Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 62: Make a deal

"Cough, cough," Nen broke through the silence and resumed the conversation again, "Then how will you explain those glass jars on your hand."

"Huh?! What are you talking about?" Xin asked with a puzzled expression. Since he was standing behind Zinon, he was unable to see those jars.


"You humans are scary. You want to make wine out of me, the great Snake of Healing?!"

Hearing the name of the snake, Zinon got another idea in his mind. He was already aware that those snakes weren't the ordinary ones, and they can speak human language for some reason. Now that one of them had revealed their identity Zinon was planning to make unlimited special cobra wine out of them.

Making a snake wine is relatively easy if you have some experience in it. It usually involves slicing a snake along its belly and draining its blood directly into the vessel filled with rice wine or grain alcohol, or any type of herbs, but then again, there are different variants of making special cobra wines. 

After hearing the phrase 'Snake of Healing,' Zinon got the idea that the snake can heal itself, which means he can cut him down as many times as he wants, make wine out of it, then use that snake again after its healing period. And since the snake has healing properties, he was planning to add some Chinese herbs like hundred year old ginseng to make a very strong wine.

"Cough, cough," this time Xin was the one who made the coughing sound, to drag out Zinon out of his contemplation.

Xin went near Zinon and whispered, "Zin, I think it's not the right time to think about those things, now."

"But Xi-" before he said anything. Xin intervened and promised to bring him some good-quality snakes for making cobra wine.

"Sigh, if you are saying so, I will believe it for now. Better bring a big snake then."

"Will do, will do," Xin promised and successfully diverted Zin's mind towards something else.

Back to the main plot, the two snakes were trembling in fear now. Their existence was similar to that of a deity, but they had very little to no power at that time to face the humans before them. 

And the reason behind it was pretty simple, those snakes awakened from their slumber not so long ago. Xin was sure the Chiseki pollens were the catalyst that made those twins awaken their spirits before their coming of age.

"Ahem, let me come to the main topic. I know you two just woke up from your sleep and were stealing magiculus from my alchemy fire. Weren't you?"

"You hu-" the Wisdom Snake stopped the Healing Snake and asked him to stay quiet for a while. 

"Human, I don't know about you or how you know about us. I can't neither sense hostility nor sense friendly vibes from you. For some reason, I can't read your mind or the air around you. Tell me the reason for approaching near these two girls."

"Mhm… Actually, I don't have any business with these girls. I have business with you two."

"With us?!" The Snake of Healing asked in an egotistical voice.

"Yes, with you. I will help you, and in turn, you help me out with something."

"Mhm… I am all ears."

Observing the events from the side-lines, Nen was having a hard time swallowing all these matters. First, some weird particles caused them blood coughs, then Xin using some magical fire to treat them, and now Xin talking with two snakes.

Somehow all these things felt like a dream to Nen. Not only Nen, many others like Zinon, Natasha, etc were having a hard time swallowing their new reality.

"Coming of a new age, huh?!" Nen questioned himself.

On the other hand, Xin had started bargaining with the two snakes. In the beginning, he told them that he can supply them with magiculus particles and let them recover their power. This thing made the two snakes happy.

Happy enough that after hearing this much, the Snake of Healing was about to agree on his proposal. But in time got stopped by the Wisdom Snake.

"Human, you will supply us with power. What do you want in return?"

This was the question that Xin was expecting from them. He took a long deep breath in and blurted out in one go, "I want three favours from you two."


The Snake of Healing got pissed on hearing the word 'favour' and raised his head to bite Xin. The term 'favour' holds a significant meaning for spirits and deities. It's the same as going to great extents to fulfill Xin's wishes. 

The Healing Snake was furiously hissing at Xin while the Wisdom Snake looked at him with red eyes. Deep inside, he was outraged. It was his first time to see a human who was demanding favours from them, but at the same time, he was keeping his head cool.

Cause the figure before him was no ordinary human. If he can supply them with a vast amount of magiculus particles, then he can suck in all the particles around and stop their growth temporarily.

Not only that, Wisdom Snake was afraid that one wrong step and Xin may harm their hosts too. After keeping silent for a while, the Wisdom Snake finally opened his mouth, "Human, do you think you can supply us with enough magiculus particles? I agree that you have a comparatively larger vessel than others, but that doesn't mean it has no limits."

"Yes, and since we are in a weak state right now, we weren't able to gauge your magiculus vessel's depth, or else…" the Healing Snake stopped at that and started to give Xin an intense glare. He was trying to use his skill 'Stun' on Xin.

While using Stun, he was unaware of what he was trying to do. Nor was he aware of Itsuki's blessing and the system's support for Xin. 




[Host exposed to stun attack]

[Preparing countermeasures…]

[New skill downloaded!!]

<New Skill: Inverse Mirror (P)>

[Points Consumed: 500 SP]

Before Xin got a grasp of the situation, the Snake of Healing started to hiss in pain. None of them had any idea of what was happening. The Snake of Wisdom felt like something was wrong, and he was missing something. To verify his theory, he abruptly jumped towards Xin.


He crashed with an invisible barrier before reaching Xin's body. Not only the snakes, even Xin was surprised by this event.

"Daisy, what was that wall? Do you know anything about it?" Xin asked in his mind. 

"Useless bish, don't you even know about your own blessings?!"

"I have a blessing?" Xin asked with astonishment. In his previous life, he didn't have any blessing from any type of god. So, when Daisy mentioned his blessing, he felt a little joy in his heart.

"Gahhh~~!!" Daisy screamed in anger and said, "You useless piece of shit, you have the blessings of Ascended Saviours!! And they are a level above the deities of this world."

Xin "…"

Before he understood what he heard just then, the Wisdom Snake bowed down before him and asked in a frightened voice, "O', the great Human, please forgive me for my rude behaviour. I didn't know you are the son of an ascended saviour!!"

Xin "…"

Flabbergasted again, he didn't know, just what in the world was happening around him. First Daisy said he has blessings of ascended saviours.

Upon hearing this, Xin assumed this person was none other than Itsuki. Cause he was the only person who introduced himself as an ascended saviour. Now the snake spirit mentioned him about being the son of an ascended saviour.

'Hmm… He must be mistaking the blessing as something else,' Xin gave it some thought, then looked towards the snake again.

"I think you are misunderstanding something. My father and mother are normal human beings, not some asc-" Wisdom Snake stopped him at that and asked him to drop the matter.

"I think the time hasn't come yet. You will know when the time comes."

Xin wasn't ready to leave it at that and wanted to clear out their misunderstandings, but judging the current situations, he let it go, for the time being, and focused on the current events at hand.

"So, are you willing to make this deal with me?" Xin asked again for confirmation. Many things happened, just within a fraction of minutes, and they got distracted from the main topic.

"Yes, I am willing," Wisdom Snake replied with a nod.

The Healing Snake was still pondering about it. Some moments ago, he tried to use Stun in Xin, and for some reason, it backfired on him. Not only backfired, but it also wounded his eyes.

Though the wound disappeared within a second, it was a major insult for a spirit like him. After judging the situation's pros and cons, the Healing Snake too agreed to make a deal with Xin.

Now it was Xin's task to feed them magiculus particles and make them grow as soon as possible.

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