Professor Vampire.

Chapter 295 - 295 Everyone is here

Chapter 295: Chapter 295 Everyone is here

As if suddenly appearing, many dark shadows appeared around Harry and his companions, blocking their way on both sides.

The eyes of these people gleamed in the gaps of their hoods, and more than a dozen wands with shining tips were aimed at their hearts... The little wizards held their breath in fear.

Lucius took two steps forward and appeared in front of Harry.

"Give it to me... Potter." He repeated slowly, holding out his hand with his palm facing up.

Harry's heart sank suddenly. They were surrounded, and they were not superior in terms of numbers or strength.

"Give it to me." Lucius said again.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry gritted his teeth and asked.

Several Death Eaters laughed.

"The Dark Lord always predicts things!" Among the dark figures on the left, a harsh female voice said proudly, "I knew he would be fooled."

"I want to know where Sirius is!" Harry shouted in a panic.

"You took him away." Harry said, forcing himself to shake off the panic in his heart, "He's here... I know he's here."

"The little baby was frightened awake, and thought the dream was real." The woman, Bellatrix Strange, said disgustingly in a baby-like voice.

As Dumbledore expected, the Dementors betrayed the Ministry of Magic after all, and secretly released Bellatrix and other vicious Death Eaters from prison.

In order to avoid the Dementors, the Aurors stationed in Azkaban usually did not enter the deepest layers to inspect, which also made Fudge, who firmly believed that the Dementors would not betray, not know that Azkaban was half empty!

At this time, Harry found that Ron moved beside him, as if he wanted to take out his wand.

"Don't do anything." Harry muttered, "You can't do it now-"

Bellatrix laughed in a hoarse and piercing voice.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that?" She laughed crazily, "He's giving orders to other children, as if he's going to attack us!"

"Oh, you don't know Potter as well as I do, Bellatrix." Lucius said softly, "He has a big weakness in heroism - the Dark Lord knows that."

"So, give me the prophecy, Potter."

"I know Sirius is here." Harry still said unwillingly, although his panic made his chest tight, "I know, you caught him!"

More Death Eaters laughed, Bella's laughter was the loudest and harshest.

"It's time for you to understand the difference between reality and dreams, Potter." Lucius said, "Give me the prophecy immediately, otherwise we will have to use coercive measures."

"Okay, come on!" Harry said, raising his wand to his chest.

At the same time, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Rolf and Luna's six wands were raised on both sides of him.

Harry's heart tightened. If Sirius was really not here, he was leading his friend to a meaningless death...

But the Death Eaters did not attack.

"Hand over the prophecy. There is no need to hurt anyone." Lucius said coldly.

This time it was Harry's turn to laugh suddenly.

"Yes, that's right!" He said sharply, "You want this prophecy, but you are afraid that it will be broken if you use a spell easily, right?"

As soon as he said this, Bella couldn't bear it anymore and said:

"Accio Prophecy!"

Harry had been prepared for her. Before she finished the spell, he quickly shouted:


Although the glass ball slipped to his fingertips, he still tried to catch it.

"Oh, he's quite powerful, little Potter." Bella said, her furious eyes glaring at Harry fiercely through the gap in her hood, "Very good, then-"


However, before Bella could recite the Cruciatus Curse, Lucius raised his voice and interrupted her.

"I told you not to do this!" He yelled at Bella, "What if you break it, are you prepared to face the wrath of the Dark Lord yourself?!"

Lucius stopped Bella's attack and relaxed a little.

He still remembered his undercover mission, which was to prevent the Death Eaters from hurting the little wizards when necessary... Fortunately, protecting the prophecy was a very good excuse that would not arouse suspicion from other Death Eaters.

However, just when the Death Eaters had not figured out how to get the prophecy in their hands without damage, several little wizards suddenly moved.

"Do it!" Harry shouted loudly.

Six different voices chanted loudly behind him:


Six shattering spells flew in six different directions, and the shelves in front of them exploded after being hit. The towering shelves shook, hundreds of glass balls shattered, and countless pearly white prophetic images floated out of the prophecy balls and floated in the air.

Countless prophetic voices intertwined together, extremely noisy.

Glass fragments fell on the floor like a rainstorm, and the wood chips of countless shelves were like heavy snow...

In such a scene, the Death Eaters almost subconsciously raised their hands to cover their faces, and the seven little wizards ran in the opposite direction of the Death Eaters "in the rain" together, lowering their heads and rushing forward.

They came to the other end of the 97th row, turned right and started running at full speed.

Just in front of them, a door was ajar, which led to another hall of the Department of Mysteries, and they came in from there.

He rushed out of the door, waiting for others to quickly cross the threshold before slamming the door shut, still holding the prophecy ball tightly in his hand.

"Colloportus!" Hermione breathlessly chanted the Locking Spell, completely sealing the door.

"Are we...are we saved?" Harry asked breathlessly.

However, before he finished speaking, several Death Eaters' irritable voices came from inside the door-

"Open Sesame!"

This was a much more violent unlocking spell than the Alaho, which directly destroyed the Locking Spell cast by Hermione from inside the door.

Harry and the others realized that something was wrong, so they could only run again with heavy breaths, and then went into another door... They could no longer tell the specific direction, and could only run around the six halls of the Department of Mysteries like headless flies.

The Death Eaters were following closely behind them. If they hadn't been concerned about the prophecy in Harry's hand, Harry and his friends would have been drowned in the Death Eaters' spells.

After fighting with the Death Eaters for a long time in several halls, the young wizards were more or less injured...

Even if the Death Eaters' spells would not attack Harry on a large scale in order to protect the prophecy from being damaged, they were still far behind the adult Death Eaters with rich combat experience.

