Project Divinity

Vol.1 Ch.6 – Firm Discipline

Chapter 6: Firm Discipline

“What's your damage, lady?”

Evelyn damn near jumped out of her skin when she heard Elaine's voice. She went from hunched over and digging through a pile of boxer shorts to standing ramrod straight in two seconds flat.

She'd completely lost track of time while on her quest to find Elaine's strap-on and it was only then, in this moment of calm, after doing something foolish and before being chewed out for it, that she realized that looking for that thing had been completely pointless.

What would it have changed if she had found one? She'd been trying to find out how to make amends for her shitty behavior. What had she thought finding a strap-on would accomplish? Was she going to offer to spread her legs for Elaine?

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Maybe she had just been trying to convince herself that Elaine had a strap-on and wasn't reading this kind of stuff because it related to her in... other ways?

If she was perfectly honest, that thought kind of worried her. She'd only just gotten around to the idea of finding a woman attractive, had only just gotten herself psyched up to the idea of eating one out, so what if the woman she was pining for had the other kind of equipment?

“Well?”, Elaine demanded, her arms crossed in front of her impressive chest, the words pulling Evelyn out of her musings.

Oh right, she asked me something.

There was no way out of this, so the only thing she could do was to come clean. So Evelyn opened her mouth and out came a rush of words at roughly Mach 4:

“I'm so sorry for rifling through your stuff I've been wanting to talk to you from the day we met and you looked so cool when you were saving Alexis from that Brandon guy but then you didn't give me enough attention so I got bitchy and then I got embarrassed about getting bitchy and then I wanted to apologize but you were having too much fun with Alexis for me to intrude so I kept getting more and more upset and I'm so sorry I glared at you and today I wanted to apologize for being such a cunt but you had already joined up with that black-haired girl and of course you had every right to take her with you but I was still upset so I thought I could find out what you liked to start making amends with you so I went into your room without your permission and I'm sorry I did that and then I got nosier and nosier and lost track of time and I'm sorry and I...”

She finally realized she'd been babbling like nobody had ever babbled before. In fact, she didn't even have as many feet as she'd just shoved in her mouth. She knew Elaine would think of her as a nutcase now for sure, so she finished with a last resigned

“... I'm sorry.”


That had possibly been the most adorably pathetic thing Elaine had ever seen in her life. It took her a good minute of parsing the girl's babbling to even understand what she'd been saying and she understood that the girl was desperately embarrassed but it was precisely that reaction that made Elaine want to bully the girl a little. She told herself she was just doing this to get back at the redhead for all the glares but if she was being honest this pathetic behavior was almost as arousing as Ophelia's divine tongue had been.

“So, why would you give this much of a shit about who I pay attention to? Were you jealous? Did you want to ask me out and then got upset that I thought comforting a girl who almost got raped was slightly higher priority?”

In response to her question the redhead stiffened and looked away, blushing hard. Elaine moved closer to the redhead and pushed her hand against the closet door right next to the girl's head, trapping her.

“Well?”, she asked, the word a demand.

“I know I was being a bitch. I knew it even as I did it. But that doesn't make it okay, I know”, the redhead said, in a small voice.

“Then why didn't you come talk to me later?”, Elaine asked her, her voice gentler.

“Because I knew I'd made an ass out of myself. And I was still jealous that you were getting along with Alexis so well.”

“Well, she never bitched at me, did she now?”, Elaine asked and the girl flinched.

“I'm sorry”, the redhead told her.

“If you're sorry then you can do something for me”, Elaine said.

The girl swallowed hard. “What do you want?”, she asked.

“Your name. I can't just keep referring to you as 'the redhead who glares at me'”, Elaine told her. The girl looked up at her.

“Evelyn”, she said. “Evelyn Dupree.”

“Well then, Evelyn Dupree, I guess now we need to get to the elephant in the room. Or rather, the Evelyn in my room.” Elaine was slightly embarrassed to admit how proud she was of that bit of wordplay. “Rifling through all my stuff. Including all the stuff I don't really want other people to see.” Evelyn had made herself smaller and smaller with each sentence. “What were you hoping to find here?”

Evelyn hesitated before she replied. “I started the day intending to apologize to you and then ask you to let me come along on your mission, but by that point you'd already taken that black-haired girl with you and left. So instead I thought that if I found out something you liked I could, I don't know, know what to talk to you about, maybe give you a gift as an apology or something.”

Elaine had gone back to crossing her arms in front of her. “And that leads to digging through my underwear how?”

“Any answer I could give you would sound fucking stupid”, Evelyn said.

“At this point I'm willing to accept most any answer to finally figure you out”, Elaine told her.

