Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 56: How to Happy Farm

When I arrived in the throne room, I was somewhat surprised by the appearance of some attendees. First was Victim. Although I had already prepared myself mentally when I saw him eventually, I didn't expect him to be there and it was still a bit much to see a floating fetus, especially since Angels were born full-grown or at least there wasn't a process of growing into an adult form.

If one was created as a child one would stay a child, given that NPCs were basically the same, it wouldn't be that far from reality. However, this wasn't a game anymore, Aura and Mare would grow up in the future regardless of what design they were created in. Vicitm though, would stay a fetus, forever.

"Merah a htiw yrots iakesi nA ...a evah ll'I (Greetings to your Highness. It's an honor to meet you." Victim spoke with something akin to reverence, which was understandable given I was the angel, but I also felt a bit nervous since it might also be because he could sense I was a higher-ranked angel, but... that couldn't be it, right?

"Lanigiro woH (Please, Victim. There is no need to bow.)" I responded as I saw him twist slightly in the air.

He- she- it? Took a sharp breath in. "Senecs xes derosnecnu htiW (Y-you know my name?)" It asked excitedly to which I just nodded with a smile.

"Ew t'nera yadoT gniraD (Of course, let's chat another time, the meeting starts soon.)" Victim nodded enthusiastically and floated to the steps of the throne. It was somewhat nice and exciting to actually speak Enochian and despite having known I could at least read it, it was still something else to actually speak it, which helped with the experience of speaking to a fetus... a bit.

The guardians stood just in front of the stairs leading up to the throne, while the maids stood lower and to the side. Ainz walked up the stairs and sat down to look at us with a 'regal' pose he probably practiced for hours.

The other attendant of this little meeting whose presence surprised me was Tatsumaki. Honestly, I almost muttered my confusion when I saw her walk with the other NPCs. There hadn't been a hint of her during my time before I went to the Holy Kingdom, so I had already dismissed her existence.

Of course, the Supreme Beings had talked about her some rare times, but it was mostly to explain some detail in Fubuki's backstory. Since it was close to her story of One Punch Man, I hadn't bothered to modify or even think about it too much as I didn't think her sister actually existed in this world. Good thing the players didn't exaggerate her setting otherwise that would be a pain in the butt.

I should be able to rid her of her jealousy and an inferior complex just fine, though I wasn't too sure what I would do with her 'big' sister, especially when she was staring at my back like she was doing now...

Shalltear's appearance was also a bit strange, but she was a floor guardian and her glances in my direction already told me why she had come to attend this despite not being specifically summoned. Mare's and Aura's presence could be explained since their missions were close by or didn't have anything else to do.

I suspected even if they were busy, they would have come anyway just to meet up with Bone Daddy. In summary, all floor guardians except for Gargantua were present. Ainz might have as well just called all of them in the first place. One thing I was wondering about though was when I walked up the throne stairs to stand next to Ainz, looking down at the other guardians. Albedo stood next to me, a step lower on the stairs.

Since everyone was already present from the beginning, it didn't even take a second until Ainz started to ask questions about all kinds of stuff. Experiments with some sheep, real sheep this time, to create parchments for scrolls. Still unethical as hell, but a lot more acceptable than what Demiurge wanted to do.

He even asked for permission to experiment with something besides animals, but was declined with the excuse that it would raise unnecessary suspicion. Demiurge pressured by saying that it would produce better results with humans crossbreeding with some monsters as he could read their experiences better articulated. Ainz looked like he was about to give in under the pressure. He subconsciously looked over at me as if to weigh, who he wanted to disappoint.

I could only sigh at Ainz's inability to withstand pressure from his spoilt subordinates. Of course, the moment I did, I attracted the attention of everyone in the throne room. "Is there something wrong with my proposal?" Demiurge asked innocently and I could only roll my eyes.

