Princess In Peril


The Emperor took his seat and Arcane walked into the crowd trying to blend in, but everyone was repelling her like water-repelling oil. Their eyes were filled with envy and yet hatred. All the ladies belonged to noble families. And they were the crown princess’s candidate so naturally, when Arcane entered with the Emperor, it made them feel like they were going to lose their position so they were repulsive towards her. After trying to blend in for a long time Arcane felt at loss and she walked over to the terrace on the second floor.
She saw the garden clearly and there she saw a girl in a pure white gown sitting on a bench holding onto her hurting foot. Arcane smirked as she knew who that girl was. Saorsa was the only girl who would be in such a place at a banquet like that.
“Guess it takes a lot of effort to stand out as a female lead. I can't even compare myself to her.” Arcane breathed out and continued staring outside, Suddenly her eyes caught another figure standing in the dark not very far away from Saorsa. The man was dressed in a knight suit with a heavily embroidered cape. One could tell that he was looking at Soarsa intently.
“Iroas!! It’s him,” Arcane broke into cold sweats when she saw him. Her hand trembled for some reason. Surprisingly Iroas noticed her gaze and looked up in her direction but Arcane had already run inside, She hid behind the wall and breathed out heavily, She gently stroked the bandage on he neck and recalled the incident that happened in the forest and the memory of the time when Arcane was brutally stabbed to death. Her ears started ringing and her head felt light. she crouched down and held onto her head =, she took in deep breaths to calm her down, Unlike in the forest when she didn’t know Iroas, she now knew him and she also knew how his small steps would lead Arcane towards death.
“Stay focused...You should stay away from Soarsa from now on, Whatever happens, I will not hurt Soarsa.” Arcane chanted in her heart and breathed out. She clenched her hand into a fist. “Let’s do this...I will be fine.’
The sound of drum rolling started. Arcane’s ears perked up and she peeked out of the terrace once more to ensure that it was the right time to step downstairs. As this was her first scene in the novel. Where she gets a marriage proposal from Iroas.
There was no one outside now, The place where Soarsa sat a while ago was empty now, and Iroas too had left. Arcane looked into the glass of the window and fixed herself before heading downstairs.
Iroas had already walked inside and was kneeling before the emperor. His deep navy blue hair shines under the chandelier light while his serious grey eyes stare at the Emperor with a complicated look. Everyone at the banquet was staring at him with love-filled eyes.
But Arcane searched for Soarsa and wanted to know what she thought of Iroas. And not surprisingly at all, Soarsa stood unimpressed by him in the corner of the room.
“If you were not my killer I too might have fallen for that attractive face of yours…” Arcane mumbled.
Arcane was curious to know how much of the conversation they had done and how long she was supposed to stay at the banquet before she could get out of this suffocating environment. But sadly she couldn’t hear a single sentence of their conversation from the stairs that she was standing on. She was thinking about this when suddenly she heard the words. “41st candidate!!?”
It was the emperor’s voice and he sounded really surprised. FOllowed by the never-ending murmurs. Arcane didn’t look at Iroas with shock as she already knew that it was just a trick. What she was curious to know was how Soarsa reacted to this.
While her gaze was staring at Soarsa, who looked surprised.
‘I thought you were not interested in him...Turns out your heart’s strings were pulled too.’ Arcane suddenly felt funny as she thought to herself, her lip curled up at the sight of such misery in her eyes, Arcane didn’t notice a pair of eyes that glanced at her momentarily. Iroas was looking for Soarsa when his eyes fell on the girl who stood alone unfazed by the commotion around her, staring calmly in one direction. Iroas followed her gaze to find Soarsa standing timidly in a corner.
“Why do you want to marry her?” Asked the Emperor out of the blue.
“I...I have been in love with her for a long time, Your Majesty.” Said Iroas in a convincing tone.
“So you are saying you have known her for a long time?” The Emperor seemed to have gotten a whiff of this situation so he deliberately asked Iroas more and more questions.
“The reason I could come back from the war in one piece was because of my unconditional love for her.” And just like that Iroas continued without even knowing who he was talking about.
“Hmm…” The Emperor nodded. “Call the Princess here,” HE said Darius.
Darius looked around the hall and found Arcane in an instant. He stepped forwards. Under everyone’s pressing gaze Darius stepped up the stairs and held out his hand.
“My Princess,” Darius tried to read Arcane’s expression that seemed to have frozen.
Arcane held his hand without any resistance and followed Darius.
“Sir. Iroas Abraham…” Darius stepped closer to him followed by Arcane whose eyes were on the floor.
Iroas’s eyebrows twitched when he saw Arcane. The first thing he noticed was the bandage around her neck.
‘Did she get hurt?’ Iroas thought to himself not even realizing that he was the one who had done this to her.
“Greetings to the sun of the empire, I am Arcane Lachtara from Ridavell. I am very pleased to find out that The war hero of Ohaeria has taken a liking to me,” Arcane slightly bent down. Her voice was plain with no excitement nor any joy.
“Iroas, As I have promised I will grant you any wish...But your wedding will have to wait until the end of her training.” said the Emperor.
“Where I have waited for so many years, A few months won’t be a problem, your MAjesty,” Iroas spoke with a low and calm voice, making everyone believe in his words.
“But your I allowed to have my first dance with the Princess?” Iroas spoke in a sweet voice making all the ladies blush, but just then Arcane’s heart sank deep. She looked up at Iroas who was talking to the Emperor for a while. Just behind Iroas stood William, Arcane’s eyes shifted to William, and coincidentally he looked up at that moment. Their eyes met.
‘What is this feeling? I...I think I can’t breathe.’ Arcane felt odd, a tough mass had built up in her throat that she couldn't swallow, it was bitter.
“Permission granted.” The emperor replied. Iroas looked in Arcane’s direction who’s eyes were staring at William. His eyebrows twitched but then he held out his hand for Arcane.
“Will you give me the honor?” Iroas talked in a sweet voice making Arcane feel disgusted. She knew he was acting and was trying to fool the crowd. Everyone at the banquet was awed by how sweet Iroas was, but when Arcane looked into his eyes she saw a snake who was playing with her.
“Yes you may,” She replied in a low voice trying to keep her boiling emotions inside. She gave her hand to Iroas. And they stepped towards the dance floor. The captivating music started, Iroas gripped her hand tightly while putting his other hand on her waist. Arcane’s body shook because of his touch. It was as if her body was repulsive towards him. Her hand was in a continuous effort of leaving his tight clutches. Arcane was very uncomfortable. Her Wound started to hurt while her head continued to play the memory of Iroas stabbing her. She was hardly holding in her tears.
“Ack!” Arcane made a painful sound because Iroas had stepped onto her foot while he was distracted by Soarsa.
“Princess!” He spoke out in a worried tone, “I am sorry I missed a step.” Said IRoas as he stopped dancing and kneeled to see if Arcane was hurt. All this was an act and that made Arcane even sicker. BEfore Iroas could touch her bare skin she pulled away from her leg and formed a distance.
“YOur MAjesty, I don’t feel well. I will be leaving the banquet now.” Arcane, without looking at Iroas, spoke to the Emperor. He was caught by surprise but he didn’t stop her and gave her permission to leave.
“But Princess!” Iroas called out to her in an apologetic tone on which she looked back at him. And then turned her eyes towards William.
‘I hate you all!’ with those words in her heart she left the main door,

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