Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 3: A Strange Place

A girl sits huddled in the corner, her frail form shaking with the force of her tears. Her only friend was gone. She’s been adopted by a kind couple, and she was never coming back. Although she was happy for her, it didn’t disperse the sinking in her stomach. She’d left her behind.


Now, she was all alone with no one to care for her or be her friend. ‘Why does this keep happening?’ She thinks, why can’t she just have one friend in her life who wouldn’t leave? That’s all she wanted. Someone who would stay beside her and be her friend.


“Splat!” She feels water soak into her clothes and realises that they’re back. Those stupid buttholes! Why can’t they ever just leave her alone? Can’t they see that she’s suffering enough without them making it worse. They all give her an evil smirk, as if waiting for her to cry. Well, that’s too bad. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.  


She reeled in her emotions and gave them a bright smile as if the cold water didn’t bother her at all. That obviously wasn’t what they expected because the next thing she knew, she was being pelted with water. The balloons burst on her skin, causing bruises to bloom with their force, and pain to reverberate from their centre. She was drenched, cold and miserable, but still she smiled.


“Why won’t you just cry already” Asked one of the faceless morons.


“Yeah, you know you’ll never have people who’ll stick by you. That’s why everyone who has ever adopted you has given you back,” Continued another.


To be honest, that stung. They’d just voiced her biggest fear, and it almost broke her. Almost. Something deep inside her told her to keep her chin up and have hope. Something these idiots obviously didn’t have. Looking at them, it was obvious to her that they were using her as a scapegoat to project their own fears.


They’d rather pick on someone weaker. Someone who was younger than them than face that it was a real possibility for them as well. A wry laugh welled in her throat, the tears from earlier staining her cheeks dried. It was pathetic.


“Yeah, well at least I have hope, which is something you obviously don’t,” She replied, “And I can still smile which is more than I can say for you.”


That made them even more furious. One of them threw the nearest thing they could reach at the wall she was leaning against. It just so happened to be a rock which hit the weakest brick in it. It created a ricochet of cracks and suddenly pieces of brick were chipping and falling to the ground.


Cowards. The whole lot of them. She could faintly see them running away as soon as the cracks began to spread. Afraid of the consequences of their actions. After a moment, all she could hear was her own scream reverberating in her ears as the wall collapsed in on itself, sending rubble falling to the ground. Right where she sat.

My eyes flutter open to the sound of birds chirping loudly. Ow! My head feels like hell. Peering through the blur that covers my vision from the pain, I see that there are trees all around me. The sky is a strange shade of colour. It looks like it’s mix of several colours, namely blue, violet and red.


Where the hell am I?...Why are my clothes wet? This doesn’t look like any place I’ve ever been before. How did I-


Suddenly, it all comes back to me. Flickers of memories racing through my head, chasing the thief, going to the beach, the strange woman and all that happened after. It makes me jolt upright, my eyes widening as questions race through my head.


I should be dead. It is in no way feasible for me to be living right now. My hand goes to my head, pressing against it in hopes it will stop the pounding. Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be any other pain in my body. Am I dead? Is this some sort of afterlife?


No. My eyebrows furrow, mouth pressing into a line. There wouldn’t be any pain if I was. The certainty of that thought surprises me, but I trust it regardless. I’m still alive. The relief that a body of water did not kill me is quickly followed by another worry. Where am I?


Clearly, I got here through the whirlpool, as strange a thought as that is. I don’t typically believe in magic, but I’m not about to rule it out either. It’s the only explanation. I brush that thought off. Yes. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to process what that would mean quite yet. Later.


As my eyes adjust to the light even more, and the pounding of my head stops enough, my eyes widen again. There are a row of birds sitting on the grass around me. I’m surrounded by them, all their eyes focused on me. I’m flocked.


An unexpected smile blooms on my lips at the thought. It only lasts a short moment. My eyes blink in confusion, head tilting, as I hear the whisper of a voice.


“You’ve finally arrived.”


Who…Who’s saying that. Am I hallucinating? There isn’t anyone around me that could have said that. But. The words spoken like bells on a windy day still echo in my head. An otherworldly edge to them the more the echo. What scare me is how I feel hearing it.


Peace. I feel at peace hearing those words. Something that makes absolutely no sense. The sight of my duffle bag sitting on the moss beside me distracts me from my thoughts. Thank the gods. I thought I’d lost it. Relief at seeing it, almost distracts me from the flock of birds. Almost.


“Hello there.” I reach a hand out towards the closest one. “Are you here to greet me?”


It’s a silly thought, but one that feels right. Maybe I am hallucinating. I shake my head as soon as that thought forms. No time for such negativity. For a minute I think the bird is going to peck me at the insolence, but that thought evaporates as it flies up to perch on my finger.


A smile blooms on my face. I feel like a Disney princess. Even more so when my eyes move from the bird to the lake that sits across from me at one side and the mossy path on the other. Looking down once again, I see a circle of flowers beneath me. It’s strange and out of place with the grass that surrounds it.