"I find your lack of foresight disturbing." I began as I turned to him. "To create parchment in the quantity we want, the results with humans would hardly be better, so why are you mentioning it? Isn't it obvious that your experiments with those beings don't have any future? The sheep are going to be the best options for creating parchment. Your proposal to take humans or any other sentient being for that matter is completely nonsensical. Ridiculous even. It's almost insulting to explain it. Do I really have to spell it out for you?" 

Demiurge didn't like that direct dismissal of his proposal and frowned heavily at my insulting tone, but clearly, my identity as the prince seemed to ease his displeasure. From what I could read from him, it seemed like he was more upset that he was missing something apparently obvious. He took a breath before bowing slightly. "Please enlighten me."

Even when I wasn't truly prepared to hold a speech for it, my mind had already constructed a sound argument about why we shouldn't use human lives to fuel our endeavors. Coupled with my magical know-how, it even made sense and was genuinely the best way to mass produce the highest quality goods.

I took a bored breath as I set to explain it to him. "Though humans are abundant, their growth rate does not align ideally with the requirements for establishing a farm. Moreover, their skin's capacity to contain potent magic is intrinsically linked to their advancement through training and occupation, which makes it a pain to strengthen them adequately, or as the Supreme Beings would say, leveling Jobs suck dicks. Even hybridizing them with ogres to yield a composite breed poses a challenge in surpassing the innate strength of pure ogres from birth. Our primary objective remains the mass production of premium-quality skin, demanding a meticulous consideration of diverse variables. Humans, fragile at birth, necessitate years of nurturing to reach a harvestable stage, particularly to cultivate them into the peak of their kind. Ogres share a similar growth trajectory even if they rely less on jobs to enhance their physical prowess. It's important to emphasize that our goal is skin durability for retaining spells rather than the formation of a military force."

From my periphery, I could see all of them hanging on my words, waiting for me to spell out the solution, while some already realized in which direction I was going, but ultimately failed to see the specifics. 

"The essential strategy involves establishing a compliant and durable livestock framework. Crossbreeding yields only the optimal foundation for enduring the subsequent necessary enhancements to render their skin magically robust. Based on their rapid reproductive cycle, the implementation of sheep would be the best choice. Integrating troll blood augments their resilience, enabling them to withstand higher-level enchantments, and engenders an autonomous skin regeneration capability, preventing the need for health potions or spells."

Demiurge's eyes flashed with contemplation as he digested my words and I could almost see his mind churning up with ideas. I also knew what he wanted to ask as he opened his mouth. With my hand raised, I stopped him. "Augmenting their skin involves infusing chaos magic, which is also pivotal to the mastery of these martial arts the natives use, skills that are unheard of even in Yggdrasil. The innate absorption of chaos magic by the native's physiology is the fundamental element permitting their skin to retain magical imprints. Imbuing chaos magic into these creatures' bodies, coupled with their inherent resilience, is the simple mechanism enabling their skin to endure potent magical influences. So for the best results, use sheep crossbreed with trolls and a ritual to enrich the environment with wild magic as it's the closest to chaos magic."

After I finished my explanation the throne room was extremely quiet and they just looked at me. It kind of made me think I said something I shouldn't, so I looked over to Albedo who was biting her lips as she looked at me. When she realized I looked at her she smiled and secretly gave me a thumbs up. Her face was red and she gave me bedroom eyes, so it was easy to tell that she was in the mood, though this was hardly the time to address it.

I looked over at Demiurge, who opened his mouth several times, seemingly trying to find his words in vain. The silence was broken when Ainz coughed, bringing the attention back to him. "Thank you for the explanation. If Demiurge has any more questions, you two can hash it out. Right, since we are already on the topic. Azazel, how is the progress with the martial arts? As far as I remember, you have the Clementine I killed to teach you."

"Yes, the attempts to replicate the martial arts have been unsuccessful until now, but I am certain that I can deliver some good news in the future."

"What about the Holy Kingdom, do you need any assistance there?" He asked and it almost felt like he lit up the fuse to a bomb the way everyone tensely looked over.

"No further assistance needed for now." The tension was immediately drained like a punctured balloon with the way they all seemed to deflate as I responded.

