Project Divinity

Vol.2 Ch.10 – Bratty Sub 102: How To Take A Spanking

Chapter 10: Bratty Sub 102: How To Take A Spanking

When Elaine got back to her room she expected to find a mess that would make Evelyn's last attempt at snooping seem harmless, but what she found instead was almost tame.

Elaine's room clearly belonged to a soldier. It was always immaculate and the only plainly visible personal belongings were a laptop, an e-reader and a picture of her parents and little brother in one of the refugee camps, to remind her of what she was fighting for.

In such a setting any amount of mess was noticeable and that was the approach Evelyn had taken. To another person the room would have looked fine. Not immaculate but not lived in either. It was simply a room.

But compared to how it had looked when Elaine had left it it was a little messy. One of her doujins – one of her favorites, the one where Djeeta from Granblue Fantasy used her huge futa dick to collect an entire harem of pretty girls – lay open on her nightstand, showing the raunchiest page of the doujin. It was also lying there crooked, with one corner an inch off the table.

Her bed no longer looked immaculately made. There was an indent where someone had sprawled out on the bed and there was the faintest dark spot on it. Apparently Evelyn hadn't been lying when she'd said she had masturbated in her room.

The bottom drawer of Elaine's closet was open but the contents were still inside and the false bottom was undisturbed. And most of all, Evelyn's clothes sans underwear were messily draped over Elaine's office chair, not even neatly folded.

Only a neat freak would have considered the room a mess, to the point where even Elaine saw it as more quaint than truly aggravating. It was the work of a minute to clean up. And yet, between this and the messages she'd been sending it was juuust enough of an excuse to punish Evelyn. Elaine had to smile. And then she wondered where Evelyn might be until she heard the sound of the shower coming from her little bathroom.

So Elaine sat down on her bed, right next to the wet spot Evelyn had left on it, and waited.


Evelyn had to admit she'd gotten a little bored and might have gone a little overboard with texting Elaine. She had made sure to leave the room in just enough of a mess to give Elaine the reason she needed to bend her over without seriously pissing her off but when Elaine still hadn't come back to her room after multiple provocations Evelyn had decided to take a quick shower and had once again made sure that tonight would be good and most importantly clean fun. Sam had stressed that you simply couldn't be too sure when it came to that.

So once she felt nice and clean again Evelyn dried off, put on her sexy black lace underwear, put on the silk robe she'd bought from Rachel when she'd gone to her for the pill, and strode out of the bathroom to find Elaine sitting on the bed, her arms crossed under her impressive chest and a scowl on her face.

What do you call this mess?”, the brunette asked her tersely.

I was bored”, Evelyn whined. The role of the entitled brat came a little too easily to her.

And that's a good enough reason to make a mess of my room?”, Elaine demanded. If not for the twinkle in her eyes Evelyn might have thought she was truly angry.

N-no”, Evelyn replied in what she hoped was a timid tone of voice.

No what?”, Elaine asked.

No ma'am”, Evelyn said. She wasn't sure if Elaine wanted her to call her ma'am or mistress or something. She just knew she wasn't going to call her 'mommy'. Evelyn had no problems with the idea of calling a male partner 'daddy', but somehow calling a woman she was attracted to 'mommy' felt weird. But apparently Elaine was fine with 'ma'am' because she said:

Good girl. Now, do you agree that what you did here was stupid?”

I'm sorry”, Evelyn said.

Answer the question”, Elaine said.

Yes, ma'am”, Evelyn said. “It was stupid.”

It was”, Elaine agreed. “Now come here and receive your punishment. Then I'll accept your apology.”

Evelyn stood still.

I'm not going to ask twice”, Elaine said. “You've already added to your punishment by talking back.”

Evelyn looked down at the ground and slowly walked over to where Elaine sat.

Take off that robe”, Elaine said, her tone harsh.

Evelyn complied, slipping the robe off her shoulders and revealing her lacy black underwear. She hoped Elaine wouldn't notice the trail of wetness running down her thighs.

Well look at you”, Elaine purred. “All pretty for me. If you'd been a good girl I would be ravishing you right now but since you've been a bad girl I'll have to punish you instead.”

