Princess Fox

Chapter 23.5 – Destroyed

“Ooooh! Too bad! Only two damage! Which means the swamp hydra still has twenty-four health left,” the game master grinned at his girlfriend, who stuck a tongue at him.

“Your turn Aster.” He gestured to the dice.

“Hmm…” Aster frowned and hmm’d. “Okay, if I cast ice shards, I get to roll four D6’s right?”

“Yeah… Actually, If you roll all sixes then you kill the Hydra. But no way that’s happening.” Troy grinned.

Although the resident fox hoodie wearer was getting pretty lucky this game, there was no way it would continue.

“Oh really? I’m feeling pretty lucky today, you know,” Aster said as she picked up four dice.

“Suuure, wanna bet then?”

She frowned. “Again, a bet? What are you planning for me this time if I lose? To cross-dress as a guy?”

“Nah, repeat punishments are lame. How about a simple ‘be my servant for a day’ kind of deal.”

She growled and rolled her eyes. “Very original. Whatever! I’ll enjoy your servitude, peasant! Here we go!”

She stood up and raised the dice in her hands before throwing them at the table. One stopped at six… a second one stopped at six… and then the two others did as well.

Troy could only stare.

“What the fuck?”

Aster’s grin reached a new level. “I told you I’m feeling lucky today!”

Troy looked at her, then at the dice, then back at her, then back at the dice.

What the fuck?!” he repeated.

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