Protector of the Enchanted

Interlude I: Gem

“The calm before the storm.”


I really have no clue what’s going on anymore. As I stare at my cousin hugging a dragon as if it’s a house cat, the past week seems to have been nothing but an unusual dream. She’s cooing at the thing as if it’s a cute baby.


Meanwhile, I’ve decided to observe it from a safe distance. Meaning, from behind the fence that’s spelled to deter dragon fire. A sigh escapes my mouth, a hand rubbing down my face. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have expected this.


Despite myself, I feel a fond smile lifting my lips. Watching her taking to Aunt Delia is so much fun. More than I expected it to be. They tend to make very similar expressions at time, but I don’t think either of them has noticed.


I huff a laugh as I hear her telling Rose to be careful. Not even Uncle Alphard would have run straight to a dragon. In fact, it gave him quite a fright when she did that. I can’t say I don’t feel the same. Or that my heart didn’t almost stop dead in chest. The moment is seared into my brain.


We’d only just arrived when Rose ran towards them and asked excitedly to see the dragons. Then, before anyone could stop her, she ran straight through the barrier to pet one. I can still hear our screams and the utter dread I felt. I thought she would be attacked for sure.


Yet, contrary to our beliefs, before Uncle Alphard could even come anywhere close to her, the dragon was purring at her feet. It had stunned us all. Blaze usually wasn’t very friendly at all. In fact, I remember he almost bit Uncle Al when he got him. Not even Aunt Delia can make him cooperate this easily.


He’s notoriously difficult. Refuses to let anyone touch him if he doesn’t find them worth and often steals gold to add to a growing horde. None of the other dragons dare provoke him in fear they’ll become the next target of his fire. Yet here he is rolled on his back at Rose’s feet.


And she had the utter audacity to look at us like we’re the insane ones for suggesting she get away from him. It was at that moment I realised, for all she says about finding a way back to that world, she would never fit in there. How can she, when her actions are so perplexing in our world.


Especially since she told me it doesn’t have magic, or any practitioners off it. A being so suited to magic and all that comes with it is unlikely to ever be content in a world without it. I’ll keep that to myself though. I have a feeling it’s a conclusion she has to come to on her own.


“Gem!” She calls out. “Get over here! Isn’t he just the cutest.”


Cutes? I shoot her a nervous smile. “I’m good. I’m happy just to watch.” I’d much rather go shopping with her instead. Or simply exist at our house, talking.


Our house. I know she doesn’t think of it as that yet, but it has become just as much hers as it is mine. It has never felt so warm as it does with her living in it. Yet still…


My gaze goes towards the couple lingering near her in the off chance that Blaze might suddenly attack her. They’ve done so ever since the first day she ran in. I wasn’t even the target of the scolding they gave on wearing proper equipment yet felt ashamed. My mouth presses thin as I remember the target simply grinned.


Another sigh. A sad smile plays on my lips. Their already very concerned and protective. I imagine they’d be even more so if they knew the crazy girl playing with dragons was their daughter. The scolding would certainly be worse.


Their daughter. A pang of sorrow goes through me at the thought. A flash of my own parents coming to mind. I spent time with them yes. And they know I’m their daughter. But it’s not the same. Not when they’re not themselves.


I don’t even know where they are right now. I haven’t seen them in weeks. They’ve been impatient and always running off. It’s as if the people I remember them being no longer exist. Tears come to my eyes at the utter indifference I saw in them the last time. It makes me feel so utterly alone.


“Gem!” Rose calls out, bringing me out of my sorrow. “Are you alright?”


She’s been doing that a lot lately. Checking up on me if I seem too lost in my thoughts. At first, I thought it was coincidental, but it didn’t take long to sense the pattern. I give her a reassuring smile, and nod. “I’m fine.” Then taking a glance at the sky, “Are you ready to go?”


Blaze twitches as she stands up, only settling down when she pats him over the head. She mutters something in his ear which has him looking like a docile kitten as she starts walking towards me with her parents following after. Now, if only they knew.


Having gotten to know her in the past few days, I can notice that her attention is elsewhere for a moment. My eyes narrow. I can remember that being the case a few times actually. But when she gives me a radiant smile, I lose track of that thought.


Instead, I start planning what we’re going to do tomorrow, the dragons are going into hibernation for a check-up. I roll my eyes as I remember how much pouting was involved when Rose heard that. It was cute, but I can’t believe it was over dragons.


She’s so strange. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I find myself growing more attached with every passing day. How can I not, when she’s the reason I finally feel at home.

And that’s not even mentioning the curse. I have no doubt that she’ll break it, even if she doesn’t quite believe in herself. Not because of some prophecy, but because of who I’ve come to know her as. I wonder if she has noticed that there hasn’t been a moment when she’s simply given up on doing something.


Like cooking a meal. It took multiple failed events for her to get the stew to the right taste, yet she didn’t even entertain the idea of not doing it. Not to mention the way she has these dragons acting like docile cats around her.


As we walk away, her chattering excitedly about whatever dragon facts Uncle Al told her, I realise that she was right. Breaking the curse can wait a little longer. Spending time with each other takes precedence. Especially since I think she’s starting to trust our relation. I hope.


Still though. I wish…I hope that the curse is broken soon. It feels hollow to see her with them, see the utter fondness in their eyes, and know they don’t truly understand it. Soon. I promise myself. For now, I’ll just enjoy this peace.


After we reach our house though, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m forgetting something. Oh well. I suppose it’s not that important.


For the interlude I thought it might be nice to have Gem's POV. It's short, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.

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