Evelyn was already breathing hard. She was loving this. The scolding, the threat of punishment, being called a bad girl, being looked at with that mixture of scorn and desire and, best of all, the knowledge that Elaine wasn't truly mad at her but was only playing along to fulfill her twisted desires.

Take off your panties”, Elaine commanded.

What?”, Evelyn asked, mock outrage in her voice. She was more than willing to drop her panties for Elaine but that wasn't the role she was playing right now.

You're getting spanked and I only spank bare asses”, Elaine explained. “And you're getting even more now since you talked back again.”

Evelyn's bottom lip trembled and her cheeks flushed. She couldn't make herself cry on demand but she was able to show just about every other sign of being upset at Elaine's words even though she was anything but.

But instead of protesting any more she leaned down and pulled her panties off. She'd only put them on after her shower and they were already soaked. She was about to chuck them onto her pile of discarded clothes but Elaine said:

Give them to me.”

With trembling hands Evelyn handed her soaking wet panties over. The line between acted embarrassment and actual embarrassment was growing thinner and it grew thinner still when Elaine inspected the panties and smiled as she saw and felt the wet spot. Thankfully she chose not to comment on it, though, saving Evelyn from even more embarrassment. Well, until Elaine said:

Over my knees.”

This was it. Evelyn had fantasized about this but she'd never done this. She didn't know if she could take the pain, didn't know if she'd end up hating what she'd been wishing for. She'd always been a bit of a crybaby after all. But before Elaine could increase her punishment even further she complied, draping herself over Elaine's lap and feeling her strong thighs under her tummy.

That's a good girl”, Elaine purred and then reached out with her left hand.

Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut, already bracing for the pain, but Elaine's hand only grabbed hold of her left ass cheek and gave it a squeeze.

I've been thinking this for a while but your ass really is perfect for spanking”, Elaine said. “Nice and round and taut.”

Thank you, ma'am”, Evelyn whimpered at the compliment.

Now let's get it nice and red, shall we?”

Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the pain, and then...


Elaine's hand landed on Evelyn's ass with a sound that echoed across the small room and the pain rippled out from Evelyn's ass through her entire abdomen. It was almost more than she could bear but in the wake of the pain there was something else, an indescribable feeling that plunged Evelyn's deepest depths, making her writhe on Elaine's lap.


Before she could fully recover Elaine's hand crashed down on her other ass cheek, spreading fire over it as well and once again traveling downward and inward.


The pain was even worse this time, striking Evelyn on a spot that had already been struck, but the sensation that accompanied it intensified as well. She still wasn't sure what exactly it was she was feeling but she could feel herself growing wetter from it.


Evelyn hissed in pain as Elaine's hand caught the top of her thigh. Her ass was plush enough to weather the pain but her thighs were much more sensitive and Elaine wasn't holding back with her spanks.


This time Evelyn focused on the pleasurable sensation that followed the pain and realized that it was reaching deep inside her belly, making her tingle inside. At the same time Elaine's hand rested on her ass, squeezing and lightly digging her nails into the sensitive flesh.


Ouch. That had definitely not been an accident. This time Elaine had deliberately struck Evelyn's thigh and in the wake of that pain Evelyn could clearly feel the trail of her juices running across the now sensitive skin. And then Elaine squeezed the inside of her thigh, making Evelyn let out a sound somewhere between a whimper and a moan.


The pain wasn't so much vanishing as it was becoming something she was starting to crave. It wasn't that Evelyn was beginning to enjoy it, it still hurt, but in the wake of the pain her sensitive skin could clearly feel Elaine's long, slender fingers caressing her and the sensation deep inside her kept growing more and more powerful.


This time Evelyn had leaned into the strike, seeking out the pain for the pleasure she knew would follow it. And, sure enough, the pleasure came, Elaine giving her ass a squeeze, the tips of her fingers creeping lower, almost touching the spot that was growing needier and needier.


Evelyn buried her face in Elaine's side so that the mewling sound of pleasure she had to let out wouldn't be too obvious. But Elaine was wise to the trick and when Evelyn looked back up Elaine simply smiled down at her, making her bury her face again.

