Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 67: Conversation

Ainz leaned on his bony hand, while the other was drumming on the table. He glanced around the homey dining area, thinking that despite being the prince the interior design of his home wasn't as luxurious as one would think it would be. At least, it wasn't luxurious for the sake of being luxurious. Of course, the quality exceeded anything that the New World had to offer and everything in his home, like most things inside the tomb, was meticulously placed and arranged.

It was luxurious, but it wouldn't be the first thing one would notice. It was comfy and cozy. Just sitting in the dining room made him even more relaxed than he would have been in his personal chamber. Perhaps it had something to do with no one watching him here. Yes, after Aneko had informed Ainz that Azazel would need a moment, she had just left. Not insisting to stay and protect him from nonexistent threats in the corner of the room.

It was refreshing and at the same time, it pointed out the weirdness of Azazel and all the other NPCs that resided inside the Secret Royal Backyard. Were they just unusually unconcerned about any danger that could possibly reach them? After all, they resided in the deepest layer of the tomb. If someone could reach them all the way down here without anyone giving an alarm, it would probably not matter at that point anymore. Or did their higher status give them a different perspective on the 'Supreme Beings' to the degree that they didn't deem it their responsibility to adhere to his every need?

When the question arose, he shook his head and dismissed the thought. Even the other Floor Guardians who were arguably only second to him were idolizing him. Perhaps it had something to do with these NPCs specifically designed to serve Azazel? It was likely that their loyalty was foremost to the prince they served, much like the Floor Guardian's summons being foremost loyal to their summoner.

His mind wandered to Albedo, who was clearly favoring her husband before him, especially after they had made up. It wasn't something that he minded, in fact, he had welcomed the change, but would this also affect her loyalty? What would happen if she needed to pick a side between them? Although he knew and dreaded the answer, he surprisingly wasn't mad about it if she picked Azazel.

Hell, he couldn't blame anyone for wanting Azazel to replace him, after all, unlike Ainz he truly had the bearing and talents of a natural leader. Just the performance last night had made it clear that he embodied the hero persona thoroughly. Never mind understanding his role perfectly, he also could easily come up with plans of his own.

He glanced at the opening door, expecting that Azazel had arrived, though the white hair and skip in her step as she entered revealed it to be Sueko, Azazel's second maid. She waved at him before exiting to the side door, which he believed to be the exit to their garden. He lowered his dazedly waving arm again.

If their background settings truly dictated who they were loyal to, wouldn't that mean that almost the entirety of Nazarick would side with Azazel if there was a conflict? He couldn't help but shudder at the thought that his position hadn't been as secure as he was made to believe. 

However, everything depended on whether Azazel wanted to rule Nazarick. When they had just arrived in this world Azazel didn't seem keen on ruling the tomb as it was the Supreme Beings' right and Ainz's hypothetical children's right to inherit the throne. His opinion didn't seem too different from those of other NPCs. Of course, even though the NPCs were pretty set in their ways, it wasn't like they couldn't change their opinions at all....

As soon as the thought of a possible rebellion arose, he thought about Éclair, who had been spouting his desires to conquer Nazarick and become its new ruler. The penguin butler hadn't done anything to work toward that goal and it was clear that he still respected him and the other Supreme Beings, but what if the two exchanged ideas?

What if the traitorous penguin infected the most influential NPC with thoughts of rebellion? Wouldn't he be totally screwed by then? Azazel would probably not allow him to live to prevent any future troubles from rising again. As his contemplating reached this point, he found the door opening again. 

Azazel in all his grace and elegance stepped into the dining room. He wasn't wearing his usual royal robe, but instead something casual as if he was about to go to sleep. The prince did have the enviable hobby of sleeping, so he was probably about to head to bed after having accomplished his mission. His hair flowed lightly in his strut and with a calm expression, he walked toward him.

"Hello Azazel-" Ainz was about to gesture for the prince to take a seat, but before he could the other had already sat down next to him. For a moment he froze before remembering that he was only visiting him in his house. It would have been weird if he had offered him a seat in his own house. Such a pity as well since he had practiced the movement for at least an hour before coming here.

"Yo, what's up Ainz?" He asked as he pointed at the empty glass that had suddenly appeared in front of him while looking toward the kitchen door. Ainz followed his gaze and found several people peeking into the room. Yuri and Lupusregina were watching them in fascination, which threw him for a loop since not many were supposed to be allowed to enter the Royal Backyard.

