Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 52: Rescue

She looked up, glancing at the closing door. It would be the last bit of light she would see before that man came back. Her wrists and ankles hurt from the chains that bound her to the wall and the ground. There were a lot of bruises and swelling that weren't able to heal because she was barely getting any food, just enough for her to survive.

Every day was painful. Her body ached and the wounds on her joints made her give up on breaking free of them. It was already the fourth 'owner' she had. The one that bought her this time was going to sell her soon as she was already too dirty to be used. They would soon sell her to a brothel to be disposed of. 

She knew it would be her death sentence. She just wished this hell would end. She wished she could return to her life as a normal villager. She wished to be happy again. She wished to live.

Suddenly, she heard shouting from beyond the door. Even though barely any sound could enter this place, because it was so quiet she was able to hear it. The shout turned into screaming before something slammed into the door, repeatedly. The screams grew quieter with every thud against the door.

The door shook and all she could do was look at it. Her body was too weak to move and react to the sudden change. The door was torn out of the wall, breaking apart the stone that held the door shut. A metal door that had locked her inside was flung away. 

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should anticipate the change, but anything else than her current life was better than this. Her vision was bad from the swollen eyes and rare light they saw, but she was able to see a figure with white hair dressed in black approaching her. "Tuareninya Veyron?" A baritone mature voice called out. 

Tuareninya, that was her name. A name she hadn't heard for a long time. Although she was sure it had to be only a year or two, it felt like her previous life in the village with her sister had been a lifetime ago. She reached out, grabbing onto him with all her remaining might, fearing that he would leave like the others who had ignored her plea.

It cost her entire strength to do so. It was already difficult enough to consciously breathe for the first few hours after the man's visit until her body had healed enough to breathe on its own. However, she knew this might be her last chance. Her lips moved, wanting to ask for his help, to be rescued, but her voice failed her. The man seemed to be surprised by her actions and continued to look at her.

"...Don't worry. I am here to save you." The voice called out, kneeling beside her. He reached for the chains and with a 'crack' the chains shattered and dropped to the floor. The cold chains had already cut into her flesh, so pain assaulted her when they were removed. "Give me the potions. We can't move her like this." The man said to another figure with blond hair that came in the door behind him.

He carefully poured the healing potions over her wounds. At first, it stung, but then the pain she had felt since forever slowly diminished, if barely. She watched as he tenderly looked over her wounds and deemed her safe to move. He gave her last look to check up on her, she could only stare at the old man's eyes, which seemed to pierce through her darkness.

"Everything is alright. We will get you out of here. However, for now, Sleep." A sudden drowsiness hit her and her eyelids grew heavy. She fought against it as she didn't want this to end, even if it were just a dream, but alas there was nothing she could do.


Tuare roused from her sleep, waking up, only to have dread instantly fill her. She kept her eyes closed, fearing if she opened them, she would find her rescue being nothing but a dream. Her hope would be shattered and she wasn't sure if she could ever recover from it. She reminded herself to not be hopeful, to not expect it to be true, after all, it wasn't the first time she had a similar dream.

It was then that she heard the elderly voice she had heard in her dream. The voice coming from her savior inside her dream now came from beyond a door or wall. It was then that she realized that her body was devoid of pain. With every breath she took, she anticipated a sharp pain from her disease-ridden lungs, but the air flowed through her nose, filling her lungs unimpeded.

Her wrists and ankles seemed to be pain-free as well. It was like her body had been reverted to how it was before she was taken away by that noble. Then she noticed something resting on her body. She reached out for it and found it soft and silky to touch. It was only then that she opened her eyes while anticipating the pain that usually followed. When no pain assaulted her, her features relaxed slightly until warm light entered her eyes.

Her vision was drawn to the window with white curtains waving lightly due to the breeze that entered through the window. Light shone through it, enveloping the plant that was placed on the windowsill. The sight didn't compute with her world view and for a moment her mind went blank.

"I trust you are completely recovered. How do you feel?" The mature voice of her savior called out again, but her mind still wasn't convinced that she had been truly saved. If it turned out to be just an illusion or dream, she would lose her will to live.

"Are you hungry? I brought something to eat." With those words, a fragrance wafted over to her nose. Her eyes were inevitably drawn to the food that was presented to her. A wooden bowl with some porridge inside. Her body screamed for nutrition though she didn't move directly. It took her a moment before her arms moved slowly, a habit created to not aggravate her wounds.

Her hand trembled slightly as she held the spoon before she started to eat. With no pain assaulting her, her movements grew bolder and she devoured the food in a matter of seconds. She almost closed her eyes in delight and sighed in contentment when she felt the food land in her stomach, filling her to a degree that she hadn't been for a long time. 