Evelyn braced herself, but... there was no strike.

She looked up at Elaine, whose expression had long since stopped being angry and had melted into pure, dominant arousal.

You have one more left”, the brunette told her. “And you're going to have to beg for it.”

Evelyn blinked, asking with her eyes if Elaine was serious.

I mean it”, Elaine said as she saw the look. “You'll have to beg for the final one. And if you do a good job of it I might reward you for it.”

Evelyn bit her lip and then said: “Please spank me, ma'am.”

You can do better than that”, Elaine said. “Oh, and spread your legs a little wider.”


Spread those legs”, Elaine repeated. “I'm sure you know where the last one is going to go.”

Evelyn's eyes widened. Was Elaine suggesting...? That kind of pain would be hard to eroticize. But then again, she'd thought the same thing about getting her ass spanked but here she was, annoyed and frustrated that Elaine wasn't hitting her more.

Evelyn swallowed before she spread her legs as wide as the awkward position allowed and then she said: “Please punish me. I've been a bad girl and I need you to punish me for it.”

Good girl”, Elaine purred and then struck Evelyn's pussy with the flat of her hand.
The pain was incredible. Back when that beam of Darklight had hit her it had simultaneously frozen and burnt out her pain receptors and so she hadn't felt much of it. Therefore she could truthfully say that Elaine striking her pussy was the most intense pain she'd ever felt in her life.

But in the wake of that pain the tingling sensation traveled even further. Not only that but the newly reddened skin was so much more sensitive and so she could feel Elaine's hand on her pussy with an intensity she'd never felt anything down there. Every twitch of Elaine's fingers felt monumental, as though she'd never felt another's fingers on her pussy. And when Elaine's index finger slipped inside her and her thumb crushed her clit she came then and there with a howled:

Oh god YES!”

She'd seen stars when Elaine had struck her but now the stars were even more pronounced.

And here I thought 'coming so hard you can't hear yourself breathe' was just a figure of speech...

For a while she just lay on Elaine's lap, breathing like a bellows. Only when she had control of her own body back did Elaine say:

See, you can be a good girl when you want to be.”

Evelyn just whimpered. Elaine's voice was faintly smug, playing the role of the calm, controlled and condescending domme extremely well. The only cracks in her facade were the fact that ever since the second spank Evelyn had been able to feel her erection pressing into her tummy and of course the message that flashed in front of her eyes:

Was that too much?

Out loud Evelyn whined: “You're such a brute! I can't believe you'd hit me this hard!”

But on the CARD she typed out:

It was amazing...

As Elaine saw the message a bit of tension Evelyn hadn't even noticed drained out of her and she fully returned to the smug, condescending tone of voice:

You know, most girls who get spanked fight back in some way. They cover their asses with their hands or struggle or even try to hit me. But you did none of those things. You didn't even complain while I was hitting you. You just lay there and took it, growing a little wetter with each swat. And then you came right after I struck your pussy. You are a randy little slut and you were loving everything I did to you.”

Evelyn no longer had to act like she was embarrassed by Elaine's words. She'd hit the nail on the head. Fighting back or complaining hadn't even occurred to her. She'd even leaned into the last few hits. She'd come harder than she ever had from the abuse.

But what she said instead was: “There is no way I'd love being treated like some sort of toy!”

Of course both of them were well aware that she'd just begged to be treated like a toy but she had to play into her role a while longer. She knew there would be a moment when she would be allowed to stop playing a spoiled brat but it would still be a while until then.

Shall we put that to the test?”, Elaine asked in that same cocky tone of voice.

Evelyn's eyes widened theatrically before Elaine picked her up and tossed her onto the bed.