From Azazel's background, he didn't like it when too many entered his area. Was something special going on today besides their operation in the Kingdom half a day ago? Either way, he could understand them visiting and why Lupusregina would act this way, but why did Yuri gesture at the prince so fiercely? He glanced back at Aazazel to gauge his reaction only to find CZ2128 Delta standing next to the prince. Were they ghosts? Where did they come from??

"Hey, Shizu." Azazel greeted the automaton battle maid with a smile. "Did you catch up with Aneko and Sueko?" He asked, making Ainz remember that the three had been rather close due to their settings stating that Shizu looked up to the two as older sisters. It had been a logical thing to put into their backstory given their similar race as automatons.

She nodded and proceeded to press something against his cheek. The prince's eyebrows raised slightly before he chuckled lightly. "Thank you, Shizu. Can you make sure no one peeks inside without my permission?" The redhead nodded before rushing toward the door with the other maids.

"H-hey Shizu- just a bit longer. Don't you want to hear what-" Before Lupusregina could finish the door had already closed, blocking any noise that could have potentially reached them.

"Sorry about that. Albedo just told me that she had invited them for a good job done and to give them some rewards I imagine." Azazel said as he rubbed his chin lightly in thought. Damn. Why did everything he did look so effortlessly elegant??

"It's not a problem. I think it's great that you all get along this well."

Aneko appeared next to Azazel a moment later filling up his glass with something that appeared to be alcoholic in nature. Before Ainz could decline she had already poured a glass for him, though, unlike the amber liquid that the prince had, his glass was filled with a tar-like substance. 

It was pure black and thick. In his mind, if something was poisonous, it would be this. "What-" He started though quickly remembered that it wouldn't be a good idea to inquire about that weird drink as it would just reveal him to be ignorant of something like a simple drink. How could he be a fitting leader if he didn't know something basic that the prince didn't deem worthy to introduce? "What a lovely night, isn't it?" He finished smoothly, which earned him a chuckle from his opposite.

"It's almost noon already..." God damn it! He had been stressing so much that he didn't realize how much time had already passed. Azazel continued. "The last night was acceptable. I would have liked fewer casualties, but I should be content that most of them were criminals." It seemed like the prince would ignore Ainz's slip-up as he held up his glass toward him like he wanted to clink with his glass. He gestured with a tilt of his head for him to pick his tar-filled glass up, which Ainz obliged, causing the prince's smile to widen.

A dreadful feeling welled up in him as he looked at the glass sitting in front of him. A bubble of what appeared to be toxic gasses came up. With an internal sigh, he said fuck it and picked up the glass before clinking his glass against the prince's.

Without stopping he just poured some into his jaw, while his free hand grabbed the tissue on the table to stop the liquid from spilling over his robe. Before he could do so, it was like the time had been stopped as he froze in motion. His mind turned blank and he couldn't help but be stunned into a stupor. 

He then took another sip, closing his eyes to savor the taste of this drink. Indeed, he was able to taste something for the first time since coming to this world! For several moments, he just sat there with closed eyes, nipping on this mysterious drink. After a while, he audibly sighed before lowering his glass back to the table.

It was already half empty. His skeleton thumb brushed over the rim of the glass. Seeing his hand caused him to remember that he wasn't human or rather part of the living anymore. There was a sense of loss, but the nostalgia and novelty of tasting something again washed over this feeling.

It didn't taste grandiose, but it had a certain charm to it. The more important thing was the emotions it triggered in the skeleton. "Thanks." He began, not knowing how to properly convey his gratitude. "I really needed it." For a moment, it was like his brain was invigorated and was able to forget all his troubles and just live in the moment.

"It had been Albedo's idea," Azazel added with a smile.

"Then please tell her I am grateful to be able to taste this."

"Of course, I will send her your regards."

"So, how exactly was this made?" He finally asked, disregarding his earlier concerns about his reputation. He would rather have more of this and be seen as ignorant than miss out on it.

"I was wondering when you would ask." The prince smirked. Was it a new creation? Did he know that he couldn't taste anything? Perhaps from the last time he had come to visit, he had noticed it? "It's the marks that a soul accumulates from a lifetime of sin. It's something akin to dark energy just a little denser, purer. I guessed it might be something you would enjoy."

"Hm. I do enjoy it. Can you make more of this?" He inquired, gaining a ready nod from the angel.

"Of course, but it might take a while. There isn't much of this in a single soul, so there is a need for many or very powerful and evil creatures."

"Demiurge will surely help you with gathering more to conduct your... extraction?" Azazel nodded again, seemingly pleased that he got his permission. Perhaps, this had been an attempt to appease him after being asked for a conversation with his boss. Like a worker, who was about to get fired, giving his boss an expensive wine in an attempt to gain the boss' goodwill.

