Project Divinity

Vol.1 Ch.21 – Alexis’ First Time

Chapter 21: Alexis' First Time

Alexis was a nervous wreck.


This wasn't the first time she'd hung out alone with Elaine but it was the first time since she had admitted that she was attracted to Elaine and, more to the point, the first time since Elaine had admitted that she, too, had feelings for her.

That alone would have made it nerve-wracking enough but it was also the first time they'd be spending alone after Evelyn and Ophelia had more or less told her that she could have Elaine's first time.

Alexis didn't know if that was even something she wanted. No, that wasn't right. She did want it. She desperately wanted to be intimate with Elaine but she was terrified that Elaine wouldn't want her back or, worse, that she would be such an awful lay that Elaine would never want to do it with her again. And, if she was being honest, she was also scared about whether it would hurt. She'd heard some horror stories about that in the past and Elaine was very... big.

And anyway, this was just a date. It wasn't even guaranteed that the day would end in the bedroom. But what did Elaine have planned? From her messages she had had something very specific in mind, but Alexis had no idea what it could be. They couldn't very well go out and have a picnic, could they?

Before she could worry much more Elaine rounded the corner and gave her such a radiant smile that all her worries were washed away.

Alexis had found her attraction to Elaine a little weird at first. Normally she was attracted to slender and petite women like herself but Elaine instead was tall and muscular. Though, in all fairness, her cute face and fluffy hair had a lot to do with it. Now, though, she found all of Elaine desirable, especially after getting her out of those clothes and seeing that she had wonderful curves in addition to the muscles. She craved the view of her crush smiling at her, which she was doing at that very moment.

“Did you wait long?”, Elaine asked her as she got close.

“No, not at all”, Alexis lied. In fact she'd been standing here for at least fifteen minutes, having known full well that she had been twenty minutes early.

“That's good. Should we go?”, Elaine asked.

“Go where? You haven't told me what you've got planned”, Alexis reminded her. Elaine grinned.

“Well, I know how much you love scifi tech, so I thought I'd show you something you've never seen before.”

Alexis perked up. “Like?”

“Have you never wondered where our food is coming from?”

Alexis leaned her head to the side. “Well, I know we have a hydroponic farm at the compound.”

“That's true, but that doesn't exactly produce meat, now does it?”

Alexis considered that for a moment. “Okay, consider me intrigued. Where does our meat come from? Is there some sort of star gate to a livestock farm?”

Elaine grinned. “Nope, way better. Say, Alexis, would you like me to show you the base's replicator?”

Alexis' jaw dropped and she shook her head. “No way.”

“Yes way”, Elaine said and took Alexis by the hand, lacing their fingers together as she dragged the blonde towards the cafeteria and on into the kitchen, where they found a device roughly three times the size of a commercial freezer, made of sleek metal and that stuff they had on their armor that wasn't metal.

“Can't really let you girls futz with this one”, the head chef told them. His voice was apologetic as he saw how excited Alexis looked.

“We weren't planning to, we just want to gawk”, Elaine told the man.

“Well that's okay then”, he said and went to it to poke some buttons.

After he put a plate into the large compartment and pressed the big enter key, beams of blue light began to assemble a huge hunk of raw beef on the plate, a piece of sirloin if Alexis had read everything correctly. Once the process was done he pulled the plate out, lifted the piece of beef off it and began cutting it into individual steaks.

“Wow”, Alexis said. “How does that even work? I mean, creating matter...”

Elaine chuckled. “It uses magic. The technology is called a PSI device. The device simulates magic, which in turn creates stuff.”

“What magic can be used to create a piece of beef, though?”, Alexis asked.

Elaine smiled. “Well, there's tons of magic types, not just the basic ones like fire, water and light. This thing in particular uses dream-elemental magic.”

“Dream magic?”, Alexis asked.

“Yeah. Can be used to mess around with others' dreams or create dreamscapes but it can also be used to physically create anything the user can dream up. This device uses dream magic to summon up previously programmed items and once they're summoned they're as real as can be. It uses a ton of electricity to run, though. The solar panels on top of the base are already way more advanced than any that us humans know how to make and yet this thing alone still uses up ninety percent of it.”

“Wow, that can't be efficient if it uses that much just for food”, Alexis said but Elaine shook her head.

“Not quite. Whenever the cafeteria is closed it's used to create weapons, ammo and parts for machines instead. This thing runs pretty much constantly.”

