Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 75: Spy, Get!

Calca and Kelart were startled when I suddenly appeared next to them. They looked up at me as Calca sat on a small stool which was placed in front of a mirror. Kelart was on her knees behind her, holding what looked like a towel, scrubbing Calca's back. Their bodies were covered in foam, and they had their hair tied up in a towel on their head.

"I don't feel comfortable leaving already. There were still some people asking some things about the content of my preaching this morning- Eh? My Lord!" I turned to see Neia rushing to kneel in front of me, prompting me to follow suit. My eyes switched back and forth between the three.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting that the three would have any contact with each other. However, it made sense once I thought about it. These three were the most influential in this country and considering that they 'served the same master', they obviously knew each other.

They also seemed to get along just well, though I was sure that the fanatical gleam in their eyes as they looked at me made it possible in the first place. Neia still glared like a motherfucker. Even though she looked happy, I couldn't help but interpret her smile as sadistic.

Obviously, my senses told me something different, but man she looked mean. Kelart also had that mischievous look, while Calca looked like the normal innocent worshiping type. This trio truly satisfied some diverse desires- mostly sadistic ones...

"It's time to meet the emissary from the Slane Theocracy. Where is she?" I asked without beating around the bush. There were a lot of things to do and I would like to get it over with as soon as possible.

"Reporting to my lord. She returned to her inn, room 302, after having listened in on my sermon this morning." Neia answered dutifully. I gave her a nod before promptly disappearing from the bathroom despite or rather because of the tempting sight. If I had stayed there in front of the three most influential women of this country kneeling to me, I might have had second thoughts.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was already used to the temptation-incarnate called Albedo and Fubuki. The two oozed with seductiveness in every move they made. Even now despite having just seen three attractive women kneeling- presenting themselves to me, I was still comparing them to my wives.

It wasn't fair to do so, but I couldn't help it. I just loved the two too much... I shook my head, banishing the thought of the two lying naked in my bed, begging me to join them as the Pleiades and humans pushed me toward it.

I took a few steps through the hallway of the inn before stopping in front of a door with the number 302. In my periphery, I noticed an employee of the inn being surprised by my appearance. I gave her a smile to which she responded with a bow before walking away.

I knocked on the door, "One moment, please!" A female voice called out, making me wait for a moment. Slightly surprised, I just blinked slightly as I just looked at the closed door in front of me. When was the last time I had to wait before entering a door? Even if it were the private chambers of any citizen of the tomb there was no place I couldn't walk into whenever I wanted.

A chuckle escaped me as I thought how fast I had gotten used to being treated like a king- no probably not even kings were treated like this. After all, such brazen manners were behaviors of a tyrant, which inevitably would lead to resentment. No, the citizens of Nazarick wouldn't just welcome me, they would be thrilled about my intrusions. I could probably force myself on them and they would brag about it the next day.

It wasn't a wonder that my personality twisted with such an attitude of those around me. Hell, even the humans of this world weren't that much different after being exposed to my pheromones and aura. Was it causing me to grow arrogant? Even though I should be anxious about Yggdrasil's imminent arrival, after digesting the possibility of a conflict I had calmed down too much.

It was probably wrong to say I calmed down... there was this feeling of anticipation simmering deep in my gut. Wrath. The fear that I felt when I sensed its aura turned into boiling rage. It was like the humiliation of a lifetime was soon to be repaid. Of course, I knew it was because of the backstory that I had.

Even as I spoke about it to Ainz, I felt the emotions coming up as if it truly happened to me. It was simultaneously terrifying like I was losing myself and comforting like I had found a lost piece to my puzzle. Speaking of it seemed to have solidified it. At least, that was how I felt when I noticed the chains trembling as I spoke.

The version I told Ainz was more focused on the vague stuff that Hermorah had written as my backstory instead of the romance he was unnecessarily specific about. I mean, he wrote that I escaped from a big threat only to take refuge inside the tomb before I saw Albedo swimming in a moonlight lake- perhaps on the 6th floor? 

Afterward, he explained that because of our incompatible races - being angel and demon - I tried my best to stay away from her, though because I still loved I drowned myself in debauchery and other women. There was a lot of input from the other degenerate players. Something sadistic something superficial something about not accepting my flaws something something going around capturing women like I was in Pokemon- yeah seemed like that franchise still existed.