"Thank you, Lord Ainz." He bowed slightly until he was stopped by Ainz. 

"I should be thanking you." He was sincere when he said it. Although it was a small gesture and probably just an attempt to right any perceived wrongs, it meant a lot to him. "*Cough* Of course, this wasn't what I am here for." Ainz leaned against the chair, more relaxed than he was initially. "I just had some points I am unsure about and I hoped that you could shed some light on it."

 "Fire away," Azazel responded before putting his glass on the table.

"The phenomenon that had appeared not long ago, it was triggered by the item [Celestial Radiance], wasn't it?" His question seemed to catch Azazel off-guard as his eyes widened.

The angel solemnly nodded at his question, "From what I remember, it is used to detect Fallen Angels in Driardr. Why did you use it now?" It had taken a moment for him to remember what could cause such a scene before he realized that the only item that could be in Azazel's possession was from the only quest Hermorah hadn't completed even though it was rather easily accomplished.

Of course, he found it strange that Azazel would just use it without rhyme or reason. From the reports he had read, there wasn't any word about Fallen Angels attacking them. Ainz would have guessed that it wasn't something that Azazel would just use as it was an item given to him by his creator and therefore should hold some invaluable meaning for him. Obviously, the prince using the item at that point and time, was strange, to say the least.

The prince had a calm expression as he swirled the liquid in the glass for a moment before taking a sip as if to wet his lips. "Items are meant to be used and it garnered me the quickest way to international fame. It was the only item that I possessed with enough power to accomplish my goal in a single step. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have used it, but I felt like the results of my conquest had been lacking..."

Ainz's doubts about this cleared up, realizing that despite the prince appearing to be perfect, he was still under pressure to prove himself to him. It didn't matter that they didn't need to push themselves to this degree, they were seeking his approval regardless of how misplaced their desire was.

"It's okay though." Azazel continued as if he could sense the guilt that was rising in Ainz. "Despite using the item, I will keep its presence in my core. No one can take it from me this way." Ainz was puzzled for a moment as to why he said core instead of heart, but perhaps this was the way angels named their hearts, or did angels not have hearts at all?

He mentally shook his head as he thought about the thing that truly concerned him. "I am glad you are fine with using something like that." Azazel nodded appreciatively at that.

"There is something else I wanted to ask about. Something one of your summons mentioned to us when we headed toward the fire." Ainz stared at the prince intently, trying to notice any change in his demeanor. Of course, to just ask about these things could be seen as a rather naive approach, but with Azazel's settings and him being an angel, he would have a greater chance to unearth the truth by directly asking him than to snoop around and ask other NPCs to tail his every move.

"The leader of the Luminari Guards mentioned that you are an Archangel." As soon as the words left his mouth, the corner of Azazel's smirk twitched slightly. There was astonishment or shock in the angel's eyes before turning to a helpless expression. It was quite an intriguing reaction, certainly not something that Ainz had expected.

He had thought that the prince would just be confused by these words as they didn't represent reality. However, unexpectedly Azazel was surprised. "Do you mind clearing up my confusion?" Ainz probed not knowing why Azazel reacted this way. Was it the truth? Did he somehow ascend to the ranks of Archangels? But how would he?

He had heard about a few items that could turn a player into a World Enemy and World Champion, each of them was difficult to acquire and all of them targeted players and not NPCs.

Ainz hadn't heard of anyone raising their NPC to a World Enemy. Even if it existed, it wasn't something their guild possessed and if they did, they would have long used it.

Azazel sighed deeply. "I can't believe that he would be spouting such nonsense. It's quite difficult to explain, but after creating him with the help of the summoning item, they think I am an Archangel because I created them." He shook his head lightly.

"To be honest, ever since they came to be they were bothering me with this. I told them their assumptions weren't correct, it didn't seem to change their mind." Understanding filled Ainz and if he still breathed, he would have let out a sigh of relief.

It cleared up his doubts, but this scenario was still strange wasn't it? Why would his summons be convinced he was an Archangel? "So, you are saying you aren't an Archangel and it was just something your summons came up with? Why would they say something like that? Just because you summoned them?"

Azazel shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Not entirely sure. For now, I will tell them not to speak of it again in order to circumvent any future misunderstandings."

Ainz nodded before freezing again. He looked at the angel taking a sip from his drink again. He didn't specifically say that he wasn't an Archangel and instead talked about his summons. Was he... diverting his questions? No, he had to hear him say it loud and clear, otherwise, his paranoia wouldn't let him sleep... even less than he was currently!