Sure enough, another one of the chefs came running with a plate, poked some buttons and before their very eyes the plate began filling with chicken thighs.

“So, are there any other of these PSI devices around?”, Alexis asked as she stared at the machine with rapt fascination. “Maybe some they wouldn't mind me taking apart?”

“Well, there's the perpetual generator in the basement”, Elaine said.

“A what?”, Alexis asked, clearly excited.

“Well, it's a lightning-elemental PSI device. It needs electricity to run and the spell inside it creates more electricity. It produces more than it uses, so, perpetual.”

Alexis was doing that slack jawed head shake again. “That's insane! That would fix any energy crisis”, Alexis said.

“Sort of. They need a lot of maintenance to keep running at full efficiency. Apparently the components are prone to shorting out if the device runs for too long.”

“Still. Once we've beaten back these Outsiders, the world is going to be incredible.”

“I love your optimism”, Elaine said. There was nothing mean-spirited about the comment and Alexis smiled in return. “As for PSI devices you can play with, I'm pretty sure Jeanne sells weak ones.”

Alexis grabbed Elaine's hand and tried to pull her along, saying: “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!”

Of course, even though Alexis was supernaturally strong now Elaine was still far stronger and if she hadn't wanted to be moved she wouldn't have, but she loved how excited Alexis was and let herself get dragged along.


Cassie was feeling a little annoyed. He'd wanted to go and ask Elaine to let him join her team. He'd put on the uniform and braided his long hair and everything but when he finally saw Elaine he just caught her rushing to meet the cute blonde he knew was part of her team and the two of them breezed away, clearly on a date.

Oh, Cassie wasn't annoyed at the idea of her dating. He wasn't that much of a bitch. He was just annoyed at having his plan so thoroughly disrupted. He wasn't about to interrupt their date, which meant he had nothing better to do all day.

But just as he turned around to go spend some more time with Kate, who was currently learning the ins and outs of working in Base 15's cafeteria, he ran into the redhead and the black-haired girl who were also both on Elaine's team.

“You're here to spy on them as well?”, the black-haired girl asked.

“Cassie, was it?”, the redhead asked.

“I... I was actually wanting to ask her to join your team”, Cassie admitted.

The two women looked at each other. “Well, that's... hold on, why are you wearing that uniform?”, the redhead asked.

“They told me I was, what did they call it, a Shard Bearer?”, Cassie replied and the two girls' eyes widened.

“Well in that case I'm sure Elaine will let you join us”, the black-haired girl said. “She has a thing for strays”, she added, with a meaningful look at the redhead.

“Hey, who are you calling a stray?”, the redhead asked, mock indignation in her tone before the two grinned at each other.

Cassie was relieved to see that even hardened soldiers could have fun like this together and smiled at their antics.

“So, you coming with us to spy on the lovebirds or not?”, the redhead asked him again.

Cassie nodded.


Alexis had ended up buying the single cheapest PSI device Jeanne had on offer. She did have the Credits to buy a better one but she wanted it just to take it apart and she still hadn't given up on the Thorn or the Trumpet. She could even afford one of those now, but it'd cost most of her funds to do so.

The device she'd chosen was a little bracelet she could charge the same way as a smartphone and that would be able to cast an ice spell. It only had two buttons, one for a light effect just strong enough to cool a drink and one strong enough to freeze an area a cubic foot large, which would hurt most living creatures and make metal terribly brittle.

Had she not had magic of her own this device would have been pretty handy, but for offensive purposes her light magic and her Areadbhar together were superior to it in every way. As for the other application, Alexis didn't really care about the temperature of her soft drinks. Except for a certain caffeinated soda that came in green bottles, which she only liked ice cold.

“How come I have so many Credits?”, Alexis asked once she was done shopping. “There's a thousand there that I have no explanation for.”

Elaine grinned. “Well, you remember how we beat that satyr guy?”

“Yeah, sure, but what...”

Elaine cut her off. “So it turns out the Professor was very grateful for the research specimen and gave us a ton of Credits as thanks”, she said, a bit smugly.

“Wow. Well, guess it pays to be on his good side. Ah god!”, Alexis cried out, holding her PSI device.

“What is it?”, Elaine asked, worried.

“I just want to mess with this thing, but I shouldn't be wasting my time with you on it.”

Elaine cupped Alexis' cheek and smiled at her: “You're not wasting anything. I love watching you get excited about technology, that's why I showed you the replicator.”

