Protector of the Enchanted

Interlude II

“Forgotten but not lost.”


I sigh, fingers going to the bridge of my nose. She’d done it again. It’s been at least a week since I last saw her. Gem has an annoying habit of being so caught up in what’s doing that everything else ceases to exist. It’s one which is as much a blessing as it is a curse.


The last time I saw her was almost a week ago. I can still remember the excitement on her face as she ran into my living room and shouted, “She’s here!” Through the utter joy on her face, all I could do was celebrate with her. I didn’t even get to ask any questions before she was rushing out the door to pack up supplies and look through my map.


Apparently, she’d left her in her home as she came to tell me the good news. A smile pulls up my lips as I remember the way she was gushing while talking about her. I could tell even with knowing her for less than a day, Mira loved her already. Unfortunately, I had prior commitments so I couldn’t go over to her home to see her, but she promised to visit soon to introduce us.


Obviously, that didn’t happen. Instead, she forgot about me. Usually, she would visit every other day. It’s never been for this long.


Thus, here I am. Trekking through an unusual forest after visiting a charm shop to find one that would help me locate her. Going to her house only left with more questions than answers. The door was locked so I knew she wasn’t home.


This is a very unusual forest. I don’t believe it’s ever been a place people freely venture. Likely hasn’t been for a few centuries. I don’t know why she would even come here. It has me a little worried. I hope nothing has happened to her.


What if she’s hurt? The thought makes my footsteps grow faster, anxiety blooming in my chest. What if a wild beast has come across her. With the high trees and isolation, there would be no one around to help.


Frantically, I look around, my mind creating one scenario after another of how she could be hurt. My hand on the map the charm’s attached scrunching it up even more. My hands quickly smooth it out, searching it for where she could be.


When I see the light symbolising her moving, a breath of relief leaves me. If she’s moving, it means she’s unharmed. I ignore the thought in the back of my mind that seems insistent on assuming the worst.


With the anxiety reducing, another topic enters my mind. One it has been dwelling on for days now. The curse. The damn thing that took my family from me. Even if not literally. Mira seems to believe that this girl can break it. And I…Believe in her.


So, I’ll hope that this girl, her cousin, truly can break it. I wonder though. How likely would she even be to believe in it? I’ve been told she was sent to a land without magic, so I find it unlikely she would believe in it so easily.


She’d have to be insane to believe it. What reason would she even have to want to break it?


For some reason, the curse didn’t affect me. My thoughts can’t help but dwell on that as I step over another twig. It didn’t affect Mira either. It’s unusual. In fact, I haven’t met anyone else who hasn’t been. The only explanation I can come up with is either our minds weren’t developed enough or…The castor didn’t want it to.


The latter is impossible though. What reason would he have to do that? Even if it’s one of the most common ones I’ve come across in my reading. I shake my head at the very thought. It might just be coincidence. It’s most likely the former.


Brushing off those thoughts, I force my attention back to the tracking paper in front of me. She’s not far. And luckily, I can see the light leaving the cave she’s been hovering over. It makes the relief grow.


Thank the gods. She’s safe.


I swear I’m not going to let her out of my sights after this. Well, not for long anyway. Unless she wants me to leave. I have nothing occupying my time. So, wherever she’s going, I’m going to come along. I hope she lets me.


Leaning against the tree, I have a clear view of her face as she exits the entrance. I smile as she runs towards me, my arms opening of their own accord when she crashes against my chest. They wrap around her and pull her close.


She’s safe. I breathe another breath of relief. She’s not hurt.


“Rose thought of a way to break the curse!” She’s whispering into my ear, a quiet sigh leaving straight after. She doesn’t seem to want a reply, just wanting to share the news. Which is good, because I wouldn’t be able to give her one.


Not when the people standing behind her have a strange tremor going through my body. Like seeing someone you didn’t even know you were waiting for. I now understand exactly what she meant when she said that. There is no other way to explain this feeling.


As my eyes lock on the gold-tinged ones of the woman Mira’s been spending the last week with, it’s exactly what I feel. I almost laugh. All my earlier worries wash away in an instant. A strange emotion replacing them.


A surety that Mira would never come to harm with her near. A suspicion that grows even as Mira is pulling me towards her. It could be because of the sword in her hand, but it feels more than that. It’s different.


It grows as my eyes pass over the blue-eyed man smiling behind her. I have an odd urge to smack him over the head, which I ignore. My mind more occupied by the familiarity I feel from him. A feeling of safety that’s not two dissimilar from the woman beside him.


Mira was right. I smile as the thought rings through my mind. It’s strange. But I feel as if all my worries were all for naught. She’s going to break this curse. The certainty of the thought is seeming less surprising by the second. And along with it another.


We’re going to be great friends. The kindness in her eyes only re-enforces it.


My smile grows larger as she gives me one in return. It stays even as I see her assessing me as we walk closer. It’s oddly reassuring. Mira was right. The thought repeats again, driving in its message.


She’s here. And, for now, that’s all that matters.


Perhaps one day I’ll know why the thought brings me so much comfort. In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy the journey to it. After all, apparently, they’ve got a way to break this curse. There’s not a chance in hell, I’m going to let it be without me. I have a feeling they’ll get themselves into trouble without someone to be a voice of reason.


Why else would they go into a cave in the middle of nowhere for a hunch? I admit. I’m almost looking forward to this adventure. Wherever it leads.

This chapter took longer to write than I anticipated. Hope you enjoy it!


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