Professor Vampire.

Chapter 287 - 287 The Dark Lord Returns

Chapter 287: Chapter 287 The Dark Lord Returns

Voldemort is back.

Harry stared at the ugly and weird face in front of him with wide eyes, and countless emotions such as hatred, fear, and confusion were intertwined in his heart.

He knew clearly that this was the real murderer who killed his parents and his destined enemy. If it weren't for this person, he would have a happy childhood and wouldn't have to spend the not-so-good ten years at the Dursleys' house.

For this reason, Harry's hatred for Voldemort in his heart was real.

But at the same time, he felt a little scared and confused in his heart, and he couldn't suppress the feeling of powerlessness.

This was a dark wizard who had been feared by the entire magic world for decades, and a person who even Dumbledore had to be cautious of. Harry couldn't think of how he could escape from his hands.

Harry could only watch helplessly as he was hung on the tombstone and Voldemort began to examine his new body...

His hands were like pale spiders, his slender pale fingers touching his chest, arms, and face his red eyes looked brighter in the dark, and his eyes were two slits, like a snake.

He raised his hands and moved his fingers, his expression ecstatic, as if he had completely forgotten Harry who was tied to the tombstone, and Barty Crouch Jr., the biggest contributor to this trip.

After a long time, as if to confirm that there was nothing wrong with his body, Voldemort finally turned his eyes.

He reached his unusually long fingers into a deep pocket and pulled out a wand. He gently stroked the wand, then turned his bright red eyes to Harry and let out a cold and sharp laugh.

"It's about time, and it's time to call my stupid fence-sitters to come and take a look..." Voldemort said coldly.

He waved to Barty Jr.

Barty nodded knowingly, knelt down beside Voldemort, reached out and lifted the tattered sleeve of Filch's shirt, revealing a bright red tattoo on the inside of his left arm - it was a skull with a snake spitting out of the skull's mouth.

This mark had appeared in the Quidditch World Cup, and it was the Dark Mark that was feared by the wizarding world.

Voldemort looked at it carefully, and then pressed his long, pale index finger on the Dark Mark on Barty's left arm.

The pain in Harry's forehead was again aching, and Barty trembled all over, and it seemed that he was not feeling well.

When Voldemort's slender fingers were removed from Barty's mark, Harry saw that the Dark Mark had turned into a dark color.

After doing this, Voldemort's face showed a cruel and complacent expression. He straightened up, raised his head, and scanned the dark cemetery.

"After feeling it, how many people have the courage to come back this time?" He murmured, staring at the stars in the sky with his glowing red eyes, "How many people will be stupid not to come..."

"I know, I failed two years ago because Dracula turned against the people I trusted the most... But this time is different, I found the best ally and restored all my strength."

He seemed to be talking to Barty and Harry, and also to himself.

"Dumbledore, Dracula... I will return the shame of the past a hundred times!"

Then he looked at Harry, and a strange arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

"Harry Potter, you are standing on my father's grave." Voldemort whispered, "He is a dirty Muggle who has the same name as me... Tom Riddle."

Harry's eyes widened when he heard the name.

"Oh, you look surprised, right?" Voldemort laughed coldly, "I guess you know someone with the same name, and that person is still a good friend of yours..."

"But in fact, he is just a personality created with a soul fragment that is not worth mentioning... He was originally the person I trusted the most. Yes, who would not trust his own soul?"

Voldemort's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, "But he shamelessly betrayed me and joined Dracula!"

Harry felt that his cognition was greatly shocked.

It turned out that the assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts who taught him a lot of knowledge and was both a teacher and a friend was just a soul fragment of Voldemort? Is he still trustworthy? Why did Professor Dracula take in Voldemort's soul...

Countless question marks appeared in Harry's mind, his thoughts were in a mess, and he didn't know what to say at all.

At this moment, Voldemort's eyes suddenly looked around the cemetery.

