QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead

Chapter 166: Don't parade your pet

The clinking of chains announce Xi Zirui's presence before any eunuch can instruct all the gathered ministers to bow to him.

Xi Zirui is holding a thin lead attached to Han Yu's collar, the chain over Han Yu's chest, and connected to the wrist cuffs, jingles melodically with each step he takes behind Xi Zirui.

The silence in the great hall is deafening as Xi Zirui makes his way to the throne. The beaded curtain veiling the dais where the Empress Dowager sits shifts slightly as she peers through the gaps to get a better look at Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui ignores all the bewildered stares and takes his seat on the throne, the beads on his crown clinking when he sits down after sweeping the train of his robes to the side.

"This Emperor greets Imperial mother and all the gathered ministers," Xi Zirui says, ignoring the pointed looks towards Han Yu kneeling down at the side of his throne like an obedient servant, while Xi Zirui still holds on to the end of his lead.

He nods towards the court eunuch. "We can proceed."

The head eunuch is completely out of his depth, but can only follow the Emperor's orders. Still reeling, he addresses the gathered ministers and reads the order of business for the day. 

"The generals stationed at the border territories have requested more troops, as well as extra provisions for the coming winter."

Han Yu stiffens at the mention of the border territories, his back going ramrod straight. His tension doesn't go unnoticed by Xi Zirui, nor by many of the ministers.

Su Xueyi steps out of his position among the rank of higher court officials and raises his hu with both hands, the ritual baton court officials must have with them when in audience with the Emperor.

"This official apologizes for interrupting, but this one must question the wisdom of discussing sensitive matters regarding our Xin's army movements in the presence of one of the barbarians."

His words are met with the quiet hum of assent from most of the other ministers.

Xi Zirui would love nothing more than to humiliate Su Xueyi, but he's overly conscious of the Empress Dowager's presence on the dais behind him. The fact that Ni Ni hasn't warned him of any loss on favor, means she's willing to see where Xi Zirui is going with all this, but she might feel differently if he's openly aggressive towards her most trusted advisor.

"This Emperor understands Minister Su's concern, but he assures him this prisoner is now completely harmless." To emphasize this point, Xi Zirui pulls on Han Yu's lead, and he kowtows immediately and obediently without any further prompting.

Xi Zirui taps the side of his head with his smooth brocade booth, and as previously agreed, Han Yu has no reaction.

A whispering hum rises from the ministers once again.

Su Xueyi raises the hu higher above his head, in a show of humility towards Xi Zirui. "As expected of the son of heaven, his Majesty was able to tame this wild, prairie dog." He pauses for a moment. "However, this minister still fears for his Majesty's well being. Perhaps spending so much time in this dog's presence isn't advisable."

Xi Zirui hums and leans over the arm of his throne to pet Han Yu's head, as if he really is a well-behaved dog.

"This Emperor thanks minister Su for his concern, but he assures him there is no need for concern."

The shock of the gathered ministers is immediate. Xi Zirui can hear the sound of the beaded privacy curtain shifting behind him.

He smirks a little to himself. His first time holding court is turning out to be a resounding success.

Noticing the charged atmosphere, an elderly ministers steps out of his file and addresses Xi Zirui, in hopes of changing the subject.

"This minister would like to bring up the issue of finding an Empress for his Majesty," the man says, his knotted fingers holding the hu steadily. "His Majesty hasn't wedded even a lower rank concubine, and the recent attack has highlighted the urgency of establishing the Imperial harem as soon as possible."

Several ministers agree with his words, nodding vigorously towards Xi Zirui.

It doesn't escape Xi Zirui's notice, however, that Su Xueyi is one of the few ministers that have no reaction to the issue the elderly minister raises.

"This ministers begs his Majesty please consider this urgent matter, for the good of the nation," he says at last, bowing one last time before returning to his original position.