However, the fear of all of this turning up as fake made her eyes snap open and she curled into a frightened ball.

"Your body must need sleep. Don't push yourself and have a good rest. You will not come to any harm as long as you stay here. I guarantee this - when you wake up again, you will still be in that bed." Her eyes finally moved to look directly at him, something she wouldn't have dared to do as this might have been seen as an offense, but she needed to know what her savior looked like.

Their eyes met and her mouth opened before closing again as she had forgotten how to use her voice. He looked gently at her with patience, not urging her to do anything, just watching in silence. Some inaudible noises later, she finally found her voice. "Thank... thank you." The distinguished gentleman gave her a genuine smile.

"It's fine. Since I have rescued you, I will do my best to guarantee your safety." His words made her heart tremble, and she couldn't help it any longer as part of her finally realized that she had been rescued, that she was safe. The days of darkness and abuse were gone and light had entered her world once again, banishing all that harmed her.

The tears that overflowed didn't sting. Her mouth opened and wept piteously. She cursed her fate and spewed out her hatred for having to endure her fate, that nobody had helped her until now. She even cursed her savior, asking why she wasn't saved earlier.

After receiving this kindness — after being humanely treated, it was as though part of her had broken down under the strain of everything she had endured until now. No, perhaps it might be better to say that after having her humanity restored, she could no longer bear her painful memories.

She tore at her hair, and the strands snapped quietly as she pulled. Not even registering the pain as countless golden strands were tangled around her slender fingers. The porridge bowl and the spoon rolled to the bed before scattering on the ground, while her savior watched silently as she felt herself go mad.

Her hatred and curses were directed at her savior, searching for a scapegoat to release all her pain and resentment. Even though the words she threw at the man were harsh and undeserved, he wasn't unhappy or angry. His wrinkles just radiated with kindness. He then leaned forward and hugged her.

She felt like a child being embraced by her guardian. There was no malice or unhappiness, only unending kindness. The unfamiliar feeling made her freeze, only to realize that the embrace was completely unlike those men who sought to violate her. For the first time in a while, she relaxed.

"It's fine." The man repeated those words like a mantra, gently patting her on the back like she was a crying child. At first, she started to moan, a habit to satisfy the ego of her captives. It was only when she understood what he was saying that she buried her face into his chest and cried even louder than before.

However, her tears weren't those of resentment and hatred.


Sebas tried to serve the prince tea, but he just told him to sit with a smile on his face which made it hard for him to refuse his command. So, reluctantly he sat down before he could serve the tea. In his stead, Solution came and started tending to them. "Is she alright?" The prince asked, urging Sebas to nod positively.

"Yes, we found Tuareninya Veyron in the captivity of a noble in the south of the capital. It seems like she has made a full recovery physically. However, her mental state is still unstable."

Azazel-sama's gaze was piercing and full of power as he listened to his words even though his demeanor was relaxed. Sebas wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed like the prince's eyes had gained a sharpness during his conquest of the Holy Kingdom. "That's good to hear." He responded casually as he drank a mouthful of the tea that Solution had served them both before standing to the side.

"Your Highness..." Sebas began, not knowing how he could ask this more delicately. "...What is your purpose with her?" He could feel the perplexed gaze from Solution on his face as he asked this. It wasn't his place to know the intricate schemes of those that were his better and superior. Still, he couldn't help but inquire about her future for some reason.

Azazel-sama smiled as if he had expected the question and perhaps he did. Sebas had heard about his intellect surpassing even that of Demiurge and Albedo. "Of course, the future belongs to her. If she decides to leave, it will be on her own volition. We aren't going to stop her, but if she wants to stay and join our ranks, she will be yours to take care of." 

He could feel Solution's shock at his words as there wasn't any other normal human among their ranks. Of course, Sebas was shocked as well. Not only was the human girl allowed to join them, but it sounded like there wasn't a grand scheme concerning the girl. Then why had he requested them to search for her since they arrived in the city?

"She is the sister of an adventurer that Ainz-sama had befriended, so she might live with her. However, I would suggest letting her heal under your care for now. At least, until she isn't a threat to herself."

With these words, Sebas instantly realized the reason for her rescue. He wouldn't have imagined that this girl would have any relations with Ainz-sama's adventurer persona. He nodded his head. "Of course, I will protect her with my life." He solemnly swore, making the prince nod in appreciation.

"I will rely on you then... So, how had been your trip to the human royal capital city of the Re-Estize Kingdom?" He asked, which urged Sebas to talk about how he personally felt about the city and its people. Anything else was inside the reports he sent back to Nazarick, so this was obviously not what the prince was asking for.