The air was gradually filled with the rustle of cloaks. Between the graves, behind the fir trees, in every shadowy place wizards were Apparating. They were all hooded and their faces covered.

Voldemort stood there waiting in silence. One Death Eater fell to his knees, crawled to Voldemort and kissed the hem of his black robes.

The Death Eaters behind him did the same, each crawling to Voldemort on his knees and kissing his robes, then stepping aside, standing up, and silently forming a circle around the grave of old Tom Riddle, Harry, Voldemort, and Barty Crouch Jr., still wearing Filch's shabby clothes.

"Welcome, Death Eaters." Voldemort said calmly, "This scene is so familiar, it seems that it happened once two years ago... That time, we went to attack Azkaban together, but failed due to the obstruction of the hateful Dracula."

"I know that many of you think that I have fallen, even worse than a professor in a school... I also know that many of you have already found a way out for yourself."

"So my plan to resurrect this time did not look for any of you. I don't want to see another betrayal."

Lucius in the crowd trembled all over, secretly taking deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm.

"Fortunately, I successfully found a servant I can fully trust!"

Voldemort looked at Little Barty beside him, and Little Barty bowed deeply to him.

"Young Barty Crouch is much younger and more loyal than you." Voldemort said coldly, "Thanks to his efforts, I finally regained my power in my heyday."

Hearing this, the emotions of the Death Eaters around him changed significantly, some were excited, some were shocked, some were panicked, and some were terrified.

Watching their expressions change, Voldemort laughed triumphantly.

"Yes, my power is back! Dracula and Dumbledore will no longer be obstacles in my eyes, and the entire magic world will be at our disposal!"

"From now on, the Dark Mark will shine again in the sky of the magic world!"

"Congratulations to the master's return!" The Death Eaters all knelt on the ground and congratulated loudly.

"Then, our road to dominating the magic world will start with this person--"

Voldemort smiled cruelly, walked forward slowly, turned around and raised his wand to Harry.


Harry screamed in pain.

He had never experienced such painful torture... He felt that his head must have cracked along the scar, as if all the bones in his body were burning, and his eyeballs were spinning wildly in his skull.

Harry finally experienced the pain that Cedric felt when he was hit by Krum's Cruciatus Curse, and the Cruciatus Curse cast by Voldemort himself would be much more terrible than Krum's dark magic!

He didn't know how Cedric managed to be safe and sound at that time. He felt that he just wanted to faint... or even die.

At this moment, a cool breath passed through Harry's chest, like a sweet nectar, greatly relieving the pain of the Cruciatus Curse.

Harry's consciousness finally became clear. He realized that when he won the first place in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in his first year, Professor Dracula gave him a pendant that could resist the attack of dark magic to a certain extent.

He suddenly thought that Cedric seemed to have the same pendant!

Harry had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but he was still screaming on the surface to prevent Voldemort from noticing his abnormality.

At the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about ways to break the situation...

After an unknown amount of time, the torture suddenly ended. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

Harry stopped screaming and slumped on the tombstone of Voldemort's father, looking up through a layer of mist at the glowing blood-red eyes. The laughter of the Death Eaters echoed in the night sky.

"I think you have seen how foolish it is to think that this boy is stronger than me," said Voldemort, laughing, "but I will completely dispel the misunderstanding in everyone's mind."

"It was a fluke that Harry Potter escaped from my hands. Now I will kill him to prove my power, right here and right now, in front of you, without Dumbledore to protect him and his mother to sacrifice for him."

"I will give him a chance, he can fight me, so that you will not doubt who is stronger--"

"Battie, help me put him down and give him his wand back!"

Little Barty waved his hand and used the cutting spell to accurately cut the rope that tied Harry to the tombstone, and waved his wand again, so that the wand next to Cedric's "corpse" flew into Harry's hand.

At the moment when his toes touched the ground, Harry considered running away, but his injured leg was trembling, and he was surrounded by Death Eaters, so he couldn't run away at all.

