Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 65: Luo Rin

She quickly made a decision to save one of the pups and put him in the natural underground bunker nearby. It was big enough that only one of the pups would have fitted there.

She didn't take much time and picked the weakest pups out of them. The one who had been sleeping near her all this time.

Members of the team Alpha were astonished upon discovering an alive pup, and that too totally unscratched. Simon, the leader of the group, asked one of the members to bring the pup with them and not to harm it in any way.

On the other side of the camp, Luo Rin, team Alpha's official medic, was giving treatment to their wounded member Jia. If spoken truly, she wasn't an official member of the group, she was just a poor medical student who had to drop from her university, and the reason was none other than money.

All these years, she had been surviving on the money sponsored and awarded by different scholarships and competitions. But she couldn't hold it any longer when it comes to the last year of her studies.

The university demanded ten million Japanese yen for covering the fee of an internship trip overseas and the expanses of living there. Luo Rin had already saved up that much from doing part-time work and helping around the professors and doctors in their works and clinics.

She would have become a full-fledged doctor with dual specialist degrees in surgery and internal medicine. But fortune wasn't on her side at that time, and she went through a truck accident.

On that day, like the other times, she helped one of her professors in her private clinic and was returning home. On her way back, she bought some meat for her family and was crossing the road when she heard a barking sound from behind.

It was one of the puppies kept at the pet stores. Somehow it had escaped the shop and followed her trails, thanks to the meat she was carrying for the night.

She had almost crossed the road when the light turned green, and the vehicles at a distance started up their engines. The puppy was still in the middle of the zebra crossing, and it would have safely crossed the road with Luo Rin if not for the interference of a truck coming towards it at full speed.

Everyone was looking at the puppy and the truck moving towards it. They were of the idea that it would move from the way before the truck reaches near him. But something like that didn't happen, and Luo Rin knew the reason behind it.

When the small puppy heard the noises coming from a distance, it got startled and froze at its place. It didn't dare to move from the zebra crossing. It was its first time to come out of its small cage and to witness something like those giant monstrous, sound-making creatures.

Luo Rin didn't think any further and ran towards the puppy to save it from danger. What happened after that is a part of history and the most cliched one.

The truck hit the girl, she was sent flying, and obviously, the puppy was saved. Her parents didn't have enough money for her surgery, so they used up the money that she had been saving for her lifetime.

After some months, she recovered back to normal, ready to rock in her internship, but the one thing she was missing at that time was the money for her internship.

Every penny of her savings was used up in the treatment. She was left with a zero balance account in her bank. In time of her distress, team Alpha reached out to her and proposed to her a contract that she needed that time the most.

The terms of the contracts were very clear. She had to follow them around Japan and take care of their health for the next one year. Since they were very famous poachers, governments of different nations had set a bounty on their heads.

It wasn't easy for them to access health facilities and other institutions freely, like common people. Rin thought they must be a group of foreigners who wanted to hire her as their private doctor or something like a family doctor during their stay in Japan.

She didn't give it much thought and signed the contract without checking out their backgrounds.

Though she got her money in advance, it was already late for her to deposit. The university recommended her to apply next year and drop out till then.

If it were any ordinary average skilled student, the professors would have recommended him/her to repeat the year, once again.  But here, the person mentioned was Luo Rin, the best medical student of their institution and the multi talented student, versatile in both surgery and internal medicines.

Instead of telling her to repeat, they asked her to drop.  They recommended her to do some internships within the country. They were even willing to offer her and introduce her to the same, and the condition was she would have to work in the university after graduation as an intern professor for the next three years.

They didn't want to let go of a prodigy like her, and we're trying every possible means to let her stay as their institution.

She had already planned up everything, which involved applying for the overseas internship followed by her graduation. At the same time, she was planning to work as a personal doctor for team Alpha and do the other internships offered by her professors.

Some days ago, she got a call from team Alpha, asking her to travel outside of the city. They didn't tell her anything in detail and instead gave her a vague explanation about their work.

They told her they were going to do some work outside the city and may need medical assistance in case someone gets injured. As asked by them, she traveled to the mentioned location and was received by one group member.

Till then, she was unaware about them and their work. All she knew was their group name, team Alpha.

Back to the current situation, she was treating Jia with her hands shaking in fear. Never did she expect that her employers were a bunch of poachers and that too famous ones.

It was pretty much of a torture to see all those arctic wolves getting killed for a soft-hearted girl like her before her eyes.

It was a new experience for her and something that she would never forget in her life. Though she was against it, she didn't convey the same to team Alpha.

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