In the end, only Harry, Rolf and Neville were left with some fighting power.

They supported their companions who were either unconscious or hit by the petrification spell, and stumbled into a black door.

The Death Eaters followed closely behind, stopped beside them, and stared at them intently.

Several Death Eaters were panting as hard as Harry and his friends, and one was bleeding profusely. It seemed that the Defense Against the Dark Arts exercise of Dumbledore's Army was effective, and the Death Eaters were not feeling well either.

"Potter, it's time to end it," Lucius slowly pulled off his mask, walked forward like the most loyal lackey of Voldemort, and whispered, "Now give me the prophecy like a good boy."

"Let...let my friends leave, and I'll give it to you!" Harry said desperately.

Several Death Eaters laughed.

"You have no right to bargain, Potter." Bellatrix laughed shrilly, "Look, there are still ten of us, and only three of you can move...Didn't Dumbledore teach you how to count?"

Harry gritted his teeth and wanted to struggle again, but Bella pointed her wand at Neville again.

"Longbottom, right?" Bellatrix's pale face showed a very evil smile, "Great, I have the honor of meeting your parents, little guy."

Neville seemed to suddenly think of something, and his face became extremely hideous.

"It was you?!" He yelled, raising his wand and wanted to rush towards Bella.

"What a vitality." Bellatrix stared at Neville, looking excited. "Well, let's see how long Longbottom can last before he collapses like his parents... unless Potter is willing to give us the prophecy."

"No... Neville, don't go..." Harry tried to hold Neville back, but Neville didn't know where he got the strength from, and he couldn't hold him back at all.

Bellatrix laughed cruelly and raised her wand:


Neville screamed and fell to the ground, his legs curled up to his chest, twitching and screaming in pain.

Harry could fully understand Neville's feelings, after all, he didn't have the amulet made by Professor Dracula.

Rolf took a few steps forward, trying to save Neville from Bella.

However, another Death Eater, Antonin Dolohov, spotted him and used a barrier spell to block Rolf back. freё

"Bella, that's enough. Getting the prophecy first is the most important thing." Lucius was still trying to fulfill his undercover mission.

"This is just to give him a little taste!" Bellatrix said indignantly, putting down her wand.

Neville stopped screaming and lay at her feet sobbing.

She turned and looked at Harry.

"Okay, Potter, either give us the prophecy or watch your little friend die in pain!"

Harry didn't have time to think about anything else, he had no choice.

The prophecy was still in his hand, warmed by his body temperature, and he handed it over.

Lucius reached out to take it, while thinking about how to lose the prophecy.

At this moment, the whole dim room seemed to be lit up with a dazzling light.

Then, above Harry and the Death Eaters, two doors opened at the same time.

Five figures rushed into the room like gods descending from heaven, leaping down from the high steps -

They were Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks and Kings, all core members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Dolohov turned around and raised his wand, but Tonks had already fired a Stunning Spell at him.

Harry took the opportunity to jump to the side, out of the reach of Lucius's arm.

The appearance of the Order of the Phoenix members diverted the attention of the Death Eaters, who jumped down the steps while raining spells at them.

Passing through the running crowd and flashes of light, Harry and Roff pulled up Neville who had fallen to the ground, dodged the rays of spells, found a safer place, and helped Neville sit against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked Neville, and another spell flew over a few inches above their heads.

"Not bad." Neville said as he tried to stand up, but was pushed down by Rolf.

"You're already injured, leave the rest to us." Rolf said softly, "Luna and the others are not in good condition, and you need to take care of them here."

He looked at Harry and joined the battle between the members of the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters.

On the other side, Lucius once again began to perform with his superb acting skills.

He cast spells more diligently than anyone else, but he couldn't hit anyone and the members of the Order of the Phoenix seemed to have not seen him, no one cared about what Lucius was doing, and they were only concerned with fighting with other Death Eaters.

The situation on the field seemed to be gradually improving. There were only ten people left on the Death Eaters who were capable of fighting -

Antonin Dolohov was hit by Tonks's Stunning Spell without any preparation and fell into a coma. In addition, Lucius was a traitor, so there were only eight Death Eaters left.

And the five people of the Order of the Phoenix plus Harry and Rolf made seven people!

Harry and Sirius stood together, shoulder to shoulder, facing the attack from the opposite side, and cooperated very well.

Rolf came to Tonks and took over the small magical animals she brought to assist him in the duel, and he was also getting better.

It seemed that the two sides gradually became evenly matched.

Until the scar on Harry's forehead began to hurt again, as if it was burning, the burning pain was unbearable... It hurt so much that he cried...

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Sirius picked up a petrification spell cast by Bella and bent down to ask Harry.

"Be careful..." Harry murmured painfully, "Voldemort... he... is coming..."

As if to verify Harry's words, a black mist suddenly rushed into the dim hall.

The black fog dissipated, and a figure appeared in the center of the hall-

Tall, thin, wearing a black mask, with a snake-like face pale and haggard, and a scarlet eye like a slit staring at Harry...

Harry stood there stiffly, unable to move. Sirius subconsciously blocked in front of Harry.

A wave of tension surged into the minds of all members of the Order of the Phoenix. They knew that all the people here were no match for Voldemort.

"We meet again, Potter." Voldemort smiled sinisterly, "If you know what's good for you, then hand over the prophecy."

However, just when Harry felt a little desperate, another lazy voice sounded, which made Harry open his eyes in surprise, and Voldemort's face changed instantly-

"I didn't expect it to be so lively here!"

The silver-haired figure appeared above the hall with the moonlight.

At the same time, a ball of golden-red fire also appeared in the hall, shining with the moonlight.

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