"That's good to hear." Ainz then turned to Cocytus. The air instantly filled with tension again and Cocytus was as tense as he could be.

"We have seen your battle with the Lizardmen, Cocytus."


"It ended in defeat."

"Yes! The. Blame. For. That. Failure. Lies. With. Me. Please. Accept. My. Sincerest. Apologies!"

"...Cocytus, what do you have to say as the general of a defeated army? How do you feel, given that you did not take the field and merely acted as a commander?"

I watched the spectacle in silence, a bit disinterested since it was hardly different from what I remembered. Of course, I didn't remember everything about the talk, but to me, the only thing that mattered was the outcome.

"Anyone can fail. Even me." Ainz declared and the tension in the room rose again. It was honestly an up-and-down, but since it wasn't directed at me, I didn't care too much. Hm. Seemed like I was getting more and more nonchalant. A month ago this kind of tension would have made me shit bricks, but I guessed, now even with a fall out I could escape with my life, which made me less cautious. The only one I would have to be wary of in a one-on-one situation would be my fellow angel. He would be difficult to survive against, but Ainz hardly would release its skill with everyone else in my vicinity.

They continued to talk or rather Ainz tried to make Cocytus think and explain his mistakes. After a few moments, he gave the floor guardian a chance to rectify his mistakes by leading the battle this time, though unexpectedly instead of accepting this second chance, he hesitated for a moment.

"I. Have. A. Request. Ainz-sama!" The world seemed to stand still as everyone's attention rested on Cocytus. I couldn't help but tilt my head as I looked at the giant insect, wondering what he wanted to request. My memory was failing me at the moment. The floor guardian shuddered as he prostrated himself.

"I. Oppose. The. Extermination. Of. The. Lizardmen. And. I. Beg. That. You. Will. Show. Them. Your. Mercy. Ainz-sama." With that request in the air, the other guardians seemed uncomfortable and a bit confused as to why he would make such an untimely request that seemed to oppose Ainz's decision.

"Hm." He glanced at me as if I had something to do with Cocytus' request. I only shrugged slightly, indicating that I didn't know of this and he retracted his gaze again. "Azazel and I have already discussed this and found it necessary to keep this tribe as an experimental ground to integrate it later into a bigger society. Are there any objections to this decision?" Huh, that sounded like the same words I had used for my argument.

Ainz asked aloud, glancing through the rows of the present citizens of Nazarick. The floor guardians, the maids, or Tatsumaki had no objections and remained silent. However, I did notice Demiurge's eyes lighting up in understanding, though he held himself subdued, glancing at me for a moment before lowering his head again.

Hearing this, Cocytus was visibly relieved though that didn't last long as Ainz raised his voice as he continued. "However! Since you have made this request now and to rectify your mistake, you will rule the Lizardmen, and instill a deeply-rooted loyalty to Nazarick. You're forbidden from ruling them with fear."

Cocytus accepted gracefully and my wife started to list off what resources we had to instill fear into the hearts of our enemies through our military might. Ironic since Ainz had just told him not to rule by fear, but I guessed it wasn't the same as ruling through fear. A show of might would be a good deterrent regardless of the subsequent rulership, so I didn't say anything. 

I continued to watch as she listed off the available resources and the necessary steps to have our defense and intelligence network at our strongest after we took a considerable portion out to show our army off. She looked really beautiful, graceful, and majestic with her professional attitude. I could already see her in a business outfit with that aura.

At one point, she noticed me staring and blushed fiercely to which I just smiled, turning her face even redder. While they were planning how to show off to some primitive lizardmen and Ainz disappeared to cool off, Demiurge approached me.

His aura was... defeated. I saw the other guardians look at his approach. Fortunately, I was considerate enough to think about his image and teleported us into my office. "I apologize." The moment we arrived in my office, he started to kneel in front of me, though I stopped him. His eyes though continued to stay firmly at the ground.

