Princess In Peril


“Your Highness!! What brings you here?” Arcane bowed and greeted VAsilias who was looking down the window with interest. 


Arcane’s head lifted with lightning speed, her eyebrows rose, she stared at him dumbfoundedly, ‘This guy can say the most flirtatious words with such a plain face.’ 

“Me? Is there something you want me to do for you?” 


“Go out with me!”


Arcane was yet again speechless. “Pardon me?” 


“To the town! You like it there,” His robotic way of speaking made it hard for Arcane to interpret his meaning,

‘Is he taking me out because I like the town? Was he always that generous?’ Arcane was having a gut feeling that this wasn’t as simple as that but as she was just a minor character she didn’t want to anger the main character. 

“If your Highness wants to go, I will certainly accompany you.” Arcane forced a smile.

“Good! Let us head out then.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the library. He took long steps and it made it hard for Arcane to keep up.

‘Why am I getting dragged like this? Am I an animal?’ 


“Your Highness! Could you slow down a bit,” Arcane couldn’t hold in the pain she was in because of his speed so she spoke up. 



Vasilias stopped and looked around at Arcane who was out of her breath.

“You don’t look very good.” 


‘Thanks for noticing…’ Arcane was being sarcastic inwardly.


“Unlike you, I have short legs, I can’t keep up with YOur Highness.” Arcane looked down and spoke in a soft tone trying not to hurt his ego. 

“Hm…” Vasilias made a pondering sound before speaking. “Then I will walk slowly.” He readjusted his grip around Arcane’s hand and then took a smaller step. 

Vasilias started walking again and didn’t notice Arcane’s expressions, her eyes were wide open, 


‘If you can’t keep up then I will walk slowly...I can do this much for my little sister.’

‘She was struck, her gaze was plastered around his hand that was holding onto her’s. Her gaze had disbelief because the words Vasilias just said felt like a deja vu. She had heard those words before. 


“Brother?… no way! There is no way,” Arcane shook her head and threw the sudden feeling out of her head where she felt like her brother had come back from the dead. 


Arcane followed him in a daze until they reached the carriage. Vasilias helped her into the carriage. The royal carriage was a well-designed place that resembled a living room. It had a table that had a fruit basket on it accompanied by some snacks. The carriage started moving, Arcane looked up at VAsilias who was sitting across her. He was looking out of the window, his golden hair blowing with the wind. He was wearing the royal uniform, chains of pure gold were hanging on his chest that were attached to the badges. The flaps on his shoulder were golden but they still looked dull in comparison to his gold-like hair. 


The carriage stopped and the door of the carriage was opened by a knight. 

“Your Majesty! We have arrived.” Said the knight in a uniform.


Vasilias looked at Arcane, He slowly got off the carriage and then held his hand out for Arcane. She followed him out. The market palace was packed. Arcane looked around at the dusty pavement and breathed in the smokey air. Thought the air was not fresh but it had its own calmness to it. While Arcane was trying to get enough of the scene Vasilias grabbed her hand and walked in a direction.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

Vasilia turned around and looked at Arcane from top to the bottom and then slowly looked at the people around them staring at them with a horror-filled gaze.

“To buy some commoner outfits. YOu can’t walk around like royalty in the marketplace.” Vasilas replied.

“Makes Sense.” Arcane nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. Though the surrounding people were scared of the presence of the crown prince amongst them, and they were scared out of their lives just becasue Vasilias was a cruel man, but no matter how many times Arcane looked at Vasilias, she never saw a scary man. He was just a guy who was lacking basic emotions. 

As they walked by the whispers followed, And a time came when the voices grew so much that there was no other sound rather than the murmurs. Arcane’s eyes never once left 

VAsilias’s back while he walked with his head high and unaffected face, but she felt the grip around her hand increase.

‘He…’ HEr eyes narrowed and curiosity grew. He was affected by them but he wasn’t showing it. 




He pushed open the door of a garments shop and the bell on the top of the door rang. 


“Welcome dear customer, How may I help...Your Majesty!!” The shopkeeper who was smiling when he was greeting them fell to his knees when he saw who the customer was.



Arcane heard an annoying click from VAsilias’s side. She looked in Vasilis’s direction to see if he was showing signs of emotions but he was staring at the shopkeeper with his usual stone face.

‘Is there something wrong with my ears?’ Arcane scratched her ear and pouted.

“I will buy that!” HE pointed at a country maiden dress that was on the display, It was a black and white dress with lace bodice and puffy sleeves. Arcane’s eyebrows twitched as she imagined herself in that. She shuddered just by the thought of wearing it, but Vasilias seemed very satisfied with his choice.

“Your Highness...Isn’t that a little?” Arcane fidgeted her fingers trying to convey her message to him.

“Don’t call me that once we are out of the palace.” He ignored the real point.

“You are a prince...What else should I call you?” Arcane replied while looking around the place. Because of Vasilias holding her hand, she wasn’t able to walk away but she did wander around as far as his hand allowed.

“Call me by my name.” 


“Hah! Do you want me dead? If I call you by your name the knights will cut off my neck in a blink of an eye.” Arcane replied in a giggling voice.

“They will not...They can not.” He rephrased his words and touched the fabric of another dress. Arcane was going to say something but her eyes caught a white lace-up shirt. 

“Now that you have chosen an outfit for me, I will choose one for you…?”

Arcane pointed at the shirt that clearly gave off an aura of a thug of the street or a stable keeper. She knew that VAsilias a refined royalty would never wear something like that.

“Only that?” 

“What do you mean by only that?”

“Am I going to walk around with only a shirt? Chose some shoes and trousers as well.” 

Arcane’s eye twitched when Vasilias let go of her hand and picked up the shirt she had pointed towards. It didn’t make any sense to her, Why was he not killing her or torturing her like he should have done, Or was he always like that towards Arcane in the book?


‘Hah! This guy is nicer than both of the ML’s combined! Wait! Why am I comparing this angel to those ruffians?’ Arcane shook her head and started looking for clothes that would suit Vasilias. 


“Your Highness! Here you go,” Arcane 

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