Anyway, the stuff that the other players wrote, made me into an arrogant prick that just fucked any woman I found mildly attractive or fun like I was only capable of thinking with my dick. Seriously ridiculous. I wouldn't let myself turn into a freaking idiotic douche and I was pretty sure my angelic nature counteracted their stuff. So, as long as I didn't acknowledge that stuff, it shouldn't come true-

My thoughts were interrupted when the door finally opened, revealing an attractive woman with blonde hair, which was a bit damp, evidently from having taken a shower or bath just moments ago. Her clothes were also slightly wet. 

"A-are you...?" Her eyes widened as she looked at me, making me smile slightly as I took a step forward. Instinctively, she stepped back, allowing me into her room. I had already suspected that she was the emissary from the brief description I had of her.

"Divine Chant, was it?" I asked as I remembered killing her when I took the World Item, Downfall of Castle and Country. Of course, I had disguised myself with a Daedric armor or at least I morphed my armor to look like one. Although it had been before I grew massively powerful, I could sense it now.

Her soul had been accidentally touched by my aura and it seemed like her soul showed signs of angelification. Huh. Did that mean Leinas would turn into an angel regardless of whether I used my spells on her to turn into one? Then what about Neia, Calca, and Kelart? Their soul's anchor had already appeared in the periphery of my divine domain.

Perhaps this was the reason they were able to reach me with a prayer? Either way, I should focus on her first.


"A-are you...?" She couldn't believe that he was standing in front of her. After a few days of waiting, he truly appeared in front of her. She wasn't sure whether she was just imagining it, but she could clearly hear some divine bell ringing in the background while a choir filled the room with divine chanting as if to announce His Holiness.

It wasn't his demeanor or looks that gave him away as the angel Azazel- no, it was the feeling spreading in her chest. A gentleness and warmth spread in her body like his presence was hugging her and gently rocking her in his arms. 

Then there was this glimmer in his eyes. It was like the light was waiting to be released and shine through the darkness that it encountered. She could hardly gaze into those beautiful eyes, their glimmer despite barely visible was as radiant as the sun.

She couldn't help but feel like the moment she gazed into them for too long, she would end up blind. A beauty of this magnitude was too much for a human like her to handle. Her eyes averted from his eyes and turned to a spot behind him. Although she couldn't make it up clearly, there was something hidden in the folds of reality.

Just observing it made her feel like she would reach enlightenment. All these sensations combined solidified her theory. The afterlife, the gentle, warm, and welcoming realm of the dead was governed by him. A true god, unlike the ones the heretics of her country prayed to.

Now that she had confirmed that this was truly god, she needed to make sure that her country didn't continue to pray to false idols. "Divine Chant, was it?" Her eyes widened, not expecting her god to know of her title. Was all her devotion and practice for the divine able to reach him?

"Yes, your Holy Majesty. This is my title." She answered humbly as she knelt on the ground, pressing her forehead on the ground.

"Holy Majesty- That's a new one." Lord Azazel muttered something she couldn't hear. "Your title, huh? What about your name?"

"You can name me. I had set aside my mortal name and fully intend to welcome a rebirth with a name given by your Excellence."

"Geez. One more cray cray than the other. At least this one decided for herself. Doesn't have anything to do with me if she turns into an angel, she wouldn't be bound to me if I didn't claim her essence." He said something in a language that she couldn't understand. Perhaps, it was Enochian?"Anyway, let's stick with Divine Chant... and get up the floor." He commanded, making her shudder for some reason.

He walked passed her and sat down on the bed, while she stood up, keeping her eyes trained on him to imprint his image into her mind. "You know it's rather creepy to be looked at this intensely, right?" He commented making her heart drop at the thought of having insulted him.

"I apologize." Her eyes lowered to the bed, wanting to at least keep his figure in her periphery while hoping that it would be acceptable. However, it was then she noticed something. Her panties were still on the bed, right next to where Lord Azazel was sitting.

Her mind raced with how to hide it, but all ideas were shattered when he picked it up. "Seems like you are leaving your dirty laundry for all to see... Man, you are awfully tense." After saying that it seemed like the divinity was sucked away. The chime was distant until she couldn't hear it any longer. The gentleness and warmth were but a fading sensation.

The air also turned lighter, making her realize what pressure he had exuded with his mere presence. "I wasn't telling you not to look at me at all. Just blinking would be enough and glancing at multiple spots instead of glaring into my eyes." Following his words, she looked into his eyes before observing his other features as he lay on her bed.

"Undress and climb into the bed." He commanded, turning her mind blank. Was this a test? It was something she expected some of the men who always lusted for her to say, but not this divine being to say. "Do you not wish to fornicate with the divine or do you think it will be the same as your mortal's action- dirty and sinful?" He asked, making her mind snap out of her bias.