Alexis blushed, then said: “I can obsess over this thing whenever I want. I'd much rather learn more about you.”

“That's good, because I want to know more about you, too.”, Elaine said. “Let's have an early dinner, just the two of us. We can talk while we eat.”

Alexis stared into her eyes, then nodded.


Cassie was a bit surprised when he saw how Alexis and Elaine acted on their date. He half expected them to sneak off and suck face within minutes but the two of them were, for lack of a better word, awkward as hell. Oh, they were into each other and they knew they were into each other but their date still reminded Cassie of middle school sweethearts.

The way the two of them had blushed after lacing their fingers together while holding hands almost gave Cassie whiplash given how frankly he'd heard the brunette talk about sex before and, more to the point, given the absolutely smoldering look she had subjected him to after saving him from the Shoggoth.

And then the two of them had gone to the cafeteria to grab dinner, which pretty much ruled out any more snooping. The cafeteria was a wide open space and Elaine would surely notice if half her team just so happened to sit there staring at her.

“So, that's it?”, Cassie asked, a touch of disappointment in his voice.

“Well”, the black-haired girl, Ophelia, began, “we'll see where they're going once they're finished, but for now, yeah.”

“Alright, then I guess I can finally ask something I've been meaning to.”

“What is it?”, Ophelia asked.

“Are you fine with that?”, Cassie asked. “You're both into Elaine as well, aren't you?”

Evelyn actually blushed but Ophelia just chuckled and asked: “What's the problem with that?”

Cassie blinked and then spoke slowly: “Why are you cheering her on if she's about to steal Elaine away?”

Evelyn and Ophelia looked at each other before they burst out laughing. Cassie was feeling a tad annoyed. It had been a good long while since the last time a group of girls had laughed at him instead of with him.

“We're all fine with sharing”, Ophelia finally explained once Cassie started getting red from annoyance.

“Wait, you mean, she's... with all of you...?”, Cassie trailed off.

“Well, the three of us. Abigail's not part of whatever this is. There's some issue, apparently. Maybe she's”, Ophelia mock-shuddered, “straight.” Something must have shown on Cassie's face because she smiled and added: “So yeah, I'm sure if you want that, Elaine will be willing to make time for you, too.”


Alexis and Elaine had wordlessly decided on a light dinner, pretty much admitting without speaking that they both had plans for the rest of the evening, and during dinner they talked.

Elaine had wanted to know why Alexis was into technology so much and Alexis had told her that she was an engineering student and loved to tinker while Elaine had shared that she had joined the army to save up money for college but had all but decided to make the army her career when the Invasion had happened and made her choice for her.

Soon enough the two of them had started talking about their childhoods and finally they got to how they both discovered that they preferred women.

Alexis shared that for years she just didn't get why her friends were making such a big deal out of boys until finally she saw this gorgeous upperclassman and had realized why she'd never been interested in boys before. For Elaine it was different of course, since she was bisexual. She'd always had a preference for girls, but now she wasn't sure a man would even want her. When she shared that she'd only actually had sex with a man once, Alexis felt relieved. Then she immediately felt guilty for getting jealous.

“What's wrong?”, Elaine asked. “Did I say too much? You're getting red.”

Alexis shook her head. “I was just being stupid”, she admitted. “I was the one who asked but then I got uncomfortable when you answered.”

“I'm sorry. I know how awkward it is when you're a virgin and talking to someone more experienced. I should have been more considerate.”

“No, you shouldn't have”, Alexis said. “I'm about to share you with two others, maybe more in the future. It's something I need to get over.”

Elaine reached over and cupped Alexis' cheek. “Right now it's just the two of us, though. I would say you deserve better than a three-timing bitch like me”, Alexis began glaring at her but Elaine continued, “but I'm over kicking myself. I want you so long as you want me.”

Alexis placed a hand over the one Elaine had on her cheek and said: “Good. I didn't want to have to get upset with you. I don't like it when you belittle yourself.”

“But it's okay when you do it?”, Elaine asked back, a hint of challenge in her voice.

“I don't, I...”, Alexis trailed off, then said: “I guess I kind of do, don't I?”

“You do. You're amazing and you don't seem to realize it. And I just don't get it. You're so timid here, but out there you're confident, you're powerful and you're capable.”