Like they spontaneously grew to cushion my body. My nose scrunches up at the thought. I’m overthinking this.


When I move my hand to check on my bag, I’m surprised to find that the bird doesn’t fly off. Instead, it moves to perch on my shoulder instead. It stays there even as I move the waterlogged duffle to sit in front of me.


Strange. It’s only the outside that’s wet. The belongings within it are dry. A wry smile makes its way onto my face. Maybe it is magic. I certainly don’t have another explanation for it. The thought is easier to accept than it should be. In fact, it feels like it’s nothing new as it settles in me.


A laugh bubbles out that. Alright. I think I might be a little hysterical, but it’s a lot to process, okay? It reminds of books I’ve read so many times before. I enjoy those isekai books, but I never thought that I would be living it. Because that’s the only explanation my mind can come up with.


No place on earth would look quite like this. I would know it even if the sky wasn’t a different colour. The instinctual otherness of this place is a feeling I wouldn’t be able to shake. Yet strangely enough, that doesn’t scare me.


Rather than fear, familiarity wells in its place. I feel like I’ve been here before, but that’s impossible. It’s not a place I would be able to forget so easily. It’s too pretty for that. Out of all the places I’ve been with foster parents and the odd friend, there was never a place quite like this. Yet the familiarity lingers.


Maybe it’s where you should have been all along.


I immediately slam the door on that voice’s face. That’s not a thought I want to give attention to right now. Even if it feels right. I have better things to focus on. Like where I’m going to go from here. A loud sigh escapes my mouth, eyes closing of their own volition.


“Do you have any idea where I should go?” I ask my feathered companions. Taking directions from a bird seems reasonable all things considered.




I take that as a yes. “You do? Lead the way.”


“Tweet. Tweet.” The birds scatter and the one that was perched on my shoulder hovers in front of my face.


Taking the hint, I move to stand, zipping the duffle and strapping it across my back. As soon as I’m ready, the bird starts flying towards the mossy path, hovering there until I reach it. A part of me wants to name it, but the more logical part knows it can’t stay. If I name it, I’ll be sad when it leaves.


“Astri.” A voice calling my name jolts me out of my spiralling thoughts. It’s muffled but clearly distinguishable. Who’s calling me name? Is anyone calling my name? I’m well aware that there are times one feels their name is being called only for it be some other word altogether. Maybe that’s what happened?


Regardless, the bird is flying in the direction of the voice, so I’ll soon know. If there is someone calling me, I’ll find them at the end of this path. Probably. It feels like I’m moving through a maze as the path starts to curve, but I trust the bird.


That’s stupid. Hush. I tell the voice. Do you have a better idea?


My eyes wander around at my surroundings as I follow. There isn’t all that much to look at. The path is gated by tree trunks and plants, but I find myself content regardless. The trees reach so high, they engulf the sky with their limbs. They remind of something in the way they curve.


I almost come to a stop when I realise what. Wedding arches. They remind me of arched pathways at weddings.


Or perhaps archways they have at royal events. I thought I’d shut the door on that voice, but it came back to nag me anyway. I ignore it for now, preoccupied by the sights before me.


Walking along the path, a nostalgic feeling blooms in my heart. A small smile pulling my lips up. It feels like I’ve walked into a fairy tale. The moss lining the trees and the flowers beneath my feet look like they’d fit right into one. Not to mention I’m quite literally following a bird. The last one is on me though.


I’m left blinking my eyes when another sound reaches my ears. It’s different from before. It sounds a little more whimsical. Curiosity gets the better of me as I peer through the trees at the source, eyebrows shooting up into my hairline when I see it.


Winigs. The girl, or is it woman, has wings and she’s talking to someone who likes like an elf. His pointed ears and sharp features make him look like he would fit right in a mythological story. Instead of being short though, his height was just as tall as any other man. The woman was petite but not short and her face was contorted in a way that showed she wasn’t happy with what he was saying.


“What do you think you’re doing in this forest, fairy?” The last word was sneered in a way that showed he didn’t want to deal with her. It makes me frown, but I don’t move from my place. Fairies being real just seems to be a given at this point.


“Last time I checked, I should be asking you that.” She bites back, “The deep forest is no place for an elf.” Her eyes narrow into him, daring him to refute.


The deep forest. Sounds about right. There certainly doesn’t seem to be an end to these trees. At least that’s what I think the reasoning behind the name is. It’s unoriginal, but fitting, nonetheless.


An argument starts between them. I can barely keep up with the way they’re talking. In a rapid-fire loud manner. My hands go up to cover my ears, wincing as sound reverberates in my ears. My bird guide has once again decided to take a perch upon my shoulder.


In my efforts to block out their sound, I don’t notice my own. A twig snaps beneath my foot as I try and step away from their yelling. I freeze. A chilling shudder going through me as discomfort blooms in my stomach. It takes me a minute to realise why.


The shouting has stopped. They shouldn’t have been able to hear it. Yet, the moment the twig snapped; silence descended over the clearing. I guess their hearing is better than I thought.


