to 100% of my current lifetime's worth of energy being outputted in a single day, the rate of advancement should be about the same after each threshold since every time I advanced my lifetime's energy output would increase as well. From my current estimation, my power should increase once I hit two weeks, which meant I would get significantly stronger every 2 weeks. Honestly, I expected a faster advancement with the supplied energy, but I guessed it was just not that simple to advance in Sephira's realm of archangels.

Either way next up would be the Lizardmen, which I had no reason to interfere with. Instead of letting them cannibalize themselves and wage war in their little tribes until they eradicated themselves, it was best for Cocytus to show them his might and make them our first demi-human subordinates. It might even give Enri a future opportunity to engage in Nazarick's politics and way of doing things. Perhaps she could be a positive influence on them.

Now what should I do with this sadistic cowering human? Clementine shivered at my gaze and didn't dare to look into my eyes. "Clementine. I don't need you here right now. To be honest, your existence here is rather troublesome, so-" At every word I said to her, her face got paler and her expression grimaced into a crying terrified woman.

"Yuri!" Almost instantaneously she opened the door and bowed. "Bring her back to Nazarick and get her situated there. I am currently not in a need of her service."

"W-wait. Pl-please I will do anything! I can tell you all the secrets from the Slane Theocracy! Martial Arts! I have so much more to tell you! Just don't put me back there. P-p-please-" Clementine knelt on the ground with her hand clasped as she plead to me for mercy with tears running down her face.

"Fine. Bring her to Carne Village. Clementine, you are going to obey every command of Enri and you won't experience your visit at Nazarick again." After hearing my words, Clementine lowered her head and kowtowed to me, slamming her forehead on the ground as she repeatedly thanked me. As if I would let her rot in the tomb. She would be of no use there except for wasting the precious food there.

Afterward, Yuri made a call back to whoever was guarding the village to inform them of their arrival. I cast [Gate] for her back to the forest near the village. "After you come back, wait in here for any news someone might have for me. Fubuki, Aneko and I will be going out on a walk."

Yuri bowed at my admission of us going away before leaving with Clementine through the gate. Since Fubuki and Aneko were there acting as my bodyguard, she didn't really have anything to worry about. With Yuri now occupied and Sueko still tending to the human, I contacted the demon to announce my arrival and that he should prepare a room for me.

"Fubuki," I called out and watched as she stepped through the door. She walked to me with grace, though my attention shifted to her breasts in particular as they bounced slightly with every step she took. After seeing my line of view shift, she pushed her bosom out and crossed her arms underneath to emphasize them.

I tapped on my thigh, making her sit down sideways on my lap. One hand rested on my chest, while the other wrapped around my neck. She then rested her head on my shoulder and looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"It has been a while since we were alone," I said as I gazed into her eyes. Her intoxicating scent emanating from her was a delicate blend of floral notes with a subtle touch of vanilla. The scent suddenly changed turning even more feminine and alluring, and strangely arousing. It was too familiar for me to not realize that it was her arousal, releasing pheromones.

A familiar attraction was born inside me, an irresistible urge to take her right then and there. Like always, the pheromones that the women were releasing spoke directly to my most basic instincts, bypassing rational thought and tapping into something deeper and more primal. It didn't help that it felt like my divine duty to give in to it.

I just kissed her. Closed my eyes and enjoyed her soft and warm lips. They were full and perfectly shaped, with just the right amount of suppleness and firmness. As our lips met, a jolt of electricity passed between them. At first, her lips moved against mine with a sense of timing and rhythm, as if she tried her best to tend to my every desire and need. However, it quickly devolved into passion-filled movements, needing more of me as she pressed herself deeply almost desperately into my body.

Her lips opened slightly, but before the session got any more heated to the point where I didn't want to leave anymore, I separated from the kiss. Her lips chased mine with a reluctant whine. "I have an important mission for you."

When she heard my words, her lips moved away from my mouth to not hinder me from speaking. Of course, her body was still needy as she pressed her voluptuous breasts against my chest while trailing my chin and jawline with kisses. "Whatever you want me to do, you can count on me." She whispered while continuing to sensually kiss my neck.

"I want you to follow me and protect me from any interruptions. You are also not allowed to tell anyone else of this." Her tongue licked my neck while her hands were groping my arms and chest muscles.

"Understood. Your wish is my command." She breathily answered as she continued to try and melt into me. "When are we leaving?"

"Now," I said with a struggle, trying to ignore the hard nipples announcing their presence through her dress or how her hips moved back and forth, rubbing my hardening dick. My hand rubbed her thigh, but I resisted going any further than this as I would risk it signaling that I was changing my mind about needing to go right now.

