Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 45: One more condition

"But Mr. Yamamoto," Xin called out with concern.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xin, they are all trusted members working under Miss Natsumi. In addition, there won't be any harm if they know about your parents' former jobs. Their new jobs will be made public soon, with their former jobs and other backgrounds."

"Okay, okay. Understood,"

Xin agreed and turned towards the large audience again. The time had finally come when their curiosity would be fulfilled by their MVIP level guest, Mr. Xin.

"So, as you heard now, their new jobs will be made public soon. And for now, I can only tell about their former jobs, is it good enough?"

Without even taking a second, the masses agreed and asked him to reveal the job of his parents. They were getting impatient at this point. They no longer wanted to stay in the dark.

"Okay, since you all agreed, let me tell you. My father was the former head of the WTO Asian Branch. And his name is Satoshi Abeno."

This was the first wave of the attack, and the result, more than half of the masses were stunned. Completely brain dead. They were expecting it to be something at the national level or local level, but the reality came out to be something different and his father was an international figure.

Now that knew about his father, they were more curious to know about his mother. If the father was a WTO head, then they could expect the mother to be a CEO or assistant of any MNC (Multi-National Company) at least.

Xin didn't give them much time to recover and fired the second arrow.

"And for my mom, her name is Honsei Tachibana, and she was the Cyber Crime Head in the Asian branch of INTERPOL."

Aisen "…"

Hiroshi "…"

Chihiro "…"

Rest of the masses "…"

Dumbfounded again, curiosity kills the cat, evolved in that situation, and became curiosity slaughtered the cats. Mom and dad, both his parents, were international figures. Xin just needed to raise his one finger and half of the world would come under his feet for his help.

Money wasn't a problem for a person like him. It was well known to everyone present there that the salary of a WTO head was somewhat equal to half of the GDP of a medium-sized country. Forget about the salary of his mom.

Seeing the auditorium was developing an awkward atmosphere and the members present over there were having a hard time digesting the information, Natsumi went near Xin and asked him to hand over the mic to her.

"That's it for today, end of the conference."

She put an end to the conference and asked them to disperse from the auditorium. Everyone was shocked enough, enough that they weren't asking any questions or doing any discussions after knowing about his family background.

The afternoon passed like that, and Xin spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the underground city with Aisen and Hiroshi.

The day came to an end, and it was already the nighttime. While Xin was goofing around Natsumi and some of the senior developers were analyzing the codes written by Xin.

According to their opinions, the program was way much better and superior to the program that they were planning to develop. Not only that, but it also uses the simplest of the simplest logic to solve the problems that come in the way of compiling and executing the program.

After going through the program again and again, all of them reached the decision that Xin will be given the vice head position in the development of Project SEDS. Natsumi would be the leader, and Xin would be second to her in the rankings.

After goofing around and having fun around the underground city, Xin was summoned to a conference room and they gave him all the confidential documents about Project SEDS. Natsumi explained to him about his work, the working hours, and many other stuffs that he was curious to know about.

For Xin, it was a well-arranged and carefully planned work schedule. He was allowed to work from home or school and needed to visit the JSDF HQ once or twice every month.

The JSDF would be responsible to arrange his transportation and safety while traveling between both the places. What's more, his salary was not based on a fixed monthly or yearly rate. He would earn money from the amount of contribution he had made in different projects. This was one of the incentives that Xin liked the most. If they were to give him a fixed monthly or yearly package of salary, he would have to work for a fixed duration of hours like a corporate slave. But with this new system he could choose how much amount he wants to do and the amount of fee he wanted to get as his pay.

They had also asked him to be the consultant of the technical department and had promised him to pay suitable remuneration as per his service and advice.

Xin ran an eye through the contract and read all the terms, conditions and clauses written over there. After giving it a quick read, Xin gently tossed the contract on the table and asked Natsumi to add one more clause in it.

"One more term?!" She exclaimed with curiosity.

As much as she knows the contract was tailored made for Xin and all the terms and conditions were in his favour. 'Then what else does he want to be added in it?'

"Yes, one more condition. I need the authority to mobilize the JSDF troops at will, for valid regions at different times."

Natsumi's jaws hit the ground when she heard the condition that Xin was asking to be added in his work contract. He was basically asking one of the privileges that had been given to very few higher-ups of the JSDF HQ. Including Natsumi and Yamamoto, three other peoples had this type of power, and Xin wanted to be the sixth one to hold this kind of power.

She made a note in her mind that Xin wasn't any ordinary high schooler who could be lured in by showing name, fame, and money.

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