“Who goes there?” The elf man is rigid as he faces my direction. “Show yourself.”


I sigh. My shoulders loosening, the discomfort fading fast. I suppose there’s no reason to keep hiding at this point. Not that there was any reason to hide in the first place.


Not knowing what to say, I silently take a step past the tress so that I’m in their circle of space. “I mean no harm.”


“You were only eavesdropping.” The fairy says as she turns to face me.


My head snaps up at her tone, back straightening. A strange instinct takes over me as my eyes pass over them. They don’t belong here. It feels like an insult, though it shouldn’t be.


“Better eavesdropping on loud nuisances than trespassing in a place you shouldn’t be.” The words tumble out faster than I can process them. Instinct guiding me. One that I hadn’t even known I had.


Silence follows my words, both of them looking stunned. My footsteps guide me so I’m standing a few steps in front of them. The purple leather of my boots squelching the grass. I must look like quite the sight. Wearing a blue leather jacket when they’re wearing something that looks armoured.


“You-” The fairy looks enraged as she opens her mouth.


I hold up a hand, an unusual emotion coursing through me. “I’ve had quite enough of your yelling. You’re disturbing the forest.” What. I have no clue where that came from. I feel just as surprised as they look.


Internally, a thought hits me. I should be afraid. They have weapons on hand, while I have none. It’s foolish to talk to them like this when I can’t even defend myself. So why am I? And why…Why do I feel safer than I ever have before? It makes no sense. I should feel safer with humans and yet here I am feeling a lot more at ease when speaking to these creatures.


Maybe that’s because, this is where you belong. You never quite fit in there. You will here.


That’s ludicrous. But the thought still stays, echoing down to my bones. I focus on the two in front of me to outrun it. I’ll have plenty of time to reflect later. It also should not be so easy to be distracted with threats so close. Even if they don’t feel like ones.


Both of them look like I’ve smacked them across the face. Eyes wide as they take me in. It feels like they’re looking at me but not at the same time. Oddly, I feel as if they’re looking through me instead.


“Who do you-”


This time the halting of his words isn’t because of something I say. Both their eyes suddenly widen as they doubletake. Two pairs of eyes wander over my relaxed body to rest on the narrowing of my eyes and the bird now settled over my head. They pale.


Soon it’s my eyes widening as they suddenly drop to their knees in front of me. Their hands trembling as they avoid my eyes. What are they doing? Why are they unexpectedly kneeling at my feet. I’m missing something here.


But I don’t miss the way, awe starts to gleam in their eyes as they stare up at me after kneeling. “Forgive us.” They seem to say in unison.


They don’t elaborate and I don’t ask them to. This is confusing enough as it is. I don’t think I’m ready for whatever they could say next. “You’re forgiven. Don’t do it again.” The first part of my sentence feels like a question, but the second sounds like a command.


They simply bow their heads and give their acquittance. Then, before I can process what I’m seeing, they disappear in a flash of light. I’m left blinking in confusion alone. That’s also the moment whatever force was compelling me decides to leave, my shoulders slumping.


My mouth opens and closes for a couple of seconds. I…I don’t know what that was. It’s never happened before. It should scare me, but…It doesn’t. It’s the first time in a long time I’ve been confused by my own actions, but it feels wrong to fear myself.


Later. I’ll confront these thoughts later. Right now, I need to find civilisation. I need to go back to the world I came from. No matter how safe or familiar this one feels, I don’t really know it. Better a world you know than an unfamiliar one you don’t.


Do I know how to do that? No. But, I’ll figure it out. Hopefully.


Back on the earlier path, I follow Barty as he leads me along the path. I caved and named the bird. Even lost in my thoughts, I make sure not to lose sight of him. The fluttering of wings is calming. I need that for the chaos in my head.


Just as I’m starting to wonder whether there’s an end to this maze, a flicker of movement catches my eye. A flicker of movement that seemed vaguely human. My mind latches onto that. I send a glance Barty’s way as he heads towards the movement after me.


For a very long second, I think there’s nothing there and I was just imagining it. A flicker of grey stops that thought in its track. Barty comes to a perch on my shoulder as I take in the woman connected to those grey eyes. The eyes that are clearly discernible even under the shade of the trees and shadows that cover her body.


Her features are masked by the shadows, but the tension in my muscles automatically relaxes. As a beam of light flashed over me, I see those eyes widen. She stumbles a step forward, letting me catch sight of her olive skin and the brown highlight of hair. A smile comes unbidden to my face, but confusion smothers it a moment later.


Head tilting in contemplation, her eyes glance to Barty before meeting mine. A smile blooms on her face as she stares. I don’t get the chance to get a word out before she speaks.


“The Nymphs told me you were here. But I didn’t dare think it was true.”


I've actually got a lot of chapters stockpiled for this. Depending on the reaction this receives, I might be able to update very frequently. I just need to edit them.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day! Please let me know what you think.

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