Evelyn expected Elaine to turn around and dig for some sort of bondage gear in her closet, presumably under the false bottom of the bottom drawer, but Elaine was way ahead of her. The brunette was wearing the Ring of Holding and used its enchantment to pull out several items she must have stored inside it earlier. Onto the bed tumbled a spreader bar, several manacles, a ball gag, a dental gag and a blindfold. Oh, and a few proper sex toys for good measure. Evelyn was very intrigued at the two different kinds of anal beads, one made of silicone that had differently sized beads that started small and then grew to moderate size and the other made of wooden balls connected by thick twine, the balls nicely thick without being too big. And before Evelyn could grow worried about the lack of lube Elaine opened her nightstand drawer and pulled out a bottle of water-based lubricant.

You know what comes next, right?”, Elaine asked.

Evelyn glared up at her but didn't do anything to get away.

I'm going to tie you up like the sow you are and then I'm going to use you for my own amusement”, Elaine said, answering her own question.

And before Evelyn could think of a smart comment Elaine was on her, pushing her face down into the bed and twisting her arms behind her back, then held them in place as she shackled them together with the manacles, her forearms parallel to each other. The leather manacles weren't tight enough to hurt but they felt a little cold around her wrists and smelled strongly of new leather. She wondered if they were new but was almost certain Elaine simply cared for her leather goods very well. She remembered reading about that in a manga. How had that one character put it? 'Leather is love'. If a domme cared for her leather goods chances were good that she cared for her subs as well.

Once her arms were fastened Elaine grabbed hold of her ankles, tied them to the spreader bar and then connected that to the manacles holding her wrists, completing the hogtie.

She truly felt like a sow now, completely on display and unable to move. To her absolute horror she realized that even with her superhuman strength getting out of these bonds wouldn't be easy. She had almost no leverage in this position. But that feeling of utter helplessness was incredibly arousing to her. Elaine was in full control and could do whatever she wanted to her. And Evelyn wouldn't have it any other way.

You're so fucking gorgeous when you're helpless”, Elaine said.

Screw you”, Evelyn snapped. She had to keep playing the role for a while longer. Now that she was bound she even made a show of struggling in her bonds, even if she hadn't fought it when Elaine had put them on her. Only once Elaine took away her ability to speak would she be allowed to stop pretending she hated it.

Evelyn had just given Elaine another excuse to punish her and she took it, saying:

Good idea.”

And then she got off the bed and walked out of Evelyn's line of sight.

Evelyn was getting nervous, not knowing what Elaine had planned, but then the message flashed in front of her:

I'm going to put some anal beads inside you.
Do you want the small ones or the big ones?

Evelyn bit her lip as she read the words. After talking to Sam she'd gotten a little bit obsessed with anal sex. She'd always been curious – you couldn't spend your youth reading Yaoi without wondering what anal sex might feel like – but she'd never explored that kink before. Now she had and she'd found that she liked it, maybe a little bit too much. And tonight she would be gifting Elaine her anal virginity.

She wondered if she had to break the illusion and speak up but when she tried the CARD's keyboard appeared behind her and she was able to type out one-handed:

Thee bog onbe

She was mortified by the typos but at least she'd managed to get the point across.

Now then, since you insist on acting like a bad girl I'm going to have to punish you”, Elaine said a moment before Evelyn felt her ass cheeks being spread apart.

What are you doing, you brute?”, Evelyn demanded even as she raised herself up as much as the position allowed, trying to present herself as best she could.

Getting your ass nice and ready so I can shove my cock in there later”, Elaine said matter-of-factly before Evelyn felt cold liquid hitting her little pucker.

She didn't have to do much acting to make the yelp she let out sound authentic. As much as she learned that she enjoyed lubed fingers spreading her asshole she hated how cold the lube felt at first.

At first she was worried Elaine might just shove something in there immediately but she needn't have worried. Instead she felt the ball of Elaine's thumb pressing gently but firmly against her tight ring of muscle, moving in slow, circular motions, gently massaging, slowly coaxing her asshole open.

You really have an amazing ass”, Elaine said, “and such a cute, pink little asshole, too.”

Your compliments suck”, Evelyn snapped.

You'll be the only one sucking tonight”, Elaine promised her.

Evelyn's mouth snapped shut but internally she was thrilled. Would Elaine fuck her face while she was tied up and helpless? Evelyn eyed the toys on the bed. Would she...? She grew wet at the thought.