“I think it has something to do with my Soul Shard”, Alexis said. “When I'm fighting I feel like a different person. I feel like a warrior, like Lugh, but when I'm out of danger I remember that I'm really just an introverted nerd. But it's not as though I'm not confident, I just...” Alexis trailed off and Elaine finished the sentence for her:

“You know what you're capable of and what you're good at, but you have trouble speaking up.”

Alexis nodded.

“Why?”, Elaine asked.

“I... Back in school the other kids used to make fun of me when I got excited about things, so eventually I shut up and kept to myself.”

Elaine gritted her teeth. Sometimes she hated kids. She had almost made her peace with the fact that she would never have any, but now she had a dick and she didn't know yet whether her sperm was viable or not. Everything she knew told her it shouldn't be but everything she knew also told her that women didn't just grow dicks after having weird drugs injected and yet, here she was.

“That's why”, Alexis continued, “I'm always worried when you say you like how excited I get about things. It's not that I don't believe you, but there's that little voice inside me that keeps reminding me that my excitement is annoying and that you're just being nice.”

Elaine smiled at her. “I'm not just being nice. I do like how excited you get about the things you like. I love how you just enjoy the things you enjoy instead of pretending to like things you don't to fit in. It makes you feel incredibly genuine and I really like that about you.”

Alexis leaned into the hand Elaine still had on her cheek and closed her eyes, just basking in the touch and the words.


“This all seems a little too harmless”, Cassie said as they watched Elaine and Alexis talking over dinner. “You'd think they're still in middle school.”

Ophelia and Evelyn hedged, not knowing how much they could tell Cassie, but finally Ophelia said:

“Alexis is a virgin and has never dated. Elaine knows this, so I think it's very sweet of her that she's taking things so slowly.”

Cassie thought about it for a bit and came to agree with her. Then as he kept thinking about it, he started smiling. “She really is a good person, isn't she?”

Evelyn nodded vigorously and said: “She is. She had every reason to tell me to go to hell but she didn't.”

“Why?”, Cassie asked. “What did you do to her?”

Evelyn blushed and began: “Well, you see...” But just then Elaine and Alexis came out of the cafeteria and walked off to the personal chambers, holding hands with their fingers laced.

When the three of them followed sneakily they noticed the two of them entering Elaine's room.

Cassie made to go away but then he realized Evelyn and Ophelia staring at the door.

“You're seriously gonna keep standing there?”

The two women blinked, then realized what they were doing and how it would look like to someone else.

“I mean”, Ophelia began, “you can't tell me you're not curious.”

Cassie snorted and said: “Let's give them some privacy. We all know what they're going to do.”

Evelyn and Ophelia sighed dramatically but agreed and, alongside Cassie, went to get dinner themselves.


Elaine sat on her bed next to Alexis. The blonde was trembling just a little, so Elaine reached out to touch her cheek, thinking she was scared of what was about to happen.

“We don't—”, Elaine began but Alexis cut her off by throwing herself at the brunette lips first.

Elaine was so unprepared for Alexis to just go for it that the blonde actually managed to push her down onto the mattress.

Elaine was still worried about pushing Alexis, but she had resolved not to take Alexis' decisions away from her, so instead of pushing her away she wrapped her arms around the petite blonde and lost herself in the kiss. Alexis was still clumsy, though a lot less so than the last time. It didn't shock Elaine that the smart blonde was a fast learner and so she enjoyed the feeling of Alexis' light body pressed against hers and Alexis' soft lips exploring hers.

Soon Alexis grew bolder, her hands sneaking down to massage Elaine's chest as best she could without breaking contact and her tongue probing against Elaine's lips. Elaine allowed her entry and soon she couldn't think of much else as Alexis' tongue, Alexis' flavor, was filling her mouth and the petite blonde began grinding herself against Elaine's thigh.

Alexis, for her part, was ecstatic because of how Elaine let her take the lead. She was nervous. Good god was she nervous, but being able to do as she pleased was a huge boost to her confidence. Elaine had been fretting about taking things too far with her and while that was usually a good thing, all the fretting also made it hard for Alexis to get comfortable with the idea of getting intimate, so she was grateful that Elaine was no longer trying to hold her back. At the same time, she remembered the talk she'd had with Evelyn and Ophelia. She didn't know if she was good or not, but she definitely wasn't being a dead fish.