"Of course, not. It would be my privilege." She answered swiftly. To be able to be hugged by her god would be something she would have never imagined and she certainly wouldn't let this opportunity slip through her fingers.

So, after biting on her lip she grasped the end of her shirt and was about to swiftly undress, though Lord Azazel had other ideas, "Take it slow, savor it." She nodded slightly before slowly removing her shirt. After letting her shirt fall to the ground, she hid her breasts as she glanced at her god.

He smiled at her while leaning against the headrest with his arms crossed behind his head. His torso was free of clothes and despite not seeing beneath the sheets, she guessed that he was naked. "I..." She started but didn't know what to say.

She wasn't sure why she hesitated. Perhaps it had something to do with the lack of her god's aura. He felt like a normal man, and even the glimmer in his eyes and the aura around him had disappeared from her sight.

Was this how far her conviction went? She knew what kind of angel he was after investigating his church and belief. The sermons didn't make her turn away but kept her in this foreign country. Her teeth clenched as she forced herself to move.

Her arms covering her breasts, moved slowly, revealing herself to him. At this point, she couldn't look at him for what reason, she wasn't sure. Did the lack of divinity coming from her rattle her this much or was she afraid that he would be disappointed in her? Was this truly what he wanted?

"Come here." His words were like an invisible force that made her walk to the side of her bed. Her heart started beating faster and more ferocious. It felt like it was strong enough to be heard by him. Then he raised the blanket, causing her to shut her eyes in trepidation.

Without thinking she crawled into the bed before kneeling over her god's lap. When she opened her eyes again, she had to look down slightly to gaze into his eyes. "Don't be shy. I won't bite unless you want me to." He said with a smirk and despite the missing aura, his smile caused her heart to beat irregularly and a warmth to spread in her gut.

Unknowingly she sat down, straddling Lord Azazel's lap. Her eyes widened when a thick, pulsing object pushed against her sacred place. She was about to rise again, but he was held in place by her god. Her lower lips started to wrap around this hard and warm object.

She couldn't help but gulp, glancing down at the thing she was sitting on. A thick, pulsing, hard penis was straddled by her vagina. "T-this will never fit." It was too mighty. There was no way she could handle it.

"Naw, you're good." Lord Azazel declared as he lifted her until the tip of his thing pushed against her entrance. "Relax." He ordered softly but firmly, making her realize that she was as tense as she never had been before. Even riding into battle didn't cause such tension in her body.

His hands wandered up her sides, causing shivers to run through her body and goosebumps to appear. His hands were masculine without roughness to the touch. Firm yet soft. She shivered as his hands lifted her right breast. A strange started building up in her body.

Although he was just touching her, it felt... good. Almost too good like she had once again entered heaven. The warmth in her body was similar to what she had felt then, though now it was accompanied by a desire. A hunger for something.

He pinched her nipple and the sensation peaked. A current shot through her body. "Nnhgg~" A strange voice sounded out and it took her a moment to realize that she was the one who was making such a noise.

Her body relaxed and fell down again. "Annhgg. T-this..." She glanced down only to see her crotch touching Lord Azazel's. A slight bulge twitched at her stomach and she had a hard time breathing, though she couldn't care less about air.

The warmth that she had felt in heaven appeared again. Never would she have guessed that this was where she found this sensation she had yearned. No, if she was honest, it was even better than arriving in heaven. At this moment, she knew what the purpose of her life was.

"How do you feel?" Lord Azazel's husky voice asked, causing shivers to run through her body again. She clenched her legs and trembled heavily. Her vision turned blurry.

"I'mmm m-ooore thannghg~ goooood~" The trembling just wouldn't stop, every time she thought that she got used to it his penis twitched inside her restarting this deep pleasure coming from the depth of her womb. "I'm sorrrryyy I peeed~" She apologized as I saw the clear liquid staining their crotches and bed.

"Don't worry about it." He hugged her, firmly pressing her body against his. He felt warm and steady and especially mighty with his member penetrating deep inside her. She was sure he could lift her by just the strength of his penis.

Although she knew it was preposterous to do, she couldn't stop herself from smashing her lips against his. She wanted to claw his back, pulling him against her as if she wanted to merge with him, but his dick robbed her of all her strength.

"Say, you won't mind betraying your country, right?" He said and she just shook her head. There was nothing she wanted more in this world.

"I-I'd do anything for you, my lord!" This sensation was her life's purpose.