He talked for a good minute, though most of it was negative. "... all in all, there had been a lot of criminal and disgusting individuals hiding in the shadows." Solution nodded at his assessment, though she was probably more concerned about the taste of her prey.

"I see. Then I don't want to keep you and waste your time." Azazel-sama said as he stood up.

"Your presence would never be considered a waste of time!" Solution raised her words slightly, aggravated that he would suggest that his visit would be bothersome. He nodded in agreement, making the prince smile amused. He waved their rebuttal off.

"It's just an empty phrase, don't take it seriously. Besides, I want to visit my wife now, her break is about to begin." He then approached Solution and lightly petted her head. "Thanks for the tea and keep up the good work."

Solution bowed in response. Her head lowered, but Sebas could see the blush across her face at the praise, something that any NPC sought. The prince was the closest to the Supreme Beings after all. Although not all knew about it since it was a guarded secret among those who had been present, almost the entire guild had worked together to shape him into how he was today. Being praised by the prince was the closest an NPC could get to getting the approval of almost all Supreme Beings.

"Could you summon Tuareninya for me Solution?" He suddenly asked, making her ecstatic to be given a direct order. After a bow, she left.

"And you." Azazel-sama turned to him, causing him to stiffen up. His back was extra straight as the prince patted him on the shoulders with a smile. "You've been doing well, too. Keep the girl happy for me, okay? She deserves some after all she had gone through." There was a softness in his words and features that Sebas instantly relaxed.

"Thank you and I will do my best." He wanted to bow but his hand held him up, causing him to remain standing straight.

"There aren't many in the Great Tomb of Nazarick with our... disposition, with our desire for justice. Can I rely on you in the future if the need arises?" He suddenly asked, causing his mind to churn with countless meanings and ideas in which direction his statement could be taken to.

He couldn't help but gulp as he considered his words carefully. However, before he could answer, Azazel-sama broke the silence first. "I don't mean anything too difficult. Just speak your mind, truthfully. There is a reason why Touch Me made you the way you are. In you is his legacy, don't forget that. Of course, whether you want to follow the path he had envisioned for you is still yours to take, so just think about it for now."

He could feel his heart warming up and a heavy responsibility on his shoulders as he listened to his words. It gave him clarity of something he had observed for a while now. Sometimes, his thoughts disliked some of the missions he had heard about from the other Floor Guardians and he had been unsure what to think about it. He felt like he was cursed with these thoughts, but now it was like a stone lifted off his heart.

However, it also left him a bit confused about what he was going to do in the future. His loyalty to Ainz-sama was unquestionable... but perhaps instead of just following orders he could speak up and convey what Touch Me would have wanted, what he wanted.

Despite the heavy responsibility that came with that realization and desire, it also freed him of something that had kept him from speaking his thoughts. "Thank you." He said as he gazed at the dashing prince of Nazarick. It was no wonder that he was the prince and heir to the tomb in case no Supreme Beings were present.

Perhaps it was the bias talking as he always thought that the prince was admirable. After all, his creator was respected by Touch Me as well. He had listened in on when Touch Me had talked about the fact that Hermorah's sense of 'morality' was something he could get behind. Unlike what the other Supreme Beings 'spewed about flat being justice and other objectifying things' as Touch Me would have said.

Just as they finished their conversation, the door opened.

"Hello, Tuareninya. It's a pleasure to meet you." Azazel-sama bowed slightly much to the shock of Solution and Sebas. Even Tuareninya was visibly surprised, likely having been told, who she was meeting if her unsure look toward Solution and Sebas was anything to go by. She bowed hastily as well to convey her appreciation.

"You look much better than before... If there is anything you need in the future, don't hesitate to ask."

She bowed deeply again. "T-thank you for saving me!" The words came out a bit shakily from the previous disuse of her voice, but the determination could be felt regardless.

"Don't bow. I am not the one that saved you." He said with a smile, with a clap on his back Sebas was forced to step forward by the prince. "This guy saved and cared for you. I hope you can take care of him in the future." Azazel-sama's eyes dipped to the handkerchief that Sebas had given the girl and his smile grew wider.

"I- I will do my best," Tuare said, bowing again before realizing that he had just told her not to bow, though the prince was only amused by her actions.

"Alright, I really need to go now. See you around." Azazel-sama said while waving his hand before disappearing with a teleportation spell. Sebas was surprised that Azazel-sama had shown his capability to her, making him look at the girl. It seemed like she would stick around for now and he was responsible for her.

Even though he would have taken care of her regardless, he now could do it with pride as the prince had ordered him directly. Truly, it was a wonderful day.


