Professor Vampire.

Chapter 297 - 297 Resurrection Stone

Chapter 297: Chapter 297 Resurrection Stone

"Battie, you're here!"

Bellatrix's husband, Rodolphus Lystrange, stood up from the ground and patted Barty on the shoulder, "The Dark Lord is still foresighted and let you act according to the circumstances."

"Well, what's the situation with the master now?" Barty nodded and asked, "Can he deal with Dumbledore and Dracula alone?"

"Don't worry, the master has his own way to deal with them." Rodolphus Lystrange said enthusiastically, "On the contrary, it's us who should settle accounts with those members of the Order of the Phoenix!"

After that, he smiled grimly and turned to look at Sirius, Tonks and others.

With the addition of Barty Crouch, the new force, the gap between the two sides that was about to be equalized seemed to tilt towards the Death Eaters again...

Just then, Dracula's voice suddenly rang next to the stone archway.

"Lucius, do it."

Without waiting for the Death Eaters to react, Lucius Malfoy pointed his wand at Rodolphus beside him at the fastest speed in his life——

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Rodolphus's face froze instantly, and the evil smile was still on his stiff face.

"Lucius, what are you doing?!" Bellatrix stared at Lucius in shock, and instantly raised her wand to him, "The traitor the master is talking about is you!"

She fiercely threw a killing curse at Lucius, which was full of hatred, as if this was not her brother-in-law, but an enemy who killed her father.

Lucius rolled on the ground in a mess, avoiding the powerful killing curse cast by Bella in anger, and then ran to Sirius and the others with an anxious look on his face.

"One of us! Don't do it, I'm one of us!" He shouted as he came to Sirius and showed a flattering smile, "Sirius, Narcissa's cousin... Long time no see."

"Lucius, how could a scum like you think of coming to us?" Sirius looked at him with disdain and asked, "I thought you felt very happy kneeling and licking Voldemort's feet... I really don't understand why Professor Dracula would accept you."

Lucius laughed dryly twice, but in order to survive, he still smiled and stood among several people in the Order of the Phoenix, making an expression that Voldemort and I would never reconcile.

"Lucius, the traitor is you!"

Voldemort broke free from Dumbledore's water dungeon, and the water he raised fell to the ground with a "splash", soaking the uneven floor.

Then, he shot a green light at Lucius in anger.

However, before the green light could extend far, it was knocked aside by another spell from Dumbledore.

"Your opponent is me, Voldemort," Dumbledore said solemnly.

Voldemort's face was gloomy, and veins on his face were throbbing. He seemed to be extremely angry about being betrayed.

Then, he suddenly looked at Harry, who was fighting side by side with Sirius.

Dumbledore's expression, which had always been extremely calm, suddenly changed.

"Protect Harry!" He shouted to Sirius hurriedly.

This was the first time that Dumbledore's voice even sounded a little panic.

Harry didn't understand why, but Sirius had already blocked him behind him and looked directly into Voldemort's eyes... but it was too late!

At that moment, Harry's scar suddenly exploded, and he even thought he was dead - this was an unimaginable pain, a severe pain that could not be erased at all.

From Sirius's perspective, he found that Harry's eyes suddenly changed, the green color of the child turned scarlet, and the cold, dark, and angry emotions emerged from his eyes uncontrollably.

The next moment, Harry spoke, his tone and eyes were equally cold, gloomy, and angry:

"Kill me now, Dumbledore..."

Harry struggled, his face was extremely pale, his whole body twitched, and he fell to the ground uncoordinatedly.

Sirius quickly hugged Harry in his arms and looked at Dumbledore helplessly.

Harry was still speaking coldly: "If death is nothing, Dumbledore, then kill this kid..."

"Who are you? are Voldemort?" Sirius looked a little flustered, and his tone was full of strong anger, "Immediately! Get out of Harry's body!"