Finally she broke the kiss and took off her glasses, then began kissing Elaine's neck before murmuring into her ear:

“I can't stop thinking about the time you licked me.” Her voice sent shivers down Elaine's spine and she continued: “The way you got your pretty face all dirty to make me feel so good...” Then she gently nibbled on Elaine's earlobe as she kept grinding herself against the brunette's leg.

“Do you want me to do that again?”, Elaine asked. She was shocked by how much initiative Alexis showed but loved the way she drew confidence from it.

In response Alexis slipped a hand lower and cupped Elaine's crotch, noticing that she was already rock hard. “Yes, but not today. Today I want to feel something else down there, but first I want you to get me all dirty in return.” Then she unbuttoned Elaine's pants with one hand and slipped her hand inside, stroking over her boxers.

“Are you...”, Elaine began but then shook her head and finished: “Okay.”

“Huh”, Alexis said, looking into her eyes. “I thought you'd try to stop me.”

Elaine reached up to stroke Alexis' cheek and said: “I'm done second-guessing your decisions. If you want to do it, I'd love to let you, but you can stop any time if you feel uncomfortable.”

Alexis bit her lower lip and began unbuttoning Elaine's shirt before slipping down and pulling her pants off. She still left Elaine's boxers on but reached around to take off her bra. She fumbled with the hook and started blushing, but Elaine said nothing, she just kept gently smiling at the blonde. It wasn't just boys who struggled with taking a partner's bra off at first and Elaine wasn't going to make fun of her, especially since she'd struggled with it early on as well.

Finally Alexis managed to unhook the bra and marveled at Elaine's chest, a decent C cup with absolutely no sag to it. The skin was firm and taut but they were just soft enough that her fingers sank in when she squeezed them. Soon she moved on to her nipples. Her areolae were small but her nipples were larger than average and a beautiful pink and Alexis couldn't stop herself from pinching them, eliciting a small moan from the brunette.

Alexis was loving Elaine's reactions, the moans, the lip bites and of course the twitching in her shorts and the knowledge that all of it was because of what she was doing to her crush made it even better. She decided to go a bit farther still and began showering Elaine's chest with kisses while one of her hands slipped into Elaine's boxers and wrapped around her rock hard dick.

“Fuck that feels so good”, Elaine muttered when Alexis squeezed her, just a little.

She wasn't just saying it, either. There was something about being touched by hands other than her own that drove her wild, especially by hands as small and soft as Alexis'.

Alexis chuckled in response, then slid down and pulled Elaine's boxers off.

“Let's see if I can make you feel even better then”, she said before gently peeling Elaine's foreskin back.

The tip was already covered in a sheen of precum and Alexis licked her lips before slowly, carefully and deliberately licking it off Elaine's dick. She had been worried about the taste, but it just tasted salty and not at all unpleasant, so after that tentative first lick she dove right in, kissing and sucking and licking.

She'd never admit it to Elaine but she had actually asked Ophelia for advice and the girl hadn't just given her tips but also a demonstration on one of her toys because apparently the vampire had no shame.

Elaine, for her part, was amazed by what Alexis was doing. She'd expected at least a little bit of hesitation but in no time at all Alexis had her lips firmly wrapped around the crown of her dick, swirling her tongue around it while gently sucking. One hand was lazily pumping her shaft while Alexis' other hand was working her own pussy.

That, more than anything, drove Elaine wild. Alexis wasn't just doing this for her, she was getting excited from it and that, in turn, excited her. She reached out to stroke Alexis' cheek and traced a finger along the line of her jaw. In response the cute blonde started humming, adding a soft vibration to everything her mouth was doing to Elaine's dick.

The feeling was too much and Elaine's hips bucked. She was terrified she'd been too rough but Alexis simply rode it out and kept going for a while longer before trying to take Elaine's cock deeper.

Alexis was small and had a small mouth, so it was an enormous struggle to take Elaine's cock much deeper than just the tip. She wanted to know what it felt like to take it to the base, but she just couldn't, her jaw already ached from just what she'd already taken, but she refused to let that get her down. She was doing well. She knew from the way Elaine moaned, from the way her dick twitched and from the way her hips had bucked, so she kept going.

As she did, she rubbed along her slit more and more. It wasn't so much sucking a dick that had made her this wet but the knowledge that she was making Elaine feel good that did it, though to her shock she found that she was actually enjoying working the foreign organ, the way it was hard yet springy, covered in Elaine's scent and fluids and a part of the woman she was crushing on.