“Alright, so I started looking through your e-reader. At first I was excited when I found the lesbian romance novels, so I kept digging.” Elaine was starting to get a better picture of the situation. “And then I got to the smut... and then I found more smut in your desk drawer. And all of it had the same... topic.” Elaine was starting to sweat. “So I thought that maybe you were fantasizing about using a strap-on on people, so I started looking for one in your stuff and I got a little carried away with that.”

Elaine relaxed a bit at her ideas. “What would you have done if you'd found one?”, she asked her.

“I... I don't know. I wasn't thinking much. I'm... sorry. For everything.”

“So you've said”, Elaine said. “Multiple times.”

Evelyn looked down.

“Alright alright”, Elaine said, rubbing her forehead. “Let me get my thoughts in order here. So, you don't actually hate me.”

Evelyn shook her head as fast as she could and said: “No, never, I---”

“And you didn't actually mean to snub me all these times”, Elaine continued.

Evelyn shook her head.

“And today you were trying to join our party.”

Evelyn nodded.

“You realize that this whole 'bonding with an Awakener' thing is based on trust, right? Trust you've very comprehensively fucked, right?”

Evelyn nodded again and there were tears in her eyes.

Elaine stepped up to her, grabbed her by the cheeks, and wiped the tears out of Evelyn's eyes. “I'll let you come with during our next outing, on two conditions.”

Evelyn looked up at Elaine with wide eyes.

“One. No more green eyed monster. You'll be part of a team. A team that includes two people besides us. Understood?”

Evelyn nodded.

“Two. I desperately need to take a shower. By the time I get out of that shower I want you to have fixed up the mess you've made. Understood?”

Evelyn nodded vehemently.


Elaine walked over to the pile of strewn-about clothes and grabbed a black pair of boxers, a black sports bra and a gray oversized shirt. She turned towards the bathroom and walked off. With her hand on the door handle she paused.

“Oh, and Evelyn?”

Evelyn looked at Elaine and asked: “Yes?”

“I don't need a strap-on.”


Elaine pulled her clothes off mechanically. As expected, her boxer shorts were full of her white sticky cum. It had dried to the point where pulling the cloth off her nether region was actively painful but at least the pain gave her something to focus on so she couldn't kick herself for her boneheaded decision to share that last tidbit with Evelyn. A girl who, just an hour ago, hell, just fifteen minutes ago, had been her public enemy number one at the compound. What if Evelyn shared that with everyone? It wasn't as if she could get in trouble for it, but what if people would shun her? An Awakener who nobody wanted to work with would be worthless to the Professor.

Real life wasn't like her doujins, where pretty women would happily throw themselves at a woman with a big dick. In the real world that sort of thing was seen as something abnormal, something obscene.

Most people who found out would probably assume that Elaine was trans, but she wasn't. She'd been born a woman. She'd spent all her life being a woman. She loved being a woman. And then the stupid Professor and his 'side effects' came and messed up what she had in between her legs.

But then again, there were werewolves, vampires, a lamia, and a kitsune at the compound and nobody batted an eye, so maybe she wasn't such a freak after all.

And the worst part was that she couldn't even confide in anybody. Of the other five – no, four – Awakeners, only one other was a woman and she couldn't very well walk up to Tracy and ask: “Hey, by the way, did you grow a dick, too?”

Finally she had finished taking her clothes off and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt divine on her skin, especially after it washed away the sticky stains between her legs.

Part of her fantasized about Evelyn joining her in the shower and at the thought she felt herself growing hard. She'd already cum back in the cafeteria and yet she was rock hard again. The other annoying side effect. She had male equipment but female refractory periods.

She lathered herself up with shower gel all over and as she pulled her foreskin back and applied the shower gel there as well she couldn't resist giving herself a few light strokes while thinking about the trembling, crying Evelyn cowering in front of her. If Evelyn could manage to intentionally harness her behavior she would make an incredible bratty sub, Elaine thought.

She stopped after a few light strokes, though. Jerking it with shower gel felt obscenely good, to the point where her knees almost gave out, but going until she brought herself over the edge with it would leave her painfully sore immediately after.

So she washed herself off, then stepped out of the shower. She almost got out of the bathroom stark naked but remembered that Evelyn might not have left yet and so she dried off in her tiny bathroom before putting on her boxers, her sports bra, and the oversized shirt. The boxers showed a noticeable bulge even though she was soft again and the C-cup sports bra was filled out as well, but the shirt sort of covered both if you didn't look too closely. And if it was dark.

But as she exited the bathroom, Evelyn was gone and her room was tidy again, everything back in its place. When she checked, even her doujins were back in the order they'd been in before.

As Elaine fell asleep there was one part of Evelyn's rambling that she couldn't stop thinking about.

She was excited to find lesbian romances on my e-reader, huh?