" can do it too, Blake, kill him!" Harry's mouth opened and closed, and he kept saying, "Don't you want to kill me? Come now!"

Dumbledore ignored the provocative words that Voldemort controlled Harry to say, and walked slowly to Harry's side.

"Harry, can you hear me?" He said softly.

Harry's eyes showed some struggle, his eyeballs rolled up, and it seemed that there were different consciousnesses in his body that were trying to seize control of his body.

"Dumbledore, come and kill him... Professor, I'm fine... Boy, give up, you are far less powerful than my consciousness... So what, this is my body..."

The two consciousnesses kept switching back and forth, and every inch of Harry's muscle was exerting force, and his arms and thighs were twitching constantly.

"Harry, stay focused, you can do it!" Dumbledore said seriously, "Drive Voldemort out of your consciousness!"

"Potter, think of happy things!" Dracula used one hand to control the power overflowing from the stone archway, and also turned around and said to Harry, "Aren't you very experienced? When facing Dementors, how do you clear away misconceptions and hallucinations in your heart?"

Harry suddenly heard the voices of Dumbledore and Dracula, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"Get out of... out of my body..." He used all his strength to touch the wand that fell to the ground and shouted:



A dazzling silver stag jumped out from the tip of the wand and flew into the air.

Harry's childish color turned back to clear green again. He kept panting and collapsed on Sirius's shoulder. freewebnø

On the other side, Voldemort opened his eyes, gritted his teeth and looked at Harry, and ordered the Death Eaters to retreat:

"We retreat!"

Then, a black mist enveloped the nearby Death Eaters.

The black mist dissipated, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters in the Death Hall disappeared.

At the stone arch, the dark gray curtains gradually calmed down and returned to their previous gently fluttering appearance.

Dracula retracted his wand and walked to Dumbledore.

"It seems that our plan has failed." Dumbledore sighed, "After all, Voldemort got away."

"In fact, it's not a complete failure." Dracula held up his chin and looked at Riddle who was slumped on the steps in the distance, "At least we recovered another Horcrux... If Voldemort really split his soul into seven pieces, then we already have four pieces here."

"That's still a gain." Dumbledore nodded slowly and said softly, "By the way, can I take a look at the Horcrux ring I got from Voldemort?"

"It's just a ring, whatever you want." Dracula shrugged.

He waved to Riddle, who stood up with some regret and handed the ring over.

Dracula took the ring and handed it to Dumbledore casually, "Is there anything special about this thing?"

Dumbledore carefully took the ring in his hand, raised it to his eyes, and stared at it carefully.

His expression gradually became mixed with complex emotions such as surprise, joy and nostalgia, and his eyes gradually became hazy. ƒrē

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be one of the three Deathly Hallows..." Dumbledore looked at the symbol of triangle, circle and vertical line superimposed on the black gemstone and said hoarsely, "This is the Resurrection Stone."

"Resurrection Stone?" Dracula became interested and glanced at the ring, "Is it the stone that killed Cadmus Peverell? Tsk tsk, only a fool would use such a boring thing."

"Ahem..." Dumbledore was choked.

He really planned to wear this ring to see his sister who had passed away a hundred years ago and make up for the regret that he had never forgotten that summer.

"Oh? From your expression, it seems that there is a story." Dracula stared at Dumbledore with interest and said, "Do you want to tell me a story?"

"These are all old stories, there is no need to talk about them." Dumbledore shook his head, "Professor Dracula will not be allowed to hear my jokes."

Dracula wanted to say a few more words to encourage him, but at this moment, a series of Aurors and Ministry of Magic officials came late and rushed out of the entrance of the Hall of Death in panic.

"There they are!" a man yelled, pointing at the messy floor of the Death Hall. "I saw it, Mr. Fudge, I swear You-Know-Who is back!"

"I heard the noise when I came back from my shift, and then I saw You-Know-Who fighting with Dumbledore and the silver-haired man!"