Soon enough she felt Elaine struggling and used her now superhuman strength to flip them around so that Elaine was kneeling over her.

“Cum all over my face please”, she begged.

Elaine could barely contain her excitement. The sight of Alexis underneath her was incredible. She had her eyes closed, her mouth wide open and her tongue out, waiting for Elaine to come all over her.

“Fuck, baby, you're so hot”, she moaned as she bit her lip and jerked her cock a little more. She was almost there already from Alexis' ministrations, so it only took her a bit longer. She tried to stretch it out, working herself with slow long strokes from tip to base, her huge cock throbbing in her hand, before she came.

The first rope covered Alexis' face from chin to forehead, a groan escaping from her lips. The blonde flinched a little but kept herself still, though she couldn't quite suppress a pant of excitement as the second rope covered her face as well, landing parallel to the first.

After that, Elaine's next spurts came with less force and she managed to aim it all into Alexis' mouth and the blonde swallowed it greedily.

Once Elaine had nothing more to give Alexis began to lick off what had landed around her lips and then scooped the rest into her mouth with her finger. Finally the girl opened her eyes and looked directly at Elaine with a heavy-lidded expression.

“That was amazing”, she breathed and Elaine stroked her cheek.

“Yes, you were”, she said, then wiped some of her seed off that Alexis had missed and held her dirty thumb up to Alexis' mouth.

She leaned forward and licked it off Elaine's finger, then took the digit into her mouth and suckled on it, grabbing hold of her hand to keep her close.

At the sight Elaine felt herself growing hard again and mumbled: “Fuck...”

Finally, Alexis let go of Elaine's hand and she pulled back, her finger slipping out from between the blonde's lips with a slight popping sound.

Then she began unbuttoning Alexis' blouse and her pants before pulling them off and admiring the blonde's underwear. She was wearing a matching set of lacy white lingerie that skirted the line between adorable and seductive.

Just like her...

Alexis made to cover herself but Elaine grabbed her hands and gently pushed them away before reaching behind the blonde and unhooking her bra.

“You're so beautiful, baby”, Elaine muttered as she looked at the petite woman's small breasts.

“How can you say that with a straight face?”, Alexis asked, looking at Elaine's figure in turn.

“Because it's true”, Elaine answered simply as she reached down to pull off Alexis' panties.

Once she had the blonde fully naked she rolled over and pulled her on top, her dick nestled between the blonde's thighs and their bodies pressed together.

“That feels so good”, Alexis moaned.

“Just wait, it'll feel even better soon”, Elaine told her.

“I heard that the first time hurts. Is it true?”, Alexis asked, a touch of worry in her voice, though not enough to stop her from rolling her hips and grinding herself against the dick between her thighs. It felt so good that Elaine had to close her eyes and enjoy it for a moment before she could answer:

“It's a bit counter-intuitive”, she finally explained. “The more nervous you are the more you clench up and the more you clench up the worse it'll hurt.”

“So the more I'm scared it'll hurt, the more it'll hurt?”, Alexis asked.

“Yeah”, Elaine said as she ran her hands along Alexis' waist.

“Then how do we do it?”, the blonde asked.

“We'll get you all nice and relaxed before we start”, Elaine said as she traced a finger along Alexis' spine, causing her to shiver.

“That sounds nice”, Alexis agreed as she started stroking Elaine's cheek.

“Ah crap”, Elaine said.

“What is it?”, Alexis asked.

“I just remembered I don't have any condoms or anything.” In her defense, this was the first time she'd be having sex after growing a penis, so this had never been something she had needed to worry about.

But in response Alexis just giggled. “Don't worry, I took care of that.”

“You did?”, Elaine asked.

Alexis nodded. “Nurse Rachel hands out birth control to any girl who asks and the stuff is way better than what us humans have come up with. I'll tell you all about it later if you're curious.”

“Yeah, I'm very curious about that, but later”, Elaine said.

“Good”, Alexis said and kissed Elaine. It was a long, slow kiss, not needy or aggressive. The two of them practically moved their lips and tongues in slow motion, taking in each other's scent and flavor and massaging each other's mouths as their hands roamed each other's body. Elaine loved the smooth skin under her hands and the light body lying on top of her. Alexis' skin was slightly cooler than hers and she was heating up so much that the cooling sensation was more than welcome. The maddeningly silky skin of Alexis' thighs stroking her cock was almost more than she could bear and she had to focus on the kiss just to keep herself from coming in between those amazing thighs.

