Princess In Peril


The soft rose gold hair flew with the gentle breeze of the forest, A small white face, and her cherry red lips. Pair of big clear peach-colored eyes that held an overwhelming desire for justice.
‘Wait did my heart just skip a beat?’ Arcane was a bit taken aback by the fact that the heroine was that captivating to just make anybody fall for her.
Who else could she be, if not Sorasa Epione the lover of Justice and the Heroine of the book?
‘No way! If she is Soarsa. then this guy is!...’ Arcane’s head turned back at the guy under the hood, who was looking straight at the heroine with a tilted head.
‘HE is Iroas?!!...’
‘And is this the part where the heroine saves the girl and Iroas falls for her courage? So does that mean I have met my second death flag in a single day? Why am I so unlucky?’ Arcane’s eyeballs trembled at the sight of the developing romance between the two main characters.
‘Agh!! My eyes!! They are burning!! It hurts more than the injury on my neck!’ Arcane blinked with pain and pressed on her wound to stop it from bleeding out.
“Who might you be? Are you her helper?” Asked Iroas with a mesmerizing voice.
‘(JAw Drops) THat is favoritism! How can you talk to the heroine like honey while you were talking to me like you had seen a slithering cockroach ’ Arcane was getting more and more angry at Iroas, First of all because he was the one who was going to kill her and secondly because he was very biased towards beauty.
“No, I am not! I just came into the forest to collect some herbs!” She explained herself and surprisingly he was listening to her without pointing his sword at her face as she talked and he even gave a nod to her as if he was a very caring husband. Then suddenly Soarsa seemed to be pissed off.
“Mister I think you are not aware of who I am and that is why you are talking to me that freely,” Soarsa spoke.
‘This line doesn’t even fit in here! Are you that desperate to tell this lad about your title?’ Arcane, who was an audience to their love development pinpointed the error but there was no one who cared.
“Hah! So are you a princess? DO you want me to bow before you?” said Iroas.
“I...I am The 40th candidate for the Crown princess.”
‘I think I should just die, I can’t bear to see the display of such stupidity! Like why on earth would you tell a stranger who you are? Did your parents not warn you about perverts and Iroas?’ Arcane thought.
“Crown Princess?... Hah?” Iroas covered his face, he looked disappointed. “If you are going to be a crown princess, why wander in the forest, just go back to your palace.”
‘Wow! YOu are so caring! Am I allowed to do the same? Can I go back to the palace too because I too am a crown princess candidate….OR DO THOSE RULES DON’T APPLY TO ME BECAUSE I AM NOT THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!’ Arcane muttered sarcastically to herself.
“I will not leave an innocent life behind!” She stepped in closer to Arcane.
‘Hah! Finally, I am getting some attention! I thought I was going to die because of excess blood loss…’
“Miss, are you alright?” Saorsa looked at Arcane’s injury and spoke.
‘Do I look like I am alright? Do you not see that waterfall coming out of my neck?’ Arcane, who had enough of the main characters, spoke inwardly.
“Look what have you done to this poor girl! How can you be so cruel!! Look, she is all bruised...did you choke her before cutting her throat!?” Soarsa looked at Iroas as if she was looking at a monster.
“Choke? Bruised?” Iroas was surprised by the words that Soarsa had just uttered.
He then glanced at Arcane’s neck and saw the finger shaped bruises.
‘Wow, he just noticed I had bruises! Was he even looking at me while he was pointing his sword at my neck!’ Arcane thought.
“Why would I touch something filthy like that?”
Arcane felt like her heart had jumped off a high building, her eyes flashed at Iroas who was busy looking at Soarsa.
‘I wish you would run out of toilet paper when you are desperately in need of it…’ Arcane cursed at Iroas.
Amid all the chaos there was the sound of a horse. Another guy had arrived, he too was wearing a hood, HE got off the horse and went down to his knees.
“MAster! It’s time, ``he said. His voice was very familiar to Arcane’s ears that made her look up in his direction. She saw the bright red color of his hair, her eyes froze on his face and her heart shattered into a million pieces.
“William?” The word came out of her lips with deep sorrow…
‘I Knew I had read that name somewhere in the book “William Brice '' But it was now that I realized who it was, William was IRoas’s most trusted aid and was known as his right hand. HE was the guy who dragged Arcane by her hair to Iroas’s knees so he could kill her. My heart shattered because I thought he was a sweet guy when I met him but according to the book he used his sweet side to manipulate his enemy. SIgh! I don’t know what to expect from this world now!’
Unexpectedly William’s ears caught her voice and he looked at her with his deep green eyes. HE seemed shocked at the sorry state of the girl he had met yesterday. But he didn’t seem to care because he looked away right that instant.
‘I wish all of you go to hell! I hate this place even more now! This place is filled with two-faced brats!!’
Iroas looked at Soarsa one last time.
“We will meet again, 40th candidate…”
‘What about me? You owe me an apology!!’ He didn’t bait an eye to Arcane and vanished into the trees along with William.
“Miss, Please bear with me, I will heal you in a jiffy,” Soarsa, whose attention was now primarily on Arcane, spoke in an assuring tone. She pulled out a few leaves from her basket and placed it on Arcane’s neck and then pressed her hand on it and a faint glow appeared on Soarsa’s hand.
Saorsa was a talented healer, she would soothe the pain of people with her healing magic, and that was the sole reason she was known as “Epione” Goddesses who soothes the pain.
Arcane screamed in pain, Rather than getting healed there was a spray of blood that came out of her neck, She lost consciousness.

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