Do you like having your ass played with?”, Elaine asked.

No!”, Evelyn barked.

Curious”, Elaine said. “Then why is your asshole opening up for me so nicely?”

Evelyn bit her lip again. Her asshole truly had opened up already and she could feel the muscles around Elaine's thumb twitching.

Good god but it felt amazing. Getting touched by someone else always felt better than touching herself but now it felt even more pronounced, as Elaine knew just how to touch her. Evelyn wondered if Elaine was used to playing with her partners' asses. She was certainly good enough at it, her touch gentle enough not to hurt and yet firm enough to coax Evelyn to open up.

Soon Elaine could slip her thumb into Evelyn's ass without encountering any resistance and Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut and imagined that Elaine would just skip past the teasing and just fuck her ass already.

There, now let's see if you can take the entire chain”, Elaine said and began to lube up the anal beads.

Evelyn whimpered as she felt the first bead at her pucker, the firm, smooth wood lubed up and ready to slide in.

Count them out loud as they go in”, Elaine commanded.

Or what?”

Or we'll see how red your ass will be after another ten spanks”, Elaine threatened and then pushed the first bead inside.

There was an instant of resistance before the bead slipped right in and Evelyn let out a little gasp. The beads were slightly thicker than the toy she'd been abusing her ass with the last couple of days but instead of one long toy it was just a single bead. She wanted more. She needed more. And she knew the easiest way to get more was to play along with Elaine.

One”, she whined out, trying not to sound too desperate.

Good girl”, Elaine said. “Think you can handle more?”

Evelyn whimpered. She wanted to scream out that yes, she could handle more, she wanted to handle something larger and longer and hotter, but that wasn't her current role. Right now she had to act like a punished brat who was desperately embarrassed from having her ass teased open.

But Elaine knew all of this as well and so she had mercy with Evelyn and pushed in the next bead, followed quickly by the one after that.

Two”, Evelyn whimpered out, the feeling of being filled ironically making relief flood through her. “Three.”

Such a greedy little asshole”, Elaine teased.

Uh-huh”, Evelyn whimpered, the pleasure making her forget her role for the moment.

Elaine could have punished her for that. She should have punished her for that. But instead she simply incorporated it into their game.

Good girl, you're starting to become honest with yourself.”

And then she pushed another two beads inside in quick succession.

Four”, Evelyn squeaked. “Five.”

Elaine chuckled and then did something Evelyn hadn't expected. She pulled on the beads, making one of them pop back out of Evelyn's ass.

Fmmmck”, Evelyn whimpered, burying her face in the mattress to muffle the cry. “Four.”

Good girl”, Elaine cooed, then pushed the bead back in and followed it with the last one.

Five”, Evelyn squeaked. “Six.”

There”, Elaine said, patting Evelyn's head the same way she would an affectionate dog, “you've managed to take them all. Such a good girl.”

Evelyn was all but going wild. The feeling of the beads pushing inside her had been so gradual that she hadn't been able to appreciate it as they were going in but now that the entire chain was inside her she felt full. Her insides were writhing around the unyielding wooden balls, clenching down on them and finding no give in them whatsoever.

All her other senses were dulled, everything paled to the sensation inside her bowels, and so it took her a moment before she realized that Elaine was looking into her eyes and trying to get her attention.

Do they really feel that good?”, she asked.

Uh-huh”, Evelyn squeaked.

Then I think you should pay me back for that pleasure, huh?”, Elaine asked with a smile.

Evelyn swallowed and then Elaine pulled her sideways until she was draped sideways over the bed, her head only barely still on the mattress. Evelyn had a pretty good idea of what Elaine had planned, or she thought she did until Elaine leaned over and dug through the small mountain of sex toys again. When she leaned back she was holding the dental gag.

So I had the right idea after all.

So on Sunday Project Divinity somehow managed to reach the Trending tab and so I wish to extend a very warm welcome to the F O R T Y T W O readers the story has gained since then. You rock!

Also, a special shout-out goes to the one guy who dropped by that day just to leave a 1-star rating without elaborating further. May you step on a lego brick.

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