She had no idea how long the two of them stayed like this, just making out, but soon Elaine felt the last bit of tension leaving Alexis' body. The blonde must have clearly felt it too because she moaned into the kiss:

“Make a woman out of me.”

Elaine didn't need to be told twice and it required minimal motion on her part. She reached in between Alexis' thighs and pushed her cock up until it was nestled in between the blonde's lower lips, the tip already getting soaked in her abundant juices. Then she just slowly but inexorably pushed herself inside this unbelievably amazing pussy.

She'd played with plenty of pussies before but feeling one wrapped around her cock was still breathtaking. Alexis was tight, like trying to push into a clenched fist, but also smooth and wet and unbelievably good. Something inside her had shifted and she wanted to bury herself in this petite beauty, all the way to the hilt, but she had enough presence of mind not to push too hard too fast for fear of hurting Alexis.

She looked at the blonde's face like a hawk for any sign of discomfort as she pushed past her resistance but other than a momentary frown Alexis just looked eager and she was panting with her eyes closed.

Alexis was shocked. From the horror stories her friends in school had told she had expected it to hurt like hell, especially since Elaine was probably far bigger than all her friends' first partners had been. But while there had been a slight discomfort, once Elaine was fully inside her all Alexis felt was full. She felt stretched out, filled in a place that had been empty all her life. She felt whole and she felt amazing. It wasn't just the physical sensation of having Elaine's dick inside her and stretching out her tight walls, it was also the knowledge that she was connected as deeply as two people could possibly be connected with the woman she was pretty sure she was in love with.

Her legs slid apart until they were on either side of Elaine's body, unable to balance on top of her with all these feelings roiling inside of her and before Elaine could start moving she did, rocking herself back and forth on the dick that had her impaled.

As Elaine felt herself stretching the petite blonde out she was worried about seriously hurting the girl, worried that she had pushed too far too fast, but Alexis didn't let out any shrieks of pain. The only sound that came from her lips was a low groan and the expression on her face, the one that had started as a frown, was soon replaced with a look of bliss and once she was fully inside her, Alexis had pulled her as close as possible and into a deep kiss.

Everything about the moment felt perfect. Alexis' soft, slender body on top of her, her smooth skin pressed against hers, their nipples rubbing against the other's, the kiss that was all need and passion and no technique whatsoever and of course the unbearable feeling of being inside Alexis. She was smooth as silk, hot as a furnace, tight as a vise and so slick and wet that Elaine still had no issue moving inside her. Her insides squirmed around Elaine's cock as if trying to milk it and she felt like she could come without even moving, but that wouldn't have been fair on her partner.

And the craziest part was that Alexis had been the one to start moving, to start rocking against her, back and forth, letting Elaine slide out of her before pushing back to impale herself again. Each stroke felt like she was already coming and the sensation just kept building and soon enough it was all she could do to hold back so that Alexis could come before her.

Alexis could just barely hold on. She'd been on the verge of coming since she'd begun moving, the feeling of Elaine's dick scraping out her insides almost too much to bear, each thrust sending pulses of pleasure through her body. She had wrapped her arms so tightly around Elaine she was worried about cramping up because she just couldn't handle the feelings she was being subjected to. She felt full to the brim and each thrust managed to hit all the sweet spots she'd never known she had and the two of them held each other so tight that every thrust also had Elaine's skin rub over her clit.

Between the unbearable pleasure and having Elaine so very close to her, kissing her, moaning into the kiss, she felt like she was in heaven. And then Elaine drove her even crazier, clearly having decided that she'd been passive for long enough.

Elaine loved the way Alexis was riding her. It felt unbelievably good to have this beautiful girl grind herself against her, but Elaine just couldn't be a pillow princess for anyone. She respected the hell out of Alexis for taking the initiative during her first time but she wouldn't just lay there. Fortunately, she didn't have to.

She reached down and grabbed Alexis' ass cheeks. They weren't particularly large, but they were taut and firm and just big enough to grab hold of and she used the newfound leverage to support Alexis' rocking motions as she began thrusting into her hot wet pussy from beneath.

She was once again worried she'd gone a little too far, but Alexis' groans and gasps were soon accompanied by her placing kisses all over Elaine's face, showing her that it felt good for her as well.

With newfound confidence she began working up a rhythm and soon enough the room was filled with both Alexis' and her own moans as well as shockingly hot squelching noises as she worked Alexis' sopping wet pussy.

