Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 75: Songs & Poems

Author's note: The next two chapters including this one have a lot of poems in it. You can skip them if you want but they all are connected to the character and Jia and the plots involving her in future, So better to keep some lines in mind.


Observing the looks on the Great Wolf's eyes, they got a hunch. If they don't speed up their work, they will be done for, for sure. Without wasting any more time, they sped up their work and applied those explosives powders on the fresh meat of the baby pups and detached leg of Simon.

Sekhmet frowned over their actions and thought, 'Foolishness!!'

She had already seen through their plan and was waiting for them to execute it before the Great Wolf. I wanted, she could have slaughtered them all, at once. But she had no intention to do so.

You ask why?

And the answer is why she should do so!!

The night was dark, the atmosphere was fiery. Standing on the stage was the Great Wolf and a bunch of humans with passion. What she was lacking was a bucket of popcorn at that time.

Cause why not?!

The drama was coming to its climax, and she was feeling excited about it. Will the Great Wolf, let them live? Or will he slaughter them all?!

Back to the subplot, team alpha was almost ready to rock. They had used a majority of the powder on Simon's leg with the intention the Great Wolf will come near and get caught in a big blast. And rest of the powder on the baby pup's meat to pulverize the wolf army before them.

"Ready?!" Simon asked with some difficulty.

Though he had wrapped a cloth around his wounded leg, his blood loss was no sign of stopping. 

The other members of the group nodded and replied, "We are ready, boss!"

"On my mark then, 1… 2… 3!! Now!!"

Everyone grabbed the meat assigned to them and threw it in different directions as planned before.

Sia was the strongest member of the group, physically. So she was assigned to throw Simon's detached leg towards the Great Wolf. She went some steps back and made some way for a runoff.

"Hmm… Well, Boss, I don't think I should tell this or not at a time like this, but…."

Seeing Sia was hesitating to speak up, Simon took on the lead and asked t her to speak whatever she wants.

"You sure about it?"

Simon with a solemn expression, "Yes, I am sure."

"You won't get angry, right?!"

"I won't get angry!!"

"Then-" Before Sia asked something else, Sk intervened and said, "Dear Sia, if you have something, tell it now. It's not like we are in a hurry, but those wolfs marching towards us are in a hurry."

Seeing Sk getting pissed, Sia didn't hesitate any more and blurted it out in one breathe, "Boss, you know, I used to work as a chef in a KFC restaurant, right? Whenever I see this detached leg of yours, I always imagine it as a big chicken's leg piece. Deep-fried and served with extra sauces on it."

Simon "…"

Sk "…"

Other members "…"

The atmosphere became awkward around them. None of them were planning anything to comment on that topic.

Meanwhile, Ron wasn't sure whether it was a joke or sarcasm and asked out the same.

"Guys… I couldn't understand the joke. Anybody care to explain?"

He asked in a soft voice. Observing no one was taking the initiative, Ron changed his question again and asked, "Was that a sarcasm then? Correct me if I am wrong."

"Leave it, Ron," Sk replied instantly.

Simon, "Leave it."

"I agree. Leave it."

Ron was feeling a bit dumbfounded now. 

The atmosphere became awkward again. And it would have continued to be like that when Sia noticed the wolves were advancing at an alarming rate.

She spun the leg piece high up in the air and threw it towards the Great Wolf. Simultaneously, the other members threw the meats in different directions as decided earlier.

It was a success!!

It was a success for them. The arctic wolves were enchanted by the smell of the meat and started fighting with each other to get their paws on it.

Simon and the group started dancing with joy. Though the idea was a bit ridiculous, it worked somehow for them.

Suddenly, Ron noticed something was wrong and asked everyone to shut up. Seeing Ron had a terrified expression on his face and not a joking one, Simon took the initiative and asked him the reason for his frightened expression.

Ron pointed his hand in the opposite direction and said only one line, "That big wolf…."

Everyone was curious about why he was pointing towards the Wolf. Upon shifting their gazes in the opposite direction, they witnessed something that was entirely out of their expectations.

The Great Wolf didn't even bother to touch the meat before him. And instead of licking it like a dog, he was marching towards team Alpha with a majestic pride in his eyes.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!!"

Simon cursed out in anger. 

Anger wasn't the only emotion bubbling inside him. Feelings like fear, hatred, anguish, frustration were stirring up inside him. Not only, but Simon, the others were also having feelings similar to that of their group leader, Simon.

Slowly, slowly but steadily, it started.

And Sia was the first one to feel it inside her. She was the first one whose brain and body undergoing a big wave of adrenaline rush. She didn't think any further and carried Simon on her back.

"Guys, we are getting out of here. No tactics will work at this moment."

In just a span of a minute, everyone underwent the same adrenaline rush and prepared themselves for the great run. The biggest run of their life. A run that will decide they will live or not. 

A run that will decide they will become rich or not. And a run that will decide Sekhmet will have fun or not.

Witnessing her drama was getting heated, she couldn't stop herself anymore and started to sing out the songs of her time.

"Throughout history, it has always been forlorn

through the centuries it has been forwarned

never mess with a woman scorned

payback was what I was taught, revenge was my only thought

yet, what I bargained 4 was not what i got

revenge was the only thing...on my mind

its all I could think about all of the time

what kind of misery would it bring....

to you...but karma did its voo-doo

and it striked me, not hitting you

the irony of it all, was that it was you who were supposed to fall

I was the one burned, but quickly my lesson was learned

that revenge may be sweet, but karma is a force you cannot beat

by gods good grace, and happenstance

I was the one slapped in the face, twisted circumstance

karma took revenge's place, and it was I who was disgraced

I got the rain, as you bathe in the sun

I was struck with pain and you had all the fun

you were graced, as i was defaced

karma is not a force to be reckoned with….."

Hearing this song team Alpha remembered the time when they used to kill hundreds of animals, mercilessly. Though in the song Luo Rin mentioned women but in reality, it was a reference to all the animals the lives they had killed till then.

"Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Clouds are shifting, changing skies

Into darkness, into night

Through the forest, left or right?

Is it truth or just more lies?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Black and purple shroud your sight

You could follow plaintive cries

Into darkness, into night

Which is dark and which is light?

Which path is your soul's demise?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Grasping tendrils hold you tight

Clutching shadows drag their prize

Into darkness, into night

Falling, diving from the heights

Will you drown or will you rise?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Into darkness, into night

Secrets that are dark

Secrets better left unnoticed

Unnoticed movement

Unnoticed whispering

Whispering from beyond

Whispering of a book

A book of death and evil

A book terrible but great

Great Old Ones are sleeping

Great tentacled one waits dreaming

Dreaming in water

Dreaming through ages

Ages of exalted nothingness

Ages of worship

Worship the Great Ones

Worship or perish

Perish in unspeakable horror

Perish knowing their anger

Anger reaching the tallest mountains

Anger penetrating the depths of the seas

Seas so ancient and wide

Seas to contain the sleeping

Sleeping as they were placed

Sleeping but not forever

Forever they will always exist

Forever in the back of your mind

Mind flashing through images

Mind cannot comprehend them

Them with their mighty forms

Them with tendrils of darkness

Darkness overwhelming

Darkness begetting nothing

Nothing is scarier than nothing

Nothing is more powerful

Powerful visions show the truth

Powerful is this ancient book

Book of eldritch horrors

Book depicting the end

End of life itself

End of the Old Ones' dreaming

Dreaming of the people's terror

Dreaming of his awakening



One after another, Luo Rin was posing songs to her heart's content. And every poem had a deep meaning behind it. Team Alpha understood every bit and piece of them while Simon and Sk were utterly engrossed in them. 

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