Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 72: It's a type of super explosive

Now that the moon had shown up in the night sky and that too on a new moon day, Great Wolf was taking this chance and absorbing lunar light to unlock his dormant powers. This was the very reason for his body glowing blue.

The same was also applicable for Luo Rin or rather the spirit insider her. Sekhmet was absorbing the pure lunar light and using it to break through from her current level.

Back to the plot, the tale of the Fenrir was reverberating throughout the jungle. Not a single place was devoid of this voice.

Luo Rin was narrating it repeatedly to tell the world about the birth of a new King. Since ancient times Divine Beats were categorized into many types, and the Kings were the ones standing on the top of a particular species.

A few moments ago, Sk was firing bullets towards Simon, and Simon had no idea why she was doing so. It was Luo Rin. All this time, she was aiming for Luo Rin. The timid girl wasn't the same anymore. Now she had ahead of a lion and a hollow behind her head.

All in all an Egyptian Goddesses descended on earth. Sk wasn't aware of that creature's intention, but she was convinced enough, if let loose, it will kill every member of their team.

The turn of events was getting weirder and weirder. Their day started with ample good luck and was ending with tons of bad luck.

First, Jia got caught in an accident, then Sk followed by the other two members of the group. Now their personal doctor was acting weird.

Strange phenomena were happening around them, and they had no idea what in the world they should do in a situation like that. Besides all these, the Last Boss of the plot, Great Wolf, hadn't taken any actions yet. It was busy recovering its power from the lunar energy.

At a time like this, another misfortune fell on them, and Simon loses his right leg. A few moments ago, when he was running towards his gang, Sekhmet condensed oppressive lunar energy on her hands and threw it towards Simon.

After losing a leg, Simon wasn't in a state to groan or screech from the pain. With some difficulty, he turned around and saw the ferocious lion-headed girl who inflicted the wound on her.

The damage was irreversible. He knew it well. So instead of groaning, he snatched the AK47 from Sia and started firing towards Luo Rin.

The expectation was to roast her with bullets, but reality came out to be different than his expectation. Forget roasting; the bullets couldn't even touch her. All the bullets were cut into two before reaching near her body.

And the one behind this action wasn't Luo Rin. It was the Great Wolf. His time in seclusion was over. It was time for him to show his powers to the world.

Sekhmet nodded their head and let the Great Wolf take on from there. In the meantime, she sat cross-legged on the ground and started preparation for her breakthrough.


His howl was enough to gather all the arctic wolves all around the jungle. 

Just within few minutes, thousands of wolves gathered behind him.

If it were any other occasion, team Alpha would have started their work of killing and butchering the wolves. But the current situation at hand was forcing them to control their greed and think of a way out of there.

Seeing all those wolfs before her, Sia was getting ready to fire at them. She was well loaded with bullets and ammunition. She was just about to start when Sk stopped her from firing.

"Give me all the bullets and ammunition!" Simon ordered in a pissed-off voice.

Usually, Simon was a chill guy. Never shout or get angry on his team members, But this time was different. He was thinking of the best way of survival. And that was to let them escape while he will stay behind and buy time for them.

Fighting that Great Wolf was totally out of the question. Earlier Sia was firing bullets at him only to get crushed into powder.

"Can't you hear me, Sia!! Give me those god damn ammunitions."

Sia got startled by Simon's behavior. She was about to pass him the ammunition when Sk stopped her from doing so.  She already had a hunch about his idea. She didn't want him to go for the let-me-be-the-sacrifice way.

She was wracking her brain and was trying to find an optimum solution out of there. Suddenly an idea flashed in her mind.

A plan that will let them escape safely and that too without any sacrifice.

"Simon, I already know what you are thinking. But why go for that way if I have a better way to escape."

Hearing Sk, the others also got a hint of their leader's plan. And with all honesty, they didn't want to follow that plan.

"Better way?! You are saying you have a better way!! Do you think we have any chance to defeat all those wolfs with our current weapons?!"

"Sk replied in a calm voice, "Yes, we have."

Everyone became silent for a minute. No matter how they think, they couldn't think of a way to achieve that impossible.

Even if they achieve the impossible, it was totally out of the question to defeat the Great Wolf with their current ammunition. They either needed rocket launchers or tanks to fight with that beast.

"Are you forgetting what we have in our shoes?" Sk asked with a smile.

"Shoes…" Simon was in a daze for a second. Suddenly a smile bloomed upon his face.

"Shit! How could I forget about that?! Damn, love you, Sk. You are the best."

The couples were getting engrossed in their talk while the others were getting clouded by confusion.

"Cough, cough," Ron intervened in-between and asked them the reason for their smiles. 

"Ah yes. Telling you, telling you." 

Simon removed his boot and took out a small packet out of it. Everyone was dumbfounded by seeing a small packet out of his boot.

"Hehe, this is a real live saver!" Simon snugged it as if it was a packet of drugs then handed it over to Sk.

She also snugged it like Simon, and a smile became visible on her face. At this point, Ron was convinced that the packet contains Heroin for sure. Or else why would they smile after smelling that small packet.

He was hesitant to ask this or not when Sia took the initiative of asking out the question.

"Boss, care to tell what does that small packet contains?  Since when you have started drug traffic-"

Before she comments, Sk jumped in between and said, "What nonsense are you spouting?!"

"Isn't that a drug packet?"

"Here," Sk tossed it towards Ron and ask him to smell it.

Ron was somewhat skeptical, but in the end, he gave it a try and snugged it like the others. He was expecting some sweet-smelling addicting taste. But ended up smelling something pungent.

"Eww~~!! What's this weird smell? I thought it would smell fruity."

"Ahahahahah, ahahahaha." Simon started laughing all of a sudden. For him, it was his one and only lifesaver. Something that can give them a chance of escape.

"It's PENTA," Sk replied.

"PENTA?!" Ron and Sia asked back at the same time.

"Yes, PENTA. Its scientific name is Pentaerythritol tetranitrate."

"Penta what nitrite?" Sia asked in confusion. For a muscle head like her, it was hard enough to pronounce the full name of that powder.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU FCKING KIDDING ME?!" Ron asked in excitement. His feeling of joy was getting out of control.

"Hehehe, then you know about it, kiddo?" 

"How can I not?! We used to play with PENTA when I was in the German Army."

Unable to understand anything, Sia stopped them in between and asked, "Guys, care to explain me too. What's this PENTA thing you are talking about?"

Hearing this, Ron jumped up with excitement and started his long, lengthy explanation.

According to him, Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate is the lipid-soluble polyol ester of nitric acid belonging to the family of nitrovasodilators that exhibit vasodilatory property.

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate releases free nitric oxide (NO) after denitration reaction, which triggers NO-dependent signaling transduction involving soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC). NO binds reversibly to the ferrous-heme center of sGC, thereby causes conformational change and activates the enzyme.

Activation results in increasing cellular levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) within vascular smooth muscle, which results in vasodilation mediated by cGMP-dependent protein kinases. Furthermore, this agent causes arterial and venous bed dilation in a dose-dependent manner.

Simon, "…"

Sia, "…"

Sk, "…"

Other members, "…"

A sudden silence prevailed throughout. Even the Great Wolf listening to their conversation was dumbfounded for a second. Though it had invaluable knowledge from the past, it had never heard those scientific terms before.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH~~!!" Sia couldn't understand a single thing and shouted on top of her lungs.

Everything went above her head. Not a single thing was there that didn't bounce from her brain.

Seeing the poor condition of the girl, Ron pitied on her and explained in a simple language, "It's a type of super explosive."

Simon, "…"

Sia, "…"

Sk, "…"

Other members, "…"

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