Xi Zirui isn't surprised to hear this kind of concern being raised. In fact it's shocking that the original wasn't married already, and a testament to how unfavored he was that the former Emperor hadn't yet given him a formal princely title and his own palace.

It would earn him some points with the Empress Dowager to concede to meeting candidates for the harem, and something he could probably draw out for a long time.

But he has no patience for that kind of pantomime.

Twisting Han Yu's lead around his fingers, Xi Zirui smiles at the gathered ministers. "This Emperor has other things on his mind right now, but he will take Minister Tong's suggestion into consideration and ponder this matter thoughtfully."

His bland assurances don't please anyone, but the court audience still goes on, despite the general displeasure.


For once, Xi Zirui kind of understands why the original did his best to avoid being present at court. It's one thing to read about it in history books, it's another thing to be present during heated discussions regarding grain allocation.

Xi Zirui was at real danger of falling asleep during a few moments there.

One thing he can say for sure: life in the harem is a lot more lively, and the people are a lot more open about wanting to see you dead.

As soon as he and Han Yu reach his room, Han Yu pulls the lead away from Xi Zirui's hand with a vicious tug.

"You made me look like I was your pet," Han Yu says, spitting out the words.

Xi Zirui takes off the beaded crown and unpins his hair, letting it fall down his shoulders. He's really not in the mood for this.

"Would you have preferred they thought you were a threat instead?" He takes a seat in the sofa by the window and rubs his eyebrows, trying to stave off an incoming migraine. "They saw their flighty Emperor acting in the way they expected!"

Han Yu straightens himself to his full height, towering over Xi Zirui as he backs him into a wall with his looming. "The fact they saw this King humiliated at your feet was just a pleasant coincidence."

Xi Zirui looks up into Han Yu's scowling face, his mouth suddenly dry. "I need to root out the person who allowed you access to my food and drink, by your own admission you have no idea of their identity."

Han Yu gives him a charged look. "I don't, but perhaps my people have friends in this viper's nest."

Scoffing, Xi Zirui shakes his head. "You have no friends here."

The corner of Han Yu's lip rises in mockery. "Then by your own admission, I have no business listening to your words."

"I'm not your friend," Xi Zirui says, getting up from his chair and crossing the distance between them. His fingers trail the chain up Han Yu's chest. "I'm your husband."

Snarling, Han Yu tries to lift his manacled hands to dislodge Xi Zirui's fingers, but the short chain between them restrains his movements. "You are mad, we have never met each other."

Xi Zirui raises on his tiptoes and mouths the words against Han Yu's neck. "I'm not, maybe if you kiss me you'll remember."

"Who would want to kiss you?" Han Yu's words are derisive, but Xi Zirui can see the barely disguised heat in his eyes.

He's considering it, imagining it even.

Xi Zirui has no problem fanning those flames.

"Wouldn't that be some sweet revenge?" Xi Zirui asks. "Taking your pleasure in my body? Staking your claim in enemy territory?"

Han Yu's nostrils flare. "You would do that? You would submit to this 'barbarian dog'?"

Xi Zirui lifts his fingers to Han Yu's jaw and runs them across his sharp cheekbone. "My 'barbarian dog'," Xi Zirui chides, and with a smile adds, "There's a difference."

Something close to a smile crosses Han Yu's stern features, a faint shadow of his usual playfulness. "You are mad." It's not a question, Han Yu seems sure of that assessment now. "But I wouldn't be a real man if I turned down such an offer."

Unable to hide his excitement, Xi Zirui loops his arms around Han Yu's neck and brings their bodies closer. "Then...", he licks his lips, looking into Han Yu's heated gaze.

"If you're itching for a fuck, this king will gladly provide," Han Yu says, bringing both his manacled hands around to clumsily paw at Xi Zirui's ass.

Xi Zirui is wondering if he should leave him chained up like that, or released him from the chains so Han Yu's hands can palm his body freely when an eunuch's voice sounds outside the door:

"Her Imperial Highness, the Empress Dowager requests an audience."

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