"I heard you're a good rank in the Hogwarts Dueling Club," Voldemort said with a sneer, "Then let me see your strength!"

"Now--start the duel."

Harry wanted to raise his wand, but before he could recite the spell, or even move, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse again.

The intense pain took over everything, and the effect of the Inverted Cross Amulet had ended. He didn't know where he was... It was as if a white-hot knife was piercing every inch of his skin, and he screamed again.

Then it all stopped, Harry turned over and climbed up, shaking uncontrollably, stumbling into the wall of Death Eaters, and was pushed back to Voldemort by the Death Eaters with laughter.

"Take a break," Voldemort said, his two slit-like nostrils widened with excitement, "You should be in pain, Harry? You don't want me to do it again, right?"

Harry didn't answer, he held his wand tightly.

While the Death Eaters around him were laughing, Harry suddenly raised his head and raised his wand violently-


Of course Voldemort would not be hit.

He seemed to be angered by Harry's provocative behavior, and directly raised his wand and shouted the spell of the killing curse:

"Avada Kedavra!"

Two beams of light, one red and one ray, collided in the air-Harry thought he would be hit directly and die gloriously in the duel.

But he didn't.

Harry's wand suddenly vibrated as if it was electrified, and he held it tightly, and he couldn't let go even if he wanted to-a thin beam of light connected the two wands, which was neither red nor green, but dazzling gold.

At the same time, Voldemort's wand also trembled.

Completely caught off guard, Harry and Voldemort were both uncontrollably lifted into the air, and the two wands were still connected by the flashing golden line. They flew from the tombstone of Voldemort's father to an empty field without a grave...

As the golden thread burst out, ghostly figures emerged from Voldemort's wand one after another-

A Muggle old man with a cane, Bertha Jorkins who had posted a missing person notice in the Ministry of Magic... Harry realized that these were all lives that Voldemort had killed.

Sure enough, Harry found that Cedric did not appear among them, he should not be dead yet...

A moment later, another transparent figure emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, and Harry saw who she was at a glance... It was as if he had been expecting her to appear from the beginning, because the person who emerged was the person he thought about the most tonight...

A long-haired ghost fell to the ground, and her red hair and green eyes could be vaguely seen... Harry looked at his mother's face, his arms shaking violently.

"Your father is here too..." Her voice seemed far away, yet close. "He wants to see you too... It'll be fine, hold on..."

Then, the soul of a tall, disheveled wizard, James Potter, rose from the tip of Voldemort's wand, fell to the ground like his wife, and stood up.

He approached Harry, looked down at him, and spoke to him in the same distant, resonant voice, but the voice was so low that Voldemort couldn't hear it - Voldemort had never encountered such a situation before, and now his face was livid with fear...

"After the connection is broken, we can only stay for a short while." James Potter said, "But we will buy you time... You must get the portkey, which will take you back to Hogwarts. Do you understand, Harry?"

"Understood." Harry held the wand tightly, tears flowing from his eyes unconsciously.

"Now, retreat." James said.

The next moment, Harry suddenly shook off the golden light in front of his wand, turned around, and used the method he had thought of for a long time, throwing out a flashing hand lamp -

This was a hand lamp made by Dracula that could divert other people's attention. It was originally made casually when welcoming guests at the semi-finals. It was made to make students from other magic schools focus on Harry's scar, which earned Hogwarts enough face at the time.

Originally, Dracula just gave the hand lamp to Harry casually, but it was of great use today.

Even if Dracula's creation was casual, it was not something that ordinary wizards could resist. Even Voldemort was affected for a moment, so that he was stopped by souls such as James and Lily.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Harry rushed to Cedric, grabbed Cedric with one hand, and grabbed the semi-final cup with the other hand -

The portkey worked!

Amid Voldemort's furious shouts, Harry and Cedric were swept away by a whirlwind and returned to Hogwarts.

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