Princess In Peril


Slender white fingers swayed in the air. Pink rose petals danced on the fingertips of the lady with dazzling peach hair. The sunlight was especially bright on her making her the most prominent being in the Rose garden. Sorana was using her magic to manipulate the wind. She giggled as the petals swayed around in the air.


She did not notice that she was being watched curiously by a pair of grey eyes. Iroas stood beside the fully grown juniper trees fencing the small sitting area. HE couldn’t hold in his admiration as he stared at her long hair swaying around. Soarsa turned around which caught Iroas by surprise and he stepped behind the tree to hide away from her gaze. But his tough hunting shoes snapped the twigs.


Soarsa’s eyes widened up and her dancing fingers froze, The petals in the air dropped on the grass and she stood petrified in her steps. Her peach-colored eyes looked around to find the source of the sound, in distress, she looked around and finally spotted a shadow hiding behind the trees. 

“Who is there?...” Her voice was like music to the ears, and the hint of fright made her even more attractive. She stepped closer to the juniper tree, trying to see who it was. “Come on out! I will not say anything to you.” She spoke.


“(chuckle)”  A dry laugh came from behind the trees, Soarsa’s steps froze. She didn’t budge until Iroas walked out. 

Sorasa kept her eyes on the tall man who just walked out, she stared at Iroas’s attractive face like a love-struck girl. Iroas couldn’t help but smile at her innocent expression.

“Have you seen enough?” Said Iroas in a teasing manner. Soarsa suddenly realized what she was doing and she averted her gaze. Her cheeks were flushed because of the embarrassment. 

“Wh...Who are you and what are you doing in the palace?” She shuttered but tried to make herself sound confident. “You should know that it’s not a place for anyone to roam around freely. If you go away now I will not make a complaint against you.” Soarsa mumbled.


Iroas’s eyebrow lifted with surprise, “You don’t know who I am?” HE asked in an amused voice. 

“Sho...should I know you?” She looked up into his eyes and tried to remember where she had seen him.

“HAh!” Iroas covered his face with his hand and chuckled lightly, he was amused by her every action. “No, You don’t know me…” Iroas spoke. 


“By the looks of it...YOu must be a Palace guard.” Soarsa clapped her hand and jumped in excitement. Iroas’s lip twitched but he didn’t bother clearing her misunderstanding and gave her a nod.

“Yes! I am a palace guard...I lost my way around the Palace as it’s my first day.” His voice was velvet smooth, it sounded like a harmonious tune to the ears. Both of them stared at each other,


Arcane’s eye twitched in pain. She wanted to throw something at the couple, SHe was drenched. With the clothes hugging her body, every hair on her head was shocked. She was shivering because of the cold.

“I had to wake up in the freezing fountain just so I could see them flirting around with each other? ISn’t this unfair?! How can the story transport me to anywhere it desires just so that the plot can go forth smoothly?!” 


Her teeth were chattering because of the cold and her eyes were on fire, but all she could do was to stand there and look at their love life to develop. “Agh!! I want to cry!!” She stopped her feet and sat upon the grass. 


‘I thought I could avoid the story but I think I am destined to be the villainess after all...The plot is back on the track and today is the day when they meet in the palace for the first time, Arcanae was supposed to catch them red-handed and she was going to throw a trauma.’ 


She revised the plot in her head while biting off her nails, “Should I interrupt? I mean that is my role after all and that was the reason I woke up here.” Arcane pondered, THe wind got stronger and her shoulders started to shake. 


“If only I was in my warm and cozy bed and not in an unknown creepy garden.” She rubbed her shoulders and cursed inwardly. 


(Flash BAck)


‘I can’t breathe!! What is going on here!!’ 

Arcane opened her eyes in horror, she could barely breathe, HEr body was almost frozen, HEr vision was blurry, she was underwater. Her back was resting against a solid surface. She quickly sat up. The water wasn’t deep so when she sat her head got out of the water but her body was still inside the water.

She breathed in the air harshly and punched her chest as if it felt like it had been clogged, the water splashed around because of the movement of her hand and the constantly dripping water that was oozing out of the fountain. 


“Ha...Ha…” She breathed heavily while closely examining her surroundings. SHe saw densely grown trees. The scene was absurd, she stood up with her cold numb feet. Water trickled down her body and her night clothes stuck to her body.

“I DON’T EVEN WANT TO ASK WHY I AM HERE!! THIS IS TOO ABSURD!” Her teeth clattered and she walked out of the fountain. The grass was warmer as compared to the water. Arcane crawled around the garden trying to look for an exit but she kept on coming back to the fountain. The wind was odd as it had flower petals moving around in it. Arcane, who was annoyed because of the wind, curled into a ball and looked for a place to hide away came across the reason for the wind. She saw Soarsa using her magic on the other side of the garden.


(Flash back end)


“I must be great to be the main character...even The sun is especially warmer for you,” 



A gust of harsh wind came and Arcane hugged her legs, But along with the wind a sudden warmth met her shoulders, Someone had placed something warm over her. Arcane shuddered at the sudden warmth and glanced at her shoulders that were now covered with a blue coat, with golden shoulder flaps. The warmth of the jacket was as if somebody had just taken it off. Arcane was taken aback by the action so she looked up at the person.


“Hah!” A sarcastic laugh escaped Arcane’s lip. 

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