Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 41: Quantum Protocol Super Computer System (QPSCS)

"You sure kiddo?"

"Yep, I am sure. Why don't we check it out now?" With that, Xin dragged the office chair near the desk and started to modify the program as he was telling earlier. The whole program had six thousand lines, and Xin was trying to modify it as soon as possible.

While he was doing his work, he suddenly felt thirsty and started to search for a water bottle with his left hand, while typing with his right hand. The person on his side sensed that Xin must have been feeling thirsty and handed him a cold coffee can.

Xin thanked the person without seeing and kept on doing his work. Now that the feeling of thrist was gone, his hands were working faster than before. The person looking at his hand could faintly see the figure of his hand all over the keyboard.

Observing from the speed anybody could estimate that his typing speed was definitely over 250 words per minute (WPM). Half an hour later, Xin stopped moving his hand and stood up from the chair to straighten his back.

"Ahh…. My back," Xin groaned and started to do some stretching exercises. Meanwhile, the other person took the keyboard and started to fiddle with the program modified by Xin. After doing some additional changes, she clicked on the Enter button and started the program.

To her surprise, the program compiled successfully and ran without any problem. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. Xin was drinking the remaining of the cold coffee when someone entered the room and turned on all the lights.

Xin's eyes got dazzled by the lights and he closed them to get adapted to his surroundings. Some seconds later, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the figure before him.

The figure who was talking with Xin and asking him questions sometimes earlier. A hot beauty with long slender legs and a busty figure. Accompanied by her rectangular glasses, she looked like the goddesses of glasses. Xin's heart skipped a bit, and he kept on staring at that figure. He had already realized that the figure was the head of the JSDF research division and the one who has invited him as an MVIP guest for some help.

The above-written words are something that I wanted to narrate, but in reality the figure before him was not like that. Standing before him was a small figure of approx ninety centimeters, wearing a blue frock with white dotted patterns.

On top of the frock, she was wearing a big lab coat, half of which was already trailing on the ground. Black eyes, smallmouth, and beautiful bob cut brown hairs.

This typical loli before him was known by the name Minohra Natsumi. And she was the head of the JSDF research division.

Xin was totally speechless, and not a single word was coming out of his mouth. Even after trying his hard, not even a single sound came out of his mouth.

"There you are, Mr. Xin. I forgot to tell you it's almost lunchtime, and all of them are in the underground city cafeteria."

"Oh~~!!" Xin replied while keeping his stare towards the small figure before him.

Aisen switched on the rest of the lights and was going near the big-screened monitor when Xin couldn't control his temptation and blurted out the thing that he wanted to say once in his life.

"Aisen senpai, if you don't mind, can you tell me who is the little kiddo, Is she lost, or her parents work here as staff?"

Natsumi "…"

Aisen "…"

Because of her small figure, Natsumi was not visible from a distance, only a small part of her body was visible. But that part too was getting obstructed by the desks and chairs spread all over.

Aisen suddenly stopped his march and froze at his place at once. Hearing from the description that Xin was telling he could tell this small kiddo was none other than the Chief Minohara Natsumi, the multi-talented prodigy who had done master's degree in various disciplines.

Though she was a genius and her actual age was twenty-five for some reason her growth stopped at the age of nine years and since then she was revered as the Loli Prodigy behind her back.

She had mastery over software, hardware, forensic, weapon designing, and many other fields that were beyond the comprehension of normal students. At the age of twenty, after completing her graduation, she was recruited as a trainee for the JSDF research division. But just within two years at the age of twenty-two, she showed her versatile skills in different divisions and got the position of the vice head in the JSDF research division.

One year after that, at the age of twenty-three, she designed the Quantum Protocol Super Computer System (QPSCS) a device or more like a remote control pair through which humans can send their spacecraft and satellites to different dimensions and see the video and images recorded over there. This achievement of her gave her the biggest promotion of her life, making her the head of the JSDF research division, at a young age of twenty-three years old.

Now that Aisen knew Xin was asking about Natsumi, their Chief, he called Xin near and told him small things that he shouldn't mention before her.

"Xin, I will tell you this thing only once. So hear it carefully and fix it in your mind. If you see that little kiddo with bubble print frock and a long over-sized lab coat, don't mention words like small, kid, kiddo, loli, before her."

"Oh~~!!" Xin exclaimed and asked why he shouldn't.

Aisen lowered his voice and replied, "That lil kiddo is the head of our JSDF research division, Minohara Natsumi."

"I see, and what should I do if I by mistake blurted out those words before her?"

Aisen became silent for a moment. He looked here and there to check the presence of any third person then whispered in Xin's ears, "Bribe some sweet things to her. Most preferable is chocolate since they are easy to carry in your pockets. But other sweet dishes and desserts also work."

"I see so that's how it works around here?"

"Yes, even though she is twenty-five, she gets tamed whenever we show her some chocolates."

"Oh, then do you have some, for now?"

Aisen checked his pocket and replied a no. He didn't have any chocolates on him at that time.

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