Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 39: Underground Market

From a very early age of thirteen, Xin started to work with his father. At the age of seventeen, he was already managing and holding twenty-five percent of the company share. Which was quite a big amount in itself.

An interesting thing, no one, literally not a single member of the Board of Directors, was against giving that much of a share to a little kid of seventeen years. Instead, some were proposing the idea of giving him thirty-five percent of the company's share.

Though the Xin of the earth was already a well-accomplished figure from the very beginning of his childhood, one thing he sacrificed in all these was his time of having fun and hanging out with his friend.

Since he was a prodigy in both studies and programming, his parents had arranged homeschooling facilities for him. He just had to go school on the exam days, sit in a room alone, complete the paper and return home.

He was devoting most of his time to his dad's company and its work. And in all these he sacrificed some things that every child does throughout their schooling period, i.e. having fun with friends.

Xin was in a dilemma now. He wanted to take revenge, save the world, at the same time he wanted to slack around and have fun with his friends. The thoughts of the two Xin from before were colliding with each other.

Seeing Xin became quiet all of a sudden and was lost in his thoughts, Hiroshi thought he didn't want to answer his question. To change the topic, he was about to say something when Xin came out of his contemplation and gave him a reply to his question.

"I want to slack around!!"

"Sorry, what?!!"

"I want to slack around and have fun in my schooling years. I can always find a job or two after graduation. But before that, I want to have fun and live my life without much stress and work."

Hearing his reason, both of them went quiet. Now that they think Xin was only a high schooler, pushing him to a job of 75 million USD also means that he would be spending most of his time doing work in any office or the JSDF research facility. Children of that age used to goof around and have fun with their friends. It's a period in a child's life where they live their life to the fullest and try to have fun as much as possible.

Cause once they start doing a job, their life would become comparable to hell. Wake up early in the morning, have breakfast, then run for the office. Entering your workplace with your boss shouting and scolding then diving into the piles of files.

Both of them got the essence of what Xin was trying to tell and its significance in a child's life. No matter how fulfilling the job is, a time comes in everyone's life where they want to take a break from everything and look back at their pasts.

A past where they goof around, slack around and have fun with friends. These types of memories are one of the most important things that helps a person to come out of depression and work pressure. Not only that, but it also cheers them up, making them ready for a better tomorrow.

"The time which you should cherish!!" Aisen blurted out.

"Yes," Xin replied with a single word.

Suddenly, a sound came from the elevator, telling them they had reached their destination.

The doors of the elevator opened up, and before their eyes were the top-secret, underground JSDF research facility.

On the left side was a line of super-fast TX120 jets, and on the right was a line of XD771 helicopters, specializing in warfare and rescue missions.

Xin had a look at his both sides and only one thing came from his heart "Cool!!"

"Hehe," Aisen laughed and told him it was just the entrance of the underground facility. The real stuff was inside the base, built at a distance from there.

Later Xin realized that the elevator was joined with a big steel bridge. And the jets and helicopters were kept at its both sides. On the other side of the bridge was the real JSDF research facility, built inside a cave-like structure.

After walking on the bridge and covering 250 meters the three of them reached near the cave-like structure, and entered inside it, after showing the guards their ID cards, and an extra check on Xin, since it was his first time.

"Woah!!" Xin exclaimed. Though the outside was somewhat good, the inside of that place was marvelous. Everything was planned according to the needs of the staff living there.

Starting from the air ventilation, water, oxygen to broadband, pizza delivery, and fast food centers, everything was present there. It was like a small city under the ground. Xin was even more amazed when he saw the underground JSDF market. Where trainees could buy anything to everything, by exchanging their merit points.

Before going into the office of the technical division, Xin strolled around the market with the other two. During his time in the market, he observed not only daily necessities, but gadgets and weapons were being sold in the market. And when I meant weapon I didn't mean those old times AK47.

AS50's, SA80, M4 Carbine, Remington 700, Colt 6920 were some of the models getting sold there. Xin recognized some of them, and for the rest, he was taking the help of the tags used on them to identify the models.

One intriguing thing that he noticed was the design and the models of those guns and rifles. All the weapons on sale were the models from the magicless earth. Not a single model belonging to the magical world was there.

The reason was pretty obvious too. Magic and magiculus particles were not introduced there yet. So how could the concept of magical weapons exist there?

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