Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 56: Chiseki Pollens

Observing none of them were starting the conversation, Xin took the initiative and broke through the iceberg between them, "Miss Natasha, why don't you order something? Though this place is a bit small, it serves the best food around here."

"Huh, food?! Yes, food," Natasha staggered. Her nervousness was clearly visible on her face. She quickly went through the menu and ordered a cheese sandwich and chicken soup for her.

Nen also picked up the menu and started to scoured through the list for ordering something. He was pretty much of a geek, and an introvert, foods like chips and cup noodles were running through his veins. It was becoming hard on his part to choose something normal other than chips and noodles.

"Cough, cough. Bro, don't take too much time," Natasha whispered near his ear.

"Ha!! Easy for you to say."

A few minutes later, Nen couldn't decide anything and ordered the same food as his sister. In the meantime, Xin was fiddling with his laptop, checking some of the latest updates installed on it.

Few days ago, his laptop was confiscated by the MIR Bureau. He was of the idea that they must have noticed the small hackings he had done in the past and seized his laptop for the same reason. Later, only he got to know that his laptop was confiscated on his mom cum vice president's order for adding new updates onto it.

For some reason, he was getting many updates at once. It was as if nature was preparing him for the upcoming events. His intuition was also exactly on point. His new mission was gonna be something that he had never achieved before, in the world of magic.

Nen and Natasha were enjoying their food when suddenly Natasha started to cough for some reason. Xin thought she must have choked on the soup and was coughing for the same reason.

Nen passed her a glass of water and asked her to drink it in one go. Natasha emptied down the water in one gulp, as asked by his brother, even then the cough didn't stop.

Earlier, Xin wasn't bothered by her coughing. He continued to stare at his laptop and analyze the newly added features. But when the cough didn't stop, he raised his head and had a look at Natasha.

"What the fck!!" Xin abruptly stood up and stared at Natasha with bloodshot eyes. Judging from his expression and red eyes, Nen became sure that he got irritated from Natasha's constant coughing.

"Mr. Xin-" before Nen gave out an explanation, Xin went near Natasha and licked her on the forehead.

Natasha "…"

Daisy "…"

Nen "…"

It took them some time to process the event that happened before their eyes. Before any of them, utter a single word Xin went near Natasha again and bit her lightly on the earlobes.

Natasha had no idea what he was planning to do, but she was sure of one thing now, that Xin was a pervert for sure. On their first meet, Xin was somewhat cold towards her, but now he was showing his affection towards her.

In the meantime, after biting her earlobes, Xin closed his eyes and started to do something inside his mouth. Daisy observed his master's weird behavior and started to analyze his brain functioning.

"Mhm… I am sure of it now," Xin muttered. "Daisy, can you recheck it for me?" Xin ordered in his mind.

"I am already doing bish. Don't order me around!!"

[Initialising the Spiritual Microscope…]

[Inserting the samples…]

[Initialising the test…]

[Progress Rate 5%]

[Progress Rate 10%]

[Progress Rate 15%]

[Progress Rate 25%]

[Progress Rate 35%]

[Progress Rate 45%]

[Progress Rate 65%]

[Progress Rate 75%]

[Progress Rate 85%]

[Progress Rate 95%]

[Progress Rate 99%]

[Sample analysis complete!!]

[Chiseki Pollens detected!!]

[Generating new mission…]

[Generation complete!!]

[Second Mission (M): Earn 1 Million Honour Points]

[Duration: 30 Days]

[Punishment: ???]


[Event Mission (S): Purify air around the city]

[Duration: 1 Day]

[Reward: 10000 HP]

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, two missions at once?!"

After getting the missions, the first thing Xin did was to minimize the mission window itself and enlarge the analysis window. He remembered Chiseki Pollens were also called Blood Cough Pollens, known for their microscopic size and macroscopic harm.

Xin clicked on the analysis window and asked Daisy to give him detailed information. Though he had some information about the pollen, he wasn't that knowledgeable about them. As always, Daisy generated a well-detailed report and posed it before Xin.

[Chiseki Pollens]

{Also known as Blood Cough Pollens

Size: Microscopic

Damage: Macroscopic (Internal Organ Rupture)

Prevention: Can be burned by fire attribute}

After reading through the report, Xin decided to cure Natasha first and afterward check the city's status.

Chiseki Pollens were small in size, invisible to the naked eye. As their name suggests, they are small pollens produced by a special kind of tree grown in the wilderness.

In his previous world, such trees used to grow away from the city in the wilderness, fruits that produce such pollen were usually eaten by magical birds even before they ripened completely.

Chiseki pollens usually stick onto the living being's foreheads and release a peculiar type of hormone into their body, which causes excessive coughs and ultimately blood cough.

When Xin came out of his contemplation, he finally noticed the status of his surroundings. Natasha had already entered the first stage of Blood Cough while the others, including Nen, were coughing like crazy.

As mentioned by the system, fire attribute attacks can get rid of those pollen, but the fire must contain magiculus particles and hot enough to pull all the pollen towards it.

If it were Xin of the past, he would have completed the mission in a second, but the current Xin hadn't mastered any skills, and what's more, he had yet to awaken his fire element.

After remaining silent for some time, Xin thought of a unique way to create a magical fire. Though he had yet to awaken his fire element, he was sure that it exists somewhere inside him, waiting for the right time to flare up.

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