"Are you sure, Williamson?" Fudge said hurriedly, panting as if he had just finished a marathon, wearing pajamas under his pinstriped cloak.

"Oh my God! Here... here... in the Ministry of Magic! Merlin... it's incredible! I mean... how could this be?"

"If you go to the room next to the Department of Mysteries, Cornelius," Dumbledore said, just changing the subject, and stepped forward, "you will see that there are still several unconscious Death Eaters in the Hall of Prophecy and the Hall of Time, waiting for you to deal with them."

Fudge jumped up and down in shock, and his slippered feet left the ground.

"Dumbledore! And Dracula!" Fudge was still panting. The moment he saw Dracula and Dumbledore in the Hall of Death, his face became very nervous. " are here! I..."

He looked around frantically at the Aurors he brought with him. It was obvious that he shouted almost without thinking: "Catch them!"

"Tsk, it seems that becoming a vampire has not affected your show of power." Dracula saw through the poor human body deformation on Fudge's face at a glance, and saw the obvious low-level vampire characteristics on him, and couldn't help but sneered.

"You...what are you talking about! I don't understand!" Fudge's face flushed and he shouted loudly.

"It's okay. I'm waiting for the day when you are exposed." Dracula said with interest, "I want to see how your subordinates will see you then."

"Cornelly, I am ready to fight with your people again, and I will definitely win again!" Then, Dumbledore also spoke, "But, a few minutes ago, your men also saw with their own eyes the fact that I have always emphasized to you this year-"

"Voldemort is back! You have been going in the wrong direction for the past twelve months. Now it's time for you to learn to use your brain!"

"I... I can't..." Fudge said angrily, looking around, as if hoping someone could tell him what to do.

When he saw that no one was going to give him advice, he said, "Very good... Dawlish! Williamson! Go to the next hall and see if the Death Eaters he mentioned are there."

"Dumbledore, you have to tell me... what happened tonight?" He added in a complaining tone, staring at the floor around him.

The ground was full of potholes, covered with traces of spell bombardment, and there were many water stains, almost flooding the soles of feet. Only the stone arch stood there intact, and the dark gray curtain fluttered silently.

"We can talk about this after I send Harry back to Hogwarts," said Dumbledore.

"Harry? Harry Potter?"

Fudge turned his head and stared at Harry, who was still lying in Sirius' arms, and his spirit had not yet recovered from Voldemort's control.

"He... is here?" Fudge asked, staring at Harry, "Why? What is going on?"

"I will explain everything," Dumbledore said, "when Harry returns to school."

He picked up a blown door lock from the ground with a wave of his hand, pointed his wand at it and silently said: "Portus."

The door lock emitted a blue light, vibrating the floor with a loud sound, and after a few seconds, it was motionless again.

"How could you do that, Dumbledore?!" Fudge demanded loudly, "You don't have authorization to use the Portkey! You can't do that in front of the Ministry, you - you -"

Dumbledore looked at Fudge domineeringly over his half-moon glasses, and he immediately became stuttering.

"You need to issue an order for Dolores Umbridge to leave Hogwarts," Dumbledore said. "Also, tell your Aurors to stop hiding the truth about Voldemort's return I'm going to give you..."

As he spoke, Dumbledore took out a magic watch with twelve hands from his pocket and took a look at it. "... I can spare half an hour tonight, and I think we can have a good talk about all the key issues that happened here."

"Then I will return to my school. If you need more help from me, of course, instead of coming to Hogwarts to find me, you might as well write to me and address it to the headmaster."

Dumbledore was expelled from Hogwarts by Fudge because of the Dumbledore Army, but at this moment, Fudge could only let Dumbledore take the lead and return to school to continue to be his headmaster.

Fudge's eyes had never been so wide, his mouth was open, and his round face was flushed under his messy gray hair.


Dumbledore turned around and ignored him.

"Let's go, Professor Dracula." He said to Dracula, "We may need to discuss our next plan."

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