Princess In Peril


Arcane brushed her fingers across the titles of the books that were arranged on the shelves, muttering to herself in frustration. She had spent the entire day in the library searching for a way to return to her previous body. "Huff..." Exhaling a tired sigh, she sat down on the floor, her back resting against the bookshelf. Her hand covered her face, feeling hopeless.
“But...even if I find a way to go back! There is no way I would be alive.” Mumbled Arcane while peeking out of the small partition between her two fingers. Blanca was standing right before her with a dumbfounded expression.
“Princess! Do you wish to return?” Her voice was very low as if she was reluctant but had no choice then to help her lady.
“I do,” Arcane replied, “But I don’t know if it’s worth it or not. What if I return and there is no Joy there, I will disappear without a body,” Arcane still had her hands on her face.
“What do you mean? Princess, I don’t understand a word you are saying,” Blanca twisted her fingers nervously worrying that her mistress had lost her mind.
“Symon Kizashi! Do you know who he is?” Arcane asked Blanca.
“I have heard that name for the first time, WHo is he?” Blanca asked.
“HE is…” She paused and thought inwardly.
‘Symon Kizashi, the most mysterious person in the book and the most powerful mage in the entire kingdom. He was the last man standing in the story and was able to marry Saorsa and live a happy life with her. What if I ask him for help? HE might be the one who can help me because he knows magic so he must also know something about interdimensional travel,’
Arcane went deep into her thoughts, and she hurriedly looked at Blanca.
“I think I might have a chance.” with those exciting words she sprinted out of the library not caring about her crumpled dress.
“Princess! Wait, you can’t run around like that. It’s improper for a lady…”
Arcane’s shoe got stuck in her petticoat and she landed on the ground.
Arcane groaned in pain, her ankle was twisted badly. And her plan of going to meet Symon ended there and then.
“Damn it! Why did I fall here of all the places.”
“Princess!!! Are you alright!” A few maids that saw Arcane fall, they ran over to pick her up, Blanca who was still far behind had become a stone statue after seeing her lady fall so badly.
“I am alright, I think I just twisted my ankle,” Arcane spoke in a painful voice.
“Call a knight, Princess needs to be taken to her chambers. And you call for the imperial doctor,” A maid who seemed very experienced spoke to the other maids.
“No need for that, I can go to my room on my own.” Arcane felt burdened by the fact that they were worrying for her so much.
But in the end, no one listened to her and she was taken to her room like a dead body where the doctor was waiting for her.
When she safely sat on her bed, the doctor pulled out a small white box. Inside the box was a small bright yellow ball from his bag and held it in his hand. Other than the doctor and Arcane, Blanca too was in the room, standing silently in the corner. Arcane’s ankle was still hurting, The doctor placed the glowing orb against her skin, and he pressed it onto the place that was hurting the most, it gave out a bright light before it got absorbed into her skin. Arcane sat dumbfoundedly at the sight of the magic she had just witnessed.
‘I have read about these balls in the book, but it’s still fascinating to see it with my own eyes, These were the highly effective healing pills that were created by Symon himself’
HE sold these to the royalty and charged a huge sum of money, but the Emperor never refused to pay him as they were precious items. The book also said that they were not the only medicine Symon had created, he had all sorts of poisons and potions that could turn a normal human into a love-struck Romeo or a cultured man into a monster in just a blink of an eye.
Arcane’s pain had disappeared after the glowing ball disappeared into her skin.
“Ahm...Sir, WHat was that just now?” she asked as if she had no idea of what it was.
“This is a healing medicine, It was made by one of the finest medical experts who have ever lived.” The doctor boasted as if it was his son who was making these.
“They must cost a fortune.: Arcane added.
“Yes, Your highness. One of these “Healing Orbs” cost 20 gold ingots.”
Arcane’s eye twitched when she realized that she had injected an orb worth her entire being just to ease an aching ankle.
“Princess! Your eyes!” The doctor jolted when he saw the twitching eyes.
“No! It’s nothing, I was just surprised that you wasted such a treasure on me,” Arcane lowered her eyes in shame.
“WASTED?! PRINCESS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” the doctor reacted in a very unexpected manner. “This little orb is worth nothing as compared to how precious you are, please don’t say things like that again or the Emperor will end our lives!”
‘Why would the Emperor end your life? Okay, whatever…’
“Okay I won’t say anything like that again, but on one condition,” Arcane spoke with a smirk.
“What is that Princess?”
“Who made these pills and where does he live?” Arcane asked bluntly.
The doctor was expecting something hard but turned out it was nothing serious.
“These are made by a young Mage. Symon Kizashi. And as for the fact where he lives...that is unknown, but we do know that he has a medicinal brewery  at the water coast.” The doctor spoke in one breath.
‘I thought Symon lived in the woods...was the book wrong?’ Arcane, who had read the book, remembered the details that were fairly different from the ones that the doctor had told her.
“Princess...I will take my leave, for now, Please take care of yourself.” He bowed slightly and left the room. Blanca left behind the doctor to see him off.
“YAwn!!” Arcane’s shoulders were stiff and she was tired after picking up those heavy books all day long. She didn’t realize when her eyes closed and she went deep into her sleep.

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