"To have forced you to step up and correct a mistake I had almost made despite your plans, I sincerely apologize." My plans? Oh, right. I was 'pretending to be somewhat incompetent, so Ainz wouldn't leave as he still needed to be there to guide me.' Almost forgot about that.

"I-I truly didn't realize how foolish my plans were until you pointed it out." He stammered and was flustered and ashamed of himself. It seemed like we were going to talk a bit longer. I remained standing as I thought about moving to the living room downstairs to talk over a glass of whiskey. He would appreciate the gesture, right?

I sighed. "Don't beat yourself up over it. We all have our biases, so mistakes are bound to happen."

"Biases?" He asked in confusion and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Did he truly not realize this? It seemed like even geniuses had blindspots. 

"You know, the pleasure you take from inflicting suffering in your victims and your passion for inciting hate from them. Sentient beings are obviously more vocal and unaccepting of their treatment especially if they knew a better life beforehand. It just isn't the same with animals that would accept their fate rather quickly and with no way to express their hate and suffering besides squealing and whining. It would make it boring for you, right?"

If he had pupils, they would dilate at this moment as he gazed at me like I was a monster even though I just described how ruthless and demonic he would be to his victims. He truly didn't have a leg to stand on to look at me like that, which was why I couldn't help but snort, seeing him act like this.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "Come on, don't be like that. We are both on the same team, right? Though imagine if we were enemies, given our species that would have been rather likely, and with such an oversight on your part, it would have been easy for me to trap you hahaha."

"Ah ha ha, yes, y-your highness. I-I can imagine what would have happened." Demiurge pushed up his glasses, though his hand trembled slightly, making me glance at it, and he instantly took notice and hid his hand behind his back.

Making me raise an eyebrow. "Relax, we have time since the others will be busy with the preparation. Of course, if you have any problems, perhaps I could assist you with it." I said, seeing that he was extremely nervous. It made me guess that he might have thought of something that he just couldn't figure out and was anxious to figure it out. I was betting on my money on him being confused about some grand plans from Ainz.

He shook his head slightly in denial and for a brief moment, his diamond-like eyes shone through from behind his glasses. "Hmm." I hummed lightly as I teleported us to the living room where a fireplace was lit up.

I sat down and conjured up an endless whiskey flask with two whiskey glasses, handing him one before pouring us some of it. "I always wondered about something... Can I?" I pointed at his glasses, making him take them off in a hurry before presenting them to me, while still holding his whiskey glass that I gave him.

I held the eyeglasses up and looked through them before I held them in front of the fire, watching the light pass through the glasses normally. "They are completely clear. The light comes through just fine and they feel quite robust as well." I could feel the magic inside these and it was clear that there was some kind of enchantment to hide his eyes behind them.

"Honestly, if one didn't know these were clear, I could have thought that they didn't let any light through and just reflected everything. By the way, these don't seem to have any lens strength, so you can see even without them, right?"

"I...I can see-" 

"You haven't touched your whiskey, you good?" I asked as he remained insanely tense and wanted him to relax to have a proper chat before we went out and showed Lizardmen our might.

The only purpose was to show him I was cordial and me rebutting him wasn't anything personal. I could understand if he was resentful about me showing him up in front of Ainz. I was sure he didn't find the experience pleasing, but I didn't want to create any enmity between us. Other guardians were fine to piss off, but cunning demons like him weren't someone I wanted against me even if our views didn't align.

"No, sorry. I am fine." He responded before downing his whiskey, making me smile slightly as he coughed lightly. It was a relic-level item after all. The good shit, 'befitting a prince' as my 'creator' would say. Fortunately, it was a bottomless flask.

"You want more?" I asked, making him nod hurriedly and stretch out his hand with the glass. I chuckled slightly as I reached for the flask and poured him some more. "You want me to do everything, huh?" I chuckled slightly as I put down the flask on the table next to us again.

"N-no, that's not what I meant-"

"Relax, I'm winding you up. You're rather easily flustered, aren't you?" I took a sip, prompting him to do the same, though he was still tense as hell. I returned the eyeglasses and just watched as he wore them again, though his gaze remained on the ground. Seeing that I wouldn't make the demon relax anytime soon, I sighed again.