After getting the information that Albedo was still working in the office of the Secret Chamber, our home, I directly teleported there only to find an empty desk again. "Seriously, every time I try to visit her, she is never there... Wait, does she also visit several places where I might be? No, she probably has Yury to tell her where I was." My intuition told me to go to the armory and I was already filled with anticipation.

I would ravage her until her holes are gushing with my cum. My thoughts drifted to Tuare for a moment, thinking that it was a good thing I didn't aim for Tuare, otherwise, I would just reawaken her traumata with how rough and imposing I could be. Without hesitation, I teleported to the armory.

The moment I appeared, she instantly crouched down while covering herself. I looked at her in surprise. She was clearly in some kind of lingerie, but that reaction was a bit strange, wasn't it? "Albedo, you good?" I asked and her head snapped toward me.

"Darling!" She stood up, revealing herself in that lewd lingerie that displayed all her goods to me only for her to jump into my arms. I swirled around for a bit before setting her down. I kept her at arm's length to spectate her naked body.

"No matter how often I see you like this, I can never get enough." Her perky tits and pink pussy, were shaped so perfectly like she was made by the greatest artists and animators the world had to offer. Truly otherworldly.

She blushed at my compliment and her nipples hardened. She rubbed her feet put pushed her fingertips against each other. "Really?" Her shy attitude just made me want to ravage her and she ought to know that she was pushing my buttons that way.

"Really," I answered while dragging her into a kiss as I lightly tilted her head back face as I kissed. After a moment, we separated again, creaking a bridge out of a thread of saliva. "Why were you hiding yourself when I arrived?" I asked as I grabbed her full perky tits, fondling them to my heart's content.

"There are only two that are able to teleport here and you were visiting Sebas and Solution in Re-Estize, so I didn't expect you. I feared that Ainz would see what is only intended to be seen by your eyes. Of course, if you want me to-"

"Nope. I am happy about your actions and thoughts." I grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks a bit, playing with her absolutely sinful body before I turned her around and pulled my dick out. She shivered slightly as I slid it between her legs. Since she was smaller than I was, I forced her to tiptoe as otherwise she would lose her balance from being lifted up.

With a bit of a bend in my knees, I still kept her on her toes without lifting her up completely. "So, what were you doing here?" I asked as I watched her steal glances at the mirror, where our lewd display could be seen.

"I-I wanted to try some outfits on that you keep in that chest." I looked over to the chest where I just placed some useless but aesthetically pleasing armor inside. Considering the specific outfits inside, I could already guess why she searched inside there. 

"Is this your first pick? This bondage lingerie." There wasn't really a better way to describe it than that. A lot of straps perfectly snuggled up to her curves and emphasized them while leaving them out in the open.

"Bon...dage?" She asked as her voice turned more and more husky as I continued to rub my shaft against her, coating it with her juices.

"Yes, bondage... You don't know what it is?" I chuckled slightly at the thought of the lewd succubus not knowing what it was. "It's a practice to bind one partner and have them at the mercy of the other. It's more about the trust to be constricted by the other, but most get off from having their agency robbed and the other to have power over the other. Personally, I think it just looks sexy as hell."

"I see... do you like this bondage?" Albedo asked with a flushed face.

"Sometimes, I will show you the ropes." With her not understanding my pun, she just nodded excitedly.

"I-I also was here to study the mirror." She suddenly said.

"What for?" I asked as I pushed against her entrance, almost entering her before sliding over her clit.

"Nngh~ I-I wanted~ to know angh~ more about your plans~" She panted heavily as she managed to speak out.

I thought about a moment before making her look at the mirror, while I slowly inserted my dick into her incredibly tight folds, stretching her insides to her limits. "T-the m-mirror nnghh~ what's- i-it's purpose?"

"The mirror, mhmm." I started breathing more heavily, close to her ear which caused her insides to clench even harder at the thought of giving me pleasure. "It will allow us access to other worlds, other universes.... for example, another version of Nazarick, where I don't exist and you love Ainz." It was hard to think when you had tits in your hands, and the most beautiful woman's insides being rearranged by your dick.

"B-blasphemous, my other self will learn to love you, I wiiiiilll nngh~ I will make sure of it." She said almost fanatically.

"I don't want her to love me," I said as I looked into her eyes through the mirror. "There is only one Albedo for me and she is right here in my arms."

"!!!" Her legs trembled violently as her pussy erupted with her love juices. I had to hold her up, pulling her into my chest. "I lowuve yuuoou~" She stammered before I kissed her, sucking on her tongue as I pulled on her nipples, giving her mind or body no rest. 

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