Princess of the Blood Moon

1: The Missing Princess

The castle is abuzz with activity, for today is a day that many thought might never come. Princess Victoria is returning home.


It has been two years since the twenty year old princess suddenly went missing while spending time in town, mere days before her coronation ceremony was due to be held on the night of the blood moon, as is tradition in the kingdom. No one knew where she had gone until a ransom note arrived the next morning, she had been taken by a group of bandits, who were demanding a large sum of riches in exchange for her return. The queen had no choice but to relent, as the king had long since passed, and Victoria being an only child meant that there were no other heirs to the throne, but none had expected what would happen a few days later, while the ransom funds were still being gathered. Another note was delivered, this time in the princess’s own handwriting, bearing a message that was as vague as it had been unexpected.


Hello, Mother,

Do not worry about paying the bandits, I have offered them a better deal.

I will likely be away from home for a long time, but do not fear for my safety, I will return one day.

- Princess Victoria


Neither the queen nor anyone else in the castle knew exactly what to make of this message. Some felt relieved that she was apparently safe, but still anxious about her situation, while others suspected this was all part of the bandit’s scheme, and they were offered more money by another kingdom to hand the princess over. Attempts to track down the group bore little fruit, however, as they had either fled the kingdom or done an incredible job of hiding themselves. Not wanting to expose their own weakness by asking neighbouring kingdoms for information, the queen had no choice but to trust her daughter was safe, and hope she would indeed return one day to succeed the throne.


None were more anxious about the Princess’s absence than Elise, who was born to servants of the castle and raised there while training to become a servant herself. It was deemed beneficial for the princess to spend time with someone her own age, so the two of them grew up together within the castle walls. They were fast friends, but as they grew up it started to be seen as uncouth for the princess to fraternise with a mere servant, so they learned to meet in more discreet locations and times, or under the pretence of Elise merely carrying out her duties as Victoria’s maid. The two of them knew each other very well, so for even Elise to have no clue what Victoria could have been up to caused her a great deal of worry, which is why she was so relieved that a letter from the princess arrived a few days ago, albeit with somewhat rougher handwriting.


Hi, Mother,

I’ll be home this Sunday, a blood moon approaches next week, and it’s finally time for my coronation.

- Tori


Despite some uncertainty regarding the details of this letter, preparations were immediately underway for her return. Her quarters needed to be clean and in order, the blood moon wouldn’t occur until several days after her arrival, but the archbishop, the queen’s council, and other relevant parties, would need to be informed in preparation of the coronation. Plans were also made for a celebratory dinner on the night of her arrival, with many of the same council members being invited. The three days went by in a flash, and when word arrived that she was approaching the castle gates the queen was ready to greet her along with a number of servants and knights, including Elise of course, who wouldn’t miss her friend’s return for the world.


The order is given to open the gates, and the twenty two year old woman who confidently walks in is anything but similar to the one that disappeared all that time ago. It takes everything Elise has to resist audibly gasping at the sight of her princess. Victoria was known for being quite timid and reserved, with strict rules she had to follow in regard to her appearance and conduct, but two years away from home has clearly had an effect on her. Her golden brown hair has grown significantly, now reaching the small of her back, and she wears it down, letting it flow freely in the air. Her attire is anything but befitting a princess, if one didn’t know better they would assume she was a mercenary, thanks to the form fitting pants and sleeveless top, clearly designed for ease of movement, topped with some light armour and pouches that would prove useful for anyone who often finds themselves in trouble.


Her exposed arms are the clearest sign of the change that has Elise enraptured, Princess Victoria has grown much stronger in her time away. Her entire frame has thickened with extra muscle she gained on her travels, and she’s clearly aware of her strength, demonstrated by the way she casually holds a large sword over one of her shoulders. Elise can’t take her eyes off the princess’s thick arms and broad shoulders as she walks across the castle courtyard, approaching the small crowd. The way the muscles subtly move as her free arm sways with her step, the bandages wrapped tightly around her forearms and hands, she’s completely enraptured by all of the changes to her princess. She has seen similar bodies before, of course, several knights are quite strong as a result of many years of physical training, but for her friend to have gone through such a transformation herself is almost unbelievable, especially when it has occurred in such a short time.


There’s something else though, something she can’t quite put her finger on that makes Victoria in particular stand out compared to those knights. Maybe it’s the contrast with how she used to look, or simply that it’s someone Elise knows so well, but there’s some kind of imperceptible quality that causes something to stir in the servant. She continues to stare as she processes the sight before her, and the emotions it’s making her feel.


It feels like…


It feels like…




Elise is brought back to her senses by the sound of her heartbeat, and realises that the princess has noticed her staring. Their gazes meet, and Victoria looks at her with an intense and unfamiliar expression as she grows ever closer. It’s as if Victoria is staring into her very soul in search of something. She’s never looked at Elise in this fashion before, and it continues for much longer than the maid is comfortable with, but at the same time, the intensity of her gaze only furthers the strange feelings. This isn’t the same Princess Victoria Elise knew, she’s something different, something new, something…






Her expression suddenly shifts slightly, and she then gives Elise a huge grin. If she was indeed searching for something, it would appear she found it.

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