"You're doing a good job in the Re-Estize Kingdom. Of course, I would do some things a bit differently, but everyone has a different style, no? Don't be discouraged by what happened today or think I was targeting you. With some things, I just can't help myself and hey, in the end, we prevented some unnecessary spent resources... Anyway, let's go join the others to the Lizardmen- Oh, by the way, we might coordinate soon. I will announce to the Holy Kingdom that the one attacking them wasn't the devil I was looking for, so we don't have to 'create' any more high-ranking devils in the future. I will rely on you then."

He nodded in understanding and his eyes widened. 

"Yes, your Highness. I will try my best in the future." He bowed deeply as I stood up. I glanced at him with his head bowed.

"Do. Or do not. There is no try." I couldn't refrain from using this opportunity to sound wise and it seemed to work with the way he trembled. "Anyway, let's go."

With that I teleported us to the others, ready to head out and instill some fear into the lizards.


Demiurge's mind was in chaos, so much so that he couldn't even enjoy the despair that arose when they saw Nazarick's superior army. The Lizardmen were a bundle of negative emotions, all instilled by just their entrance. However, he couldn't focus on it at all. It was just something in the background. On Albedo's request, he still made the Lizardmen prostrate themselves when they came to negotiate even if his mind was somewhere else.

They talked a bit and announced the 'crucial' battle concerning the Lizardmen's fate to be in four hours. All of them against Cocytus, though despite the numerical advantage, there was just no way for them to win and under normal circumstances, he would have been delighted when he would inevitably see their hopes being crushed, but at the moment he wasn't feeling it.

He could only replay what had happened during his private meeting with the prince and it just reaffirmed what he thought about him. The prince was an absolute monster. He seemed even more dangerous than the last time they had a 'chat'. There was just something unnerving about him that Demiurge just couldn't handle.

The way he first isolated them by teleporting them to his office and then directing the conversation made it seem like he was talking about trivial things or as if he showed true concern for him, but the unsaid threats and critics were as clear as they could be.

He easily dissected his character which tinted his 'clear' vision and influenced his decision-making, something he hadn't realized until he said it. It was as he said it, if they were truly enemies, he would have stood no chance of winning against him.

He easily demonstrated how easy it was for him to manipulate his emotions and through his commands, he made it clear who was in charge. Not to mention, how he took up space and moved, all these were done with a specific purpose in mind. Just the way he wrapped his arm around his shoulder had him terrified like a caged animal or how he took his glasses, it was like he was but a child, and perhaps in his eyes he truly was one.

Demiurge had messed up by almost wasting resources and forcing Azazel to show his brilliance. He should have consulted him first, he realized only after contemplating what exactly the prince wanted him to do in the future. Too slow. Demiurge thought how Azazel even told him to ask for his 'assistance', so he wouldn't mess up in the future.

However, this wasn't all. The way he could teleport him without notice truly shocked the Arch-Devil. Even if the prince wasn't as cunning as he was, Demiurge had the feeling that the angel could kill him as easily as turning his hand. Just this interaction made him feel like a trapped mouse being played with by a shadow dragon.

The other floor guardians gathered inside the hut from which Cocytus had directed the first battle against the Lizardmen, though Demiurge stepped outside to get some air. It was difficult to admit, but he was fleeing from the prince, lest his presence would anger the prince. He glanced at Albedo, who followed him outside. "Seems like my husband reprimanded you."

Demiurge took a deep breath as the experience flashed through his mind again. "Indeed... Your husband is truly terrifying." His words made Albedo chuckle slightly.

"Only to those that don't meet his expectations. Unfortunately, he has great expectations for you." She smiled meaningfully before stepping inside the hut again.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fist, clearly understanding what she was trying to convey. The reason why his prince was so harsh with him, was because he knew that Demiurge could do better and he wasn't one to disappoint the only prince of Nazarick.

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