Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 81: DOMINANCE Awakening

Standing at the highest peak of frustration and depression, Jia closed her eyes and tried her best to shut down her brain mechanisms. 

Even though she was in a dream-like dimension, she was feeling nauseous for some reason. After taking a long deep breath, she screamed on top of her lungs, "Aaaaah!! What the! Can't I live a normal life like a patient?!"

After venting out her anger, she got a hold of her emotions and started solving the half-solved riddle from earlier. 'Moonlight,' 'Blooms,' 'Night,' 'Rise,' and 'Grows' were the five divine words chosen from the prophecies. For the last set of words, she thought of creating a resonance by joining the terms with each other.

The last stanza or the so-called riddle or prophecy was "Seas so ancient and wide

Seas to contain the sleeping

Sleeping as they were placed

Sleeping but not forever

Forever they will always exist

Forever in the back of your mind" 

'Hmm…. Now to compare and match the energy levels, should I just use pairs of two or use any other way?'

After giving it some thought she started making pairs like, 






And so on like that. After spending some considerable time in making such pairs, she finally found the last set of divine words needed for her task.



These were the two pairs that were creating an ultra resonance derived from the words earlier. Now that she had all the words on hands, she tried again to make a meaningful sentence out of them. 

'Let me remember the divine words again. The first one was Moonlight, then Bloom, followed by Night, Rise, Grow, Forever, and the last one was sleeping.'

After remembering all the words, she was trying to re-arrange them and make some sense out of them. She had a hunch that if she made something meaningful out of them, not only she will get a reward, the doors of exiting will also be opened before her.

But if she fails, then the consequences will be….

Her brain was working faster than that of a supercomputer to re-arrange the words and make some sense out of them. In just a few seconds, she calculated thousands of combinations for re-arranging the words with the same energy levels, but for some reason, all of them were ending up in failures.

The energy generated from each sentence was somewhat unstable. For example, in the beginning, she made a sentence, 'In the night moonlight bloom forever and sleep.'

She felt the energy levels were balanced till Moonlight, but after that, it was distorted for some reason. Including this, she had tried thousands of combinations and even added some words from her side to balance out the output energy of the sentence. But to her despair, she was failing again and again.

Amidst solving, she figured out that those seven words were not enough, and she can add words from her side to increase or decrease the energy.

Back in the real world, Jia was sleeping soundly on the lap of the nurse. And to the nurse's surprise, she was mesmerized by Jia's beauty. She want Jia to sleep on her lap for eternity and keep on staring at her beautiful figure.

While she was engrossed in observing her beauty, a tall figure in a blue hoodie appeared near her and sat on one of the chairs near the nurse.

This tall figure in hoodie was none other than out MC Xin who was tired to his bone thanks to the events that happened before.


Xin hold in some air in his lungs and released it out slowly. He was just closing his eyes for a small nap when he felt some fluctuations near him.

Xin abruptly stood up and checked out his surroundings to find the source of energy fluctuations. He was feeling as if someone was using the power of 'DOMINANCE' to create some fluctuations in magiculus level.

Generally, fluctuations were common in the world of magic but right very few people had awaken their powers. Some may hurt others in this process, while others may complete this process safely.

Now, it was not Xin's obligation to help out every person on Earth in their awakening process. No one on the planet except Xin had any idea on how to help someone in such times.

So he had decided to help as many people as possible whenever he can. While he was searching for the source of this fluctuation, he heard someone murmuring in his ears.

"Debate and rate

With added weight

While patterns picked



A crime of rhyme

Debating time

The pros and cons

In sad sublime


The base of space

With time will race

Future coming

It's pacing grace


Fulfilled from where

In Space or air

Separate lives

Two fabrics fare?"

  "There is no single, objective reality, but infinite realities without beginning or end.


  When ten people view a glass, ten glasses are seen, everyone creating their own universe


  Within their own perspective in

  a different space continuum -

  determined by the number

  of observers in a



  Without a singular or absolute flow of linear

  time in relation to space - as indicated by

  Einstein's Relativity Theory


  Applied in quantum science - postmodern

  philosophers refer to The Myth Of The

  Given – the error of assuming


  A modern Newtonian machine clock universe

  out there in which spacetime is absolute,

  linear, singular, and primary


  Which is wrong, of course - Relativity established

  the Subjectivity of Time's Passage while

  Quantum Mechanics challenges

  Time as a Prime Concept

  replacing it with Causal



  Modern sciences have been transformed into

  postmodern sciences with a viable

  Theory Of Consciousness


  The Outer Ego co-creates within its own

  Perspective, Space-Time Continuum,

  Subconscious and Inner Ego


  A unique Version of Objects and Spacetime

  called the MULTIVERSE, therefore

  our bodies and minds are a kind of

  Space-Time Machine….

Space-time matter

Objects, cause and

Effects all are mine

And I belong to all….

Xin turned around and got to know this sound was coming from his proxy. And to his surprise, the source was none other than the girl saved by her, known by the name Miss Xeng.

Till then he didn't know her real name and was calling her by the name Miss Xeng as called by the doctors.

Seeing the nurse was engrossed and out of her senses, Xin went near her and tried to hear Jia's murmuring again.

How can I detach myself?

All are mine

And I belong to all.

I am the concept,

I am the nature,

I am seeing all,

I am observing all,

I am experiencing

My life with all.

I am telling all

And I am asking myself

Who I am and where

I am going at this moment

With all.

I am testing all colours

Including black and white,

I am trying to keep

Contact with all

In their space…..

Spare me not

The astronomy

It lingers in my thought

Rattling my whole anatomy

The black holes

In my thought

Drilling huge holes

The continuum I fought

Cast it's shadow as my dice falls

What is it all about

Should it be what I can do

Or what I should have done

Perhaps what it should do

The shooting star

Shoots again

It has a gun in its hand

It dies in the end

Of its shooting

I then just watch the moon

And I bite on

To my rusty spoon

I will be there soon

In the morning coming

The sun rising

And I

Forever smiling

With my thunder bellowing

The acid rain itching

I smile on….

Dream of spacetime

reality is time

each moment shown in space with time

almost like all space is time

might all space be time


other of memories of space in time

fyce of a time lord's memories


spacetime feast to remember memories'

pacing time

all life is time

count time

eternity of time


time is all memories

indeed, all time is memories

memories of time

eternity of memories of time."

"Mhm… Looks like this girl gonna awake her powers soon. And judging from the energy she is releasing, I think it will be a DOMINANCE awakening."

Meanwhile, Jia, "I am the nature,

I am seeing all,

I am observing all,

I am experiencing

My life with all.

I am telling all

And I am asking myself

Who I am and where

I am going at this moment

With all.

I am testing all colours

Including black and white,

I am trying to keep

Contact with all

In their space…..

Spare me not

The astronomy

It lingers in my thought

Rattling my whole anatomy

The black holes

In my thought

Drilling huge holes

The continuum I fought

Cast it's shadow as my dice falls

What is it all about

Should it be what I can do

Or what I should have done

Perhaps what it should do

The shooting star

Shoots again

It has a gun in its hand

It dies in the end

Of its shooting

I then just watch the moon

And I bite on

To my rusty spoon

I will be there soon

In the morning coming

The sun rising

And I

Forever smiling

With my thunder bellowing

The acid rain itching

I smile on….

Dream of spacetime"

She was trying to solve the first pair of riddles inside and unknowingly reciting the second pair of riddles outside.

Xin had already heard and remembered them by heart. Not only remembered , he had also prepared the answer at the tip of his tongue. In case something goes wrong in the process, he can tell her the answer and help her a little in her awakening.

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