Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 41: She is not a righteous person

Captain Hua nodded. "If that what you wanted, it will be his honor to accept former commander Dam granddaughter's gratitude"

Senja chuckled. "Don't rush to jumped into conclusion, they aren't prove it yet" She wondered, how big the influences of this black sword clans.

"I will accompany you to the tent first"

But before they went too far a soldiers rushed towards them. After give his respect, he relay his messages.

"Captain Hua. Commander Xiao Tianyou have summoned you to the meeting room"

There was a traced of urgency on his way of speaking.

"I see. Miss Senja, it seems I can't accompany you now"

"Oh, it just fine, I can find my way to go there"

"You" Captain Hua pointed the subordinate in front of him "Escort Miss Senja to treatment tent"

"Yes Captain Hua" Once again he cupped his hands with respect.

After said his order Captain Hua left.

Senja just now realized how complicated to paid respect in this era, even though she had been saw it on movie or read it on book, however, to witnessed it with her own eyes as a live action, she still thought it was unbelievable for them to actually did it.

How many times they have to knelt and bowed down before their superior for a day.

Even for Senja as onlookers, it was simply tiring.

"Miss Senja, this way please" The subordinate voice pulled back Senja from her reverie.

Senja gave him a simple smile and follow him


It was a big black tent with many people inside. And the smells of disinfectant instantly slaughter her nostrils the moment she entered.

Not like in the modern era, doctors here, they were wearing a blue bright robe not white gown. There were many of them and all of them seem quite busy.

"Who are you looking for here Miss?" He asked with curiosity.

"I am looking someone named Yoda. You know him?"


"Yes, he is from training fortress. By any chance, I want to know if he survived?"

"I think I knew him, I happened to list the name of the soldiers that survive from that event"

"Great!" Senja felt ecstatic. "It is means he is still alive right?"

"Yes, if I am not mistaken"

Senja sigh of relief. "Where is he now?"

"He is not in treatment tent. He is in another tent. I will lead the way"

Once again she followed him.

He brought her to another tent. This tent not as big as the treatment tent, this tent was used to recuperate for the injured soldiers. Only 4 beds that could fit in, in other mean, there are only 4 people maximal could stay inside.

The moment Senja went inside, she was glad to spotted Yoda but the next second her eyes gotten darker upon what she saw.

"What are you doing?" She asked coldly.

Yoda was kneeling on the ground massaging Zee's legs. His left hand was tightly bandaged but because of excessive used, his hand gushing blood smeared on his white bandage.

Zee and Rian show a shocking expression but when they saw it was Senja their expression gradually relaxed.

Yoda immediately stand up, Senja could sensed an embarrassing feeling that exuded from him.

"Couldn't you see that?" Zee looked at Senja with defiant expression. "He was massaging me"

With that, an embarrassing feeling that Yoda's felt increased, because she could sense that, she knew how awkward Yoda's feeling right now.

Anger was creeping in her heart.

She never been a righteous person but, to bullied someone that closed to her right before her eyes that was too much. And Yoda could consider someone closed to her.

He was the first person she knew since she came to this world.

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