"Such a good girl." He praised sweetly and she couldn't be more happy at this moment. "How about we pick up the pace?" He asked but didn't give her enough time to respond as he grasped her hips and pulled her up.

The warmth lingered inside her, but she felt empty with only the tip kissing her entrance. Fortunately, he was a benevolent god. He slammed her down. Her mind turned completely blank, but she knew it was good.

The following session she was only able to remember parts of it. Her consciousness only filled her in every few minutes. She remembered being kissed, having her face pressed into the blanket, her womb being filled to the brim, her back entrance being stretched to the limits and filled as well.

Her mouth was being used as a tool for pleasure before a warm liquid was sprayed all over her face. The sharp pain of her butt being slapped turned into pure pleasure. Even though she didn't die this time, she found her heaven.


"Oops, I did it again," I muttered as I glanced at the filthy priest. The bed was a mess and the stench of sex filled the room. I wouldn't be surprised if it leaked to the outside. I scratched my head. Well, I did get what I came for. A spy in the high echelon of the Slane Theocracy.

Honestly, I didn't think she would go through with it after I retracted all my aura and closed off my pheromones, but here we were. It seemed like even without my natural disposition I was irresistible. Of course, she was already biased, so it was easier to take her, but she still turned delirious by being fucked.

I glanced at her holes that were still gushing with my cum and was tempted to fuck her to the brink of death, but she had firmly passed out by now. It wouldn't be too much fun if she didn't notice anything at all.

Besides, I had things to do, fucking her for an hour should be enough for now. I would give her more in the future. So, what was next? With her as my informant, the Slane Theocracy would be easily manipulated.

I could search for some growth-type technique inside my book, but these were generally something that I wanted to do continuously, so before locking myself into a room and going into seclusion or whatever, I ought to set up my preparations first.

I needed to get the 'prismatic ore' and set up my array to make it more difficult for Yggdrasil to lock into this place. Just as I was about to head toward the Dwarf Kingdom to get those ores, I hesitated for a moment. Even if I took the ore of the dwarves since they were naturally occurring ores of this world, they probably weren't that high-level.

I might be better off if I just took something from our treasury or from Ainz's personal stash. He had to have some precious ore and I was sure he would willingly give it to me if I asked for it. However, there was the problem of what I wanted to do with it.

Telling him I wanted to set up an array that had nothing to do with the game would give rise to questions. It wouldn't be long until he asked about the source of my knowledge. As I reached that point, I dismissed those paranoid thoughts. I would be able to talk myself out of it and even if I couldn't setting up the array was more important.

"I thought I would have more time," I muttered as I glanced out of the window through which the setting sun shone while I connected my call to Ainz.


Ainz glanced at Pandora's Actor as he presented the items he got from the treasury. His mind had been on the conversation he had with the prince of Nazarick. The background story complicated things, but it also cleared up some other things as well.

Now it made more sense why Azazel had been different compared to the other NPCs. After all, unlike the others he didn't think he was created by them and 'just' saw them as his savior. His loyalty was assured, but that didn't mean he thought of the 'Supreme Beings' as infallible.

Still, he turned to him when he felt threatened, which showed that he would still turn to him when he needed help and Ainz was quite satisfied with that. It felt nice to be needed, to be sought out for help. Obviously, he would normally dread that the smartest people of Nazarick turned to him for guidance, but wasn't this just preparing for a boss fight?

There were few things Ainz was confident in and preparing for a boss battle was one of them. After their conversation, he remembered that Azazel had mentioned his connection being cut from Yggdrasil and now that he sensed the World Tree trying to connect to this world, he noticed it as well.

This meant that they wouldn't be completely blindsided. With their preparation to search for any entrance made by the tree, they would hopefully notice it quickly if the tree somehow was able to circumvent Azazel's connection.

He internally shook his head, trying to get his focus back on track. Everyone of Nazarick was working hard to prevent any mistakes, so he couldn't slack around.

With each item that was presented, he started going through them while keeping in mind what would be best for each Floor Guardian to carry. He would also need to equip them all with World Items the entire time since the chances of one appearing would rise exponentially with the tree being present and aggro.

To be honest, he was also somewhat excited as the arrival of the World Tree would also raise the chances of him reuniting with his guild members. Not to mention, preparing for a boss fight made him feel like he had returned to the game.

Although he felt guilty about the way he felt about the terrifying chance of their defeat and death, there was still some satisfaction in doing something he was familiar with.

Just as he picked up another item, a call reached him and a solemn voice of Azazel called out from the other side, "It's here. Yggdrasil has arrived."

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