After a brief moment, she pouted before standing up. With several unsteady steps forward, she regained her bearings before turning around. The subtle rub of her thighs and her flushed face, while I continued to sit there, trying to calm down my raging boner with deep breaths only to breathe in her now lewd scent. I was unsatisfied, but there was no way around this process.

This was the usual struggle I had to go through if I didn't want to remain buried under pussy. I needed to remain steadfast in the face of women that were beyond beautiful. Despite wanting nothing more than to fuck them and with them wanting exactly that, I needed to decline them.

I was bricked up and they were wet, all parties were ready to indulge in each other's bodies. Just like now, they would push it as far as they could until they knew I really meant business. The struggle was real, especially with the voice in my head searching for whatever excuse to fulfill my divine desires.

The only silver lining was that they took orders seriously and one firm order made them see the seriousness just like now. Otherwise, if she pushed me a bit further, even 'important' missions like what I had in mind now, would be pushed in the back of my mind until I at least blew a load over her face. I would thoroughly enjoy it and then be annoyed that I wasn't already an untouchable existence.

"Aneko," I called out and in an instant, she appeared inside the room like a ghost as if she had teleported inside, though I knew she just moved quite quickly and sneakily. Assassin and all that jazz. She still had her goth dress on with two swords on her back. It would be easy to imagine blood dripping off their blade, though as a maid she was hardly that sloppy.

"When we arrive, I want you to take care of our surroundings and inform me immediately if you noticed someone that might be a threat heading towards us. Fubuki you will enter the room with me."

"Yes, your majesty." "Understood, Azazel-sama" After getting their confirmation, I created an [Gate] again and let Aneko walk through it first with me being second and Fubuki going in last.

After stepping into it, we arrived at a luxurious living room, clearly of noble origin. Aneko already disappeared into the shadows, while Fubuki scanned the room only lingering for a moment on the demon that Demiurge had lent me. He was the one that gave us the coordination for this room.

Seeing that he was about to report his mission to me, I just held up my hand to interrupt him. "You can tell me the details later. Go out and secure the periphery. Also, tell the noble not to welcome any guests until I leave. Make sure we don't arouse any attention."

"Yes, your highness!" He bowed before moving out of the room.

"Secure the room," I ordered Fubuki and she immediately moved to cast several spells for protection and discreteness. I threw in a simple barrier that stuck to the dimension of the room with Wild Magic in case anyone used it to spy on me. It was unlikely that someone would use souls to spy on me, but not impossible.

After several more spells cast, the room was practically airtight. Nothing came in and nothing got out. Even someone with World Items or Wild Magic would find it incredibly difficult or even impossible to even take a look inside.

"Fubuki, could you move the furniture and make some room for me." She used her telekinesis to move all the furniture and decoration to the walls out of the way. With a domain that was this heavily guarded, I finally took out a box and placed it in the middle of the room.

[Pandora's Box]

One of the items I changed the lore of. Originally the [Pandora's Box] was a loot box that would give the player, who opened it, a high-to-end game item. It wasn't as rare as World Items, but it certainly wasn't a common item. A decently rare item that could only be procured at random quests that had nothing to do with each other.

Though there weren't many fools that would just open it once they got their hands on it. The problem with this box was once it was opened, it would inform other players in the vicinity about the gained item and who got it. The player would also be pinged for anyone to see their location for 10 minutes. Although 10 minutes might not seem to be a big deal, it was practically a suicide box since it didn't even wear off after the player had died once. The possibility of losing several levels was extremely likely once a player was caught.

Only if the player lost the item would his location not be displayed anymore. Usually, players would just open the box inside their base to not be killed for it. However, it was still problematic as anyone would know what the player had gotten. Considering how important information in that game was, not many advanced players would use it to keep the item.

They would trade it, use it as bait or maybe even trap someone by changing the name of the box and having someone else open it by making them think it was a different box. only to kill them and try to steal the content. Though what players did with it wasn't really important to me. The only thing important was what it would give me now.

Of course, I had thought about it just giving me an extra overpowered item, but I had another more convenient item for that. I wanted it to give me something more metaphysical like in the original myth. This box held my innate potential.

From the series, I knew I might not be able to learn Martial Arts, Wild Magic, or even normal extra spells beyond what my level allowed me as it was capped in the game, so I thought I could just give myself the ability to defy nature and gain the ability to learn them anyway. Of course, I didn't know that I would be able to learn new magic due to my deep understanding of it, but that didn't mean this was useless to me now. No, the complete opposite was the case.