Elaine fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Evelyn was far too excited to fall asleep. She'd finally, finally, made up with Elaine. And she'd done so after making a complete ass out of herself. Again.

Even more, the girl crush she'd had for two weeks was just as strong as ever and she'd almost had an orgasm just by Elaine looming over her and talking sternly to her. She was finding out more and more weird things about herself. Apparently she wasn't just flexible in her sexual orientation, she was also a sexual submissive. Because how else could she explain the way the thought of Elaine punishing her had excited her?

And what had she meant when she said she didn't need a strap-on? Was she bragging about her skills with her fingers or had she meant...? Evelyn's finger slipped between her legs at the thought. Could that be?

Evelyn began to fantasize, her mind transporting her back to the situation she'd been in before, except with a few key differences.


Elaine was looming over her, tall and muscular, staring down at Evelyn. She had one hand pressed against the closet door, pinning Evelyn in place, and the other under Evelyn's chin, forcing her to look her in the eyes.

“If you're really sorry then there's something you can do”, the brunette said in that sexy husky voice that drove Evelyn wild. Then she stroked her thumb over Evelyn's bottom lip, causing her to open her mouth in anticipation.

“What can I do?”, Evelyn asked, her voice a little whiny with excitement.

“I think you know”, Elaine said with a little smirk. “On your knees you little brat.”

Evelyn swallowed, showing more reluctance than she felt, seeing how much of an effect her hesitation had on Elaine. But finally she dropped to her knee and hooked her fingers in the waistband of Elaine's pants, then pulled them down.

Immediately a big cock, long and thick and sturdy, flopped out and dropped onto Evelyn's face. It smelled like Elaine, roses and gun oil and musk, and she couldn't help inhaling deeply. It was so big that Evelyn wasn't sure if she could take it but she was damn well going to try.

She leaned back until it was in front of her, pointing right at her mouth. She grabbed hold of it with one hand and peeled the foreskin back. The thick tip was purple and so swollen it looked like it hurt, so Evelyn leaned forward to kiss it better.

Elaine groaned in response, then placed a hand on Evelyn's head, patting her.

Evelyn opened her mouth and sucked it in, enjoying the way the hot hard flesh felt in her mouth, filling her and violating her. She'd never been much into giving oral before but something about Elaine made her want to please her.

“Your smart mouth feels pretty good”, Elaine told her, then began rolling her hips, gently fucking Evelyn's mouth.

Evelyn could feel the hard length locking her jaw open and she did her best to hold on, letting Elaine violate her mouth with it. She felt used and humiliated, kneeling on the floor and being used for someone else's pleasure, and she loved it. She reached for Elaine's hands, gave them an encouraging squeeze, and then placed them on the back of her head.

The brunette got the message and started fucking Evelyn's face harder and soon tears were gathering in Evelyn's eyes.

“You're so beautiful when you're crying”, Elaine told her, wiping the tears away. Her breathing was becoming a little labored and Evelyn was thrilled that she was having such an effect on the brunette. “But you don't want me to stop, do you?”

Evelyn stared up at Elaine, an adoring look in her tear-filled eyes, telling her without words that she wanted her to keep going.

Having this massive length gouging out her throat hurt so good. The feeling of it going deep and then dredging up the sticky saliva from the depths of her throat felt amazing and the way the liquid spilled out and stained her uniform, marking her as Elaine's fucktoy, was driving her wild. Not only did she love the feeling, painful though it was, but the pain also absolved her of the guilt of her boneheaded maneuver and that made it even better.

“Get ready”, Elaine told her, gasping and panting now. “Swallow it all down like a good girl.”

In response Evelyn grabbed hold of Elaine's hips, clinging to them like the randy bitch she was and using the leverage to pull herself close, her face so close she could feel Elaine's balls against her chin.

And only a moment later Elaine let out a satisfied groan and Evelyn felt hot, thick cum running down her throat, getting pumped directly into her tummy, filling her up with it. When the flow finally abated Evelyn pulled back slowly and then started suckling on the tip, trying to get every last drop, wanting to taste the salty flavor on her tongue.

“Good girl”, Elaine told her, patting her head quite gently.

And then the world of Evelyn's little fantasy shattered.


Evelyn was shaking from the most intense orgasm she'd had in... Jesus fucking Christ, how long had it been since she'd felt this good?

She wasn't even that big a fan of giving oral but the thought of having Elaine pushing her down and fucking her face had been the most exciting thing she'd had in her head for a long damn time and with that image it had taken her hardly any time at all to make herself come so hard her ears were still ringing with white noise.

For quite a while afterwards she couldn't do anything but stare at the ceiling and breathe. When she could finally form coherent thoughts again she reflected that maybe, just maybe, the idea that Elaine might come with male equipment might not be weird, but actually pretty amazing.

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