"You aren't an Archangel of Sephira, right?" He asked again, causing the angel to raise an eyebrow. In a silent moment, Azazel placed his glass on the table before looking deeply into Ainz's eyes. The tension rose in the room as the silence reigned. Dread pooled in his skeleton gut.

"No, I am not an Archangel of Sephira. They are way too far away from what I could possibly be." He said solemnly as if he had sensed his doubt. As his words fell, Ainz leaned back into his chair at ease after getting a straightforward answer.

"That's..." He couldn't really say whether this was a good or a bad thing, though for one or the other reason he was sure of one thing. There was no way Azazel would betray him. The many doubts in his mind vanished and floated away as if they had never been there in the first place. He even questioned why he would have such thoughts in the first place. The NPCs of Nazarick had all been sincere and loyal to the extreme.

Of course, if Azazel hadn't told him about something like that because of some other reason, it would have been devastating. He wasn't sure how he would feel if the 'children' of his friends couldn't openly speak their minds with him. After all, they were the closest thing he had to a family in this world.

"That's good to know." Ainz finally finished his sentence. "If you have something on your mind that is bothering you or just want to talk, you can come to me. My door is always open for you." Azazel smiled gratefully though it felt somewhat restrained.

"I will. I promise." The prince then downed the rest of his glass. "To be honest, there is something I need to tell you." The empty glass was gently placed on the table, while Azazel looked blankly at the wall.

"Go ahead." Ainz gestured, making the angel smile wryly.

"I am not sure how to deal with the Luminari Guards." He began, confusing Ainz.

"Deal with them?"

He sighed deeply. "Because they think I am an Archangel they think too highly about me." His words froze the skeleton in the place, not the first time this night. "I mean, how am I supposed to reach their ridiculous expectations? There is no way to meet it!"

"Ahhh." Ainz let out intelligently, not knowing what to say. Wasn't this the same situation he was in with the NPCs?

"I can't even relax when they are around and even after I told them that I am not some omnipotent Archangel, they just pretended to acknowledge my words despite thinking otherwise!" The prince complained, which was a rare sight- no, it was a sight that he hadn't witnessed from him before.

"What should I do? I can't just pretend to know everything otherwise they will expect it from me. In the future, it would lead to some disastrous consequences because they thought I had everything figured out!"

Ainz closed his jaw with an audible click before chuckling slightly. "Hm hm hm, hahahahahaHAHAHAHA." In the end, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, while slapping the table. Even multiple emotional dampeners later, he couldn't calm down for a while.

"I- hahaha- I am so-sorry. Hahah. I am not laughing at your plight, I swear." He took a metaphorical breath, trying to keep his amusement in check. It was just a joyful moment to have someone like Azazel stumble into the same situation he had found himself in since arriving in this world.

His laughter only earned him a helpless smile from the prince. Ainz tried to brush over it by trying to find some reassuring words. "You won't be able to control their thoughts, but they will come around if you are being honest with them... And if they won't, I am sure you will get used to it." With that, Ainz stood up and patted the prince on the shoulder before almost skipping to the door.

"It was a great evening, but I don't want to keep you up any longer than I have. Keep me updated on how you deal with your angels and their unreasonable expectations of you." Ainz said with a smile in his tone.

"Of course and thank you." The prince responded in a quiet mutter.

"The pleasure was all mine. See you around." With a flash, Ainz disappeared with a lighter heart, leaving the prince alone on the chair.

"No, I have to thank you for everything and I am sorry." The prince responded despite Ainz not being able to hear him. With a sigh, he glanced at the empty glass. "Aneko!" He called out, urging the maid to appear and refill his glass.

"Anything else, your Majesty?" She asked with concern slipping into her tone as she watched her troubled prince, though he just waved at her, indicating that he wanted to be left alone.

"No, that's all." After she reluctantly left, he sipped at his drink before letting out a sigh from time to time. Fortunately, he was completely alone at this moment, otherwise it would have caused great concerns among the entirety of Nazarick.


Calca Bessarez couldn't contain herself any longer. This night would probably be the most important night in her entire life. Even the night before she had been crowned paled in front of the opportunity that she had been blessed with.

She looked into the mirror finding her royal attire to be spotless. Everything else had been prepared, so hopefully nothing would come in between her and her future position.

This night would be the moment she could prove herself to the angel, to the god that walked among them. He had promised that once she passed his test, she could be his. Her entire body trembled at the memory of his call.

No matter what was asked of her, she would do her utmost.

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