The changed lore was as followed.

Pandora's box. The original Pandora's Box held the heaven-defying innate talent of the angel called Azazel. After the world tree, Yggdrasil had paid attention to the unnatural birth of the angel and its subsequent creation of reality-shattering items, it realized it had to interfere. The angel's innate potential to ignore the limitation of any lifeforms to learn and instantly master any skill, magic, or other ability, wasn't something Yggdrasil could tolerate.

After suppressing the items of the angel, it locked away the infant's innate potential in the Pandora's Box, trying to trap and hide it for as long as it existed. However, the potential was still underestimated by the world tree, resulting in the creation of other boxes as an attempt to escape its prison.

The potential was so great that it created items out of chaos to entice others to search for the original box. The moment it would open, the potential would return to its original owner.

Like all the items I changed, it contained some flowery text to make sense of why it hadn't the same effect during the game. I wasn't going to risk wasting my Data Crystals just because the rank and original effect of the items didn't fit its changed lore.

I glanced at the box and reached out to open it. The moment it opened, it released a golden light beam that slammed into the ceiling, which was covered in protective spells. Normally, it would have passed through the ceiling without issue, but now the light beam impacted the barriers and spread like a fire, filling the ceiling with a golden light.

Other than it being obstructed by our barriers, it looked just like the normal opening of a Pandora's Box until the beam's light suddenly changed in color. To Colors, I have never seen before as a human.

I was stunned as I saw this and was barely able to comprehend what was happening. The light gathered into a sphere before it shot at me. Despite the seemingly deadly force as it approached me, my instincts told me to welcome it, so I did.

I opened my arms and watched as it entered my body. The sensation of it entering my body was indescribable. It felt like I was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The sensation of being able to sense everything around me was almost overwhelming and at the same time easily processable.

In an instant, I completely understood what was previously beyond me, especially my inner nature. I let my armor supply me with all the energy it could output only increasing with every second until I shattered another shackle. I could feel and see the bounds that were attached to my being. Bounds that were previously hidden, interwoven in the reality it pierced through from the beyond.

The energy supplied by my armor cut through the chains with utmost precision, elevating my power to the next level and again until the 2nd chain fell. There were still 12 chains left, but the power needed to overcome them wasn't something I possessed right now.

I rolled my shoulders as I felt the changes happening to me. Just the fact that I was now able to see what was still binding, grounding me to my current race was eye-opening. I glanced over at Fubuki who was starstruck, making me smile at her. She knelt down with her hands clasped as if she was praying to me.

"Fubuki, don't kneel. Come here." She looked up like the most awestruck woman in existence, obviously wanting to jump into my arms, though she restrained herself because of the almost fanatical adoration she felt at this moment. So, I picked her up and spun her around for a moment before kissing her. She touched me gently as if I was too precious to be held carelessly.

"Let's go back," I said as the spells we erected fell and disappeared back to the chaotic potential it had emerged, having been unable to resist the onslaught of the opening of the box. Afterward, I called Aneko and the demon.

"Have you noticed something?" They shook their head in denial and I could only hope that no one had seen what had happened. Hopefully, Ainz wasn't informed of the events either. Despite what I had gained I wouldn't be able to beat all of Nazarick just yet. However, I now knew the specific moment I would. The moment the last chain fell and it was just a matter of time.

"Alright." I turned to the demon, who seemed more subservient than previously before I realized I leaked a bit of my aura, which was suppressing his existence. Aneko seemed curious about the change as well, though she didn't mention it. "How is your mission going?"

After I stopped leaking my aura, he looked at me again with fear in his eyes as if I would strike him the next moment. "Everything is going according to plan, your holiness! T-the noble family is turned to our side and we are beginning to push for the revolution. We will be ready to wage war at your word!"

"Good. Make sure they don't make a move before I say they can."

He knelt with a shout. "Yes, your holiness!"

I nodded before I offered the two ladies my hand, which they promptly accepted before the world around us changed. The first time I used Wild Magic to teleport. It was slightly different from Tier Magic teleportation, but still similar enough in its application. A soul spent on this wasn't worth it.

With my newfound talent, I could use Wild Magic as skillfully as my current authority over it allowed. Something that might have taken me months to understand, solved by just thinking about it. The mind of a normal Archangel that held dominion over all Earthly paled in comparison to what I could do now. I would need to update my domain again. There was so much wasted energy that it almost hurt me to protect myself with it. There was also-

Before I could finish my thought, I was interrupted by a call.

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