“I love the way you feel inside me”, Alexis whined. “Does my pussy feel good?”

“Your pussy feels fucking amazing”, Elaine growled as she kept fucking the wet hole in question. “I love fucking your pussy, baby.”

“Good, because I love the way you fuck me”, Alexis moaned and kept riding Elaine harder, slapping their flesh together with every stroke.

“I'm going to cum soon”, Elaine groaned. She'd been ready to cum from the moment she'd put it in, but as she felt Alexis quaking around her she gave up trying to hold back.

“Do it”, Alexis demanded. “Fill me up, show me how good I'm making you feel, come for me”, she whined and began spasming on top of Elaine at the sheer thought of Elaine cumming inside her.

“Oh baby... FUCK”, Elaine cried out. As the spasms milked her she could no longer hold back and pumped her seed inside the beautiful blonde on top of her. It just went on and on and though she thought she had no more to give she kept filling Alexis up even as the blonde kept squeezing it out.

Finally, Alexis just collapsed on top of Elaine, utterly unable to move.

Elaine just held her and basked in the feeling of the beautiful blonde laying on top of her, shivering and taking deep shuddering breaths every few seconds.

“That was magical”, Alexis finally said once she had gotten her breathing under control.

“It really was”, Elaine said and pulled Alexis up a little. She was still inside Alexis' pussy and she knew that if she stayed there she'd get hard again. Normally she was all for keeping at it until morning, but she didn't want to overwhelm Alexis on her first time.

“Is it always like this?”, Alexis asked.

“No idea yet”, Elaine said. “But I hope so.”

“Guess we'll need to find out”, Alexis said and giggled. “It's funny.”

“What is?”, Elaine asked.

“I thought having sex was supposed to be something adult and grown up”, Alexis said, “but I don't feel any more grown-up. I just feel fuzzy.”

Elaine smiled and brushed some hair out of Alexis' face before cupping her cheek. “Good fuzzy or bad fuzzy?”, she asked and Alexis giggled again.

“Good fuzzy”, she said. “Very good fuzzy.” She pressed her legs together and it made a squishing sound. “And thank god I took that pill or you would have gotten me pregnant for sure.”

“Right, about those pills”, Elaine said. “Let me guess, they're crazy scifi tech, right?”

“They so are”, Alexis said. “I'll tell you, but only if you want to know.”

“Of course. I told you, didn't I? I love seeing you obsess about this stuff.”

“Well now you've taken me to bed I know you meant it”, Alexis said with a grin. “So these pills... have you ever taken the pill?”

“Nope. My first time was with a condom and after that I never needed to. You?”

“No, I just heard the horror stories from my friends in school. Stuff like hormone imbalances, weight gain, a messed-up sense of smell, acne, those sorts of things. But these pills Rachel hands out don't do that. They have no side effects. You just take one pill and it makes you unable to get pregnant for a month.”

“That sounds a bit too convenient”, Elaine said. “No catch at all?”

“None”, Alexis said. “And apparently these pills aren't even the best they have in Hell. They also have one that's just a straight-up chemical vasectomy. Take one and you can never get pregnant. Well, never until you take another pill that negates the effect. But we can't have those.”

“Why not?”, Elaine asked.

“Something about this being the end of the world and them not wanting to risk neutering any of the remaining human population”, Alexis said. “They can't guarantee they'll still be here to give us the pills that reverse the effects so they only hand us the month-long version.”

“That makes sense, in a really fucking bleak and pessimistic sort of way”, Elaine said. “So, how much did you pay for that pill? Do you want me to pitch in?”

“They're free”, Alexis said. “Apparently they don't want to risk any of us getting pregnant. But thanks for the offer.”

“Always”, Elaine said.

“Say?”, Alexis asked.


“Can I stay here tonight?”

Elaine smiled. “Of course.”

Achievement Unlocked: Reached Bond Level 7. Awarded 700 Credits.


Alright folks, I've been reading all of the many comments you've left me since the last chapter. I've got some thoughts about all of it but they're a bit too long to just post here.

So if you want to know how I'm going to be treating Cassie chapters going forward or how I'm going to be developing the relationships in Elaine's squad, I urge you to take a peak at my Discord server:

I've got a bit of a loose tongue over there so there's quite a bit of background information to find and I'll respond to (most) anything you ask me there.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.